LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Earth to Emperooolo, when did I say you were talking to me? A better question is, who allowed you to respond to me? I read the poster's intro, just as you and others have. I just thought it was too tempting to pass up the opportunity to comment in the fashion on to which you and others made your selections, (incase you thought I was commenting about your response alone, you might want to go b ack to previous page and re-read some of the selections from others )"number 3 please, number 7 please". LOL
  2. ^, I agree with you Senor. I live in a town that has a population of less than half a million, and 10 yrs ago when we moved here, we had just a little under 50 somali families, that was our somali community. Today, 2007, we probably have about 200-250 somali families.(all in thanks to the new immigrants that was settled here 3 or so yrs ago) We have been trying to build a community for the longest time, but everytime we start a project, the qabiil game comes to play. Why is Qabiil hebel getting that much responsibility and why not my qabiil, etc etc. They don't even want to consider hiring workers among themselves who qualify to run, they would rather have oday cilmi from baadiyo to kenya to canada running a vital role in the processes.(mind you oday cilmi didn't quite grasp the english language, and if you can't speak it, you need to hush it, there are funds to prepare, city hall gatherings to attend to, immigration to deal with etc if you can't speak, yet he wants to be a big shot just because he represents qabiil cilmi, it just won't work) We are greedy, selfish individuals. We always seem to have an agenda, whenever we are trying to work things out, thats why I said I agreed with most of what "ME" had to say about this subject. I know it 1st hand. I was volunteering since age 14, doing plays, arranging picnics on the summer with our youth, so I know that if we as people from somali came together and formed a place for our youth of today to come and be themselves in, then our somali newcomers who came in the last 2-3yrs wouldn't be standing in downtown malls or shisha places or working at a factory and not attending school, they would have worked, gained experience and would have went to do better things than what their lives are today..
  3. ^, I don't do bets or any type of gambling during Ramadan. When I said she must have been 8 yrs old, I didn't mean it literally, even KK got it, but I guess you need a day or two to get caught up haye? KK, maxey kaa rabaan, you can be 25 if you want to. You know, my sis, the one thats same age as u, also had her b-day last month, I thought she would take it hard, hitting that big number and all, but she seemed fine with it, unless she was putting a front, couldn't really tell.
  4. Ghanima, lol I personally believe you're just islaan isku buuqtay, why else would you be obsessed with all this ciyaal / 16 yr old business. ouch, you must be hurting Ghanima. Neph, folks like ghanima can't handle a battle of one, much less two. Naomi B was handling her just fine, but now you just made her fear for her time in SOL, I don't think Ghanima will be the same after this. Sorry Ghanima, may you come back alive, hopefully Johnny Boy can pick up the pieces, or was it J-Baro.
  5. my kid brother's pic? Neph, if thats your kid brother, I can't image what kind of shape your hair is in, you know the old saying, one bidaar 4 all... PS: tagsiile=Liban, Stampede Man???
  6. And no, this is not some thing I have seen today or yesterday. It’s a real issue, and I have not seen it got adequately addressed. And yes I chose this to be about the good wadaads, and not about the average faaraxs and xaliimos![/quoet] lol
  7. Number 3 please Jzk allah khayr Are you ordering of a Mcdonalds menu, #3 please kuyiri.
  8. ^^, xale ayaan heestaas u heesay your brother from another Mother and lets just say he wasn't too pleased with me. It wasn't hunger talking, atleast adiga excuse aa "baahi aa iheyso kudhameysatay" KK is expecting you to tell her what you meant by all that, and here you are talking about my hunger... PS:It's true that KK hitchhiked your thread, and as she should.(it turned to 3 pages)
  9. "To the left, To the left,To the left Everything you own in the box to the left You must not know about me, I could have another you in a minute matter fact he'll be here in a minute...babbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
  10. ^^^, lol peer pressure at work haye? You are right about stuffing your face anot being able to put anything down, due to dibir until the following day. Cereal is good, if you european folks have Cinnamon Toasted Crunch Cereal by General Mills, get it, you will thank me later. Another one of my favourite cereal is Special K's Vanilla Almond Cereal, very healthy choice, better than the 1st cereal.
  11. First and Foremost, allaah ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay and allaah u duceeyo inta nool. Me has a point here. These young men & Women need some extra curriculum activities. Our somali community is doomed, we need to bond and come together. Youth's are getting killed because they have nothing going for them on their day to day lives to keep them occupied and out of harms way. 27 and 28 yr olds, thats another subject on its on. Just because police can't find any relation with drugs or gang to the shooting victims, doesn't mean they weren't involved in it. Young folks are looking the easy way out. They look at their uneducated parents, sitting on their behind doing nothing but looking various ways of making money, scheming, they grew up with that, and when the become of age, they look into those things too, "it worked for hooyo, why not for me?" It all starts in the home. Parents have to step their game up and make sure they keep the children on their toes, and it just isn't happening with some of the somali parents. For heaven's sake, put them to karate or baseball or volleyball team, get them interested in anything but coming home to watch tv, because if they grow up that way, rest assured, they will do worse. You have to have a schedule for your children at a young age, get involved, make sure you know what's going on with your children, or else, dont cry about the consequence's later. When I hear about 16/17/18 yr olds out and got beaten up or shot in town or in the neightbourhood, I am wondering what happened to their extra curriculum activities? I remember I use to get up 5:30am to go to track practice with my couzin, and then start my day in school, then afterschool I had soccer practice, come home eat, do homework, hit the ymca for an hour or two, and when there was no soccer, we had b-ball season. I was always doing stuff, not hanging out in neighbourhoods or malls.
  12. LayZieGirl, something you wanna tell me? How in the world are you his dumaashi? KK, what is there to explain? The child is not well, his mind is deteriorating. He once said that because he knows he can never have me, he would rather keep me close than lose me.(as if he ever had me). Even if it means hooking up with one of his brothers. Obviously, I didn't take him serious, but it seems that he is still living with the hope that one day I might become part of his family, it's a crazy notion, but not much Lazy can do about wacko's, KK. (You gotta let wacko's be)
  13. fuuqsaring my Cinnamon toast cereals Why in the world are u eating my favourite cereal. Cinnamon Toasted crunch creal, oooh lalaala, with skim milk did it for me lastnight and the night prior for sahuur and I had a bottle of water prior to prayer and I was fine all day, I am still fine today, mind u, I am still working and only a little time to go and I am full of energy. I dont understand why somalida ay ucunaan hilib, pasta, rice etc that early? Its morning folks, not lunch time...
  14. All the good women who enter paradise will get the perfect man. One who is handsome like we can't imagine, kind, caring and all that you ever dreamed of and more. however unlike men, you won't get partners in multiples. I am fasting and I dont want to be rude, but seriously the cereal I had at 5am this morning aad almost iga matajisay, just by reading your post.
  15. LOL@KK, rock's chick didn't even know it was your b-day, she totally forgot, I had to remind her lastnight, can you believe that?(time to make new friends)
  16. ^^, is that you Che? It did make it to television, I saw it on the 11clock news couple nights ago, so lastnight I went and googled it, since I didn't know his name and I endedup getting over 377,000 hits just relating to the search. He has nearly 400,000 comments, close to $3 million hits, whether he is faking it or he really did cry out for Britney, pple saw it, news stations aired him and bloggers discussed him and thats all this silly boy can ask for.
  17. ALL YOU WANT IS MORE MORE MORE MORE, LEAVE HER ALONE hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha PS:Below is a response from the poster to his youtube audience Provided By: itschriscrocker Yes, I was "REALLY" crying, you f*cking mor*ns. The one time I'm NOT acting- everyone says I am.. I filmed this window lighting which washes out my face- if the video is watched in full screen I am clearly crying, assh*les.
  18. KK, you should have said so, I thought it was the real lil one that posted . I can't wait for ramadan to come.
  19. It is estimated that you will die at the age of 82 Years Old. not bad, not bad at all. I could have scored higher number had my ayeeyooyin and awoowyaal were living or have lived passed the age of 75.
  20. lol@the poster. KK that can't be her, she must have been 8 yrs old back in 2002, how could she have possibly found out about SOL, much less registered back then. What do you plan on doing on your b-day?
  21. ^^^issues, issues, ma istiri? Maxaa kaa galay sacada uu best wishes kiisa sameeyo. Ramadan Kariim to all.... Ngonge, keep on moving.
  22. When I listened to the song, I literally repeated that part over and over again ""doofaartii xalay"", as in lastnight's pig,, I went and had my sister listen to it one day because I couldn't believe what I heard, and she swore thats not what I have heard, and said he probably meant something else, then I had my mother listen to it, she came to the same conclusion. No one agreed with what I have heard with my own two ears, so apparently, I was right all along, lastnight's pig was sang by that artist, but I do love the song, especially when I play it on the rush hour commute in the morning, gets me rolling, especially about "doofaartii xalay" hehehe. lol@cow, I meant lastnight's pig... [ September 06, 2007, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: LayZieGirl ]