LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  2. I know nomads got myspace to so.. sWEETIE, IF ONLY YOU TONED DOWN YOUR TONE, MAYBE FOLKS WOULD BE MORE WILLING TO ADD YOU. I would add you but I don't have a darn account.
  3. I didn't see one woman in that picture. PS:It seems as thought they are having way too much fun, all male squad, and no women around for miles. Lunch table all laid out, half naked men, the beach, I don't know,but I am sure you understand where I am going with this, just use your imagination.
  4. Dude i wouldn't marry those two men even if they were not married or have never married before. Rahima, One woman's loss is another woman's gain. I would definitely consider Sheikh Shariif, the younger of the two rulers of the ICU if he was riding solo. Think of the power LayZie would have, I would finally punish the likes of Khayr and Co..(if they ever step foot in somalia that is) Their neck is mine
  5. ^^^Unlike you, I have taken the time to approach these girls I speak off and asked why they behave the way they do. I have asked them why they wear the Hijab when the rest of their wardrobe isn't that appropriate(even I wouldn't be dead caught wearing what they have a nerve to wear), and the reply is always the same, hooyo doesn't want me going outside with my hair like that. Hooyo hooyo hooyo...and hooyo. I have asked not but one female, and it always goes back to someone telling them what to do. Sweetie, not so "dubious assumption" after all, huh? I'm not taking anything away from the few God fearing females out there who wear their Hijab with dignity. I'm just wondering how many of us out there fear allah. Personally, I fear no human being, never did, never will. ...and sweetie, next time, don't come at me with "coulda, woulda, or ifs", but I understand that its not u, its the air in you talking most of the time.
  6. They do it because in realness, they don't want to wear Hijab, its their parents talking, and they figure if they meet them half way, its a win win situation for all parties involved. This is another case of thy fear community pressure. I see this bs all the time, girl doesn't want to cover up, but is forced to, in this case, pressure mostly comes from the household, and parents are following what dear caasho from across the street and seynab and all are doing with their daughters, or else you become an outsider, if you don't act, behave as others. How does this serve AllaH? Why worry about what thy neighbour would say about your daughter, when you ought to be fearing allah and judgement day? When did people stop worrying about themselves, and started to worry about others reaction?
  7. LG, are serious about FOX News? Two things I don't joke about is "The O factor" and "the best Damn Sports show", those two are my all time favourite shows to watch. Have you ever watched the O'Reilly Factor, North? This man doesn't beat around the push, he tells the truth like he sees it, he is not a crowd pleaser. You either love Oreilly, or you either hate him, no in between. Even thought I am the first to admit that I don't agree with most of O's believes, I admire him for his honesty and his T-Warrior Spirit, we all got a lil T in us, and thats what attracted me to his show, thats why I tune in to him weekly.
  8. ^^^ hater. Did you even try it, if not, I suggest you don't comment about it until you do. Anytime Pacifist. PS:This isn't a scum,this is as easy as following the steps, it sure beats talking on your PC with your relatives.
  9. Hell would freeze over before I end up with a married man, even with his millions, North. I said this before, and I would say it again, don't let anyone or anything stop you from testing the outside of the somalisnmo waters.(even thought somalisnmo isn't a word, it still sounds good, try sounding it out loud) I think marrying anybody, man or a woman for a temporal vanishing attribute is not a good idea, the ony attribute in a woman and a man that lasts the test of time is their faith and love for Allah, all others are a facade, and packaging, not that they are not desirable, I Surely, this isn't the real you talking, its this other "NUR" character you created in SOL over the years, the one everyone adores and respects as someone said on your other thread. "If you disrespect NUR, you are disrespecting those that adore him as well", its like you're a cult leader or something to some of these people, but getting back to your above statement... Even thought faith and love for allah goes along way in one's life ,the reality is love and respect for one another that keeps the relations from deteriorating.
  10. ^^^, lol no, che, I don't hate children. It can only go two ways with children who attend same school that their parents work. They will either become very popular, or real threat that no one will talk to them. I mean, having the mom for a teacher, has its advantages more so than its disadvantages. I was friends once with the girl who was the daughter of the Vice Principal, that meant I was hanging out and having snacks and drinks and sometimes lunch with my Vice principal, it meant I had to behave yes, but it also meant I couldn't get pulled from the hallway for not tucking my shirt either, not as often as everyone else che, so yes, being the kid of a teacher had its advantages, in this case, being the the friend of the vice-principal's daughter also had its advantages. Anyways, my point is being a teacher is awesome.
  11. No, I did not get out of jail. I was never locked up, surprising enough I don't have so much as a speeding ticket. What I wanted to share with you all, especially the north american residents, if you are a canadian or american resident, who has unlimited call plan to U.S, or if you are a voip user like myself, then you are free at last to make INTERNATIONAL CALLS.(VOIP=Voice over internet protocol) I'm a long time voip user and practically can call anywhere in continental U.S and canada and because of that, I am able to take advantage of this new free calling internationally. No more skipy or whatever it is most of you are signed up to calling from your pcs. I promise, no more bad reception either. All you have to do to make a call to any of the 50+countries world wide by visiting WWW.FUTUREPHONE.COM, write down the access number (712) 858-8883, thats a local access calling if again, you have unlimited calling in U.S, whether you are canadian, or american resident, call that local # above, it will ask you to choose your preferred langugage, i.e press #1 for english, afterwards, put the outside access code calling, such as 011 for europe calls and put on your desired international # and you can talk to anyone who lives among the 50+ countries listed in that site for free, for as long as you want. You are probably wondering, is there a catch? Did I try it myself? Yes, I did try it myself, and no there is no catch. Only catch I can see is if you don't have unlimited access calling to U.S, you are screwed because then you have to pay for the charges to call this local iowa# (712)858-8883, if you do have unlimited access calling to U.S, you don't have to pay jack. The reception is as clear as daylight, lovely, reception but the down part is you can't call any mobile# in europe, so far non of them went through for me, but that may change soon. Its unlimited, no catch, no extra fees, so start dialing and talk to your family and friends, and make sure you sent me a thank you card, or the latest mobiles, whatever, I take cash as well. BTW, this free calling is suppose to last for another 3yrs, atleast until 2010, or so the company says. If you need more information, go to WWW.FUTUREPHONE.COM and get your talk on. PS:Don't say I never did good by you ungratefuls aka femme PEACE
  12. How about becoming a grade school teacher, this way your children can enroll in the same school as your work. Its very rewarding career,good benefits, decent living,and I think the world of teachers. (not necessary grade school teacher,I just used it as an example. You can became elementary teacher, you can become high school teacher etc) Another way of looking at it is, if you had another career path, you will have to struggle finding time off same as your children, especially holidays etc. This way summer vacations, you can spend it together, and you know the summer season, thats when most children get into trouble, atleast I did. This way you get to keep an eye on them and all that bonding you will have with them? Priceless Another reason to become a teacher is, if one day somali goes back to being what it use to be, you can take that back home and many more children will benefit from it. You will feel good about it, believe me. There are so many options open for you in that field, i.e teaching at college, uni level. If you are thinking about becoming a teacher or if you thought of becoming one, I can recommend a quick way of accomplishing that. Let me know what you decide on.
  13. Pucca, sweetie, what does my mood gotta do with anything? Did you just assume that I was in a bad mood, therefore explains "what side of the bed I had gotten up from"? PEACEFUL MIND, ofcourse I didn't understand your point, why else would I ask you that question? PS:I guess we will never know the real answer to my question from "PEACEFUL MIND", thanks pucca
  14. ^^Waayaha Cusub are awesome, I got a peek at their songs on youtube, do they realize how big they are on the net? I would think they atleast tune to youtube to see the hits on their video's. I like them because they seem very talented. They're in africa, struggling and still manage to come out with a decent video to reflect their awesome music, their voices are lovely. I like the Waayaha cusub dude, the one in the song "Jaceyl" , I think he is rapping in there, he is cute but is too qaxooti looking for my taste, but nevertheless a straight up qaxooti hottie. If anyone knows these cats, can you tell me if they realize the amount of success surrounding their low budget video's on youtubE? The idea that a somali dude took off from europe to see them, its just too funny. I thought of managing them as well when I saw their work on youtube, I wanted to represent and sign them up, but it was wishful thinking. I guess someone acted on theirs and now this european cat could profit from it and not give a cut to the actual actors? Thats just shady, I think this dude needs his knee caps broken or something...this aint right and why the trailer keep advertising the london launch, aren't they planning on launching it in north america? PS:Who knew Horn had it in him?? Fight the power son
  15. ^^, I guess the saying is true "One's friend is a reflection of his own" Surely, the news is reporting that only few Small time American carriers have taken the task of airing this network on their airwaves, and its being reported that those same carriers dont even have much subscribers, maybe the thousands figure, but major cable carriers have yet to come terms with carrying that channel in U.S, or so it reports. Any truth to that, U.S residents? In canada, I guess people can see it through satellite, since CRTC came up with this strict policy about delaying the live feed few sec/mins, therefore so far Cable Carriers in canada have been hesitant to adding this network to the airwave, because no one wants to babysit Al Jazeera, or get fined if they don't babysit these arabs the CRTC way.(CRTC=Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) Al Jazeera maybe popular, but they have some competition ahead of them, especially in europe because word has it BBC will be launching its BBC arabic version in the middle-east, and France is coming up its own version of BBC/CNN, I doubt Al Jazeera is going to be big hit in europe too long. I guess they're only top dawg around middle east. Ima stick with my Fox News Network, after all, I left CNN to tune into to FOX because of my boy O'reilly, I didn't like Aaron Brown's boot, CNN can go to hell for all I care after they let go of the main dawg.
  16. LayZie G.


    You still talking air, whether you want to admit your tail riding ways or not. Speaking of nets and wolves, 76ers have a better chance of making to the playoffs then both of those teams put together. 76ers so far haven't won on this mini trip to the west, but tonight might be the change they need against the sonics. I think they can come out either 3-1 or 2-2 against sonics,suns,clippers, since the 1st L came from the nuggets. Out of the 3 losses that 76ers have under their belt, I can regretfully say the raptor L should have been a big W for 76ers. It was a bad defensive play on their part, but if I was cheeks, I would write that play the same way, its better I let Bosh take the chance of beating me when the game is on the line, VS a real shooter. It was pure luck that ball went their way, but you can't take anything from bosh, its one of those shots, it was great shot, game won, move on.
  17. ^^^lol, or he probably moved on to the next candidate. This one is taking too much time.
  18. This dude is a jowka. I really liked the clips about the muslims in the workplace, and the "seasonal muslims". ...and before I forget, Peaceful Mind....what you're saying is that if u weren't living in a muslim country such as the UAE, you probably wouldn't have worn your Hijab? I thought people wear their Hijab because they want to, not because they are pressured by society or peer pressure? I guess I was wrong to assume that we lived, behaved and did things for our own, not that of others. I guess I can see most of you have this attitude that if heblaayo is wearing it or most people in the community do certains things, I don't want to be the outcast, so I better get on with it.
  19. Your dream meant you're going to get together with a blind man soon. (i.e a blind man might romance u, u might lent him a hand, etc) PS: I took my happy pills, but it seems u have forgotten to take yours lastnight
  20. Just the other day my friends and i were discussing that very same point. Suprisingly even the young are heading down the road of government housing, i just can't get my head around it Rahima, those that end up in government housing are doing it because heblaayo and hebel got a townhouse at such and such neighbourhood for like $200/month. More and More middle class families are aiming low, instead of aiming high. To them, at the time of the marriage, they go straight for a 2 bedroom apartment, two children later, the unit is too small to handle this so called growing family, dude is working one job, the girl who was previously working no longer is because she is too busy having baby after baby, so with his salary and 3 mouths to feed plus himself, that government housing that abdi and caasho got previous year sounds like a dream house. The above example, let me tell you how a smart couple could have re-arranged it in a positive way. Lets say that 2 bedroom apartment was located at a nice prime area, going just over $1000, lets say they spend $40-50,000 on the wedding...all they could have done was taken $10,000 out of that wedding money together and put for a down payment on a $180-200,000 house, 3 bedroom, more spacious for their babybooming self, and walla, and paid just over $1,000+ a month towards their mortgage, and life goes on with their newly owned home.(This example is only for those serious couple, not those that marry every few months or every couple of yrs) Marriage just doesn't end with the wedding, thats one of the many reasons why divorces still occurs Unless the husband's income is suitable for the entire household to live off, i.e $90,000+ salary range, there is no need for the wife to stop working. These days, children alone cost a bundle, and you can't just make enough to live off, you gotta start saving for the family as well. In this age and time, you need both parents to work, you can't just have one slaving all day, while the other sits at home, I don't care if I am offending housewives across the globe, but you need to get your act together housewives.
  21. ^^ Yes, whatever you do, wear decent stiletto heals, and make sure whatever dress/skirt you are wearing its not longer then your gown. If its a black gown, like the one I wore, make you you stay away from wearing all black outfit.(You don't want to come out as thought u are on the darkside for your pictures) Make you you don't put on too much jewellery. Remember this a uni graduation, not highschool, meaning elegant make-up, don't over do on the makeup area. Classy look, classy make up is what you are aiming for, not trash, or cheap. Whatever you do, make sure your family takes extra batteries for the camera, and atleast 2, incase something funky happens to the first one. On my graduation, my sister's camera fell and broke but we had the Camcorder 2, so they used that to take pictures and video, that Camcorder saved us. Make sure whoever is taking your pictures from the family/friends side that they are brave, and can come and take a closer pictures of you while your hard earned degree is being handed to you, you need a very quick person who can do it snap snap time, you need brave pple with a much better close-up picture quality, and aggresive, because it will be crowded as hell. What you don't need is folks taking pictures from 10, 15, 20 rows behind, its going to come out looking awful. I guess thats all the advise I have for you, hope everything goes smooth, I was nervous as hell, but afterwards, its all worth it, and congratulations.
  22. am not interested in him. Nor do I find him attractive. Don't get me wrong, but I think you are full of it.(hence, he doesn't pray 5x a day) You know you are interested in his "status", and yes you find his "status" attractive, or else you wouldn't talk like you torn between his less attractive self and the potential of being the doctor's wife. Sweetie, deep down you are what I call a silent gold digger, the thought of you giving up a potential hubby doctor is killing you silently, and thats your dilemma. Nothing more, nothing less. If you weren't attracted to his so called "wealth" or u weren't interested in him in anyway, why have you not told him of this sooner? Why did you lead him on? The man had to have gotten to know you first before the marriage talk came about, unless this was arranged the old fashion way, and you two have managed to skip the shukaansi process. YOu had so many chances to turn him down, but instead you led him on and on. For instance,when he asked for your digits, or the time he said he wanted to know you or that other time when he expressed his feelings for you, or better yet, that time when he proposed, or after the fact? You had so many chances to tell him you weren't interested, and you didn't. Please don't come back here with BS anymore, we have worse shit to deal with, like everyday stress, but you created yours, and now you torn, I say marry him, you know you want to. PS: Nothing wrong marrying outside of your people. Dating outside of your people is very therapeutic, and I encourage for everyone to try.
  23. The same could be said about Somali men/Arab Men and the engineering field. Almost all the ones I know either hold engineering degree or in the process of getting it. I mean, civil engineer, chemical engineer etc. What is wrong with our men and that field?(tHEY ALL LINED UP AND ENROLLED AS IF ITS TOONIE TUESDAY AT KFC) They all do it because they think its big and tough field, yet some of them aren't even happy with their everyday job in that field. Most of these people I know are in that field because HEBLOOW enrolled it in. Bottom line is, you can't choose a field based on heblaayo's recommendation. Do things for yourself, make choices that you can live with.
  24. LayZie G.


    Dearest PM, you wrote and asked The season so far! what teams or players empress you so far,... When I mentioned those teams, I was answering your earlier post, nothing more, nothing less. Remember, no one does tail riding better than you.