LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    i skipped all that you had to write So much for skipping, but yet you still can’t help yourself by responding nonstop. Next on the agenda. Let me do the honours in reminding you on what you previously wrote in response to me calling you out on your lack of knowledge and your tendency to talk nonstop air.... This is also the same post that I am about to quote you on when you had asked me in so many words inaan kuu qaleeyo oo "slack kusiiyo", here we go. listen gurl, we can all be fans of certain teams, but i'm trying to play the role of an analyst to determine who may win it all... Sweetie, inorder for an individual to play the role of an analyst, one has to closely examine their subject, in this case "the game", but one does not reiterate what an "expert" of a major sports site had shared with his readers. I really didn't want to call you out in the open like this, but you forced my hand when you said that this wasn't Phil Jackson's doing but Kobe's and Kobe's alone. kobe is making his players better than they are, and its not all Phil Jackson, you got that wrong, it's all KOBE. Kobe is making phil jackson believe in the team more than ever. Same thing michael did. Therefore, you left me no choice but to post a link to a an article written by one of the CNNSI.COM writer wrote recently... Chris Mannix's take on the Laker's "Belief System" In the article by Mannix's, he quoted one of the Laker's Asisstant Coaches as saying... "What Kobe is doing is what Michael [Jordan] finally learned to do," says Lakers assistant coach Tex Winter, who coached Jordan with the Bulls from 1985-98. "Michael at one time was worse than Kobe at trying to take over the game. Once he got the idea that it was a team concept, we got much more effective. That's sort of the evolution I see with Kobe right now." Sweetie, sorry to break it to you, but if you even so much as try to convince me that your opinion wasn't inspired by what Tex Winter was quoted as saying when he compared to then Jordan to Kobe, then you are in deeper than I thought you were in your denials. The next time, you want to have a serious discussion, please form your own opinion and not that of others. Lastly, this talk about " I didn't watch half a game since season start" is no excuse for you to go out reading articles of writers and making it your opinion and have the audacity to doubt the Zen Master aka Phil Jackson and his brilliance when it comes to teaching the game, you have another thing coming. They don't call him the Zen Master for no reason, and he also has 9 titles under his belt, but I am sure you read about that somewhere. You also read that he is shy just one more title to put himself in the history books as the the coach with the most title wins in the history of this game, and lets not forget all the other records he has broken since he took over the lakers and prior to that with the bulls. I'm sure with Bulls 101 course, they will probably make lesson#1 by informing the likes of you that the Man they call the Zen Maser is the only coach in history of the NBA to win 3 consecutive titles with 2 different teams, no one has yet come even close to thinking about doing what he did. This is a man I use to curse one minute and be amazed by the next when at the finals he literally took Jazz's hope of a title right under them, 2x. This is the same man that when he isn't around behind that bench, nothing gets done. He is the one true coach that I actually believe knows how to utilize each player's weakness and turn it to a strength. He knows how to put pieces together and make a team out of it, and yes he got lucky to have had the greats such as Jordan, pippen, Shaq,Kobe etc playing for him, but he also had to fill those pieces to make these greats what they were and what they had come to accomplish. Who but the Zen Master called on that last shot against Utah in the finals when Jordan had someone on him, and instead made his cross-over move and made a pass to kerr who nailed the shot? You think Jordan just did it because he had nowhere to go or do you think that was a written play for kerr and the intent was to take the the attention off Kerr at first so he can be open for that Pass by Jordan? Please, save your answer for someone who cares what you have to say about Phil Jackson, but everyone who knows the game knows what Phil Jackson is to this game. Next time, I don't want to hear what you heard, or read, I want to hear about your take on the subjects we discuss here, since this is a discussion board, don't want to hear what Barkley had to say and how you agree with him, or that of Kenny or whoever else you tune in to.
  2. LayZie G.


    Red, you are saying the the NBA isn't as exciting as the old days, but I have news for you. There are plenty of excitement going around this league, starting with Lakers and ending with Lakers. Any team that lakers faced or soon to face, has brought and will bring nothing but the juice you are looking for. North, here is the link to that brawl... Knicks/Nuggets Brawl The story begins with LayZieG paying close attention to Kobe and the lakers this season more than anything. Yes, I even went ahead and started taping the games on my Digital recorder when I am absent, and I actually avoid looking to get a glimpses of the score until I have a chance to fully watch it.(Its gotten real freaky, because only teams that I ever taped and later watched were the 76ers, I could never get enough of them no matter what) The story of Kobe and the Lakers is something I can't just stop watching or talking about at work with my B-ball fanatics aka co-workers. I am intrigued that a team that doesn't have much to offer other than their selfish Player in Kobe, and the absence of their true star in Odom, I really couldn't believe they were capable of going back to back overtimes against very decent teams and almost getting away with it, until Arenas and his 60pts performance came out with a W. The story of Kobe and the lakers is a story that ought to be spread around to those struggling teams without their star players absense(i.e sixers) and those struggling teams with stars intacted(i.e Knicks, heat). They ought to tune in to all the previous several games of the Lakers and pay close attention to what I call, "Determination". Lakers have proven to me and to all the hardcore Laker critics like myself that with A great Coach who is determined to Win, will make the small guys around his line up look like stars, and yes I speak of Phil the great Jackson. The best Coach in this great league they call the NBA, hands down. This newly developed facination that I have for the lakers started that opening night against Phoenix suns, t superb performance on both ends, the suns and the lakers side. The game was just breathtaking, and I knew right then and there that this season had alot to offer.(I even commented on it here) Kobe worked with his teammates, kobe was kobe as well, and in the end, they got away with much deserving W. That night, I said to myself, it won't be long until Kobe comes out being the ole Kobe. It took exactly a month, on Nov.30 for Kobe to show his true colors against that infamous game against Utah, and I watched it live that night, from end to finish. Except that total 20mins or so I walked out on third quarter when I saw the One man, look at me I am amazing show performance by kobe, but came back on the 4th to finish off the game. That was the night when Kobe decided to remind us that he was still capable of being Kobe, so he came hard, took over that third quarter with a 30+pts, to me, I think regardless of 52pts performance or not, the outcome of that game could have been the same, a W for the Lakers. Some of you might say, oh well, here we go again with another Kobe hater. I dont hate Kobe, I dislike him to bits, but at the end of the day I do admit the man is good at his job, better than good but he doesnt have to prove anything. Everyone who follows B-ball knows Kobe is only one of few players in NBA history who can easily turn it on at any point of a game and come out big. Kobe is one of the best one on one as well as one of the most explosive players in the history of the game, but does that convince the Great Kobe that he is all that and more and not to continuously put his team and his coaches at risk. One of these days, this one man show is going to cost them, and its going to come, the question is just when. The reasons why I dislike the man isn't because he is so damn good, that he had beat some of my favourite teams on the way to his greatness, or the fact that he had help in crushing 76ers only close call to getting that trophy on 2001, I don't hate him for any of that. I hate him because of the behaviours he displays on the court, and a good example is that game against Utah Jazz on Nov.30th. Best record in the league coming in to that night against Kobe and the lakers, and the fact that he made it about himself yet again on the third quarter of that game, when there was no need to make it about him, he made it about him. He wanted to take the focus off Utah's surprising start, and the fact that they were previously beaten by Utah on what Phil Jackson called a game against not just Utah but the refs. He wanted to take the media focus off them and on him, and ofcourse the next couple of days that followed, everyone was talking about Kobe and his 52pts performance. Kobe has got to realize that the NBA isn't just an individual sport, its a team sport and he has teammates, better teammates than iverson has. Teammates who husle, who show that they are just as good as any nba player out there who is working along side a star such as Kobe. Kobe cooled off, and started to share the ball after that night against Utah and they still continue to work together, win games and win good, and he is still putting up good stats, its a win win situation and from there on, whenever I would see a televised game that had the LAkers were playing in, I would either tune it and watch it or if I wasn't home call have it recorded for me onthe DVR. Only other team I ever recorded was the 76ers, I just couldn't let one televised game slip by, so I would record it and watch it on my own time and thats what I am doing tonight against the bulls. Lakers will come to play, and I expect another great team performance, and I suggest y'all tune in, because my DVR will. The above was how the story started with the Lakers, but it all ends with, and yes, you guessed it, Phil Jackson. This man is by far the greatest coach living in the history of the NBA. With Phil Jackson in the mix, possibilities are endless. Phil Jackson for Coach of the year. Lakers brief stats for the season... Only 8 losses and that is coming from fairly decent teams, such as Sonics, pistons, Blazers, Jazz, Bucks in november, and only Hornets, Mavericks, Wizards in december losess. Lakers still got 3 games to play against Spurs, should be fun. 3 games against Suns, 3 Games against Mavericks, 2 games against the Jazz and another 2 against their hometown team Clippers, and I am sure it will be fun to watch it all.
  3. Sister Tami, I whole heartily agree with you. I think this individual needs to be called out on his foul ways, but around the Islamic Thread, Socodbadne is like what sheikh sharif from ICU is to the senior cleric of the ICU, He is Nur's right hand man, and its going to be tough to censor a right hand man. I bet you anything that Nur will take one look at this and say he had not seen it before today. Ofcourse me being the good muslimah that I am, I had passed a word over to Nuur over at the other active corners he takes part in, I'm sure he will see it soon enough, if not, just PM others who are willing to listen to you.
  4. Maxaa Cabtey? PS:Nuur, please wake up and smell the coffee , instead of posting make believe threads? Your attention is needed by Sista "TAMI", why not head over to "Live and Let Live " Khalaf's thread.
  5. Nothing is wrong if one enjoys being in or around their home alone, sometimes you need peace and quiteness. What is disturbing is wanting to only go out when its dark, I'm almost too scared to ask why you enjoy going out only in the dark? Why not daylighT? Don't you enjoy going on and about your life, looking up the sky, and enjoying the sun and the warmth around you? and lastly, hating having company in your home definitely qualifies you as anti-social. Entertaining friends and family should be an enjoyment, it should bring a sense of togetherness. I love having my people over, I guess because I love being a good host. I make sure everyone is having a good ole time, na mean. I'm a loud individual, and I dont mind a bunch of loud pple screaming their lungs out under one roof. You know how somalis do, qeeli 10x. Its why we were once kicked out of the YMCA, we yelled nearly 80% of the time while we were there playing ball. I really hope I answered your questions, but at the end of the day, if you are comfortable in your own skin, then thats all that matters.
  6. What a Jowka she is, I loved the part when she sang and said "I use to drive a chevolet, now I march everyday. I use to wear my pair jeans, now I wear my army greens, hehehe .. She is amazing, and she is right about two things, a)no man should ever let a woman down, and b) she is definitely a strong muslim woman. Big ups sista in Islam.
  7. What's the wink for jay? Yes I have right. The right to go out with da hottest chick. You certainly do have that right and exercise that right to the fullest. Live well hotties... How come u like a person,be with them and then dislike them as days go by?To begin with bro,Do ur home work well and u don't have to suffer nothing coz u know what u are doing.. General, you are awesome. When I first read his post, I thought the same thing too, and asked myself, where was he when it was time to get to know the person? Probably had his eyes closed, and one day woke up and saw what was infront of him all along and decided to do something about it.
  8. LayZie G.

    hajj anyone

    lol Rudy, what's with this cuba fetish you got going? She is not going this year because of my brother, he couldn't commit due to schedule conflict, but insha allah next year, if we are all alive and kicking, it will happen.
  9. ou are not in a possition to help as the questions I have are pointed towards UK and US chaps. That wasn't called for. The person was just responding to your general question, but if you were looking for specifics, i.e geographic location, you should have been clear about it from get-go, instead of being rude to the one individual who responded to your question. I find you to be very rude individual, and you need to check yourself .
  10. Graduate schools due tend to assess candidates and their advance learning based on how an individual did on the GMAC test, among other things. To answer your question on whether or not its required, I would assume so.
  11. Does it matter what hood your future spouse is from? Just marry them and get it over with.
  12. LayZie G.

    hajj anyone

    I'm sending my hooyo next year to Hajj, and as for me, I would love to go there someday soon, but I don't think I'm ready yet.
  13. and even if they try to get rid of the baruur they can't Jaceylka, if she won't get rid of the fat, then leave her. PS:There is no such thing as "CAN'T" when it comes to losing weight, especially when fat man scoop and Star Jones lost all of their weight.
  14. i think we can share and see if those problems can be solved? Please, englighten me on how one can change my no good of an Ex. He is as good of a thief as any, and refuses to stop his thieving ways. If there is any hope at all, I would like to know because God knows how much I miss those stolen goods he use to pamper me with.
  15. Soma, you watch kidnapped? I watched 3 episodes, and that was it. I got hooked to "Smith" the pilot episode, until it was stopped due to low viewership after few episotes... Ray Liotta is still the man. I finally caught up to Prison Break earlier this year for the first time and I haven't stopped watching it since. Love it, and when I am not home to watch, my DVR does the job. My show "SLEEPER CELL" Season 2, its called "AMERICAN TERROR", just started lastnight, love Michael ely...This dude is so handsome, he would have made a very handsome muslim brother had he been muslim forreal. Either way, I think he is amazing on his role as a muslim FBI undercover. SHOWTIME is doing it big time.
  16. LayZie G.


    Bottom line is minnesota needs to get this deal done whatever it takes, this is once in a life time chance and they have nothing to loose but to try it and GET IT DONE Getting it done isn't enough. This trade would sure set back the wolves by atleast a season before they have the supporting role to support these superstars. I love KG, and AI and I want nothing more than seing them win a title, but every two punch had role players, look at the old lakers, celtics, pistons, look at the new lakers with shaq, the heat with shaq, the Spurs should be a good example. The houston rockets had role players... The truth is, two superstars can't get it done, not unless you got phil jackson, maybe he can pull a miracle...Bottom line is, this trade for IVERSON to wolves is doomed....and if only you could open your eyes long enough to stop dreaming Title and parade in Downtown MN, you would see it my way. I never thought he was a super star. His triple double is way over rated I disagree, Kidd is indeed a superstar. His shooting isn't something to be desired for, but that isn't his job to begin with, Kidd is now to me what Magic was to his era. Kidd has an amazing vision on the court, he can see plays before they even happen, and he is one of few players who isnt afraid to make a decision that could possibly impact the game. For instance, he will attempt to make 3-4 3's, and not make one, but will take that 4 or 5th shot while the game is on the line and would make or break the game.
  17. LayZie G.


    Brotha, you are the one who said... I'm just using what I here or cut a brotha some slack will ya How do you expect me to believe that you remember stuff that happened when you were in grade 2, when you don't even have opinions on your own, instead report hear say all the time. As far as the Iverson fiasco goes, the bulls trade is the only thing that makes sense for both parties....but only if they are willing to deal with an eastern conference team. All other teams is a no go, not unless they really are digging a hole for either sides. The trade request from Iverson isn't what surprised me, but being compared to Carter situation and his last days as a raptor was a shocker. EVERYONE HERE KNOWS THAT CARTER WAS NOT WILLING TO CO-OPERATE, UNLESS THEY DEALT HIM. HE WAS UNPROFESSIONAL, AMONG OTHER THINGS, BUT AI HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT LOYAL TO PHILADELPHIA, PLAYED THROUGH ALL SORTS OF INJURIES AND FOR SOMEONE TO SAY DON'T BOTHER SHOWING UP AND DONT COME BACK THE GAME AFTER, BECAUSE OF WHAT? HE WAS WILLING TO CONTINUE TO PLAY THROUGH INJURIES AND HELP OUT HIS TEAM, AND FOR THEM TO GIVE HIM THE BOOT? What's the real story here, how did it get this ugly? What was the turning point for AI? For someone to tell him not to come play after 11 yrs of playing through injuries? Unbelievable....and you compare him to CarteR As far as this talk of KG wanting AI, its a fantasy. Chances of KG and AI being successful in a very short period of time, is highly unlikely. Lets face it, time is of the essence for both players, and the time it will take to build a core support group among them to win a title or two is like me hoping to get The Audio A8 before Jan/07 for me. Chances are not good with wolves. Philadelphia has to do what makes sense for this team, and frankly, dealing out of pressure isn't so smart, but you never know with Billy King. (He needs to be shown the exit as well) Jay, you are right, sixers had it coming for sometime now. They deserve in saan iyo mid kale oo kadaran lagu sameeyo wey istaahilaan. I believe the best thing for this team right now is to be careful not to act on a trade this soon, wait a week, maybe couple of weeks, play out all your options. As far as my Top 5 Old School Dream Team Squad is concerned, this is how it goes... I would go with Ewing,Malone,Pippen,MJ,Stockton. Yes, I will pick EWING over Hakeem anyday, without taking anything from Hakeem. To me, Ewing was the don't mess with me man in the middle, I watched him through the Pacer and Heat rivalries, I stood cheering for him then, and I wouldn't forget to include him on my old school dream squad. To me, New School means grant Hill has to be included in any new school, and forget all the years that was robbed off him, that wasn't his doing... Jay knows how much I adore Hill, therefore this is how my New School Dream team squad goes... Shaq, Duncan, Hill, Iverson,J-Kidd. (mind u, if and when hill retires, which won't be much longer, that place will be taken by Lebron James)
  18. It can be done sooner then that actually. Masha allah that you have two family members who have achieved it at a young age, I have an uncle who did in his late 30s, but its rare to see a farax accomplish much, much less at a young age, and in this case, my suspicion was confirmed, since he is a yemeni.
  19. Dennis Prager, Talk Show Host, a lecturer, and most importantly a jew, recently wrote on his column about the comments made by the Keith Ellison, First African American Muslim Congressman Elect in the State of Minnesota. Ellison said that he is planning on being sworn with the Quran rather than the Bible. Ofcourse, who else but makes news about this you ask? Non other than the Most Loved Jew among Jews, Dennis the ar*se Prager. As written on one of this columns this week, The Jew writes... I think this Jew has a God given write to speak his mind, no one holds that against him, but for him to come out and speak on behalf of America by saying What Ellison and his Muslim and leftist supporters are saying is that it is of no consequence what America holds as its holiest book; all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book. This filthy jew further went on to say But, Mr. Ellison, America, not you, decides on what book its public servants take their oath. Just because this filth is a tax paying American Citizen, he has the right to speak freely and ofcourse speak on behalf of an entire nation. Bravo to free speech! He further went on to say that the reason why most of the media isn't going after this story is because they believe by letting the congressman do as he wishes and ignore tradition as this Filth so expressedly used on his column, that somehow this is America's way of pleasing the muslim world. He is making a mockery out of Our pple, Our religion, saying that we are easily bought just because America chooses to hush about this. I believe the American media is quite about this because, thats just it, no story to it. This is just another american choosing his right to do as he sees fit and if that means saying no to the Bible, so be it, whatever happened to freedom of Religion? This jew thinks that he can save america, since they are cowards, who will do anything at this point, even if it means keeping hush hush about a black muslim man and his wish to ofcourse choose his preferred "Book" as he calls it. He is saving america by preserving the American way of life, and that is their public Servants will do as American sees fit and nothing but... Bottom line is, we continue to dig ourselves a deeper hole, and its deepening by the minute. We, the muslim people are to blame for these weekly rants from the gaalo's, these rants keep on spreading by the day, if not every other day and we the muslim people continue to be anti-everything but islam. We have shown hostility, we are all about Holly War, support our "Holly brothers" and as a result, every Tom & D*ck all of a sudden got something to say about Islam and Muslims. When will Muslims unite and keep a strong front against these holly warlords, whether they are in somali, middle east, or where ever? When are we going to say, enough is enough, Islam isn't for your personal Holly War, not is it for a political agenda, but a religion that used to be widely respected in the world and now is looked as a means to violence and hatred. When are we going to tell that to those muslims who use the religion for their personal gains? Do you actually think supporting your brothers in holly war is doing you justice, the individual brother and sister in Islam? I think not. In any regards, I came about the heated discussion just after my O'Reilly Factor ended, as you know Hannity & Colmes hour long special follows just after O-Factor weekly, and their headline was ofcourse, Dennis Prager story. Ofcourse LayZie had to switch off from B-ball over to listen anymore Trash this jew had under his sleeve and indeed he got hit with a sword, left and right by the other Guest speaker, representative of the Black Panther Associations. I'm happy to report that the Black Panther guest called his dog for who he really was, Ignorant and Racist as any, and ofcourse, who but allowed it? My friends at Fox,
  20. Che, that whole expiry talk, is that your way of finding helpful ways to break the news to the wifey, lol... Time's up baby, get rolling... All jokes aside, if you feel that marriages ought to have expiry date, why would you want to stick around for the children, if children are involveD? Once the thought comes to your head, the marriage is over, no going back and especially no staying in misery for children's sake. Imagine all the hatred they're going to see in your eyes, because you can only lie to yourself and others for so long until it starts to show.
  21. I'm guessing the best age to have a baby is young, that way you can grow with your child. If you don't have much going on, schedule wise, start making a baby. You must have married when you were either 19 or going 19, if thats the case, you married an old dude(with the brief bio u gave on him), lol, he must be in his 40s, dayum...thats old...does he pressure you to have a baby or is he understanding? PS:LOL, did you mention B-control out loud in SOL, LOL, goodluck, because I be surprised if they don't start jumping out on u all @once.
  22. LayZie G.


    The answer to my Trivia is no team among the 4 ever made a playoff appearence together, but I have no facts to back it up, and as always JAY is right. 30assistS? Was it before shaq's time or after Shaq's time? MY guess would be it happened when Darrel Armstrong was around, did he dish out that many assists.
  23. LayZie G.


    Read what I said, before going off. It clearly says, Lakers are my favourite to go far, and if they don't than the Suns are the only team, I see besides Spurs that can take it away from them, especially with Amare back and Jalen. You might as well come out and say the entire Western Conference are your favourites to come to the Western conference finals to battle it all out??? You are worse than John Kerry, when it comes to flip flopping. Getting back to this whole "MAGIC scene" MAGIC deserve just as much hype as any good team now, including Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Utah because they either are on the 10 win mark or surpassed it. They got a long way to go, but I highly doubt MAGIC would be the team to lead the east in the best record much longer. They always collapse somewhere in the middle. Too much hype can sometimes get into your head, and thats the case with the Magic. My favourite division, the Atlantic division is in need of rebuild, I mean, we have Boston leading the way with 5-8, only one less loss margin than 76ers,raptors,nets. The only worse team among this weak division is knicks, and I'm sure all that hype about them getting together this season left them standing somewhere at the bottom again. The east might look weak, but they are the most exciting conference among the two, and they will continue to struggle, but at the end, when it counts, east gets it down and so do my 76ers. Did y'all see the Golden state creeping its way into winnerS? This team is the team that finally gets that deserving 7 or 8th spot in the west seeding, keep an eye on them. It be wonderful to have all of 4 California teams to finally be in the playoffs. That brings me to today's Trivia. Did the state of California's 4 NBA team ever made a playoff appearance together, if yes, when was the last time??? PS:Cheaters, don't google your way into this answer.
  24. talk to her! he kidding me!! u might as well surrender and wear the dirac homie. never be kind to a xalimo or your house will burn in HELL...! One key point, keep the BITTERNESS OUT OF YOUR NEW MARRIAGE, especially if you are ex-divorcee a.k.a rudy who was burned by Ex-Wife.
  25. Redish, How long have you been marrieD? Good advise overrall, I like your dedication. Keep them tips coming, Allah only knows how many husbands within this SOL community need to hear this.