LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    PM aka the self-declared expert on the game of B-ball is predicting that the nets might end up upsetting a higher seat in 1, or 2 in the east and making out of the 1st round, is that your expertise talking or your anger? Please, don't lose your day job. EEdo take it easy, you are no more expert on the subject of b-ball than the average ali and anisa, we all fans of the game, but if you want to claim the title, you are more than welcome but do it with little less nac nac and ooyin, I know VC is clouding your judgement. East might be weak during regular season, but when it comes time for playoffs, they will destroy the power of the west, mark my words. Dallas can win 20 in a row during regular season, but if they don't sweep their opponent in the 1st and 2nd round in the next several weeks, they will not have a chance to capture a title come june, no way, no how. With respect to Kobe, he can do 50+ in 5-10 games in a row, but he will always be known as the most selfish player this league has ever seen. Maybe with the struggle the team endured during their odom injuries is why their records are the way they are. Lakers back in oct/nov/2006 and lakers in jan/feb/march are different. Kobe is doing some last minute clean-up for MVP consideration. It isn't about the team, its about him and him alone, as always. The team and its players are left standing around, playing the handicapped role, while he shines. Fankly I don't want to see the suns and nash in the western conference, so if Phil thinks better position in the upcoming days can be improved and get prepared to get deep in the playoffs is for Kobe and his 50+pts per game, so be it. Its a good stragedy on phil's part, but phil knows he the can't aim higher than western conference this season, even if Kobe scores 100 pts. Lastly, I want to say, what about them raptors? LOL, goodness I hate raptors but they got one of my favourite players in juan, so goodluck to him.
  2. LayZie G.


    Playmaker, huuno, you need to be focusing on your nets, not Kobe and his haters. Did you see the job carmelo and the nuggets did on em nets? OUch and at home too. You got everyone back, jefferson and whatever he is left off as "everyone", so what? I don't see any changes eedo.
  3. Breakfast is important. Even if you are someone who just isn't as hungry that time of the morning, take the breakfast with you wherever you are going. On your way to the bus/train, to your car and eat it on the way. I was someone who hated eating food early in the morning, but the last 2-3 months, I have changed the habit. I force myself to eat, and by doing so, I start with a hot beverage, such as cup of tea or Coffee/Hotchocolate(1/2, 1/2)and once I finish that and on my way out the door, I would grab already prepared tuna in a container and crackers. I will repeat it the next day, and the next 2 days I will go with boiled eggs/yogurt, and another 2 days I will go with mixed fruits and continue to repeat the cycle throughout, but each time, I will drink up a hot beverage to start my day. The results have been amazing. I have more energy, I feel fresh and don't feel tired as much.
  4. The muslims living in the state of MN are just jokes. First it was the cab drivers, now cashiers. Why are these people in this type of business, i.e customer service? Do they think they can do just about anything they please because they contribute to the growth of that state? What are they thinking? Its not bad enough they have low paying jobs, now they are sitting on their behind. What's nexT? You will start servicing the customers based on their religion beliefs? Muslims, yes, non muslims no? Thats coming, stay tuned.
  5. Either all regions get their leaders appointed by the president of 4.5 or those self-declared semi-autonomous regions withdraw their clan representatives. When Siad Barre was the ruler, there was no talk of puntland baranbaro. All of a sudden Puntland is the driving force of this so called government aka TFG. If P-land wants to be part of somalia, they can not exclude themselves from somali weyn. A president Elect aka Oday Yusuf needs to lead the entire country as one or tell him to go back to whatever hole he crawled from. Puntland's first man appointed by the citizens of that region appointed him as the "President of Puntland" not the leader of the region, in other words, Puntland thinks they can have one leg on somalia as a whole and at the same time do just about everything to distance themselves from somali weyn aka "talks such as the naming of the region aka puntland, electing a government with a so called president" all of these actions indicate that they are not part of somalia, present or past, so why all of a sudden the interest in Mogadishu and somalia weyn? That doesn't work awoowe duke, and as hard as you try to convince us all, TFG can't sell that BS. Oday Yusuf wants Puntland to stay intact, because in reality, I don't think the so called "President of puntland" and its people will allow Yusuf and his comrades to tell them what to do with their region, its theirs, they govern it and they have maintained it to the best of their ability all of these years ago and for all of a sudden the structure to change, it just won't work. Awoowe Duke says Puntland was TFG's biggest supporter, if that is the truth, why aren't the leaders of puntland making themselves feel as thought they are part of the country in support of TFG and why not welcome a change, meaning new elections, new structure in that region, be part of the process, regardless of whether or not its well established at the moment. Why does that region continue to maintain their ways of doing things as thought they were their own indepedent country? If Siad Barre were alive and in power, we wouldn't be hearing about puntland or its president or Yusuf for that matter.
  6. The science & Technology Category is leading the poll, big ups. The last question, "would I do it all over again", lol no I wouldn't because I would opt to just chill and relax instead of doing the 9-5 or the 10-6pm that I am doing lately. Keep in mind, most of us said that we like our current job, meaning we are happy with what we are doing now but when we were asked if we would do it all over again, majority of us opted to "no we wouldn't" meaning you are either LayZie like myself and don't want to do anything or you dont love your job all that much the way you think you do and would rather be happy doing something you really love if given the chance? I don't know, all I know is Magool's homework is complete for her and $10 says she is working on a paper regarding similar findings, am I right dear ole FEMME . PS:The poll also revealed that most of us are slaves for big corporations, etc.(myself included)
  7. That man who stood beside his woman is a real rag. Cowards hide in shame, and he has nothing to be ashamed off. Powerless, he is, but not ashamed of what happened to his wife, an innocent muslimah and there u go making accusations about PR tactics. War, I want to see warka aad dhahidoonto marka adiga lagu kufsado, markaas aaan war kaan sugeynaa and whether or not naagtaada or ninkaana meesha ay kaaga tagaan. PS:How come the pro TFG aren't discussing the attempt that was made on oday yusuf's life today. CNN was reporting this morning that a bomb has targeted the presidential palace, injuring innocent by standards near the villa? Odaygii dhaawac maa gaaray, is that why you people aren't discussing the latest news from the capital?
  8. ^^^These hoax nominations and its winners were based on popularity. For instance we found out that there are more people that like Val who want to see her win her category, just as there are that many people who don't want her to win the best female category at all.(check the poll result, it was a close one) Val nearly lost not to another nominee but to the "none of the above category", but keep ya head up Val, a win is win after all. We also found out that Nur still got a strong fan base among these parts, congrats Nur. and lastly, the stats still indicate that my haters fan base is still as strong as ever, thank you haters for voting me in the Craziest Category.
  9. If you were waiting to file your tax returns like I was , wait no more because Tax filing will resume this Thursday. The sites will be up and running as early as this thurday, Revenue Canada reports:
  10. Boolbare? Jay, boolbare waa powderkii. The baby Powder oo ilmaha loo mariyo dabada marka diaperka laga badalo. Also, old school people use boolbare for their kilkil as a form of deodrant.
  11. Do you get a kick out of speaking out of your behind? I'm being serious here. You just talk talk talk making assumptions and accusations that you can in no way back up and all for what? If I'm speaking out of my behind, you must be speaking out of your hateful gut. I mean, for someone who claims to have left somalia at age 4 to have this much alegiance for her qabiil, what will become of the 4 yr olds in xamar today? We can only imagine. Yusuf this, yusuf that, thats all I ever read you typing. YOu don't have any political stand, I bet you weren't even interested in politics until your adeer took over as the transitional president of the country and ofcourse, since dadkaaga dhan ay celebration kujiraan, you figured you get in on the fun. Don't mistake me for these girls aad waabsatid with your 500 words per post. If you at age 5 fleet our beloved country and 15, 16 yrs later turned up the way you did, what does that say about our somali children born outside of somalia? You don't think that 4 OR 5 yr old child who is living in xamar as we speak won't remember 10-15 yrs from now what Yusuf did to his homeland, and how he let outsiders invade them after yrs of turmoil? The same 4 or 5 yr old child born as a war child, will soon become a child soldier because of Adeerkaa, what say you? The same 4 or 5 yr old child won't have the same opportunies as us and the rest of these SOL'ers. Please take a stand, regroup, take all the information, dont let Duke misguide you , really research your own and for once take the qabiil out of the picture and really see it for what it is with both of your eyes and tell me if what the TFG is and what it has become is really good for the people and our country. On other matters, I understand this is a first for reer mudug to hold a high seat in this temporary government, and you should celebrate as you see fit, but do not sit there and say this is the right thing for somali weyn, because we all know that isn't so. Just to have you foot shoved in your mouth when your proven wrong. And last I checked Mogadishu wasn't your city, it's the capital city and the city of all Somalis so eat your heart out. Are you going to prove me wrong in your sleep, as you're saying ""Yusuf Guuleyso"", ""TFG guleyso""? Xamar is my city, and will always be my city. Remember, all somali's are the same to me, but sometimes reading your words and that of others makes me question whether or not I should view all somali's as equal or start riding the qabiil wagon like the rest of you TFG lovers.
  12. I voted for no one for the Best Citizen Category, thats what happens when I am robbed off a nomination, one that I would have one hands down. (Who nominated these people? Was that U poster? You are jokes!) Best Male citizen, I voted Che, he is the least disliked nominee out of all of them. Best Female,RAHIMA, she is an amazing muslimah, and everyone should vote for her. I gotta admit, val had my vote, but rahima took it by small margin, val you are still good people, remember that. The newbie category is the least important category, and because the girl who is forever making up stories on the women corner wasn't nominated, I decided not to vote for any of the above.(what was that girl's name?) KNOWLEDGEABLE CATEGORY, BAASHI hands down. Who had the nerve posting the rest of these clowns as the most knowledgeable? I think you meant to nominate them for the clown category, its that way >>> ELOQUENT CATEGORY, I voted for BAASHI, since the rest of the nominee's are jokes. FIENDLIEST CATEGORY WENT TO WATERLILY, no brainer. As far as the crazy Category is concerned, I didn't vote for myself as I am not crazy, but I did manage to put Rudy's Name for a winner, hopefully he will win it. FUNNY CATEGORY? I should have been all over that category, but since Rudy is the one nominated, I voted for him. but again, I should have been all over that category, would have won it too. BEST POSTER COULD HAVE BEEN SOMEONE NOT NOMINATED, BUT BECAUSE I ENJOY READING BOB'S POSTS, HOWEVER BORING THEY MAY BE, I WENT WITH BOB. BEST POST's IN POLITICS?HECK NO NO ONE GOT MY VOTE. If JAYLAANI WAS NOMINATED, I WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR HIM, BUT HE WAS ROBBED OFF A NOMINATION, AND I DEMAND A RECOUNT ON THIS PARTICULAR CATEGORY. BEST SCREENNAME, LIBAAX, T.O BIG UPS PLUS THAT IS VERY CREATIVE HANDLE. BEST HIJACKER AND CHATTER AKA IBTISAM AND HER BUDY CYNICAL, BUT CAN ONLY VOTE FOR ONE OF U, SO IBTI GOT THE VOTE SINCE I READ HER NAME BEFORE YOURS CYNICAL. HELPFUL CITIZEN?LOL I WOULD SAY ME AGAIN(AS IN ME NOT THE ME PERSON IN SOL), BUT I WAS ROBBED OFF THIS NOMINATION AS WELL SO I WILL GO WITH LIBAAX. THEY VOTED FOR CONSPIRACY? CONSPIRACY? HECK NO BEST THREAD?NONE OF THE ABOVE, COME UP WITH BETTER NOMINATIONS NEXT TIME AND YOU WILL HAVE MY VOTE.
  13. A warlord won’t have come out to be the so called president if creditable men attended that foreign-interest process. There were too many and I do literally mean too much foreign authority and interest involved as well as besmirched folks I wholeheartly agree with you. Credible men/qualified candidates were all over the west and other parts of the world with their families when the so called election took place, or they themselves would have participated.(I bet no one notified them of it) I can only guess that these so called "clan elders" aka average odayaal who participated in that conference when the transitional president was elected never left somali prior to that trip. This was a very calculated move by a certain clan to bring few jahiliin into the meeting and vote one person and one person alone and it worked out well for them. This is the same clan who jumped up and down when TFG marched behind the amxaaro on december and invated the same capital that they themselves have forgotten when they were building and naming their region aka p-hole. Where was mogadishu on your agenda when you had your region all peaceful and quite all these yrs? Sorry to say but the day the TFG succeeds is the same day they give fair and balanced ruling and that doesn't mean voting for caydiid junior just for the hell of the name, or Barre Junior. They can't go on handing out title's and posts to unknowns who have no qualification other than knowing how to write their name on a piece of paper. TFG has got to get their acts together and stop voting just to complete the stat quota for all qabiils. You have got to start attracting the qualified candidates, because the way it looks those same people are laughing at the expense of the TFG saying that this is a clown government not a transitional one. Their entire system is based on making all qabiils happy? How will a country run by nin geel wadi jirey as the health minister or the finance minister being a former taxi driveR?(just using those two titles as an example, not saying this is the case at the moment) This transitional government has got to stop this nonsense about making qabiils and warlord's sons happy and they have to stop handing out every post they can invent or those that already exist to every cilmi and geedi. Another thing, having army come from your region to put law and order in the capital will notsit well with the rest of somalia. Start attracting young men from the city and all regions and train them all to be part of the army/police, equally, not just your qabiil. Having few hundred puntland army come to my city while the city boys are sitting around and upto no good, isn't going to make somali weyn happy.
  14. ^I gathered u're a reaction-seeker. 781 posts in 3 months and a lot of them daashid? ^Ouch, that truly hurt. PS:Taliban, you must be beside yourself, she truly wounded what little pride you had left in yourself.
  15. better not make a comment Comment such as the above one is needed when individuals go lala land in here, and many more will come, I promise.
  16. Soon inshallah a iron fist will be used to squach the anti-government lot and anarchists that throw grenades and mortars from their hide-outs when the people prepare themselves for a peaceful evening and night. Wasn't your adeer doing the same thing, hiding out, anywhere but mogadishu all these yrs ago, like the coward he is, xaar weyne waaaye. House to House search kulahaa, you actually think the people don't have enough aqli to transfer, hide out weapons just as as easily among themselves? Where there is will, there is way. Long live my brothers in islam, my patriotic brothers, keep doing what you are doing. Take out one ethiopian at a time, one TFG lover at a time.
  17. Ninku wuu qafiifay. Dabeel maa ku martay markaad yareed, ^?
  18. I didn't think it would be this much fun witnessing the calaacal of a so called nin weyn. Remind me to pick on u more often. Speaking of improving my style of writing, you must be envious of my italics eh? Is cun oday yahow. Who knew outing your extra curriculum activities would cause u so much grieve? If I had known sooner, would have outted you long before yesterday. Not to worry oday, your sol fans would love u no matter, whether u riding Heineken or Bud Light, it makes no difference to them, you are still Ngonge the bs'er. honestly have no wish or desire to engage in futile arguments with little girls (and your words portray you as one, my dear). ...yet you couldn't help yourself because why ??(truth hurts) Try to look at topics from a different angle and see if you can add your own thoughts, ideas and understanding to them. Waxaa ladhahay, xoolo ma is maqlaan, not sure if the saying is true but you need to take your own advise before you offer it to me.
  19. Where is that duke person today, how will he justify these killings? What happened to checkpoints aa la sameeyey oo mogadishu safe waaye? I read they killed a fake police too, good for them. Somali insurgents, love it. It won't be long before the peacekeepers arrive and ofcourse they will blow them up too, then who will be left to defend this fake government? Even amxaaro won't stay that long and watch their soldiers get killed, its all coming duke, your likes will be running out of that city before they can say "MUDUG". IRAQ 2 aa soon bilaaban doonto. Odaygaaga wuu baxay, he can't do much since he is ailing from liver today, tomorrow heart problems?
  20. I was thinking not long how easy it would be for someone to just put a bullet between odayga's eyes, but I guess with his many health problems, it won't be long now before heart,kidney etc take over, or unless muslim militia blows him up first.
  21. From the outset let me reveal that I have not had the pleasure (or displeasure) of reading any of his books. I truly don’t know how good or bad this writer is. I also have no idea what messages he tries to convey in his books. My gripe is only with the way you chose to dismiss him and his books. You neither gave a review of the book, in which you pointed out why you thought that particular novel you read was bad. Nor did you clearly explain why you dislike the author! What you did instead was to criticise someone for the characters in his novel and the actions of those characters! You are questioning someone who read 10 pages, Vs You, who don't know anything of the subject ? You are questioning her displeasure of the little she read, when you yourself read nothing close to a word? Unlike u, the 10 pages she had read gave her the right to critize and show her displeasure of his work without going further along the pages of the book in queston, where as you, just love to talk and talk, I bet you like seeing yourself write so much. I mean, what on earth made you comment about the girl and her comments regarding "the author's characters" unless, it revealed something within u, like Wine ka hoos hoos u cabtid aa guilty kaa dhigaaya. Do yourself a favour and quit while u are ahead. Get his books, get your read on and then gabadha u imow and question her or better yet, jump at her throat, but until then, afkaaga dadka ka cesho. your defination of Islam = "jalbabaad" ? JB, that was funny, but you have to understand, people like TALIBAN AND THAT KID WHO IS FOREVER CHANGING HIS HANDLE are all talks, I mean if they truly believed what they are preaching daily on these forums, then they would have fought the cause of islam, they would have joined their mujahidiin brothers and fought along side them instead of hiding in their homes and talking about things they have no business talking about? There are alot of muslims out there, who are knowledgeable and fear allah as much, if not more than you bunch (aka taliban and his brother with the many handles) that don't wear jalabiib, and never wore it and cover up modestly, before all the extremist ideas were put forward post 9/11. For you to sit there and say jalabiib this, jalabiib that just makes you look retarded, because what you wear doesn't define your religion or your faith. As long as all of us muslims are doing our duties as muslims, dressing modestly and fearing allah, then that is all we can do, until judgement day. If some of you want to burn in a piece of clothing that has no base aka jalabiib, that is your progative, but don't force pple's throats as to what they can or can not wear as a muslim, you are not allah, you don't dictate what a muslim should do or wear, that is between them and their maker. People like taliban and the other dude, inta aa enegry inta kudhameyneysiin, tiina kasoo baxa, I'm sure you two have alot of work ahead of you to get through as far as the religion aspect of your lives among other things, so tiina kafiirsada, and leave the rest to their own. Heck if they want to run down the road naked, thats on them, it won't reflect on u. and lastly, I want to address another creature who wrote this: So you cannot discuss with us on such issues Mr. JB self-confessed kaafir! Nacalad aa kugu taalo. Nacalaa la urbadan tahay. Shuban dhiig allaah kugu rido, caloosha allah kaaga baryay iney ku fariisato and your intestines iney bararto, aamin dheh, you son of a gun.
  22. Correction, you're not Southerners. That shoe doesn’t fit you so please don’t attempt to wear it. Most of you are form place called MUDUG (naked land) and others are from Meel Garawga lagu cuno (garoowe). We simply refer you as reer bari. You guys have nothing to do with walweyn and southerner in general. Be proud of who you’re and where you’re from. Bal usheeg odayaashaan oo wareer u dhiman doono. talk about mogadishu is our capital, dude, mogadishu isn't yours, never will be, get it through your thick head and better yet, stay in mudug, as Jay called it, dhaqo your geel and ari, thats why your oday yusuf and your likes are known to have been raised with, xoolo, out in the wilderness.
  23. Did you see that guy’s resume by any chance? Walaahi it says..Waxbarasada dadka waawayn. lmao@waxbarashada dadka waaweyn, why doesn't that surprise me.
  24. Its not news to me at all, its why I stay away from discussing current politics with all somali's, keep myself informed, know all sides and make a judgement call on my way based on what I see as doomed failure or sucess, thats how I operate, and the reason for that is forums are crowded with "know it all's" . How can he say "war i tus prove", prove that warlords are involved, when he is also doing the same thing, posting alleged information that everything is fine and get this, from his puntland sources of all people? Its irritating the least, but sometimes, dadka dabadooda ha fiiriyaan before they start screaming "I TUS PROVE, I TUS PROVE". War walee world wide web dhibaato aa laga qaaday, because now every liban and cilmi has a laptop, keyboard, mouse, monitor etc and off they go with their writing. If you want to be a reporter, take the necessary steps and get yourself to a journalist school, instead of writing trash aka puntlandpost and its likes. (mind u, I'm not specifically picking on puntland post, just using it as an example, but any somali site that has the entity of their homeland and set that as a site and its affiliates)
  25. ^The answer is staring at you, page 1, 2, I mean, this poster had the audicity to question Jay's sources, when his sources are jokes, puntlandpost,hysterical???