LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    PM, what you really ought to be doing is speaking of things you know, rather than talking air all the time... and what's my fasting got to do with anything? Anyways, certain Heat riders aren't so happy about the torture from lastnight's game against pistons. Some of y'all might immediately say, "oh its just exhibition game, nothing to a 20pt blow", but pistons weren't thinking just another exhibition game, they were making a statement and a good one at out now Miami riders, its going to be just as tough as last season, if not tougher to get out of the east, there is atleast 3 teams from the east blocking y'all from the finals.
  2. LayZie G.


    Listen up, 76ers became the 1st NBA team to lose to a european team in Europe since late 1980'S. What 76ers did not become is the 1st NBA team to lose to a european team period. That history was made long before Thursday's game against Barcelona. Thank you kindly, Hattttttttttttttters. PS:Its a silly history because what goes to the history books shouldn't be based on what team lost to whom and where first, it should be based on who was the 1st loser to lose to a european team period, not where and how, but who did it first. Philly isn't suppose to be good this year, they talked a big game about defense but thats about it. Right now, they're going to work on getting to the playoffs, what happens after, the sky is the limit.
  3. and that Northner guy what ever he is these days, he became just like you guys..Northner He is too busy filtering the site with Dubaisnm, if thats even a word. Its so obvious he is been living in one place for a long period of time,because the first chance he got when he left his his former home is, he moved to wherE? You guessesd it, DUBAI. He talks of dubai like a kid in a toys R us for the first time, just overwhelmed... You really need to do alot more travelling and quit with this obsession of dubai this and dubai that.
  4. The test fraud still happens all around, especially in canada. There were times when somalis paid $1000-1,200 to have the cover up done, from having the written test done on your behalf to having the examiner having arranged on the day of your road test, Canada was notorious for that back in the days.(middle 90's to late 90s) Back then, they even went to quebec to try to get their licence, because apparently one farah reported back to the rest of the easy-doers that it was a piece of cake out in the Quebec Province. PS: I'm sure scamming the system is a world wide problem, but immigrants just take it to another level, the level of being caught...(they don't know when to stop)
  5. WE NEED OUR STATE BACK or we will not SURVIVE. SOMALIS UNITE. Or it will be you that will be the next victim. You're a Jowka No one asked these pple to go to a third world country and start flashing the few dollars they have earned in the poor citizens faces. I wouldn't take an outsider waving Uncle Sam on my face lightly either. Gotta fight for what's yours, and do whatever necessary to keep outsiders from taking over.... PS:I don't understand why these somalis in South Africa are getting all this press time, somalis across the world have struggled big time over the yrs. Who was talking about the somalis in finland when their homes were being burned out of hatred, and their children being bullied and the men were being beaten. Who is still talking about the somalis in finland who can't get housing because of the color of their skin, instead, they are forced to live in bad neighbourhoods because they have no choice. It gets worse even for other parts of the world, where ever they are, but they are survivors, and they will survive even in south africa.
  6. Its not possible to hold #1 spot forever. As far as U.S.A Basketball is concerned, 2008 isn't that far along, I still believe they can take the gold home, they just missing couple more pieces to make a run for it. They were 2 wins short off the gold medal. A young team, a hungry team if I might add, future of U.S.A basketball is alive and kicking it. As far as Track is concerned, if only marion jones can stop doping long enough to win couple more titles, they're back at it. Hockey, I highly doubt U.S.A cares enough , but soccer, thats a game I anticipate to kick start in the next 5+yrs,U.S.A can be a force in the footie world if they just buy their way into players, just like they always do.
  7. One man's skimpy clothing is another man's full metal jacket. ^lol
  8. lol@pucca, I can't believe u are trashing Femme like this. Femme is a wonderful human being and I fear her not. I say lets put our thinking hats on and come up with a way to give back to these moderators, and let me by start saying, I am the campaign leader for Femme this election year, FEMME 4 MOD of The Year FEMME, text FEMME33 now, ony 33Cents a text, get your text on now..FEMME33
  9. Certainly, may she rest in peace. I mean, these phonies aka militia, its their own words that got these gunmen fired up and looking for an old soul who has been in that country for 4 yrs when the rest of us ran out yrs ago. She was helping one of our own, but this so called leader of the islamic militia who calls himself "sheikh", its his words that killed her, gunmen just pulled the trigger.
  10. Sweetie, the pill isn't a vitamin that you can keep on taking. A reliable source told me that once u take it you would regret it all. Again, you can take it all you want, but its not recommend since it isnt an aspirin or a vitamin...thats what I meant by can only take it once for her to see the light at the end of the tunnel...
  11. I know most somalis dare never to discuss abortion topics, but I was watching a news clip on tv a little while back (which reminded me of this title when I just read it) and it was reporting how women of america, some sort of non profit organization was arguining against the latest FDA approval of the morning after pill.(Food and Drug administration) They were arguining about how the U.S government were soon going to approve or close to approving "morning after pills" and how it would be available behind every drugstore's counter. These women raised a good point, saying this is the government's way of saying its ok to have sex and get away with the consequences by killing an unborn fetus, then they went to discuss it further talking same old debates, questioning the morals...right or wrong etc. As somalis, we no longer can say, ok abortion, pregnancy, nothing to do with our communities all around, we are actually faced with these types of cases everyday. Those that are lucky are married off before half the town finds out and the unlucky bunch are just faced with living in shame with their child for the rest of their lives. I, on one hand feel this morning after pill can be useful to women , especially somali women who are faced with these situations. I'm not saying every halimo who goes and sleeps with liban who she was dating just a week ago ought to go and take it right after liban convinces her of doing the nasty, but in circumstances that are beyond xalimo's control, I feel that she should know that the pill is out there as a last option(keeping in mind on how the pill might affect her, and just educate her on the danger of this pill and how a woman can only take it once in her life), but that xalimo ought to know she can't have it everytime she goes and gets pleasure, but the question now would be who will decide when someone needs these pills? I feel that these somali girls who might not know better are lost out there, they end up getting pregnant, and some don't even have the guts to think of abortion much less a morning after pill, and this pill just might be that 1st step, that way it doesn't escalate to her finding out weeks later that yes Ali did indeed have his boys cross over the border and now is officially swimming in the atlantic ocean. I still feel these morning after pills should be given by doctors or clinics all around and not be made so easily available behind drugstore counters. This way a health expert can explain to these girls that yes it is dangerous but it could also help. FDA has a point, if they do indeed leave it as it and only have the clinics, or family physician giving out these pills, then more girls are likely to say, no way am I making an appointment with my doctor or going over to a clinic, its too much hassle, but with drugstore, its easy, they are able to walk right over and pick it up. I can honestly look at both cases, the government's side and the religious fanatics and say they make a good argument, but at the end of the day, its neither one's decision except that of the women... I'm not by all means saying its ok for young women to go out and have pre-marital sex, Im just saying these women ought to know the options available to them. In conclusion, I'm only for terminating pregnancy if the woman in question is faced with a situation that she has no control over it...i.e rape Secondly, I feel the morning after pill should be made public but with limits.
  12. Femme, you are the biggest bully around, other than myself ofcourse and even thought the idea of bullying others is very much something I love doing, I would rather not be bullied by u hahaha, so Ima stick to lying to you and only tell you what U want to hear, that way I am safe from being bullied and all... PS:devil, FF is a bully, but she is also can be as sweet as a teddybear, dont let her "mod" title scare u off...
  13. I don't shut up to things like that, alot of people just want to remain quite about everything, I'm not that type of person, You may think you don't shut up to things, but you sure did go silent on this one issue, and you let that woman ran you out of her classroom, thats a damn shame. Speaking about a problem is actually addressing the issue one on one with this individual, and you didn't do that. Writing an angry email after you have decided to drop her class wasn't speaking about it, what you should have done is went through right to her face, and say excuseme, I need to set up an appointment because there are things you and I need to discuss and this is very important and I don't feel I should speak in the classroom, because this is a serious issue... and so far, you didn't mention doing any of that, that means dear, you did not speak out. We all went through a similar situation, atleast every other person around these parts did. I went through adversity in my highschool, me being the only black person in chemistry class, in calculas etc, having to put up my hand on A&Q session but never having to be picked, only at the last option. Getting my chemistry test back, a test I knew I did very well and seing a 56% on it, becuase the racist arsehole for a chemistry teacher forgot to mark the last 2 pages, did you think that was that on accident, when every white student in my class got their paper marked with perfection, yet the only black girl he had forgotten to mark the last 2 pages, do you actually think that was an accident? Do you think that I quit that subject? No, what I did was I went right to him, asked him politely to look at my paper and see if anything was wrong with it and he went through it and faced me back and said no, not one bit, its a fair mark with 56% and I told him, I said are you sure you looked through these papers, every inch of it, he said I dont have to, I was the one who marked it, and I said ok if thats your final answer, then why dont u do me the honour of looking the last two pages with me and I pointed it out and told him, is this how you marked this paper by forgetting that the last 2 pages didnt exist, and he said oooh omgggggg, I had no idea, I am so sorry, my wife just had a baby and I was up late marking these papers and I must have forgotten it, and I looked at him and I walked away and went straight to the principal's office. Explained everything to her, she called him down to her office while I was there, he confirmed that I gave him a chance for him to look at these papers one more time and he flat out admitted it not looking through it carefully because he saw no point to looking at a mark paper. From that point on, he was given a warning that if I ever complain against him or if there are anymore problems about any other student, that he was out of this school. Principal told me to check all my marks and that she will keep an eye on my marks at the end of the term and that I ought to keep all my test papers for evidence, and I did, but there was no need because I got away with my good grade from that class and taught that son of a gun a lesson he wont forget... and there are many more examples happened to me but it wasnt as extreme as this one, and I will never forget, but I spoke out, and thats what it means to actually speak out about a problem.
  14. blacks spend the least time studying, and the most time in front of the tv. Sounds to me someone is describing himself pretty well, not that anyone asked him to or anything.
  15. Someone ladhaho femme aka ff is definitely bored out of her mind, did all the BC forest fire get to your head or what?? Just want to state the obvious, but it just might sound as thought I am picking on U ff, hell I might just as well pick on u, Why do pple make suggestions, but take themselves out of the equation? You made a suggestion, might not be the greatest Idea, but heck you r FF, I might as well lie and say it was a wonderful idea, but why aren't you showing an example sweetie? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. Face it, you couldn't handle pressure, and you took the easy way out. If I were u, I would delete this thread, I mean, fuleeyiin pple shouldn't be pointing the finger, and you are a fuley...qarso ceebtaada.
  17. LayZie G.


    You pple are so slow, you can't even understand jibrish. The poster never said anything about being married to this "gay". She referred to him as the "gay" she has the 2 daughters with, if she was married to him, she would have referred to him as her "husband" or the "gay" she is married to... Its obvious, she is talking about her babydaddy, he left her, he smokes weed and she wants to know whether we think he will come back to her or not... I think he moved on, he was too high to deal with her drama and probably sitting on the couch on one of his other baby mama's, I say move on about your life and get with the next babydaddy, forget him.... PS: This time around, get with a straight guy who eats khaat, the somali way, na mean???(Atleast he won't leave, he will just go to a different country 9 months out of the year and come back for the remaining 3 and leave you with a big belly each time all on your own, until you can't have anymore children)
  18. LayZie G.

    Be kind

    There is few things wrong with your quest for this so called donation for your upcoming trip. We have all been in your situation at one point or another, wanting to get away+ being broke... Error #1, the title, you should have had a catchy title, not "be kind" that has "I want to play, not I want donation" written all over it. Secondly, you speak of this trip, but how much are u willing to put out, if any?, is it half? How long are you going away for? Destination? YOu didn't propose a budget, nothing that screams "HELP THIS SISTER OUT". You gotta have a budget plan asap. Might I suggest you put forward another request, this time with a little more careful planning then "DONATE"
  19. Thank you to the pretty ones, its so obvious to me now that out of tens of thousands of registerers and there is only 4 pretty pple in SOL(including mua)?? (who knew SOL had a forum full of unattractive pple with ugly personalities) Baashi is the leading vote getter, how he got 11votes is beyond me, but that pic is still under investigation because it looks like it was professionally taken, unless Baashi can proof others, i.e show photography license, until then, his votes should be divided among the other contenders... PS:Baashi, if you do get away with a win on friday, its going to be because of LayZie. I took you from being tied 7 a piece to the leading vote getter with 11, thats because 4 SOL members who came to terms with their looks after they had read my thread, gave you their votes. They were probably making themselves feel good, so really, I should be sharing your price with u, and if its a travel voucher or a trip somewhere, I'm coming after u, you won't know what hit u.
  20. Socod and M, you are the folks I was referring to as the ugly ones in the inside, you two can choke on your votes, especially Socod, choke on it awoowe, and nice try about the confirmation, now I know where all that hostility was coming from, you were so eagered for a sneak peak...(I dislike indirect folks)
  21. If you pretty, and you know it, you gotta vote for LayZieGirl, yes thats LayZie with an "L", all I need is 6 more votes and I can beat Baashi. Hurry up, and vote now, but before you do, take one look at the mirror, fix your hair, make sure your make-up is right ladies and fellas, make sure are you well groamed and ofcourse, sign on to SOL, go to the photo competition page and vote your hearts out for LayZieGirl. 6 more votes is all it takes for me to knock baashi out senselessly and the unknown person that is tied with him. PS: You are probably wondering, why only the pretty ones and not me??? LayZie is pretty, LayZie loves pretty things, and only wants pretty pple to get involved in the voting, but if you are not pretty from the outside but pretty in the inside, you can still vote too, yes, you can vote...go ahead, exercise those chubby fingers and voteeeeeeeeee for LayZieGirl Only pple that aren't allowed to vote for me is those that are ugly in the inside.
  22. Bottom line is, the player, however way you look at it has "terrorist" screaming all over him. If that dude took the same airplane as me, I would as quickly be getting off and taking the next plane, or sitting as far away from him as possible and having my eyes open at all times, and this is coming from a fellow muslim, who is a minority nevertheless. I'm sorry to say, but the situation I described to you is just the same. Everytime a black man walked out late @night, it was either him selling drugs or robbing someone, if cops saw him, hell will break loose. Another example I want to point out is, when I use to go to stores, sales reps would be running from whatever part of the store they were@, and coming towards me and if they weren't asking me what I wanted to buy, they be following me until I leave their store, that means, there was the profile of black pple being thiefs at the time(and atleast each one of u, or one of 2 pple in this forum must have experienced similar cases at one point or another), now all arabs with lengthy gar fit the terrorist profile, I didn't cry then, why should arabs or anyone who has the gardheer cry eitheR? Times have changed, but not for arabs or gardheer's all around, this is just the beginning, and that is the truth I speak off.