LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^^Again, this is what I was referring to when I said, this oday has no clue what's going on. I bet if one of you went OneonONE with him and asked what each job entails etc and what it means, he won't have a clue. I can't wait for this oday to succeed, yes I said it, if you call falling flat on your behind sucess, then I want him to succeed. Allah nabad ha siiyo inta soomaliyeed who have to endure these clowns for a government each and everyday , insha allah it will be better someday soon.
  2. ^^^Yet again what will he say? Look at you for example, you're here 24/7 spreading lies and you're not even getting paid for it. He's just doing the same. lol@U jay, that had me laughing for a bit. Jay doesn't have one hate bone in his body, but not that I expect reer miyi or where ever y'all belong to know that about him. Tell me, do any of you reer puntland ever set foot in the capital prior to Barre's departure? Do you think that a former soldier has what it takes to leading a country, better yet, lead himself to the way of the toilet? Are you sure he doesn't have his own guide to lead him to his everyday necessities? Odayga was there as a Pon when he was elected as a temporary doqon to stand for a broken country that will continue to go down hill. Dhiigagaa wuxuu ukarkarey poster is because why? Puntlandpost source aa la question gareeye? Jay's homeland is safe and sound, he doesn't need to be dying with envy as some of you put it. His homeland is standing tall, is your so called puntland doing the same? Neither of you are in the battle ground, what that means is, just as you are using sources for your so called info at puntlandpost, which is not even credible and please post the credibility of that site if I'm wrong on that call, jay is using other means to post what other sites are reporting, so at the end of the day its "he said" scenario. Puntlandpost has qabiil written all over it, therefore I'm calling u out to prove how this oday, who has no qualitifations to run a country, can bring back somali to what it was? Are u even born into a political family, because I was raised in it. I bet ari aa wadi jirtay until you came to the disapora, then you got hold of what's called the world wide web aka www and ofcourse now you qualify yourself as an expert when it comes to politics (since all you do is post article after article from not so credible sources) , am I getting close? I sure hope so, just like your oday yusuf, yusuf is ran by his cabinet ministers, can't even do anything on his own, thats the man you are counting to bring back somalia? (he is told what to say and when to say it) The reason why I stay away from this section is because its filled with folks such as yourself who think they know it all, but know nothing. So, unless you want to match article for article, quote for quote, do not question someone else's article when you are doing just the same.
  3. HEAR HEAR, how can I be wrong when it was wrong of you to doubt my sincerity, huh? (I bet u don't have an answer for that femme) You wanted mean, I gave u mean, but honestly, I was just laying it out for her, after all she opened the thread.
  4. In other words, more nac nac. I don't think you can answer this question, but I will ask anyway. What were u thinking when you wrote this? PS: There is really no difference between u and that other ADD patient over at women's
  5. 7-He will identify himself with the sporting team he likes and their followers instead of his reer hebel hebel tribe Bob, I'm liking the sound of the future already. Why would I want him identifying with reer hebel when he can be identifying himself with his favourite sport team, whether he is a die hard 76er fan or an old time charger fan? Supporting the colors and everything, owing his own mug of his favourite team, making up a sports mobilia room full of framed, signed pictures, balls etc?
  6. Actually, my Grandpa(allaah u-naxariisto, aamiin) re-married to a young 20something before he died many yrs ago and she had a son for him, my abti, the youngest abti I have ever had and he is 20 going 21. Overall my grandpa had a total of four wives while he was living, including my grandmother(allax u-naxariisto, aamiin), mother of my hooyo. She was the only smart one who divorced him when he wanted to marry a 2nd wife after having 7 children for him(this was when they were both on their prime) and ofcourse she wasn't about to let another one come through, so they divorced, and shortly after he went and re-married his 2nd wive at the time, had a son again, the 8th child of my late grandpa, then he divorced and went back to my grandma, then they shortly divorced, then he married his 3rd wife and not long after divorced. Many yrs later, after suffering a long term illness, and prior to his death decided to re-marry and this time what would be his final and fourth wife.. What was different from that final marriage to the young wife, and she couldn't have been more than 17/18 at the time was that he did it with my grandma's blessing. They forgave each other for all the bad blood over the years. It was blessed marriage, agreed by most of his children. He was survived by a young beautiful wife and a young son, and we all gained something from that marriage. What I'm trying to say here Gabar yahey oo falan AKA the poster is if your grandpa wants out or wants to get a 2nd, its his progative. At this stage, time is of the essence, if he feels that physically your grandma can't deliver, let a young lady do her job and she can either let him go or be there in name as a 1st wife. Either way, you can get a young habo or abti out of the deal?(win win situation) PS:Teeda kale, A.D.D maa qabtaa?
  7. Mandra, no jokes sista, if I was in that country, I would have lend you a hand. I haven't fought in ages, but I'm sure it wont take long before I start to remember how to make someone puke blood... Che, here I thought u were a fighter and all, but all along you were a big soft teddy....
  8. LOL@JAY, if not sunday, then it was definely MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. PS:Did you forgot, sug sug, football aa iisocdo?
  9. Rudy, no, I wasn't going to choose a basketball player. I would definitely go for Jay in a Football uniform, with those tight long johns. Who could resist the firm a*ss and those strong thighs of a football player? Not I, I was just thinking about that lastnight as I was watching, football player's body are something off a steam room, especially if they are jamaican Rudy, just the way you like them. B-ball players body are just blaaah...
  10. My wish is Clots 24..The Bears 17. You were close with that score, I guess all those sundays glued to the TV paid off, hehe.
  11. Why didn't you get your people and looked for him? If he is that bad, he shouldn't be walking about with two straight legs. I say get your people, follow him and once you get him alone, break every bone in his body, I'm sure that will send the message of never to lift his hands to a woman again and a speedy divorce all in one. PS:I gotta say, one time we gave one hell of a beating to one of my sister's boyfriend, all because they had a fight and started to calling her names and etc, and ofcourse, up we went looking and got him good. Hooligan style...
  12. Here we go again with the bashing, courtesy of NORTHERNER OFCOURSE. WELL DONE
  13. Armani my arseeeeee, it looks like a suit off tiptop warehouse, but then again, he is allowed to day dream, can't blame him. She is pretty, and he is just plain looking, but either way, not a bad couple. Good of him to share his story. PS: ^ Maybe. But a Somali bride on the other hand should. I almost missed that, but good one VAL, love the comeback.
  14. ^^^Your couzin's Husband, is he a wife beater? I read somewhere every 15 seconds a woman is beaten, so if he is beating her, record it, show it to this so called qadhi and if that doesn't get her a divorce, she should just leave him, who needs a little peace of paper saying you are divorced, let him hold on to that, as if it will do any good.
  15. You do understand we don't all speak somali like the way your xamari azz does right XAbash yahow, if being born in Mogadishu makes me Xamari, then XAMARI I AM, MOGADISHU ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, but xabashi language maleyn barin, so you can't expect your type to understand city people's lingo. PS:NACNACDA ISKA DAA UrAAYE and fix that xabashi looking noise of yours....
  16. I will leave you with one advise FOLLOW the damn Rules!! What do you expect of soomalida? Relax, take a happy pill and enjoy the day. PS: UPDATE, STOIC, if you didn't come here saying you opened up that thread, no one would have guessed you were that dude on the graduation gown. It isn't as if you posted saying you were stoic either. That chick that wrote " hi i am xalimo", is that xalimo patra? and why did someone post a picture of themselves posing in the hall of their apartment yet can't even see anything, its a waste of space soomaaha, you know who you are. The girls who are wearing the hijab, do you girls belong to SOL? just curious, and who else did I miss?YES, why did the rest of you sign up with no pictures,, please stop wasting STOIC's time.
  17. seriously marta u so remind me of some1 i use 2 know Use to know aa?LOL more like the present devil, thats who she reminds you off...dont kid yourself
  18. Devil, you can't bully your way into giving up his pictures, but I have a better idea, until Zu posts his own images, this is how he will look on everyone's mind, except those that had seen him. Indo shiino...
  19. Che, ofcource not. Unlike you, I don't have evil thoughts. and I was never a fan of matches.
  20. Che, so sheikh sharif warkiisa goormaa helee? I figured if he comes back being on top once more, this could work, for all of us. Plus, did you read that article about SHEIKH SHARIF BEING VOTED HIIRAAN ONLINE PERSON OF THE YEAR? He was my person of the century in my fantasies. (oops, too much sharing, devil will start to have panic attacks.)
  21. Cambaro, curvy, full figured sista's are beautiful but there has to be a thin line being curvy/full figured to looking like you about to blow up like a balloon, soo maaha? PS:All sista's are beautiful but I just wish they get to live passed 50, but not if they allow the weight get the best of them. This is to all sista's, not anyone in particular.
  22. lol@you. Hadda aniga aa isoo dhigatay haye yariisey? PS:I did ask you that question about the requirements awhile back, because I was curious. Is it just hand holding, or does it go further than that, a little mac mac etc, but you never gave an answer, and I had to ask che, since he has the inside scoop.
  23. LMAO@che. Arsonist in training, I say go for it. Bacweyne is for dadka hilibka yar(in otherwords iney dhax galaan), not feero weyneyaal. and What's up with that other picture of the girl sucking her breath as thought her life depends on it? The girl looks like she is struggling to exhale. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, yes, do it, exhale, very slowly dear.
  24. So, its true, Che has officially become your "other hand holdeR"? and che, what is required of you as a hand holder... PS:The arab dude was shouting a like a Bia...
  25. bring it on!! i will tko her!! mark my word! What is tko? LOL you gonna do Tae Kwon Do on me?LOL@TKO, and regarding the comment about worshipping blacks, atleast they better looking than skinny farax's. PS:and Rudy, don't hurt yourself, I know you severely suffering from autism, always have been.