LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    but my two teams to come out from west are Lakers and Spurs. If you were so certain at first that the lakers were going to make to the western Conference Finals to face off the spurs, since you picked those two teams to come out of the west, then somewhere, somehow you changed your mind because now all of a sudden you are uncertain. With the Lakers, they will go through the first round with no problem, they will advance to the second rounds, and from there, we will see. I have seen tail riders like yourself, they are there one minute, and disappear the next. You are no real fan of the lakers than the fake 5 million fans that were laker fans when they won those back to back championships, and now are nowhere to be found... Sweetie, save your tough guy act, "look at me, I know what I'm talking about" ways for someone else.
  2. I'm tired so I'll get going.... How about you get locked up in a room with 2 men from Attica. Lets see if you survive, or better yet have the patience to wait around for your 4 witnesess?
  3. Why would she be a prostitute? Because she was going to work in the morning? You're a sick one. ^^^Since the last person this individual has come in contact with lastnight was that of a prostitute, it explains why he would rush to judgement and scream out "prositute" because its the only thing still playing on his head this morning.
  4. Zafir, I guess you are the unofficial spokes-person of Seeker? Nothing is wrong with being a Cabbie, as long as that isn't permanent. Imagine a Cabbie going over to his/her children's "bring your kid to work day" or "Career Day"? Thats awful, taking your child on your Taxi showing him/her how you drive people for a living all day long, and you being at it for years and years. The worse one comes on "Career Day" at the school, you go over wearing a fake suit, promoting to children how to be a Cabbie? Disaster waiting to happen. I believe that people can be whoever they want to me, but no one wakes up in the morning talking about "I'm really working my dream job" when he/she is a Cabbie or a Garbage Man/Woman. Getting back to seeker, thats the only thing that seemed logical for a somali person working on a bank holiday, making tips, lol, I didn't think the eatery places were open, and nothing is wrong with the way you making your living Seeker, as long as you ain't a Cabbie, you good people.
  5. Wow Layzie. That's very cruel of even you, to insult someone on something on which they have no control - their physical appearance and age. Femme, I didn't insult her. She isn't a looker and age is catching up to her, and the make-up doesn't do her justice, those are facts not insults. Bal maxey iga sameysay oon ka caayayaA? Waxna soo maaha? ... so you don't have any right saying that he could do better. Wrong, I actually do have a right to speak my mind. Couldn't she posssibly do much better than him? Maybe in another life. Girls, I get that y'all are mad because she is a woman and a woman commented on her, but I bet on all the money in my wallet ladies that if I had said this about the guy, y'all would have looked the other way. If the role was reversed, I would have said just as much about him, but the reality is, he is an average looking dude and she isn't so average.
  6. The one on the right, the older looking one, he could do much better than her. I mean, she ain't a looker, and age is catching up to her as well as her make up is all messed up, but masha allah to the young one thats on the left side. He won the loterry on that one.
  7. If you read this Bishaaro, congratulations. Hope you went somewhere exotic and not in your new home for a week locked up as some would advise you to do.
  8. Turkey day sucked! I only got 15 bucks in tips Are you a TAXI DRIVER? OMG, you may be the offical SOL TAXI DRIVER.
  9. LayZie G.


    LOL@ Co-signing, it was all in the name of fun, but you gotta admit, most flight 13 do pick the well known teams such as the old bulls, the lakers, and those that caught up to the game the last 3 yrs or so when the Pistons were a big threat. One thing I do like is how the lakers have come together, and now that they got a young big man in the middle, they don't need K-Brown and his sorry excuse for a basketball player. He is worthless, worse mistake MJ made in his lifetime. I like lakers enough to say they are exciting to watch, (I said this after the 1st game in the opener) take for instance the show they put on against the clippers two night ago, that was one hell of a game, at the same time, I have to say putting a show and actually winning 50+games are two different things. We are talking about playing against houston 4x,dallas, san antonio,Denver,Golden State, Clippers, and they may or may not win the Utah series. Those are some tough teams to overcome for full 4 games. I didn't even get started on the east, I mean, we are talking atleast 4 good teams they gotta win against, plus all the non threatening teams on both conference's, a game here and there. Lakers still got another 2+ yrs before they even think about competing in the west conference finals, that is if they continue to play team game, and let Odom do what he do. I mentioned Golden State because that is another exciting team to watch with the way Baron Davis came alive, this goes back to his Hornet days when he made the team reach the Semi-finals of the east, Baron is finally healthy and teams better watch out because he is coming for them. Houston Rockets going to reach the playoffs, as long as T-MAC and Yao stay healthy, but I don't see them going far from playoffs, maybe come out of 1st round. Dallas is slowly coming back to the dallas everyone saw last season, and as long as they keep that up, they might get passed 1st & 2nd round but I don't think they will reach the finals this season. Nuggets and JR Smith, this might be the year they come out of the 1st round, but again, nuggets just ain't ready for more than that. Clippers just keep on coming, and this time, they are even more together than last season. Stay tuned...
  10. What would you call it? Arab Profiling? Give it up. Bottom line, Whites are looking anything that looks, feels, breaths and carries the arab aura. In other words, if you happen to not even look like an arab but you still happen to carry common names such as Ahmed, Mohamed, Cabdi Aziiz etc, you will definitely be looked at more than once. You just gotta keep moving, because those arabs who blew themselves up spoiled it for us all. PS:Last I checked, arabs were considered a race, and race is defined as being "a group of persons related by common descent or heredity", u add that to the profiling part, and you got RACIAL PROFILING SON.
  11. Jimco, this was never about me, so why would you say I'm not in the equation as if I didn't know? Is this one of those times when you run out of things to say, so you just opt for the first thing that comes out of you? Ngonge syndrome a.k.a dabeel talk. Let me tell you, plain and simple. LayZie isn't one to sit around when she doesn't understand why people behave a certain way. I want to get to the bottom of my curiosity, so I opt to ask questions, and most times I get honest answers, maybe you ought to try sweetie, let out some steam.
  12. Don’t get your knickers in a knot over a simple reminder that at the end of the day we should be listening to the Quran instead of Music. Even for those of us that do listen to Music, none should ever protest over this point. I needed that Rahima. I needed a reminded to take off "Doctor's Advocate" off my playlist and instead put the Quran on. Me, why you so aggresive son? Rahima has said nothing wrong, and by the way, if this was Khayr or KHalaf, you probably wouldn't be so quick to call out on them. Rahima is awesome, keep up the positive attitude sista.
  13. Nothing new, racial profiling has always been around and it would probably be around for time, maybe forever. You just have to learn to deal with it, no sense in posting every little incident about who was stopped and why, all in the name of islam and muslims. Blacks have struggled through this for decades, and muslims all over will do the same.
  14. I saw this on most of the news channels, monday night. For those of you who don't know MICHAEL RICHARDS, he is "KRAMER" from seinfield. I know most of you remember that sitcom, jerry seinfield and his loser friends, george, elaine and kramer. Anyways, kramer apparently didn't have much going for him employment wise and he decided to take the stage and tell jokes, only he couldn't handle folks taunting him, so he went off on a black audience and revealed his true colors. What's worse is, monday night, DAVID LETTERMAN had JERRY SEINFIELD THE SCAMBAG as a guest, and Jerry had the audicity to say MICHAEL is on VIA satellite and I think we should hear his side of the storY? I think JERRY SEINFIELD IS MORE RACIST THAN KRAMER IN MY OPINION...he even went as far as hushing the audience when they laughed at KRAMER as he was telling the viewers and david letterman how sorry he was, who does jerry seinfield think he is? Talking about, I am not racist but I was outraged and I couldn't stop some of those words coming out of my moutH? Now u know he is a crackhead because he couldn't even make sense of what he was saying. Anyways, I think the black audience member handled himself very well, he fought back, this loser doesn't deserve anymore coverage than he already got. On the other hand, it makes me wonder because, apparently, this past tuesday, it was the debut of the Seinfield Show season 7 on DVDs, it could be a publicity stun on Kramer's part and Jerry conveniently played the hand he was dealt.
  15. LayZie G.


    BTW, there is nothing wrong with being flight 13. Stop being so sensitive man. hahahahahaha@u boo, get your schooling on.
  16. Somali men were having babies all over since the beginning of time. :eek: :eek: Is that your way of saying you have children out in the world you might not know about...
  17. LayZie G.


    ^^JOWKA.. Either he is really just talking, or he is heavily medicated. LOL@red for scoring leader. Michael Redd is going to win the scoring title this season because why? Could it be becuz he had one 57pt that night, and u think he will repeat it enough times to surpass Kobe, Lebron and Iverson? LOL (jowkaaaaaaaaaaa) JAY, do you think shaq might be back this season? I don't think he will have that much of an impact, even if he ends up coming back a month or two from now. I don't think they are as hungry as they were last season, but I am guessing Z man would definitely disagree.
  18. ^, don't mind Devil, she's taken one too many happy pills.
  19. oh yeah, thanks 2 debating whether to ask my hand-holder 2 join me 2 the stup!d company x-mas party... hand-holder=boyfriend? I don't see why not, after all, he gets to enjoy free dinner. Why do you guys call it X-mass party? We call it the "Gala Dinner", this way all employees from different religions can come without feeling that they are going to a X-mass party. Very thoughful of them if I may say so myself.
  20. where you are coming from with your second post. However, your original post doesn’t implicate what you sought to be discussed sire. Zafir, you're very good observer. Ngonge, true or false, you wanted to stir up problems? If you said false, you are lying through your teeth. All that other stuff you wrote, I paid no mind, as always you talking air, and I don't care to waste the little energy I have this morning on it.
  21. How long to we have before the work day is over? If that was your question, then I just started just over an hour ago, so I guess I got a long day ahead of me. Devilish one, I love tea, can't stand coffee. Where did you hear that tea is a british thang only? Shaah is a somali thang girl 2.
  22. Ps Though she is the subject of the discussion, I do hope we don’t all end up just talking about her and what a strong/weak woman she is. Spread the discussion about a bit please. Dude, you're shady PS:Val, don't pay him no mind. He posted this so half of the pple could trash her and the other half to react the way u did.
  23. come again? so your saying, i can call whoever i like within north america, through a comp, and I won't be credited, if this was to work, whats the performance like for 'voice'. Brotha man, I never said anything about using your PC to talk. I did say you no longer had a need to use those other pc services such as skpy or skpe. This is a simple service, just as easily as picking up your traditional home phone, dialing the access code found in the site, and putting the # of your choice, as long as you are dialing any country that is part of the 50+ that the company has listed on and talk your lungs out. These are not difficult steps to take, considering the company is offering free talk time to most of the european countries listed as well as some asian countries and north america/southamerica. No african countries listed yet, but that may soon change. ps:The quality is as the same as when you make local/long distance from your house phone, because you are still dialing from your house phone son.
  24. ^^You're a jowka Val. I am bored too, and I'm waiting for my earl grey tea to cool off.
  25. War ninkii lahaa SOL ma wuusan ka baqeynin in ilaahey maalinta qiyaame weydiiyo meeshaan uu furay sida diinta loogu xumeeynaayo, mise waxaa sharaf la mooday in qofka uu sida gaalada camal u hadlo oo hadana la yiraahdo waa 'freedom of speech spirit?' OMG, hypocrite # uno is talking.. Why is it admin is always the one who ends up being trashed when the likes of this poster want iney daacsadaan? Better yet, why aren't you all doing something about?? Listen, you son of a Musharif, if you feel that Islam is being attacked, why do you keep coming back time in and time out reading the so called "Islam bashing"? No, don't bother with an answer, as you have nothing to say that could possibly defend your previous statement.