LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    Jay, why bother explaining yourself? Its going to get through only half way, thats what happens with half brains. Anyways, speaking of editing, mr moderator, doing the job half way isn't the way to go and if you had done your job a long time ago, this thread would have stayed clean the same as your football threads. I attract children who love playing at the playground, but when the playing gets rough, they all end up having their feelings hurt, is that my fault? I think not...
  2. LayZie G.


    JUST A SISTA, DEEN KULAHAA, KUTAABKA KA DHEEROW, IBNIGAAGA HALADAJIYEE. [ January 05, 2007, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Northerner Al Burcaawi ]
  3. LayZie G.


    Listen you little twit, talking about two different things in the same paragraph and later taking my words out of context, all of a sudden means that I said Kobe played in the opener? (I didn't even realize I wrote that part in there until you posted my own quote) I told you before, and I will tell you again, get yourself reading the previous discussions, page 41 to be precise of this same very thread and after reading my November 7 post regarding this same opener game, I would like you to go stand infront of a mirror and slap yourself 3x. I mean, its one thing to get excited about getting something on LayZieGirl, but get your facts boy, before you hurt yourself. Wasn't it enough that I knocked you 50-0 over the yrs, and you still looking for your 1st win, but the thing is, this is a sports section, not the little girls corner who seek to get even. As for the rest of you coming of out the closet, Is that the best you could do? You think I will cry like you? LOL Your days are numbered, enjoy while it lasts. I did wonder out loud yesterday when I said, what would she bring next, lol and you brought hysteria. You are that bent out of shape all because I refuse to believe your phony self? LOL, what will do you, force it down my throat because you swore in the name of allah, which by the way, you should have your tongue cut out immediately, bringing illaah into a sports section. Waryee get your emotial self out of here, this is not for cross dresser's like yourself who are soon going to have s*x change. SEriously, you need help. LOL@JAY AND PM, acuudi billaah, who knew I had this much influence on these girls. and Z, dont even sit there and saay you dont care, if you didn't care about my opinion you wouldn't be looking to twist my own words just so you could find something, which is absolutely zero as the evidence lies in previous discussions. [ January 05, 2007, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Northerner ]
  4. LayZie G.


    LOL@jay, I highly doubt she knew what she was saying. Watching Beenie Segal or Eve does that to pple, stay off BET abaayo. First she steals a quote from an assistant coach, now she is repping hoods she hasn't heard off except on T.V. What's next?
  5. LayZie G.


    lol jay, yes waan arkay Saddam, its sad and those cowards oo wajigooda cover up ku sameeyay as if they will get a beat down later on, hahah sad sad. Jay, can you please give a tissue to our beloved sista ^^, SHE just had a nervous breakdown, hahahaha.
  6. LayZie G.


    lol@JAY, and dont forget the single most reason why they continue to drop tears in here. Yes, you guessed it, you and you alone. They want to replace you. Btw, didn't you state yourself that you were going to remain a 76er for as long as webber is around and that you were Iverson fan from the get-go, how many times did you say that around herE? Too many to count, yet they all wondering when you will flip, when you yourself made it clear numerous times, what's wrong with these pple? Out of all of us here, you are the one individual who actually roots for the hometown team of your city, JAY. How some will question that is beyond me, but getting back to these tail riders, non of them are rooting for their hometown teams, yet they all riding other teams.
  7. ^^, lol, you are a cool cat and no, NBA isn't over yet, far from it. Why hasn't your new toy responded to your thread? I mean, how long do I gotta wait for this miserable movie to start? I'm only here until 4:30pm(Eastern Time Zone, hurry)
  8. LayZie G.


    LOL@Uni student, dude you are giving me too much information. I never asked you to tell me what uni you attended or what your major was, but since you are dying for my approval, why don't you scan and post your degree whenever you graduate, this way I get to see it with my own eyes and I assure you, you will have my approval. But quit tryin to avoid the question. I knew you were a dreamer Z, but I never imagined that you would be dreaming about a question you asked me in your dreams and expect an answer, lol @ stop avoiding the question, a question that was never asked if I may say so myself. If you really want answers, go back to this thread and re-read my answers from previous discussions, unlike you, I don't seek your approval, as badly as you seek mine.
  9. If he is soft, he ought to stay away from hardcore sista's. A soft man can't handle a strong woman, thats why a strong woman needs a strong man in her life. Soft men deserve naago oo suufi eh like themselves. Tough dudes are more appealing to me, dudes who will say SACDIYO, hada imow, instead of, SACDIYO, goorme imaanee abaayo? Dude's who take charge, and know what they want in their woman, and a woman who can match that energy is a match made in heaven, but does that ever happen? Highly unlikely, and if it does exist, we are talking about in the smaller percentage. But do carry on son, don't let me spoil your topic.
  10. Devilish, where you hammered when you posted this thread? You got wasted on the New Year's haye!
  11. LayZie G.


    J.A.B dont even sweat layzie man. She doesnt have a clue bout NBA. Just read what she posted This is the problem when kids drop out of school. Nothing will make sense in life, thats why education plays a bigger role in one's life. Start hitting the textbook Z. More reading, less nac nac. I don't understand why children who have no business having discussion about topics they have no clue about are allowed to participate in this site, Moderators. il prick If that isn't hating, I don't know what is, and why you allow this lil mosquito to come in here time in and time out is beyond me, Moderators.
  12. LayZie G.


    ^hehe, but I am sure PM has game, he said so.
  13. LayZie G.

    Fed Up

    Just had this sent to me by a Co-worker and it had me laughing out loud. 'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed. He cussed out the elves and threw down his list. Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks. I have a good mind to scrap the whole works! I've busted my a*s for damn near a year, Instead of "Thanks Santa"--what do I hear? The old lady b*tches cause I work late at night. The elves want more money--The reindeer all fight. Rudolph got drunk and goosed all the maids. Donner is pregnant and Vixen has AIDS. And just when I thought that things would get better Those as*holes from the IRS sent me a letter, They say I owe taxes--if that ain't damn funny Who the hell ever sent Santa Claus any money? And the kids these days--they all are the pits They want the impossible--Those mean little shits I spent a whole year making wagons and sleds Assembling dolls...Their arms, legs and heads I made a ton of yo yo's--No request for them, They want computers and robots...they think - I'm IBM! Flying through the air...dodging the trees Falling down chimneys and skinning my knees I'm quitting this job there's just no enjoyment I'll sit on my fat a*s and draw unemployment. There's no Christmas this year now you know the reason, I want some Kaya now. I'm going to Jamaica for the season
  14. LayZie G.


    Layzie I blame you on this one. Jay, if I don't call him out on his shady ways, he will continue to believe his own BS, and I can't let that happen. ...and Jay, the sad thing about all of this is, I always warn them and they still insist on being burned. PM, lol@injuries, I thought even with Jefferson's injuries that Carter would be able to step up and handle it all PS:PM, Jay will destroy you with his crossover move.
  15. LayZie G.


    naa naga bax Ooyin #1, you want to borrow a tissue? i'm not here co signing like all these carrots here Ooyin #2, you're angry because I didn't select you to be part of my so called "carrots"? u need to stop talkin to me..dont quote my shyt and quit drawin attentin to my words Ooying #3, but I still enjoy quoting you, this way you get to reflect back on your own retard-ness. The better question is what will you do if I don't stop quoting you? You seem like you finally lost it. Speaking of my stories, your replies to me are the same length as my stories. if u so tuned like u are..lets forget nba 2000-2006..lets talk a lil 88-93. LOL@ talking about shit that happened as a soon to be 7yr old (88), is like asking me to remember what I had 2 weeks ago for dinner. Impossible, but the real difference between you and I is that I tell the truth, and you don't. You were the one who was here talking about how you remember what happened when you were in 3rd grade, but in reality, you don't even know where your denture's are at the present time.
  16. No worries, Senator Obama doesn't have a chance at becoming the next president. Even if he runs for it, he won't reach far, this is Oprah's doing, he makes to her show few times, and as a result has the #1 selling book in the country and the talks of his presidency becomes a big news. Oprah amazes me by the minute, but even with all her power and money, Obama won't even go as far as his saliva can take him when it comes to running for office.
  17. Kashafa, how is he a Hiiraan Online editor, it says that he is representing the Minnesota Monitor, not Hiiraan Online, unless he is a contributing editor for Hiiraan? Why hasn't he mentioned it on the tv interview that he was involved with Hiiraan? Don't you think Hiiraan Online deserves their name mentioned as much as Minnesota Monitor? Isn't Minnesota Monitor a paper?
  18. Rudy, incase you haven't noticed, on your 2 previous posts, I tuned you out, and I will do just the same for this occasion. After all, you are LayZie's lil puppy. Ubax-baane, abaayo, I agree with you, but I think you and I should both be banned. I did already talk about wanting to get with the REAL sheikh sharif from ICU, if he was single. I think we could make the most powerful muslim couple and take the world by storm, so until sheikh sharif becomes single, I shall stay away from all mujahidiin wanna be's.
  19. LayZie G.


    LOL@JAY. Jay, I never said I was a laker fan, I guess the only other person I know who hates the lakers as much as U do is my sister. So I believe you when you say you will never be a fan of the lakers, even if Iverson was traded to them. Bottom line is, being a long time shaq fan, even when he left the magic and went to the lakers, I never became a fan then, and I am not about to start. All I said was I was drawn to them more so this season than anything. I love to watch a good game, and they putting on a show, and even you JAY can't deny that no matter how much you hate them. Don't sit there and tell me that you didn't watch one laker game this season. Brother, after this post, I will be tuning you out sweetie. You are full of it. Speaking of Playing B-ball, played for my highschool team, I was playing the 2 most of the time and even played the 1 at times as well. Played gym ball with big dudes twice as big as me, I might not be 6"0+ but I know I got game, and anyone who seen me at the YMCA or the park outside my house, would tell you just the same. Bottom line sweetie, dont sell yourself to me about playing ball and following b-ball all your teenage yrs. Only time I opt not to play b-ball was when I got to uni, and even then their coach had me wanting to join them, and they were doing really bad on their division and had a heavy course load, so my mind wasn't set, or we will be sitting here talking about my uni games. I also played soccer in high school and still play for my company's Co-ed with the big boys and they all love me, but I dont enjoy watching soccer on tv as much as I enjoy B-ball, b-ball is the one sport I play and watch, so next time you talk about you being an expert, you might want to watch yourself sweetie. I might not have played at a high level(i.e professional level to the point where the small pple like yourself haven't heard of me), but I know what I am capable of, and you know if you lied or not, but thats on you and your allah. I just called you out the way I saw it, that quote from the laker assistant coach inspired you to say what you said, and I am still sticking to that, no matter how many times you swear about it. Playmaker, how are your nets doing boo? They lost like what 6 or 7 games? What is your man Carter doing about this? I thought he was the greatest? A true fan never stays quite about a struggling team, and bark when the team does well. So c'mon lets hear about them nets.
  20. Eid Mubarak to all. It will be fun to celebrate Eid and New Years all at once, this would be a worthy celebration, may you all be save on the remaining days of this year and the one upon us.
  21. Y'all forgot to mention "LayZieG's Corner", that would be the most viewed section of this site, I will even put my money where my mouth is and prove it to y'all. I have just as much admirers as I have for haters, and for both to go neck and neck, it would be the most knocked out section around these parts. I am the best thing that happened to this site, and anyone who says otherwise is just talking for the hell of it.
  22. My money is on Red, red, you better handle your bidness.
  23. The most notorious rap group? How did the Outlaws became notorious? because Pac was involved with them? LOL You are a jowka I see, but regardless, this dude was open about his faith long before you seen this clip.
  24. Nur, just as expected. You are so predictable. Secondly, this isn't about you and those that took the attack mode on you, this is about a member of this forum who feels that another member went out of line and it should be cleaned up. Nothing more, nothing less. No need to tell stories. I knew you would never turn your back on your right hand man, and therefore won't be censoring him. This goes back to some other thread were I was a silent reader (Islam section) and both you and Socod took the attack mode on a female member and the way it all started was, with a simple question. A question you never had the answer for, therefore, who but saved the day? Your sheikh Sharif of SOL with a low blow on his part, yet again. So, excuse me for not buying into I was victimized speech, and so will you.
  25. LayZie G.


    PlayMaker, lol @ its denver's fault. Denver and Coach Karl can do whatever they please, and if that means keeping the starting line up on the court until the Buzzer goes off, its on them to deal with if injuries arises. I mean, Karl knew he was risking injuring his players by keeping them, but its his right to exercise as a coach by doing what he can for this team. If Isiah saw that as an insult, thats on him, not on Karl. He is getting canned, I am sure he will see all the little things that would make the short time he has behind the bench more difficult. I don't even understand why he is still waking up in the morning to actually come to a job that he knows would not be around by season's end, is beyond me. His days are numbered, and why he bothers coming, knowing that the whole world is watching and his failure ways all along as a GM, and now as a coach and that finally the owners caught up with the rest of us, its about time, but better late than never. The Iverson trade to Denver came as a shock, I had folks shouting at me at the hall way, DENVER GOT HIM, DENVER GOT HIM yesterday. I'm very skeptical of the future of Iverson. After all, only way this will work is if he is willing to change his outlook on success. Everyone knows he is the man, but now he has to be the man to lead this team and become the man that has the ring, plain and simple. Inorder to do that, it won't be easy because he has Karl for a coach and he has the pieces in Denver to go deep in any playoff, whether its this season or next. Iverson has come too far to reach at this level and he is lucky to be among a very dedicated coach such as Karl, but time will tell if this new relationship is doomed or if it can really work. On the 76ers side, 76ers till the end. I will not turn my back on them, but at the same time, I question Andre Miller and whether this change will have a positive or a negative impact on him as a player. Can Andre go back to being the player he was in his Clevanland days? Can he be the explosive point he was. Andre can definitely share the ball among the young 76er squad and with a good coach in cheeks, time will tell but I really think this is a win-win-situation for both sides. Billy King really did save his job on this, because if I was Ed Snider, I would have showed him the exit regardless.