LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. I can't believe you outted yourself twice in the same line you posted, hence... Why do you always sound so mad? In other words, you are forever reading what I write or else you wouldn't have come to that conclusion. and in your poor attempt to take a shot at me, you revealed your own not so desirable looks in the process, how sad for you tone? I know I know it must hurt being............. Only person that knows how it hurts being *** as you call it is, if they themselves went through it. warba maba kuu yaalo, waa nin dhinte aa tahay, can't wait to update Jay, he will definitely have a laugh on your expense.
  2. The Kenyan ambassador is easy to spot. Stripe suit, gold shiny tie and I think blue shirt with it, you posted him above atleast twice and previous page you posted him like 3x or so. In any regards, why didn't you move around the room? Why were u stuck near those TFG supporters? Where were the ICU supporters?? Weren't there any SHEIKH SHARIF supporters? Where are his pictures? I want to buy it and frame it. VIVA SHEIKH SHARIF PS:Your title is very deceiving. I thought you were going to give Valenteenah a big surprise, some mac mac or a picture of cute guys, not some skinny farah's, some odayaal and naago who are about to blow up, I mean, can you sense heart attack?
  3. Which legality takes precedence here? Should he obey the laws of the country or his religion? Put a case forward. The terms and conditions papers they signed off on when they got their licence. Ofcourse they should obey the laws of the country they live in without comprising their faith, but when one chooses freely to become a cabbie on their own free will, obeying religion and faith is out of the door dear. Do you actually think nimankaan iney hadlilahaayeen haduunan 9/11 dhicin, and therefore islam phobia oo soconin? They would have kept their mouth shut, and kudos to the person who brought up that genius point about them picking up a drunken individual off the streets at 2am. I bet they would pick up without a problem, after all thats when they make the most money. Listen, no one is forcing these men to obey the rules and regulations, but the minute they signed off those dotted lines in their contract, they themselves agreed to obey the laws of the country and its rules. Therefore, you have no grounds to stand, questioning what rules they should obey, because they are the ones who agreed to these same rules to begin with. Would you want a white cabbie to say sorry cant pick u up, because of the color of your skin? If the answer is no, then these cabbie's better get their acts together, we can't just play one sided, if you don't want to be discriminated against, then no one deserves to be discriminated against either. You are no better than those passengers at the MN airport who happen to be carrying alcohol substance in their bags.
  4. ^ Is that your way of saying "anigana igu dar xataa"
  5. Libaax, indeed, Sheikh Sharif carries that cimaamad in a very manly way. Look at his eyes, brownish eyes, if his movement was still in power, I bet I would have found a way to get to him. What a handsome man he is...
  6. Lol@lilly, all I gotta say to you is stay tuned. Che hadda aaliyah aa ku qoslee, hadoota adaa laguugu qoslaa. Red, brotha why are you paranoid? Devil, atleast I made you look good, maybe on the next sketch, Ima put you on some heels soo maaha? What are you saying about that song Che posted, you going silent on thaT? He took the time to post it, you know he was dedicating that to you, he is saying, come devil, let me be your handholder. PS:Valeentaah, the only thing that made me decide on that sketch was how the lady pressed on that cup, it was right on point, just like you and your addiction to tea, other than that, the old white lady bit is just too funny, hehehe.
  7. Another attention seeking Somali 'journalist' The only attention seeking individual here is you. This is ludicrous, and the man just expressed his views and so many views all around, and that automatically makes him an attention seeker? Do you know how you come off as? A man who no matter what, even if his own neighbourhood is being bombed, and the bombers were muslims, I bet you would have their back and probably rationalize their behaviour. This story, when it was first published nationally, I felt that they were just crying wolf, I mean, I'm going to say the same thing I said about that sister in the police force. If you can't take the heat, you have no business being in that type of industry. For god sake, they are cab drivers, who are they to dictate anything? What they need to do is stay quite and earn their cash and move on about, if not, get the h*ll out of the taxi business. It isn't ok for a muslim or anyone for that matter to tell a client what they should or shouldn't bring into a vehicle that in legal terms belongs to that client/customer duration of the ride. Its a public service and it should be treated as such and if they feel that strongly about carrying alcohol, which isn't in their reach, no where near sight, then they shouldn't be public servants. Get into the private sector, open a business, or better yet stop driving a taxi and do something more productive.
  8. I'm sorry, do you know something I don't? Do you think there are white audience in these parts that might give you an inside as to why few white girls give you the looks? What were you thinking posting this topic? we are not white, we don't know why those girls in the two incidents did what they did, but let me be frank with you here, without sounding rude. This thread pissed me off, and the more lines I read, the more pissed off I got and here I thought the snow storm outside of my home was bad, but your topic just flat out angered me. Please, isku noqo oo quraan isku aqri and thank allah that these pple ineynan ku cayuumin.
  9. LOL@valenteenah. Che, next week, your clip will be a show stopper, stay tuned... PS:Next week's episode is a clip of red & xalane, Femme, Che, WaterLilly will be the following week, that should be a good one.
  10. The following people speak for themselves. A typical day at work for Valenteenah, no surprise there. Below is old boy Cons, typical afternoon right after quick run to his local corner shop(betting place)... and ofcourse this is his way of explaining himself to his loan shark. and lastly, aaliyah, a saturday morning at home cleaning.
  11. Episode 1 Or Click Me, I'm Devil Angel
  12. LayZie G.


    Hee dhe Fartun when has a BA become overqualified?Lol. ^^ To answer your question, when one has attended one of the finest universities in the Country. Berkley isn't Santa Monica College, after all isn't that where Fartun graduated from before she met her non somali husband who happens to hold a PHD in his early 30s. When one speaks of Berkley and they themselves attended community college, they look at those people as overly qualified, even with BA. In any regards Fartun, other than poking fun at you sweetie, the problem isn't your friend or her lack of attracting somali men, the problem is the geographical location. Surely, you are located in California, and your friend attended uni in little old Berkley california, how many somali community do you suppose live there?(I bet none, other than one or two people, including her) Hardly any somalis in L.A county, few in Orange County(got family there) and majority of the flight 13 ended up being stuck in the ghetto parts of San Diego. No wonder the girl is having a hard time meeting somali men, because there aren't any around where she is at. Now, if she were to get out of the state of california and visited the midwest, or even further down east, her stock will surely go up, but she has to be willing to do that if she really wants somali men that badly. Coming back to the rest of you who commented about education being overrated, only damiiniintaa and ciyaalka suuqa share your opinions.
  13. Because the individual in question(Mr Ian Blair)is responsible for the murder of an innoncent man believed to be a "muslim terrorist" and the shooting of two innoncent brothers in their own homes. I understand you can't stand gaalooyinka, but I strongly advise you to stay on topic. I know nomads around these parts are known to develop "I'm getting ahead of myself" syndrome whenever it has to do with issues such as the one being discussed, but dont lose focus here.. Just because you read or heard that the man in question "IAN" is allegedly responsible for unknown deaths that happen to be related to muslim individuals have no base for this topic or its discussion about OUR SISTER IN ISLAM who happens to find herself in the wrong field based on her strong beliefs of not shaking the hands of her fellow officers. This man after all is an officer of the law, its common courtesy to shake a head of your department, especially when it has to do with ceremonies etc and she didn't fulfill her end of the deal, she is not special and not above anyone who had shaken his hand. Its bad enough we are women and women of color at that, but being in the west, and being a muslim in this time and age and on top of that being in the law and order field is bad enough and to top it all, she is asking to be purposely singled out, and so be it, she got her wish because now all those gaalo's are watching her like a hawk.
  14. When I'm doing Grocery Shopping, can goods etc, packaged and shelved items, I tent to pick up the goods in the middle or end of the shelf, rather than the front ones that are close by. When I am leaving and locking the front door, I check the **** 3x before I am convinced that its locked. Damn it, now that I look back, I really got some issues...but hey, I love me so much.
  15. What's next? She is going to let a robbery take its course and not run after tuuga in fear of having to come close contact with him and would rather let her partner do the handcuffing? If this isn't headline grabbing, I don't know what is. PS:If she was willing to comprise her duties as a sworn officer for deep personal beliefs that she holds dearly which is closely tied with the islamic religion, then she should have chosen a career path that tends to those beliefs, and it doesn't including a police officer, a doctor, or any career requiring close contact with individuals of the opposite gender. I would have recommended her to become a teacher, that is very promising and fulfilling career. But Kudos for the scotland yard and those responsibile for her for keeping a close eye on her as she serves her 2 yr probationary period.
  16. LayZie G.


    So doesnt that increase his trade worth?? Ofcourse it does, but only those that are looking for cap relief etc, not talent, because he has none.
  17. suppose you dont understand what constitutes an insult. Your basically saying a man who wears a beard looks like a terrorist. In my view this is an Insult to Islam and Muslims. Lets have a vote right here on SOL if you want. Neither do you, because if you did know what an insult was, you wouldn't have made this comment The angry teenager syndrome seems to have stuck to you madame! That my dear moderator is an insult on its own league. Call me child like is just as bad as me calling a paki dude a terrorist. One insult for another, but the difference between you and I is that aniga ma karkarin, like a hot boiled water the way you did when I read that belittling comment towards me. What is this supposed to be your 'but they did this' argument? As far as i can remember people insulted Ayan Hirsi's character (which i personally have no problem with by the way) and not anything of Islam or Muslims. There is a difference in insulting a man with a beard and calling him a terrorist because he wears a beard and insulting a muslim for having anti-Islamic views believe you me. They might have not intended on carrying it as far they did on numerous times, but they went further than insulting her character as you put it. They questioned her faith, some wanted to throw her out of the religion itself. Bottom line is, Ayan Hirsi is just a prime example, there has been many insults towards women all around this very same forum, especially those that had their skin showned etc. What is not alright in my book is, DEAR MODERATOR, for you to stand up for those you admire. and dont tell me you do not admire the guy, because you took the time to actually dedicate a thread to him even thought he was already discussed sometime lastyear. You admire him because you took the time to find some stats on him so you can share it with the general viewers etc. You can't stand the fact that he does look like a religious fanatic who will any minute blow up, and as I said before and I will repeat it again, I wouldn't be on the same plane as him looking like that. I would be eying him constantly, thats just my opinion, get over it, it doesn't concern you. Lately, you been on fire, may I suggest inaad lugahaada aat groundka taabsisid, you don't want to go to war with me, just a warning. To the other individuals, bla bla bla bla. To the person who said I am influenced by FOX, I'm not atleast influeced by googling and checking out few games of this person and all of a sudden he is this saint, yet he has no clue who this man is, aside from what is written and reported off him. Amazing and you say I am influenced by FOX?
  18. LayZie G.


    FYI jay, I am not siding with lakers. I just enjoy watching them compete. Do you know how many times this season they went overtime with teams and how many of those overtimes did they win? C'mon now, this team is competing with barely nothing to work with as far as their players go, who is evans, who is cook, who is parker, their guard parker was being schooled lastnight by Tony Parker, thats how weak he is, yet this dude comes out and gives it all everytime he is on the floor, thats all due to Phil Jackson. Brian Cook's performance against the heat, a mean, c'mon. Do you think he would have done that if he was in philly, or milwaukee? LOL JAY, this team is being nationally covered for a reason, same reason I mentioned, they are exciting, fun to watch and they compete, their come backs from 10, 15, 17 pts to come out with a WIN is why they are being aired by ESPN nationally, and TNT coverage tonight and continue to dominate all the powerhouse of the west. They beat UTAH, SAN ANTONIO, HOUSTON, SUNS, c'mon now, give respect where its due is all I'm saying, and I still hate KOBe, but I don't watch the lakers because of him, I watch lakers for the simple fact that they have no superb talent aside from couple of players, but are a group to be reckoned with, and its all due to phil jackson, thats why I am watching them.
  19. LayZie G.


    I have answered your question about carter million times. and everytime, you ask me why I hate carter. PS: Are you going to watch the game tonight when you go home? What do you think about the pacer trade? I think that in a way its a relief for pacers to have gotten rid of jackson but a 2nd trade for al Harrington and old boy talking about "we really didn't want to trade Al but inorder to get something, you gotta give something". Al's feelings are probably hurt, being sent out 2x isn't something to be desired for.
  20. Waryee Ernesto, ninkaan iyo naagihiisa and their finances iska daa oo fill that application and sent it to Hargeysa, or else you will end up being on the waiting list when it comes for auditioning for "Who wants to become my 5th Husband" role, you don't want to miss all the fun now, do ya , do ya...
  21. LayZie G.


    Jay, lol leave PM alone, he is just holding it down for his team. I can image those two teams making it to the end, but not for another year or so. Nuggets still have to see how they jell together when everyone is back, with the exception of Kenyon. Jay, I am sorry to say but your admiration for Webber is clouding your judgement. Webber has carter syndrome, just watch him blow up. Did you see what the Lakers are doing? They shut down Z and his team earlier on the week, along with San Antonio on their home court lastnight, without Kobe being on the line up for much of the 1st quarter. Tell me if Phil Jackson isn't the man, this dude is doing the imaginable, Phil for Coach of the year, if he doesn't get it this year, thats just plain ole hating on it. He had his star player on foul trouble, and he made sure his team stayed cool and collective all of that 1st quarter,, we are talking about players on the laker roaster who probably wouldn't have amounted to anything if they were in any other team but phil sure knows how to use everyone, weak or strong and he is done an amazing job. I haven't had this much appreciation for phil since his bulls days, back then I was admiring him and hating him at the same time. Jay, this is what this great man had to say after the game ''San Antonio is a little hurt, they're playing a little down right now,'' Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. ''We caught a team that didn't shoot the ball very well down the stretch. We're happy for the win, but we're not going to crown ourselves just yet.'' Phil is a beast and he is showing how his team can be a beast with Kobe and the others, and mind you , Kobe hasn't even put his best effort yet.. The moral of the story is, put your hate towards that team for one night and tune in tonight when they play against Dallas, the so called best team on the league in their home. PS:76ers are dying slowly, they got beaten by the worst team on the west?LOL very surreal
  22. NORTH, you are quoting the GOLDEN RULE OF SOL to me when you yourself turned a blind eye on the other rules, 1-100. Please, quit crying and I haven't insulted islam, I just said he looks like someone I would run from if I were to end up in the same airplane as him, simple. When did personal views become an insult to islam? Nice try, and go wash those tears off. LOL@THE OTHER CHARACTER AND EMBRASSING YOU, what do you want me to do? Shed a tear or two for you? What a funny character you are. PS:Whenever naagaha somali who make the news, Ayan hirsi etc are being called names, and mind you they are fellow muslims, why haven't you quoted this so called golden rule on those that continued to insult her and the rest of the women that had been discussed in this forum? You think just because I made the comment and the fact that he is a man you admire who happens to play a sport you enjoy all of a sudden constitutes as an insult to Islam? This isn't about you, because I didn't call you a terrorist looking, I called a paki man, who doesn't even know you exist in this world a terrorist looking, so do yourself a favor and get over yourself.