LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Wedding used to be a place where i avoid men. I'd like to think that a respectbale man would have been in bed by that time in order to get up for work ealry in the morning. Suffice to say I was after a serious hard-working man Cambaro, your sense of humor is just ridiculously funny, I still can't believe people didn't find you funny. You had me cracking up for a good minute or so...
  2. Apart from or two .. the ladies lack modesty ... may they go towards tat route and cover up more .. than i would appricite their acheivements a lot more. This is why we no longer can tolerate each other as somalis. Your hateful souls are too deep into your skins, no turning back now. Btw, to the haters, no one forced you to appreciate anyone's acheivement, if you don't like how a certain individual presents themselves, then turn your back and look else where. Poster, this is what I meant when I said, do not post people you have no clue about without their consent on a somali forum, because they will be taken apart, piece by piece and they don't deserve that. Posting pictures will only have these people showcase how far their hate has spread, it will not serve anymore purpose.
  3. LayZie G.


    LazieG you are right for once that stoudumire dunk was nasty.. LOL@ i'm right for once. You always manage to entertain me with your weak jabs. I guess I am also right when I say 76ers are creeping their way to the top, and where are your team at? The better question for you PM is, which team will you ride this season, after all you're notorious for being one of the top tail riders of all time in this corner. All jokes aside, I'm really liking the Los Angeles teams, I think they started out strong so far, clippers are very impressive and lakers are on some good stuff this season, especially that opener when they came back from 19pts deficit to beat phoenix by 8, very impressive come back, could possibly end up in the history books and I am not even a laker fan but I do give props were props are due. I am keeping a close eye on the nuggets, as well as houston, but again, its too soon to tell, atleast by X-mass we should have a good look on who will end up where, the west is fairly open, there is no one team threat anymore in the west,and I am loving it, but don't get confused, I still got love for the east.
  4. HUH was my friend reaction. She nicely asked him 2 repeat himself... When she confirmed that he actually said the T word . She said “good bye”. He asked “why” She said “that wasn’t a suitable thing 2 say 2 a lady”. What is this, a chucky cheese moment? She sounds like she is 12 yr old who hasn't gotten her period just yet. As for the dude, it serves him right getting a boot, having a discussion with a child who hasn't even had her "period talk" would get you in these situations.(The likes of Socod in this forum ought to make notes about this incident, not that I am pointing the finger at anyone in particular) Btw, its not T word, its tampons, get over yourself and get use to it, after all its going to be part of you for years to come. Your friend aka devil was being too sentative. Che, you're a jowka and I see you are still putting that confused boy aka khabkhable into his rightful place, keep up the good job.
  5. dont u worry girl u can go on and do yr thing , i aint here to stop u. Madam Preacher, this is a new low, even for you. If you read what I wrote for what it really was meant for, then you wouldn't have came at me with your cheap shots, instead you would have answered my question. I never once said what you said was wrong or right, I just pointed the obvious to you. The obvious being, you held a sunday sermon without wanting for anyone to notice. All you had to do was say what u said, without tip toeing around it. Why are you scared? nothing wrong with preaching.
  6. ^^^ you started off saying... I am not here to preach, just to point out that u cant be on allahs side yet partying. I'm really confused here. On one hand you start off saying that you are not here to preach, but yet you find yourself preaching. Help me understand here, Madam Preacher, what did you think you were doing when you wrote what you wrote, if your aim wasn't preaching to others? You'are all punch of weak somalis and not true to your old folks. back in them days somalis would open up their doors anyone that carried their gene and have taken the trouble/responsibility/delight to introduce the lost soul to its people and culture. Abdillah, why am I not surpriseD? Violence is the solution, I am sure a good smack would go along way, even as far them not picking up another bottle of beer. You are a genius.
  7. Poster, did you ask Khadra's permission to post her picture in a public domain? If your answer is no, I suggest you remove it before I show it to her. Getting back to these women, masha allah, its too bad there aren't that many men doing well as much as the women are...
  8. LayZie G.


    All time favourite dunk that still gets me off my seat whenever I see it gotta be the Olowokandi facial Most insane facial dunk of all time
  9. LayZie G.


    If you want to see the actual clip, click here The nasty Dunk, and its the 1st video on the left.
  10. Speaking of those images in that qandala site, I came across the dead somali man laying in the table, all stitched up, very depressing. Is this just sad..
  11. Was I St*pid for being polite to the guy? Is my In-law overreacting? Or am I plainly a polite person? No, you were not being st*pid, you're just not the "asking questions" type. I wouldn't say your in-law was overreacting, but at the same time I understand where she is coming from, she had questions that u didn't think of that needed answering and sometimes, pple think of questions at a moments notice, and some like yourself might not even think of it, because u might not think much of the situation u are presented with. I had similar incident myself 2 1/2 yrs ago at Heathrow Airport, I landed at heathrow, went through the immigration process, had my aunt's address, phone# all writen down for them, because I was told whenever u come to immigration in london, they will ask the contact information , which is reasonable enough. I had a canadian passport, once I approached the immigration officer at the booth, after waiting in line for what it seemed like hrs, the officer asked me several questions then at the end asked if I was staying with anyone in particular while I was visiting the country and I politely handed him my pre-planned hand written contact information I was told to have handy incase I was asked to give them a copy. He briefly skipped it through and handed it back to me and said welcome to London, enjoy your stay or something to that like. I put my document back into my purse and went to find my luggage, claimed it and as I was pushing the luggage and maybe what it seemed like 30steps away off the sliding doors to the other side where my family waited, I was stopped by unidentified white man, who asked to see my passport. (mind u, he did not identify himself, nor did he volunteer to inform me of what he was doing, just asked to see my passport) I stopped, put my luggage down and asked him who he was? It was reasonable question, since he was asking me for a very important document which I put away, its securely placed inside my wallet thats inside my purse. BTW,I was under the impression that this was it, I am only 30 steps away from getting out, so I didn't like being bothered to pull out documents that I didn't have handy, like I did earlier. He said he was with immigration and that this was a random stop, and he pointed to his ID. I opened my purse, took out my Canadian Passport, and handed it over to him. He looked at it, and as he was handing it back to me, he asked how long I was staying and who I was staying with during my visit. I grabbed my passport and said to him that I had already given the information that was asked of me at the immigration booth earlier, and before he responded, handed him the piece of paper that had my aunt's contact information, and I immediately asked him and said this doesn't seem like a random stop, more like a target stop by a man who doesn't make a habit of identifying himself before asking for important documents, and further went on to remind him of the lady that shared his skin color who was not even 7steps ahead of me that passed by him, and the fact that he hadn't randomly stopped her, but chose to stop me instead. He looked at me and said this is not personal, and I replied back and said it became personal the moment you stopped then he handed the piece of note back with the contact and I ended it there, grabbed my lugaggage and proceeded to walk, qalas, that was it. My 1st ever random stop by a security officer/immigration office/undercover/racist Kalab. Yes, I did pull the race card, but I had to. I am very observant of my surroundings, and I knew of the white woman ahead of me who was not stopped, nor did I see anyone being stopped by other undercover immigration officers randomly as I looked around me at the time of this target stop. Naturally, there are two types of individuals, your type & my type, asking questions comes easy to me and then there is you, who probably wouldn't think much of the situation if you were randomly stopped over a white man beside u, ahead of u or infront of u, and the one doing the stopping is of same color??? You probably wouldn't think much of it, or maybe you would, I don't know, but I get suspicious when pple pull a fast one on me. I bet u, had he identified himself right off the path, I wouldn't probably pull the race card on him, but he had it coming, thinking he would skip proper protocol(identifying himself and a brief description of what he is doing)and act a boss man who probably is under-paid and beneath me, thinks I am beneath him, just because I am a woman of color and look young, so he thinks I am naive, but I am sure he wouldn't think much of it, but atleast he would think twice before he pulls another one on another black female, or maybe not, who knows...and who cares, but no one can come with BS at me, even an immigration officer..much less Tony Blair.
  12. Khayr, all thats left is for you to spell out L.G., you tried putting in it capital letters, and still no one caught up with u. L.G is Khayr's favourite SOL member, for those that didn't know. Sometimes he might be missing her, he starts to wonder if anyone and everyone is related to her. I don't blame U Khayr, I wuv her 2, she is awesome.
  13. Che Wrote: Khalaf....Horta what were you doing at Somaligate. The saint replieD: I was bored and surfing the net. Surfing illicit materials is called being bored and surfing the net nowadays huh? Che wrote: P.S wouldn't nacalat be on those who view ( and you did view them) the half-naked pics of women. Che, enough said, you just closed this subject for me. The saint sure loves pointing fingers but the moment the finger is pointed at him he says khalas! Zafir, I didn't know he was a pimp until u brought it to my attention, I guess thats how he got the inside scoop on these "dirty", "nasty" individuals he speaks off...
  14. I was just wondering why this cat, Socod Badane, takes this issue so personally? Simple answer, Me, what else is there? Remember how many before him tried??whatever happened to them? Probably still burned in the ground where I last left them... Let him keep coming, sooner or later he will stop his socod badnahiisa ways... JAY, Lucky u, but I got tickets to next week's game against Raptors, my friend and I will be there...cant wait...Enjoy the game...
  15. sister aliyah corrected me with sharaf iyo xuushmo, a good characteristic you lack Aqas, sharaf iyo xuushmo uu kahadlaa... When you learn to grow up and stop the name calling on women, then maybe maybe you might be worthy of sharaf and xuushmo response. BTW, the moment u called a female a ***, is the moment u became another worthless scum on this earth, who doesn't deserve to be shown the respect and sharaf u so highly speak off... You can condemn pple, but never resort to name calling, by doing so, you are opening yourself for others to call you just the same and thats exactly what I have done, I gave u a taste of your own medicine, but its a shame u didnt catch up to it, nacalatula caleyg.......
  16. To you be your way and to us be ours......damn look we got so called born Muslims like that ugly whore Ayan cursing the nabi pbuh, probably got Somali fags and porn stars somewhere, so man calm down these hoes posing for pictures is probably not the worst in this community. Why isn't anyone censoring this a*s wipe??? Since when do you moderators let the words "whore, hoes, porn star" slide in this forum?? Why isn't this sorry excuse of a human being called khalaf being deleted? I bet on anything you will be deleting this post the moment its posted, but someone ought to wipe some bleach with his nasty a*s mouth...
  17. Once a person converts to Islam, his social status changes and they can no longer be viewed as being an 'Upperclass caucasian man' Who says their social status is going to change? Are you going to do it? I think not... Just becuz one converts to Islam, doesn't mean he is equal to you or anyone, expect his or her own... However, Godforbid a muslim cleric says the same thing and he is villified for it. The muslim cleric didn't say the same thing, he said worse then what the Minister had allegedly called his ex-girlfriend, therefore I pray for the so called Hilali's speedy death...AMEN
  18. There's nothing to explain. I'm the arbitrary judge and I say you're guilty of playa hatin. Deal with it. You sound so bitter brah, and we both know why you bitter, lol@ "playa hating", you sound like a broken record...
  19. This is my Result You are an ISTP! As an ISTP, you are Intraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving. This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Sensing This is defined as a SP personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Artisans (Sensation Seeking) type, and more specifically the Crafters or Mechanics. Because of your desire for action and independance, you will change the format of blogging or design frequently to keep it interesting and different. Your loyalty may have you reading the same blogs over a long period of time. Even though you could be easily bored with blogging, you might find that because you like following a project through, this is a good way for you to use your alone time to sort the facts you pick up through the day.
  20. Canada’s Foreign minister even rejected to apologize after he referred his female colleague in the Canadian parliament Ms. Stronach “Dog” !!! Soomaal, how you have the nerve to compare two different issues is beyond me.. This news is been dead in the canadian press for sometime now, there is no comparison here, our minister may or may not have called his ex-girfriend's absence a dog missing in action when he was addressing her fellow party mate, who by the way, couldn't even confirm that he had indeed heard the minister calling her a dog...this is the same individual that was being address at the time this alleged name calling took place... Days later, few pple in the back seat thought they heard the minister call out a name and all of a sudden, the minister has to apologize, but yet no one can confirm that they heard him call her a dog? What does that tell u??? This is a personal matter that the canadian media tried running with it for few days and didn't go anywhere because its between a man and a woman who were once intimate and a woman who betrayed this same man at the last hour, and decided to sleep in the enemy's bed by switching parties on him, and now he is our minister, and she is bitter. The story isn't legit, thats why it was dropped, therefore I suggest u drop and move on about it and start addressing real issues like who should bring Taj Aldin al-Hilali head down, someone ought to do it, I bet for a price they would cut his head and feed it to the dogs...
  21. What are u saying layziegirl, somalis can't have body like Hassan Jama. No, I never said that somalis can't have the athlete's body, I said I am not too convinced that he is somali, because he doesn't have a somali feature, in other words, he could be from anywhere(btw, the athlete's BIO doesn't even mention his nationality), bottom line is, I wasn't too convinced that he was a somali, that particular picture of his that was posted wasn't too convincing the first time I saw it post here, and its still not convincing now that it has been re-posted... He's more Somali than you. Stop hating, it's not good for your heart. Okay, someone is off his medicine... You ran out of things to say, so you started to come to this part of the forum just to answer me back... Explain to me how I am the hater, when all I said was he didn't look somali? How is that hating on this athelete? Your disability is is spreading....and ""lol@I work out with him at the gym..."" Didn't your doctor tell you not to make up anymore "make believe friends" in your head? PS:Jay, ask socod badne, he works out with them, he probably would know if they getting paid or not...
  22. Poster, how about a simple answer like, MAYBE THEY DON'T LIKE TALKING TO STRANGERS??? I for one, don't like talking to strangers, somali or no somali, but I still return their greeting and continue to walk or whatever, and I guess some folks find it rude with a quick dismissal like that. Life is tough son, keep ya head up.
  23. This Hassan Jama athlete, the puff guy, other than his name, how does one know for sure he is somali?? I'm not too convinced that he is somali, unless someone in this forum knows him personally. He doesn't even look like a somali. PS:Kudos to those other athletes, its good to see some real professionals among our people...
  24. Ceeb waala asturaa. Who knows their brothers, sisters, cousins or other relatives inay meeshaan, this forum, ku jiraan. The better question is, who really cares, because I don't care.