LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Very interesting read. Lily, I bet you if any other click besides "Super Max Jihadists" was formed in that prison, these inmates wouldn't be separated.
  2. LayZie G.


    What up with them lakers? To start it off, there is D'Antoni's diss, then they dominated the suns most of the game but collapsed by the final quarter, what's up with that playmaker? What happened to your boy KOBE? His teammates got dissed by the opponent's coach and he goes cold on the 2nd half? As far as your nets are concerned, I told you, raptors were their best chance of getting out of the 1st round, but you never know, Sam might just turn his young squad around just in time. Nuggets VS Spurs was a fantastic game, and so was the Warriors VS Mavs. Baron was just outstanding, those long, smooth behind the arc shots almost made Mark Cuban'S head turn backwards. Dude was just popping one nerve at a time. YOu all saw the disgust in his face with that loss. Didn't get to watch the Magic VS Pistons, or the Jazz VS Rockets, but looking forward to it tonight. The Bulls game was boring from the looks of the highlights. PS:LMAO@me being sensitive.
  3. LayZie G.


    I didn't know you liked Jay this much, but I will tell him to send the money through Western Union. YOu need to visit the Political Section, thats were it all happened, with all the names posted there too. Magic way isku ciyaareen lastnight eh, they could have avoided facing the pistons, but oh well, that match up and the Wizard matchup will be the boring ones out of the entire playoffs. The only fun matchup on the first round in the East will probably be the nets Vs Raptors. If VC is all that he is cracked up to be, he better show up and steal one in leaf's town. All of the western series are sure to turn eyes, they are all great match-ups.
  4. ps: one more reason to wear hijab ladies... ....the award for the best advise of the day goes to Khaf Khaf. Dear boy Khaf Khaf, answer me this question. Since you were so quick to give out an advise with no merit, because you thought that would solve it all, why did you not have anything to add about the individuals who are responsible for creating this cyber humilation in the first place??? Life isn't as bubbly as you make it out to me, because we don't all live inside a buble like you. It isn't always that black and white. If you did this, or behaved this way, no harm will come your way, that isn't how it works. PS:Just a little recap... you indirectly blamed the females for not being "good girls" and not wearing "hijab" more than once.
  5. LayZie G.


    PM, I'm not joking. When I said he got the boot, I meant he got banned from SOL. Good ole Jay sure got the boot because he "supposedly" misbehaved according to some haters in the political section. So, tonight is a very important night for both your favourite teams, lakers and nets. If I were the nets, I would really play hard, I mean really outplay the bulls, even thought bulls will come tonight with full force since they have to clinch the 2nd seed. Nets could take this and face raptors with a wizard's loss in indy town. All the pacers gotta do is show up and give the fans their money by shutting down washington, once thats accomplished, nets gotta take care of business with the bulls and off we go having a showdown between raptors and nets. It will be interesting to see Carter coming in t.o to play against his former team in a playoff atmosphere, sure will sell alot of tickets in Leafs Town. The other thing is, Golden state could easily shut down blazers tonight, hope I make it home in time to watch it. Lakers and kings game is a big deal because if Golden state wins and both clippers and lakers lose, lakers could find themselves all the way down the list on 8th spot against dallas and here I was wishing they be facing the SUNS, ugghhh.
  6. LayZie G.


    PM,you are a meanie. What did Jay ever do to you that you couldn't give him a moment of silence to remember for all the good he stood for in SOL?
  7. Laba Xiniinyood, maanta waa maalintii aad tustay inaad laba xiniinyood leedahey. Waayo, wax caqli ah baad ku hadashay and I whole heartly agree with you. Bless you brotha man. I think we should all be following the above guidelines proposed by our dear brother balls. We should all be leading by example, starting with myself. We are not children, and this isn't kinder-garden and we shouldn't have to be on each other's throat's constantly, even thought at times its fun. Some of you take it to another level and for that reason alone, I think we should stop this constant pickering altogether. Yes, we know some of you members sole purpose in life is giving your all to your tribe, but there is nothing anyone in here can do to change it, its you who have to live with the guilt of innocent women and children being tortured by those you look upto. You have to live with that and answer ti allah. Admin, if you are the reasonable man you are known to me, I think you sould seriously consider adding some of these guidelines that were put forward by our specific one is:- We don’t want to hear what other websites say – we want to hear your views! Stop hiding behind other people’s words and post your own. It would really great if you just post your opinions and your thoughts rather than copying and pasting entire contents of websites to fill up the pages. These will most likely NOT be read by anyone. If you wish, quote a passage and then paste the link at the bottom. At the same time, we the readers and contributors of SOL shouldn't have to put up with reading trashy articles from trashy-tribal sites. I'm a member and I shouldn't have to come in here and read a note from a MOD telling me and the rest of you that if we don't like the trash being posted, we shouldn't read it all. This is our site as much as it is of Duke, but just because Duke continously posts trash, with nothing of value to add to, doesn't mean we have to take it.
  8. Some of the suspended members were constant violators of the rules, some daily who could not resist not posting clan names. Some were deliberate trollers who incited hatred; some were agent provocateurs, deliberately trying to solicit insults. Some were in thier third 'probation,' since they were twice banned already before this. This doesn't describe Jay@ all. The only reason why you gave Jay's name to admin is because of the constant pressure from Duke and CO, especially when two of their own were automatically added to that list. You keep saying we we we we, we gave warning. Nin yahow, you sat on your behind and allowed them to attack one another. If anyone should be blamed for how the political section turned out, it should be you, and not anyone else. Your idea of moderating this section was the occasional editing, just so you can pretend you were actually doing something and even then, you were picking and choosing who you were editing.(I know because you editing me as I posted it, and while some insults written by others were there for days) If you don't like to read the other side's copy-and-paste, which I personally do, then don't. We cannot censure what other people bring to this site, as long as it confirms the rules. What you are saying here, and please stop me if I'm wrong is that you enjoy the trash and the way he filters this site and if anyone doesn't like it, then its too bad? THats what I'm hearing? Copy and paste? Didn't he ever hear of posting the link of the source if he really wanted people to read the article he found? Why does he have to post not one but atleast 3-4articles on each new topic he opens throughout the day? He is obviously a dim wit. He pastes more words than he actually writes , what does that say about you Mr MOD since you enjoy reading the trash yourself? Its time you resigned, you are an embrassment to this site Miskiin McRough. About this whole "XALANE" "XALaNE", xalane was a delusional man, one who didn't know how to separate Fantasy from Reality. Read Sea had more sense than him and all of a sudden, he is become an overnight celebrity, and is the leading figure of the TFG puppets in SOL, very sad.
  9. I enjoyed watching the DVD. One of my sisters brought it from UK recently and it was well filmed. The sound was fantastic and they had all my favourite fanaaniin performing. I would have loved to have been there.(I haven't been to a somali concert, because I have just recently showed interest in somali music, I'm the king khalid era) I didn't mind about the flag waving, it showed that they were truly proud of who they were and where they came from. I'm not from S-land but seing somalis come together that way and celebrate together was something.
  10. LayZie G.


    The only award the raptors are going to get is for the Executive of the year award, going to Colangelo, other than that, avery has the Coach of the year award on lock, either him or Jerry Sloan from Utah.(JERRY SLOAN DESERVES THIS AWARD MORE THAN ANYTHING AND I THINK HE WOULD HAVE LOCKED IT FOR GOOD IF THEY LOCKED THE 4th SEAT, BUT A LOSS LASTNIGHT AND A WIN FOR ROCKETS LASTNIGHT, made the rockets go up +2 on them, the possibility of a 4th seat and a homecourt advantage on the 1st round is out of the door, along with the coach of the year consideration. PS:Between the 3 california teams playing for the last two spots, the lakers and the golden state deserve it the most. Golden state had a up and down season, didnt have Baron most of the season & the trade and now they are one of the hottest teams in the league, meanwhile Clippers were sitting on their behind all year, and are now finally trying to battle for last spot. Clippers showed that they couldn't follow through last season's hype and went back to being the old clippers they are known to be. If Nuggets face Spurs, at most, nuggets will win 2 games and spurs will take it in 6 games on that series, which is not bad, but thats what you get when you face the mighty spurs and Tim and Co. Latest news:I just found out that Jay got the boot, let us have a moment of silence.
  11. How about Jaylaani continuously calling Puntland How about adiga, iyo awoowgaa Duke and Adeerkaa Taako all be banned, the same way Alle Ubaahne was given the exit? Jaylaani afkaaga ka qabso. I failed to see how this violet person is still here yet Jay got the boot along with others who never once aflagaadeynin dadka inta joogo. Admin, I'm very disappointed in regards to Jay getting the boot. Jay has been a long time contributor of this forum, way before any of these mosquitoes joined this site and waligiis dad ma aflagaadeynin directly, indirectly maybe. I would have understood your actions had you booted him along with DUKE, taako, violet and the remaining crew, that would have made more sense to me. Miskiin-MacRough, I think you should either ban yourself or have someone else ban you, because you have failed to censor Duke and his 1000 articles a day. You should really consider banning yourself for that if not anything else. PS:I just read the second part of admin's post, taako is out, that means two more to go.
  12. LayZie G.


    PM, maybe my ghost complained to Soma. Just from reading Soma's prior warning, it sounded as thought it was meant for everyone, but somehow you managed to make it about you? Are you worried the possibility of an early exit, is that what's worrying you now? My suggestion to nets is drop 4 of the last 5 final games, and hope that Wizards win atleast 4 or their last 5, nets have better chance against the raptors than they do against the bulls. Phil is smart afterall, he really wanted his team to face the suns just as badly as I wanted it, and its finally happening for him.(smart man that phil) PS:G-child, waligaa mamaqashay "typo"? I meant, "ooyin meelaha hala soo istaagin" Somaligeyga waa gaja gaja, but atleast its something.
  13. Who has the audio version of the Sheikh's interview with Al-Jazeera? Their website just had a brief statement regarding what the sheikh said about the current state, nothing more. The interview with the Great Sheikh
  14. Poster, waad qafiiftay ayaan umaleynaa. Who cares what language aad wax ku qoreysid hadda kadib? I don't want to have to find lame threads such as this anymore, so don't let it happen again.
  15. Garbage-kaan meesha ka tirtir, and my guess is eedadadaa kurigeeda.
  16. LayZie G.


    LayZieG Wrote: PS:Melo was never a player that was highly sought.... Had james not being in his draft class, I'm sure he would have gotten alot more hype than he did on draft day. As far as "PM" and his comments are concerned, you have to choose, either ooy or aamu, you can't have it both ways, especially with your pms talking about I want to start drama and when the going gets tough, yooyin meelaha kusoo istaag. Dude, you can't handle the heat that comes with war of words, so do yourself a favour and sit tight. In regards to the standandings, I really want those suns facing lakers, but those odds are slipping as time nears.
  17. Do you really think such pictures encourage a decent sort of discussions? Who wants to have discussion here, we want to attack each other. you are discussion obsessed, get a grib. Next time you speak of having a "fairly decent" discussion, lead by example and no I don't mean your 1000 words of nac nac, that isn't a discussion. Do you think a toothless old lady in the backstreets of xamar could not have said exactly the same thing you, Red Sea and the others have said? War kan arag, masaakinta xamar joogto xataa meel maka gali karaan, toothless ku dil. I read this topics to learn something new about this war. This is not a class, it's a public forum. It adds nothing to me (or us). You say being civil is crazy under such circumstances, I say the blood lust we see here is pointless. Don't say "us", not everybody gets upset stomach from seing dead, tortured bodies.. PS: I enjoyed seing those pictures, they posed those smelly axmaaro bodies to perfection. XALANE,all I have to say to you is get off your couch and do something,Bootaalee yahow.
  18. When I see 'Edna' at the top then you can say that. However the day that happens is the day I quit Somali politics. If america ain't ready for a woman, sure as hell ain't no somali ready. Ninyahow, hadda quit garey somali politics, because odaygaaga soon waa la tooganaa, and thats the only politic drive you have. That being said, you kept saying it has never been done, and bla bla, but history is there to be made, just because no woman previously occupied the presidency doesn't mean one or more won't occupy the seat in the future.(If you want to take history 101, go look up online courses) Another thing you are wrong about is, comparing american politics to that of somalia. Heerka american politics ay taagan tahay when it comes time for campaign and election is not something lagu faano. A bunch of politicians that are bought by rich, powerful men to run for a seat in the senate, house, or presidency, so these powerful men and their corporations can have an influence on how decisions are made and how it impacts them and their business, is what american politics are all about. These men would kill to be on the top, greed drives these elections and somalia heerkas ma gaarin and I hope and pray that it don't. Lastly, I want to say Taako dheer, get treatment for your chauvinistic ways, because the reason why you are in this world today is because of a woman. A woman gave birth to you, she raised you and someday soon, a woman will rule the country, those are just facts. Deal with it, swallow it, take it however way you want, but one day it will happen, until that day comes, lets see meesha oo the likes of yay ay kaa tuuran all in the name of "men". PS:Amen to what Jay said about landers being above average...
  19. By the way, how can u compare some one who wears a viel who wants to vote with a hijabi smoking or buying a lottery lol.. You asked him how come? Maxaa ku taqaana nin wareerka ka batay? PS:Quebec is a racist province, worse than the entire country, and these muslims know it and are just happy with the way things are until they are told not to vote. A party who wants its citizen's vote will do just about anything to get people coming through those doors and cast their ballot, but in quebec, they would rather lose your vote if you are a coloured person or your beliefs aren't that of theirs, then have you be part of the process. They can afford to lose voters, so why are these muslim sisters wasting their energy? Better yet, why do they continue to live under those conditions? Waa wax ayaga u yaala.
  20. LayZie G.


    you are just too feminist to see the real deal..the whole world can see it but you are too hatefull too see the real talent Are you serious? I'm "feminist" and "hateful" over a player who doesn't even know we both exist in this world? Have you finally lost your mind eedo? and the eedo comment wasnt directed at you being a female, it was me saying eedo to you as in your eedo, it was all jokes. Its too bad that you are this sensitive about Kobe and Carter, but please take a breather, no need to get your blood pressure that high, you are not young anymore. PS:Melo was never a player that was highly sought, not the way many young stars were, including james, kobe, AI on their drafts. Melo is still a young man, who has come to be himself as a player, but he hasn't arrived. He has a long way to go before he becomes a complete player, and for that you can't fault him for taking 30+ with less than 4assist, regardless of his position.
  21. Ilhaam, the few times I went there, they were out alot more than moos. For example, four of us sitting and we get 3 knifes and 2 spoons and 2 forks ? The waiter can't count or what? Barely any napkins. We have to go and grab it our selves and straws too. Last summer, my cousin came from UK with his soccer team and he wanted somali food and ofcourse we ended up at xamdi. He was puzzled that the waiters kept the barookara for the cabitaanka with them all the time. He has never seen anything like it, so my cousin took it upon himself to call our waiter and ask him to put the barookada down, inorder for us to pour ourselves, refills etc. The waiter answered back and said, sorry, I can't do that. I have to have this, its not our policy to leave the Jug on the table, but I will be more than happy to refill it for you once your glass becomes empty, just call upon me. My couzin being the difficult person he is said, listen brother, I will pay you double what that entire Jug is worth ,just leave it on the table because its driving me nuts. He added and said I will even beg you if that will make you put it down. Waiter refused, and my couzin got up to go look for the manager.. He was told again, sorry, we can't accomadate you. We laughed hyterically, non stop for hours. Before all this happened, we explained to our couzin, and said this is how they do it and people just put up with it. It was fun but my couzin said I will never set foot in this place again. Shuuci waaye kulahaa? The moral of the story is, Xamdi does whatever it wants because they got their loyal customers on lock down. Sulekha, yes Rock's chick is my sister, she is the one who invited me to SOL. She hasn't been here in yrs.
  22. ^^, Saa u socotay, caqligaaga wuxuu kuu geysay inaad dhahdo somalida in the west oo dhan hand outs ayey qaataan? If thats the case, you should be including yourself, shame on you for taking those same handouts you speak off. Ina adeer, not every single somali living in the west is taking handouts, some of us work for our hard earned dollar and still prefer to live in the west, because thats our God given choice and right. We knew what were getting into when we set foot in these lands, and still have a stronger sense of what's ahead of us and what we have managed to overcome all those years ago. Again, shame on you for taking the handouts. Waxaa ladhahaa xoolo ma isfiiriso, because howl kaley ayey mashquul ku tahay. PS:Whether or not you think of us fools because some of us may choose to stay put and not opt to take a leave like majority of our people do, moving from one location to another as thought they are homeless with no sense of direction, then let the fools be son. Let us live in peace, because we chose to stay in the west.
  23. ^^^, is that your hateful gut talking or what? Edna can make a good president if she puts her mind to it, but she has so much going for her outside of politics. It all depends on the individual, and with her being known to be a woman of good character, a strong woman at that, maybe she can still continue with her cause and run the country and serve her people. Its just too bad that we don't have men who can be in the same league as this woman, shame on you... PS:Edna helped my mom deliver her 1st born.
  24. CLEVER-TREVOR, I haven't had the opportunity to eat at your restaurant, because I haven't visited MN, but my older sister (rock's chick) and other relatives of mine have and they have said nothing but good things about it. Frankly, all we have here in ontario is Xamdi, and even Xamdi is disgrace. Don't get me wrong, they got good food, but don't know jack about customer service. The one think my sister said about your restaurant is, you appreciate your customers and don't take them for granted like xamdi in the west area of T.O. as in toronto, ontario. I come from suburbia, about an hour from t.o occasionally with some friends of mine, sometimes I bring my non somali comrades there and I'm ashamed because of the disorganization going on at xamdi. The other weekend, we went there ofcourse, I was out voted, because I didn't think xamdi deserved my hard earn money, but we ended up taking a vote and majority wanted xamdi and went with it. We got there, we waited standing to have a table cleared for a group of six, and while we were waiting for our turn, another large group came and directly went ahead of us and as other people were waiting to leave, they sat there, without so much as looking around to see who was ahead of them. I don't blame the reer baadiyo who went past my friends and I or the other couple and that came after us and waiting with us on the line, but the blame lies with Xamdi management. Xamdi doesn't have a system in place when it comes to their customers. The wait time, the lack of servers, they are short handed on employee's. On a saturday, around 6:30pm in the west area, is pretty busy, that was the first time I went there around that time, dinner time and they only had few waiters serving. Forget that we waited over 25minutes and then had reer baadiyo come and force their way infront of us and later apologized, but we had to wait another 30minutes for our food once we got a table. Xamdi wouldn't have managed to stay on business this long if it werent for their many loyal customers who just put up with this type of behaviour, but at the same time, we all know how long they have been on business, they don't have class but are alright with it because their customers tolerate it day in and day out. Their restaurant is ghetto, at a ghetto location and I can count with my hands how many times I went there over the years, a number less than 5x but each of those visits I had atleast more than 3 people with me.(thats alot of money) One time I brought my non somali comrades to give them a taste of somali food, they loved the food but were disgusted with the service. I'm glad that in MN, you atleast know what it takes to run a restaurant business, and hope one day the somali restaurants in canada catch up with you and learn from you. From what I have heard from my sister, relatives who visited MN, relatives who live in MN is that safari is on another level, one that the likes of xamri corp can't reach anytime soon. Kudos to you and keep up the good job. I voted and I want a free service for two when and if I come, open invitation.