LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. I'm in favour of all educated clerics, whether they are from america, or from Hargeysa makes no difference to me, as long as they are knowledgeable of the subject in question(our faith) and have went through the process of being claimed as a muslim cleric. What I am not in favour for is a Farax off a boat from yemen, who happens to set his foot somewhere in europe(after many attempts of smuggling into the country illegally) and all of a sudden found religion as means to further his interests(getting ahead in life, getting women etc). Every Tom and Harry cant claim to be muslim cleric. Nowadays, thats what's going on, they are out there, they are welcomed by the local community masjids and are preaching propoganda to young minds. These children don't know any better, so they hear abdul wahab from saudia arabia or afghanistan come and tell them about paradise and how to go about getting into paradise, thats not religion. Thats basically what the article is pointing to and therefore, thats what intrigued me to post this piece today. Its not as if you didn't know about what was mentioned by Lisa Miller. We knew this was going on, but its getting out of hand. On one hand we demand justice, equality, freedom of religion, on the other hand, we allow our children to be taught by criminals, all in the name of DEEN. God forbid if this happens next door, but it happens all around. The article wasn't saying, "leave out everything else and teach the youth of tomorrow only what is suitable in the culture they live in" as u put it. It was questioning the authentecity of these so called imams. It claimed that the materials being taught is poisonous to the young muslim minds of today and its taking all hope away from the muslim youths of tomorrow.(in other words, our children have no hope if this trend continues), because the author claims that these self-claimed imams themselves were taught to preach a certain way, without having all their facts, and thats when the education comes in place. Not everyone can claim to be something and we cant just look the other way and allow it to happen.
  2. KK, the only person that I've come across who had dhagaxyo in her stomach taken out was islaan oo duq ah oo oo my hooyo's habaryar eh,(this was few yrs ago) and she was walking few days after the surgery. Apparently, its not that of a big deal. Just a quick question, aren't stones normally common among old people, and if thats true, isn't surgery the last option since older people can't endure the pain like young cats? Everyone ought to have atleast 2-4cups of green tea a week or else, bahalo ayaa calooshada kadhalanaya and in turn create stones, and those stones could turn back on you. Oh heck, I don't know how stones are created, but they exist and its no big deal. Toughten up KK, be strong.
  3. Muslim Americans are one of this country's greatest strengths. But they're vulnerable as never before. In Muslim intellectual circles, imagining ways to accommodate these young people is topic A, but the reality is somewhat grimmer. There are so few homegrown Muslim clerics in America today—and almost no institutions for training them—that prayer in most mosques is led by a scholar fresh off the plane from Lebanon, say, or Saudi Arabia... ...and lets not forget our very own farax's who go around preaching and claiming to know more than the next person. I think we have few here in this very forum.
  4. Poster, which one ticks you off more, Your farax brothers introducing themselves to others as Abdi's and leaving the 2nd part of their name out? or Are you more ticked off about your onion loving arab brothers that are calling your brothers from different mother slaves?(Hence the name abdi) Seriously, I have never come across somalis with just the name abdi, but I did come across few of them shortening their name and introducing themselves as just ABDI. Someone said it previously, its easier at times to just go with an easy nick of your name. These gaalo's that we come across on our everyday life, just can't pronounce our name correctly, nor can we except them to get it right the first time. You literally have to spend 2-3minutes with a gaalo person to try and make them pronounce your name the correct way. Gaalo Person says: Nice to meet you Abdisasla? Faarax says:No, its Cabdul-casiis. Gaalo Person says: abdibasta? Faarax says:No, abdi-aziiz, but nevermind, I understand its difficult for you to prounce it, lets just forget it, ok? Gaalo person says: No abdibastas, I want to get it right, because I don't want to offend you, why dont you teach me how to say it properly? faarax says:Ok, just call be ABDI. (BY NOW FARAX IS CLOSE TO BORDER-LINE AND WANTS TO GRAB THIS GAALO'S NECK AND JUST SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUT OF THEM) Gaalo person says: OK OK, I THINK I GOT IT. AAAAABTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT Faarax says: No, its abdi "AAAAABDIIIIIIII" as in with d at the end not t. Gaalo: says, ooh, I finally got it, yay. I'm going to go tell kelly that I finally pronounced this beautiful name the correct way. OMG, this is so wonderful AAAABtIIT.(Off she goes talking about it to half the floor about how she pronounced that exotic name the correct way, when infact she hasn't.) ANyways, getting back to the topic. I shorten my name as well, only because my pple are used to calling my name out a certain way. No it doesn't make it right nor wrong, but I'm comfortable with a short name. I got so use to it that I started introducing my name as ""yariisey", aka yarta (etc) my name isnt really yariisey, just using it as an example. My point here is, pple can introduce their name however way they see fit. If Arabs laugh at them behind their back and u sit there and allow it, the fault lies with u not the ignorant arab. PS:I must be losing it today.
  5. Topic: SOL members: Who supports attacks on delegates I support attacks on such nonsense threads. I want you wiped out, if that means a bazooka cutting off your head, I'm all for it.
  6. How can this be called national conference when I can't even spot a single female in the crowd? Pure jokes
  7. No disrespect to Aaliyah, but I described her the best when I posted the Cartoon image of a girl sweeping her living-room with a broom and having a good ole time doing it. Aaliyah was born to be a housewife. Watch out Rahima, she might hurt you with that big ole broom of hers.
  8. Won't you agree that - once a person becomes an adult it doesnt matter the age gap - so long they perceive their significant other makes them happy - No? It is no point to scream about something you don't even know you - yourself - would have done it, had you been in their shoes. Cheers Zu,Baashi, I guess this discussion hit close to home huh? Zu, what do you know? How do you know whether or not Kat would have went for the offer had it been presented to her? I didn't take you for those fellaz who talk without merit. My late granddaddy who at the time of his marriage to an 18 going 19 yr old was nearing his 70th birthday, had absolutely nothing in common with his former wife, matter of fact, he didn't even court her, she was brought to him inorder to take care of him. As a result of that marriage, I ended up with a young 22yr old uncle, other than that, nothing came of that marriage. Her marriage to my grandaddy was a means for her family to get money, thats it. Nothing can come off a 20 yr old female's relationship to a 50 or 60 yr old man, other than bearing children. There is a reason why the nurse industry is booming, he should get himself a nurse instead of trapping a young female.(my granddady's children were against that marriage, they were all willing to take care of him, but my granddaddy's sisters convinced him to marry her anyway, and he did.) No 20 yr old in her right mind would honestly marry a man 20/30 yr her senior, unless she has ulterior motive. Just because older men married and still marry young back home, doesn't make it right. A man who wooes a woman who can be the same age as his daughter/granddaughter should be shot in the head. Stay away from the young ones, fellaz.(especially you baashi)
  9. just the way I would expect the rest of the Somalis not to be bothered when the people from Kismayo feel more closer to me than those from Mogadishu or Hargeisa... Bob, you just had to squeeze Kismaayo into the discussion haye?LOL Back to the discussion. I love everything somaliland. From music, to culture to their men. Somaliland hanoolaato. I still feel that Somaliland shouldn't be granted recognition worldwide. I can't wait to be at the london concert for their 20th, the 15th anniversary dvd was hell of a party, one I missed out on. Keep in mind, I am from Mogadishu, born and bred until age 9... PS:Jaceylbaro, "Me" person has a point. Your thread title reaks patriotism, and your signature image doesn't help either, it makes those bitter xamarawi's from politics more bitter? (keep up the good job) Can someone tell me good sites to dowload off s-land artist music? (especially that s-land flag song)
  10. Happy Birthay Puuja. What's up with folks who are on the Femme syndrome. STOP CHANGING YOUR HANDLE names. PS:Its cute when Femme aka Ff does it, but not when Che and his likes do it.(You understand what I'm saying Che?)
  11. Oh yeah...and you Faadumo Faarax, Would you stop changing your nick so frequently please? One minute you're Angelina Jolie and the next you're Magool, I mean how on earth can you expect me to remember all these names Hehe. Femme is on a namemarathon of some kind. She changes her handle names more than SocodBadne changes his castuumo.
  12. ISKA DAAYA HABEENKII BUU QURUX BADAN YAHAYE LOL@Jaceylbaro. I think you made that one up as you were typing it. As far as the ADD-Girl aka CC is concerned, what she meant by the fella being ugly is that he is unattractive in the eyes of her friends. He might be an average looking(and a handsome buff to some other lady and her friends), but in the eyes of her homegrls, he just doesn't cut it. All in All, ADD-Girl can't stomach her friend's harsh critism, and hence would rather keep him on the DL until she figures out another way to introduce him. what you need to know ADD-Girl is that yes, its all fun and jokes, but until you build the courage to walk with him in public, just keep him on closed doors and enjoy him. (don't stress yourself out over nothing)
  13. LMAO@ "you are into border security, lets break this border between us" She got Jokes...but seriously, was she hired for a publicity stun, or does she really have a crush on the man?
  14. LayZie G.


    Playmaker, I would have been wrong if James and Hughes had a good night on that particular game 5 night and still lost, but they both combined for 8/31, on a very important night, and home court and crowd on their favour, and it was very unexpected performance wise. They could have sealed the deal at home easily if one of them had a good night, but that wasn't the case. I can't predict that two of Cavs best players were going to have a poor shooting night that would have cost them the game, one player yes, but two of them? impossible.
  15. LayZie G.


    Pistons didn't bring pistons basketball, but like I said before 4-2, pistons will close it out in chi-town. Don't start to doubt the pistons, they were the same team who smoothly closed out magic 4-0 and went 3-0 on bulls easily, so for you to start questioning them now, that just tells me how little you know. PM, poor man, 4-1, mark my words, and I said it before remember that. The only reason why I said 4-1 on cav's favour before wasn't because I respected nets enough to give them the one game, its because I didn't believe cavs were capable of being that dominant, and they came and did just as I expected it by losing that game. In any case, tonight, they will close your dear team, R.I.P carter, and enjoy your summer sucker.
  16. LayZie G.


    Who knew the 2nd round face off would be between Jazz Vs Warriors?(I sure didn't and anyone here who says otherwise is lying to themselves) Those raptors did it to themselves, they would be playing a 7th game today if it weren't for their coach not nipping it in the butt in those final seconds. He is to blame for that loss. That play he drew on those last seconds had no chance in hell, they looked lost. The key play should have been pass it to bosh, reason being, Nets didnt except Bosh to get that last play(because it would have been an obvious one, instead, they would have assumed it would go to anyone but bosh) then they the nets would be all over it, therefore, they concentrated on just about everyone, and a as result, it paid off. The inbound pass had no chance in hell getting to Bosh's hands or anyone else's for that matter and it was a lucky steal from the nets to have gotten hold of that ball.(sometimes, its just how the ball bounces ) The west series's would be fun to watch, Suns Vs Spurs, Jazz Vs Warriors, can't ask for anything better. I was very fortunate to have missed watching the opener against Bulls, but it wasn't as thought I missed much, it looked like a done deal but I still say Pistons in 6. Cavs in 5, nets have no shot at going to the eastern conference finals. Nets's celebration will be short lived, I give them one game win on the series against Cavs.(I can't stand carter's glow anymore than I can stand the nets as whole) Its a tough call to call on the Jazz series, but I believe Warriors can steal one game in Utah, but this might go right into the wire. The suns vs Spurs, I'm still taking spurs to come out not only against suns but the west overrall... At the end, I'm still going for Pistons Vs Spurs series, regardless of how fun these other teams are.(I'm not bought by the hype surrounding these young underdog teams)
  17. LayZie G.


    I think Dirk should go to protective custody. We don't know what's on Cuban's head. A hit just might do the trick, or a drive-by...
  18. LayZie G.


    Stop the excuse's. Dallas earned that win. Even thought I was disappointed with Dirk all series long, he came through on clutch time and took care of business lastnight, I guess now he can really earn his MVP. Raptors disappoint me. At one point they were up as much as 16 points when I watched the highlights and for the nets to come back and almost steal that game? Mitchell sure is increasing his worth, but he needs to let his team know the importance of closing games out, or else they will come back empty handed on thursday. The warriors were very impressive, they cut down a 20-point deficit to 9 I think or 7 at one point. Came back and tied the game, but the last 3 minutes or so had to do with experience and Warriors didnt just have it in them, and Mavs did, end of story. PS:Ref's were fair on these calls. There was an offensive foul called on Dirk end of the 3rd quarter I think and his man didn't have his feet set on the ground firm, he was still moving when dirk attacked the rim, yet he was called on it. Some of the fouls of their young PG early on was very questionable. Either way, the refs called the game fair and square on both ends. Steven Jackson is a drama queen, this is the second time he was escorted off the arena, there is no need for it. I wouldn't be surprised if Stern fines him today.
  19. LayZie G.


    "They really go smaller and really sit down on my legs, don't let me put the ball down on the floor the way I want to and get to my spots," Nowitzki said. Seriously, a soon, rumoured to be the next MVP of the national basketball association actually said those words above. (by "theY", he meant the Golden state warriors) He actually said they dont lethim put the ball down on the floor the way he is used to, hahaha. He is actually crying about his opponent and their superb defensive on him. I'm sorry, do you think if they allowed him to put the ball down the way he wanted to, that his opponent would be dominating this series? Does Dirk realize he is in the NBA Playoffs, and not at the local Park in Germany. This what happens when you hype a white player and make him believe more than he is capable of being as a player. He ends up embrassing himself and those that hyped him for the last several yrs. Disgusting and even his Coach is disgusted by his comments.
  20. Ms Dhuc Dhuc, magacaaga inaad noo soo badashay baad terrorism kusameyneysaa the General Section by means of posting trash, illaah haku caafiyo inan yahey.
  21. LayZie G.


    Man, i didn't see this coming Mav's are in trouble. You said it P-Maker, trouble it is. Mavs just keep on digging a long, deep hole for themselves. I believe this Mavs team will come from behind and close out the series at home in game 7, ofcourse without taking anything from the impressive warriors. I picked a team to win this series, and I will follow it through. Mavs, for the 1st time since the series started against warriors, were actually in control of the ball game lastnight, but for some reason, the fearless Warriors led by Baron came and found a way to steal the game under them. These warriors took the league and its fans by storm, I can't say enough about them. The Baron Davis from the old Hornet days is back baby. 3-1 record for the nets, doesn't impressive me the least. I'm still going to hold out for the raptors to come back and fight through and take it in 7 games. I know, I know P-Maker, you are shocked and probably think my hate for carter is clouding my judgement, but I'm here to tell you, thats far from the truth. It might look easy for someone looking from the outside in to say, What's there to it? Close out in toronto and be done with right? Wrong, raptors will not start their vacation on Wednesday, that will be put to hold for now. This series against the nets won't be a slam dunk as the rest of the other series's in the East have gone (including tonight's game against Wizards, which is an easy sweep) There is one man standing in the middle of the nets closing out this series, and his name is Sam Mitchell. His job, his future depends on this upcoming game and he will not be humiliated by an early exist from a sixth seed, not under his watch. I'm still holding out for Phil to steal one in Dessert town, he is capable of making Kobe put a hell of a performance. I do not want Suns resting, not when their next opponent will be on a dog fight for 7 game series, while they rest their behind. I believe the 2nd round face off in the west will be Mavs Vs Rockets, Mavs in 6 games. I believe it will be Suns Vs Spurs, but I wanted Suns Vs Nuggets series. (Spurs in 7 games too) Spurs Vs Mavs, Spurs will be western conference Champs, and will face the mighty Pistons on one hell of a final Match up.
  22. LayZie G.


    Raptors TV can't afford me, plus I'm on contract with SOL sports(but they have failed to mail my cheques from all of these yrs ago), SOL Sports, for all your sports needs. Speaking of Raptors, they should atleast take one of the next 2 games. With Kidd being reported as a possible no show for tonight's game, this is the one they want to steal, inorder to force nets to play a must win for the weekend game.(tonight's game could easily shift the momentum in raptors favour) Previous game of the Golden State Vs Mavs, mavs looked desperate, very desperate if I might add. They had to get Baron Davis tossed out for them to get a win, and to top it all 2 of the warrior starters were on foul trouble. This might come as a shock, but I truly believe the warriors looked very strong and capable of stealing Game 2(which shocked me, because I didn't expect them to come out that strong), had they not fallen for Mav's dirty play of "looking for mercy from ref's", the game would have had a sudden turn and a different result which in turn would have been the talk of every discussion board for years to come. Yes Terry and Howard were hot, but the warriors were just as hot and did come back each time Mavs made a mini-run before the half. The warriors couldn't keep themselves in check and had to fall under the hands of the ref's. (A level headed ref, who didn't even want to toss Baron, but eventually had no choice but to do just that.) Can someone tell me why Steven Jackson got a technical, all he did was come over and put himself between the two players to prevent the fight and he gets one? How ridiculous is that???(don't tell me he was not on the floor, because his feet were placed on the floor when he ran back to his teammates) I can't wait to see what the warriors and Nelson have in store for Mavs tonight. I can't say enough about the lakers, another night, another almost horrible loss. I don't understand why Kwame can't maintain the boards the way he did lastnight. He really was on top of almost all rebounds, and did grab some important rebounds down the stretch too. For a player who is the center of every bad joke in this league since his career started, he sure seems to enjoy the humilation. Just about everyone has taken a crack at him and yet he still refuses to come out and be consistant night in and night out, even with Phil as a coach. If the Lakers can come out and play as good as they did the last few minutes of lastnight's game on sunday , then this series could turn out to be an interesting series, just as I predicted it on the end of the regular season. On to more interesting news, Z has disappeared from the face of SOL. Could that have anything to do with his favourite team facing an 0-3 deficit in a few hours and a possible sweep as early as this weekend? I don't know, you tell me.
  23. LayZie G.


    Hi Jeeste, how are you? Playmaker, Jerry Sloan got robbed off that award, but its his own fault for not closing out strong on the season. I'm for any team that isn't Heat Vs Bulls, Pistons Vs Magic (other than grant hill), Suns Vs Lakers, Cavs Vs Wizards and ofcourse Nets Vs Raptors. Basically all of the east teams I'm not supporting, with Suns Vs Laker on the west series. (I was hoping for the lakers to pull an upset when the series first began, but its looking more and more like a sweep on the suns part. I almost felt sorry for Phil , but then again I remembered I hated Kobe's guts along with this team.) I'm hoping for Mavs to advance on their series, I'm also hoping Nuggets to advance on their series as well as T-mac and rockets, but I would like to see Utah to take the series more so than houston. The way I see it on the East is Bulls in 6games. Cavs in 4. Pistons in 4. Raptors in 7. and for conference Finals, I see Pistons vs Cavs On the west side.. Mavs in 6. maybe 7* Nuggets in 6games.(wishful thinking) Houston in 7games.(Utah might have developed the habit of slowing down on the 2nd half of these openers and losing leads, but I assure you, they will come back fired up in Utah and take care of business at home) Suns in 6, I think lakers are capable of winning atleast 2(I was going to go with suns in 5, but I respect phil enough to believe that he is capable of getting his team 2 wins and but lastnight's nightmare behind them)