LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. KK,It is too hard to believe your schedule, but if true, malaha waad sixirtay! There is no "ifs" or "buts" when it comes to KK. It might be too hard for you to believe, a stranger, but not for the rest of us who know her. It is what it is, don't start hating, get yourself a spouse first, then lets see how you're going to interact with them.
  2. ^ Maxaa ku karkarinaayo adiga? Is the building manager a friend of yours or what? You seemed to have taken those comments more personal than anyone else here, its just fishy thats all. My issue is the unprofessional and illegal way of managing those buildings. Ofcourse the property manager's ethnicity has everything to do with it, just like alcohol it has clouded his judgement and blurred his vision. Tell me, how long before any management notices the disorderly conduct of tenants with substance abuse tendencies, not to mention the number of drunk b!tches and gang banger friends going in and out of this particular appartment, disturbing the peace of other residents? Wouldn't that be reason for serious/immediate concern? I assure you had the management and majority of the residents were non Somalis, eviction notice ba lagu dharbaaxi lahaa. [but noooh, who gives two shidhs about these skinny qaxotis anywys, let them work out their own problems!] Add a Somali manager in the mix with some false sense of Somalinimo pride who turns the other cheek and not see the ongoing illicit behavior of other Somalis. That, my friend, is what I call qashin, fadaro iyo foolxumo. This u-ceeb-qari mentality wa waxa duliga nagu riday. Oooooooooouch, that hurts all involved, but we all know what they say, Truth hurts, especially to the above poster
  3. Anybody at oxford brooks? (2 cheep to do oxford so the next best thing eh) Is Oxford Brooks, a college level institution or university level institution? YOu may say you are cheap, and you probably are , but I don't think money stopped you from getting into oxford. You have much bigger problems, i.e General » studing abroard It's unfortunate, but you need to prioritize, take baby steps, and start with your title thread. "Studying abroad"
  4. They are both zaaniyiin. meaning they are both sinnders. The guy and the girl perhaps did have intercourse previously so that would earn them 100 whips each in public. Perhaps you were around peeking the window of the his/her house where the intercourse took place, or perhaps you were at close proximity of that apartment building and you watched a woman get raped by a man and did nothing. Perhaps, you are rationalizing your own inner demons by saying that if you took up drinking, you would lose control and if a female companion of yours does the same actions as you while you are at each other's presence, she might fall victim and you would indeed rape her because she put herself in that position, yet you won't be responsible, unless caught on video Surveillance, then GOd help you from the authorities, perhaps thats the case for you REDDDDDDDDDDDDDDish. However such action wouldnt' be taken nor would that guy be blamed for all the crimanality unless full prove that she wanted no part of this and she was forced to. Does anyone on their right mind need anymore prove than that video, Starting with the first officer at the scene, to the crime technician, to the prosecutor, or the judge and finally the fair amount of pple who watched that video prove than the Surveillance video showing a man forcing his way into a woman and a woman resisting him. It can't get any more clear cut than this. Only your likes, who fantasy about punishing women who drink or those that are sexually active with men and need to be taught a lesson, such as rape, beat-down,torture would need to see alot more than the video and even then, you would find another thing to blame on the female. If you really wanted to know if this woman meant "no" and that it wasn't the "influence of the alcohol" as you put it, then perhaps you should attempt to find and contact her. Perhaps, ask to have a sit-down, one On One and get answers to your questions, and if she is so much as gives an attitude, maybe its time you took upon yourself to rape and torture her and before leaving the scene, please, please get rid off all possible incriminating evidence, perhaps thats a genius plan, soo maaaha, perhaps boy? The current ruling was as a result of the vidoe which was caught by the hall cameras. However there wasn't any other evidence. Same as I said above still stands. His actions could have been as a result of being drunk and her actions could also have been because she was under the influence and other wise wouldnt' resist him. All these have to be taken into account. But it seems more than likey they were having intercourse hence being alone and drunk together. All in all, he wouldn't have raped her if he wasn't drunk out of his mind and she wouldn't have said no if she was sober, and in return, they would have enjoyed one hell of a sex rampage on that night in question and all will be good in the eyes of SOL's own "student offender". As for the people who watched behind closed doors. I dont' have anythign to say to them. They might have feared as result of the screaming. This is U.S and everyone buufis ayuu iska qabaa naftiisana way ubaqaan. In other words, if you were a resident of that building and you heard a woman's cry, you wouldn't go out of your way to help, but will take the time to go behind your pc/laptop and talk nonsense onto 6 straight pages full of garbage? War waxaan kudhahay, isku noqo, oo maskax isku yeel and ka fikir waxa afkaaga oo biijada lef kasoo baxaayo.
  5. P.s. I don't know who is worse the writer of 10page utter rubbish or the one who read 10pages and THEN decided it was utter rubbish Classic! Layzie, her bored attitude and swift rudeness will bite her in the back one day. When she is not putting on airs she comes across as actually quiet a decent human being. Lilliyeey, waa igu af baratay, but aniga ayaa danbiga leh, waayo because aniga ayaa iskaa afbaray. I should have continued to bully you to the extend of the bullying law, section 8, paragraph 1.9, this way saaas maba igula hadlilaheyn. Gabar baari eh ayaan kuu maleynaaye, cagahaaga waa inaan dhulka kuu dhigaa hadda kadib. Macsalaama rabshooley aka Lilliyeey.
  6. Lyzie_Girl - hmmmmmmmmmm, will get back to you on this Like h*ll you will get back to me, there isn't much to get back to, only thing you will get out of it is a good old fashion beating, baby or no baby.
  7. PS. Conspiracy...Congratulations My Brother. Bob, CONS was doing it on the D-Low, but I guess I can out him now that you beat me to it. Congratulations Conspiracy, what do they saY? Wiil iyo caano, Gabar iyo Caano. LayZie is so happy for you...hope you make the most out of you know what, and by the time you read this part, it be too late for you to be mad at me, hahaha.
  8. Gabadhaan oo qafiiftay meesha maa laga wado. Dabeel aa martay ayaan umaleynaa.
  9. KK, before you get ahead of yourself, why dont you take the time to read the fine print? * Mandatory Field Closing date for final draw: midnight (GMT) on 31 August 2007. Promotion open to UK residents aged 18 and over. For full terms and conditions, click here. Draws will take place every day in August 2007. The first entry drawn at random from all valid entries received on the previous day will win the Prize. PS:No mention of canadian contestants being allowed to participate, but at the same time, they said U.K residents(without being specific), so get a relative's name and address and sign him/her up on your behalf.
  10. Why is this news in SOL? He even questioned whether Asma's father had really died, adding: "You are close to failing in any event, so these sorts of excuses - culturally driven and preying on some sort of Western liberal guilt - are simply lame". lol@the poor girl comment, why in the world would anyone show compassion towards a "DAMIIN"? She was a damiin, and was failing the course, extension or no extension and as to why he got the boot, thats just bad judgement on the Dean's part. (Media pressure never fails eh)
  11. Sheriff Husband sticks it to his off duty Sheriff Wife What an id*ot, to arrest own wife. Where does he think he will sleep tonight?
  12. ^^^Even on a bad hair day, I don't look anything close to that pic of the subject and I can back it up. Shiny/sparkly pins, it beats the dry lastic thats supporting the ponytail. Pony tails are meant for folks with long hair, not the Whitney Houston's of today. Kool Kat, you have so much hair, you need atleast two Stylist's to get through that baruuko looking of a hair.(its so surreal) I was thinking maybe you need to donate some of that good hair to your beloved sister akawhitneybobbydirie?
  13. ^, Looking at that picture, can you seriously tell me you didn't make fun of her hair on your own way, without saying out loud? She looks like qof is nacday, regardless of what kind of work she does, her work is not in question here. I wouldn't go to the corner store looking that way, much less go to an event in my honour, accepting a prestigious award from a leader of a nation of all pple. She knew she would be critized for that shady looking hairstyle and that awful looking jeans jacket with a baggy shirt thats bigger than the jacket itself. Plus, this isn't the first time I have seen a picture of her with that shady hairstyle of hers, she probably convinced herself this is a good look for her. She is a lady, and a lady should look her best at all times, especially during public outings. I didn't ask her to wear make up, just fix the hair, she could have easily put it down, taken a mousse and put it all over her hair and make it looking afro and she could have put lil two shiny pins on both ends to give it a funky style and she would have looked decent. The jean jacket, she could have taken it off, left it on her seat and worn that ugly looking shirt on its on as she was shaking his hand, but together it just reeks disaster.
  14. "We spent thousands and thousands on this place and selling coffee and food will not cover our overheads. Having the pipes was one of the main attractions. Thats just bullock. Alot of public hangouts lost thousands and thousands of dollars as well, and Shisha Cafe's shouldn't be exempted. If they want to stay in business, they have to make sure their customers are smoking on the outside cafe, and not inside as it jeopardises the health safety of the public. Matter of fact, all smoking cafe's should be closed down. Smoking kills, and should not be tolerated. I am so glad they banned smoking in restaurants, bars, nightclubs in canada, since the ban took effect, its been wonderful.
  15. I think she was late for this event, had to rush out to make it in time and hence, couldn't do much about the hair.(its the only think that makes sense) She had the audacity to pull her hair up as thought she actually had hair and Jeans jacket???? Hellooooooo
  16. Which is why he said that he is the only Black person that goes to work in a suit in Milan. Claerence Seedorf goes to work in tracksuits and makes way more money. Tell him in the U.K faraxs were suits to go saxeex lol. Why must you repeat yourself? ARe you really that taken with him wearing a 2 or 3 piece suit in Milan? I knew i should have added a ''lol'' + ''j/k'' at the end Sumaale, who are you kidding here? You're admiring an accountant? Here I thought he actually was a junior MP in parliament etc, but an accountant for heaven sake?
  17. lol@somali's in UK being tax paying citizens. I find that hard to believe. Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale, the man who is pictured with the major, the one you labelled as the future prime minister, is he your relative? What credentials does he have to become a future prime minister? and no, Posing with the major of the city doesn't count. Out of 75 former prime ministers in the United Kingdom, past earl's and dukes, ordinary men from the good old boys club, only one woman made that list of 75, 1st ever to make history of being Uk's first female prime minister, not a single minority. History does come to play when discussing future political figures, and no minority, much less a qaxooti from somalia has a shot at that seat. About the genius kid in Ireland, he doesn't really count, because he looks barawaani, so I highly doubt you can argue that as being a somali success, because his true identity is in question. About raage omar, he is just a journalist. I don't understand what the fuss is all about, so what he went to iran, iraq and reported from there? Its his duty, he signed up for it. The man is just doing his job and from the looks of it he is good at it, just as many of you are good at your 9-5jobs, its just not with BBC, and no, we are not all infront of the telly daily, but other than that, he is an ordinary man who is good ay what he does but somalis made him out to be a success story, which is understable, but don't make it out to be a celebrity from hollywood. and finally, poster made more sense on his last post than he did on his previous post. Poster brought up some good points. He is right when he says there are more duli's in UK and U.S combined than in any other place somali's reside... Its true that somali communities in itay, norway,denmark,sweden, finland,russia don't have the same opportunities as that of the somali's in U.S or U.K. Its true that the % of duli's in UK and U.S overshadow the amount that actually have their lives in order and are making something of themselves or already have. Poster, I understand where you are coming from, because I have had the opportunity to visit other parts of europe, where somalis aren't even allowed to rent a decent apartment, because of hate and racism and here we have children shooting each other or children being victims of shooting just f or the hell of being in a g ang and putting their video game to some good use. Free health care, free education. UK has it so good, its not even funny. Children from low income families who have teenagers between 9-12 grade get about $30 a week if their attendance is acceptable. All they have to do is get to school and by friday they get $30, as in pounds...thats unbelievable. Their notebooks, pencils are paid for, but do they attend classes? I don't think so. The government in UK is very generous, but somalida oo xaasidiinta ah oo think they are owed more than given, so they would rather burn the system than take advantage of it, thats where the problem lies. But, the saying is true, MID WALBA, TIISA AYAA U TAALO.
  18. ^^^Miyaad ooydey? I knew you had a feminine side to you. Pucca, yaa kuu dirsatay inaad meelaha lagaaga baahneen inaad farahaaga oo oilka leh lasoo gashid? Wash the grease off.
  19. He seems to have many habits. Reading articles about a girl losing her virginity for $$$, and another habit of his is posting articles about "why do women lose their sex drive after birth ". J-baro person is on fire as of late, its as thought he goes out of his way into finding these articles. God forbid if they find their way into his lap. Seriously, why can't you turn to, or cnnsi instead of reading these creepy articles about women affairs? PS:To answer your question, "The whole package" is something you lack...
  20. ..and what does the teenage somali boy do by this age? The life of a 17 yr old boy (My lil Cuz) consists of a part-time job, works 3x a week(sometimes 4x a week), once during the week and weekend shifts at a car dealear, being a "detail boy"/carwash. He earns a decent money but he spends more than he earns. He has cellphone bill to pay for, he buys $125-$200 sneakers, which also needs to be kept in tip-top shape, and he does a good job at buying cleaning product for his shoes. He also has tons and tons of hats, his hats cost about $25-$30 and he has to buy the latest. He also has to keep up with the latest PS2 games, close to $30 per game. He also has to buy a pair of new jeans every month. He goes through T-shirts like water bottles. He has to have jerseys, a big time collector, but I help him out with that most of the time, because those babies will definitely cost him big time. Lets not forget his lil girlfriend, but she does pitch in on their eat-outs, because she also works part-time. In any case, as long as he is keeping up with his school work and takes care of Miscellaneous stuff, I don't see a problem. He is a kid, works hard for his money and I think he should spend it however way he sees fit. The thing everyone needs to know is that it doesn't matter how old a person is, a 50 yr old can be irresponsible with money just as much as the teenage boy or girl of today. People have to realize that whether you make $15,000 Vs $55,000, it makes no difference if you don't have "imaan". You could as easily spend the $55,000 without even realizing that you make that much. Masha allah if its $15,000 you make, but you can actually put $50-$70 away on a rainy day per pay, then it really doesn't make a difference how much you earn, because the $55,000 person probably has debts, so each check he/she gets goes into paying the debt, it could be a brand new car he/she is leasing, insurance, mortgage, expensive habits, such as spending $1,000 a month just eating out. This topic made me remember an episode Oprah dedicated to victims of debt in america(something close to that). She took a family who combined income was $110,000 a year (Husband & Wife), and found out that they actually had a debt over $100,00 but werent paying for it, instead were spending alot of their $$$ unncessary stuff, such as $1,000+a month on take out, leasing additional vehicle, just because the wife's friends drove better car and she has to have the best SUV, BMW. First thing the financial adviser that Oprah got for them did was say, why are you spending $1,000 on take out, why can't food be cooked at home? Because the wife didn't cook, and the husband didn't feel upto cooking and was complaining about the amount of money being spend dinning out, he didn't once take it upon himself to do some cooking. In any case, they were in the show because their constant arguments about money was affectign their marriage. He started off saying that the house they bought was too big for their family, but because the wife felt she needed to keep up with their friend's lifestyle, everyone having 2-3cars, a huge home etc, that they had to get the big house they were living in and in return mortgage was alittle more, they could have bought lil less bigger home and saved on mortgage, and thast a good point that he brought up, but because he wanted to obligate his wife, he went with her plan. They got all new furniture, big stereo system, big tvs, but all on credit cards, and thats were most of their debt came from. Most of the stuff they owned was bought with credit card, credit card they make minimum payment on and at times dont even make any payment, and ofcourse interest rate is just ridiculous. The wife had expensive habit, where she would spend $200 a week or two weeks on hair appointment, because she had to have it.(black woman) On to the children, shopping etc was few hundred dollars a month, just unnessary spending. Mom would obligate on the children to buy pretty much whatever they wanted. These individuals who made over $100,000 were living from pay-cheque to pay-cheque. On one hand, a family of their size in third world countries who make about the same amount spend their money wisely. Where as in america, its all about big things, expensive taste, and they are all high on debt and its ridiculous. The moral of the story is, once a spender, always a spender. Some are more responsible than others, and some just never grow up but one thing is for sure, managing money has nothing to do with age.
  21. I have a hard time believing you because your responses on SOL do not reflect of a mind set of someone that holds the Quran dear to them, wallahu yalim! I expected you to come out and say something like, "you had a hard time believing I was a practicing muslim".(You disappoint me khayr) Oh wait, maybe your kind would also have hard time believing that I pray regularly too? I guess for someone to read the Quran once in a while or pray regularly, they have to carry a sign on their forehead, or in this case, send you the 411 on it.(soon you will be asking for people to get your approval eh?) What an aqli you got, bless you.
  22. Has this women written any articles on the problems within the Church? Her editorials cover a wide range of subjects, including religion. When you speak of problems within the church, are you referring to the molestation scandals? Miller has led coverage of numerous health and issues-related cover stories including: “Sex, Shame and the Catholic Church,” (March 4, 2002), “The Bible and the Qur’an,” (Feb. 11, 2002), “Fighting Addiction,” (Feb. 12, 2001), and “God and the Brain,” (May 7, 2001). I guess that answers your question.
  23. ..or are we all the same chasing adoonyo that we will never catch. Chasing adoonyo? AS in aduunyo? OMG, for a moment there I thought you meant where we chasing adoonyaasha as in n*ggers...but oh well, I still chase aduunka, and I do sometimes carry my Kitaab in my work brief case, I read few pages a day, I do admit, I don't do it everyday but I'm trying to change that. My Kitaab has the english and somali translation as well as the arabic version, its my favourite book to read, it even comes before my sidney sheldon novels.( I will miss the old man, Bloodline, as well as Best laid plans are my all time favourite books)