LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. puntland_killa @ 9/29/2007 9:16 AM EST Multi-billion dollar companies and governmental agencies will make use of his discovery. Those companies will further make millions of dollars of profit. And what did he get at the end? A mere £3000...SICK how they exploited him. & But If I was him I would have waited and patent the discovery and made millions and that way the somali name would have been better represented. Somaaalida aa bitter people. Neph, I couldn't have agreed with you more. The kid is a barawaani, not somali, but his parents probably said they were from somalia to gain entry to ireland when they migrated to the country, that isn't to say they haven't set foot in somalia, but this child is far from being somali. Somali's are hateful individuals and the quote above proves it.
  2. Men are happier cos they have less brain cells so therefore have less to use on being upset. HEHE, SO TRUE.(with the exception of ngonge)
  3. Tuujiye, dad maqnaa aa "I'm back" dhaho, in your case, meel aaday aaba jirin, ee maxaa "I'm back" ka wadaa?
  4. He has a right to be extreme in his opinion & most importantly,he has a right to say whatever he feels like This man has no rights when it comes to dictating what others should or shouldn't wear. The minute you start to cross over to what others shoul or shouldn't do, your rights go out of the door as well. Few yrs ago, my sister and I were waiting to board a bus to take us to another province for holidays, and we sat near the area, because it was going to be a while. There was a somali man sitting not far from us, wearing khamiis. He came close to us and started talking to us, and seemed quite interested in my sister, but my sister kept her answers to him short as she wasn't interested. When he finally got the message, out of nowhere he said, walaalayaal maad illaah ka cabsatiin aad timaha iska dabooshaab. Laba gabdho oo qurux ah aa tihiin and qamarkaa aad aad isoo bixineysaan and yada yada yada, I don't recall the exact words. My sister spoke to him as I was too angry and knew if I spoke up I would lash at him right there infront of the public. She politely told him that he shouldn't go around telling pple what they should and shouldn't wear on their head and that he shouldn't be talking to total strangers out of nowhere and that she found his remarks offence and that we should end the conversation altogether, that was all. This is a total stranger, who after finding out that he couldn't get what he wanted, started turning to allah and wanted to start a lecture. If he was sincere, it should have happened at the beginning, not right or in the middle of the conversation. Same with this paki/arab dentist. If he was sincere about this so called "request" there are ways of doing, such as putting flyers out or changing his office policy, but not directly talking to the individuals. Just l ike the california restaurant owner, an italian guy, he posted infront of his restaurant saying, "will serve only english speaking customers". In his own ways he felt justified, but nevertheless wrong but had the sign taken off once it become a public knowledge. (he said he was tried of serving mexicans who his employee's couldn't communicate with and therefore decided he didn't want anyone in his place of business that didn't speak english) He felt he had a right to say it, when infact he didn't have that right and thats why his sign was reversed. He is leasing the space, he has no ownership to the property, and he is in a customer service business, in other words, you can't go around dictating to your customers or else you get burned.
  5. First of all, I just want to say even thought we are all fasting, habeen beey aheyd when I wrote what I wrote. I was outraged and d*mn right angry, and I am not sorry. Well that is rather hypocrotical. It is like saying I am a law-abiding citizen because, even tough I go above the speed limit, I come back down to it when I see the police. Are you a law-abiding citizen? In short, if being uncoved is lawful and you see nothing wrong with it, why do you not go and stand before God in that manner? Actually, I am a law abiding citizen, never once have I been stopped by police, I drive carefully when I have to, and I go over the speed limit when I have to. Never once I have gotten a ticket of any kind, but thats beside the point. I just want to tell you horn horn that I am not going to sit here and explain to you or anyone else why I cover up when I am infront of allah praying , yet refuse to cover up period. Instead, I will tell share something with you that may or may not make sense to you, depending whether or not you want to open your eyes to it or not. Obviously, I am not going to lie and tell you that I have prayed all my life. I have had my ups and downs with the idea of a prayer for a long time, but one thing I told myself few yrs back was that, once I start praying , I would never ever, under any circumstance stop it. I didn't want to start, then stop then after a while go ahead and start. It took a bit of time, but once I was praying, I went ahead prayed and still praying and will continue to pray, in other words, I look at everything that way. Once I set my mind into something, I do not stop, there is no turning back for me.
  6. I am sure she knew that by complaining this case would go straight into the main news due to the anti islam stance the media already has against us all. What are you trying to say here? I know you are not putting the blame on the female patient. You are a female right? Here we are as minorities, as muslims demanding we get treated equally, and we have one of our own muslim fellow demanding that his female patients wear head scarf and we have a fellow muslim female aka poster is pointing the finger at the female. Another thing I want to know is who declared the female as a "non practicing muslim" did she say it herself? Did she confirm that she was indeed not practicing the religion? Was this all brought because the female doesn't wear the head scarf? I am a practicing muslim who doesn't wear the head scarf, not all my yrs in living in this world, not once have I have worn a head scarf, only time I cover myself up is during prayer(I am proud to be a muslim woman) and I am just as a good muslim as the next one, does that mean I wouldn't be allowed to go to this man's business establishment, because he felt that he should dictate how his patients present themselves to him? How dare he open a public office, a work place and demand anything, or as he calls it "requested", where did he get the nerve to do any such thing? We have a story on the front page of SOL about a maine resident, a somali female suing a hotel chain(I think its a chain) for mistreating her and not for allowing her to pray during work hours and for terminating her when she complained about it. Should her complaint be taken serious? Won't we ask that she get equal treatment, but then we have a business man such as the man in the article above, who employs females and males I presume, and is mistreating his patients , a paying customer at that, why would be her case be any different? Or the case of sheikh's who were not allowed to board an airline becasue they were seen praying, and as a thread.(for all we know the white man/woman were ignorant about prayer, maybe they just thought these men were ready for jihad and used their best judgement to refuse boarding for these muslim men ignorance was indeed an excuse at that time) I ask you all, Why even bother complaining to the white man about how unfairly they are treating us, whe we treat each other worse than the white man? PS:Poster, gabar baa tahay, therefore isku noqo and think about your earlier response please. Also, no one asked this dibi to give the service for free, waa xayawaan aqli laheen, imagine if all the head scarfing women came, even the non muslims(to wear one for the hell of getting a free service) because he made that statement and has to stick to it, how long will his business survive?
  7. PS:Polital Science should be added to the useless list.
  8. ^^ it certainly is useless if you have a degree in any of those program's XIIN listed, you might as well end your life if you wasted 4 yrs of your life just to major in music business or arts, btw, I didn't know music business existed, it sounds useless, but didn't even know respectable institutions offered it as a major, what a bumper, no offence to above nomad.
  9. Hey Muslim Women Imam says you can MARRY your non-Muslim Lover Yariisoow, afkaaga needs to be bleached, waxa aad ku hadleysid majecleysan, "you can marry your non muslim lover" you are speaking to us as muslim women as thought we are *********oyin who keep non muslim lovers and now we are allowed to make it halal, hooraay. (you need to edit your title ASAP)
  10. ^^, Why were u attempting to kiss the farax with the bad breath in the first place? Ceeb Caleyk :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. Read about the Jena 6 Or Watch it here: Jena 6 Boys (Episode 1) Jena 6 Boys (Episode 2) Jena 6 Boys (Episode 3) Jena 6 Boys (Episode 4) Jena 6 Boys (Episode 5) Jena 6 Boys (Episode 6) Courtesy of Democracy Now, at
  12. Keyf, please 6-8k a month? That must be one hell of trucking they are doing. In ontario Canada, the trucking ads all over aren't more than 3-4K (training included)at best, 5k before taxes, so I don't know where you got the 6-8K figure, you might want to explain yourself.
  13. However, this time around it was Driving while being Black and Muslim ! I can't see myself sympathizing with you on this incident. First and foremost, how did you reach the conclusion that this was religion and race profiling? The officer who stopped you was within his right to question you because you probably have a name such as ahmed ahmed, or mohamed ahmed, and there was a similar match that popped up and that particular mohamed had problems with immigration. At this point in time, the cop has no choice but to question you because he doesn't know you from adam, so why shouldn't he not only question you but to further inquire about this mess that your first and last name created for you. The man was doing his job, nothing racial about it. Did he pull you off the car and search you? Did he beat you up? Did he search your car without explanation? So, how is that profiling your race and religion khayr?
  14. Are you serious, ZAFIR? Why in the world would you want that line of work? These somalis inyar oo lagac hadii loosheego kuligooda ayaa ku ordaaya sida quraansho camal, no offence to anyone in particular. If you go ahead and open your own trucking business, atleast you will get a decent money out of it, but working for a trucking company gets you what exactly $2,000 a week, a total of $4,000 a month, deduct taxes(all 14%). I mean, what kind of life is that?
  15. Up until few weeks ago, I would have agreed with you, but my sources tell me that not only have you changed area codes's, but now have similar area code as me. My sources never fail me, but why did you decide to move that far away from your beloved city, KK? (could it have anything to do with the crime and the danger the city poses?)
  16. ^, because asaga aya ku jirijiray, how else would he know how many people are in the back of a van habeenki? TORONTO is good enough for Kool_Kat, thank you very much. How can it be good enough for you when you deserted the city?
  17. Walaahay, the first thing that came to mind when I saw her pic is that is can not be 21yrs old...Are they kidding me... lmao@KK, she definitely puts your 25 yr old self to shame, haye? Waraa, naagtaas waa naag habar eh, 21 yr old aa?, gaalanaan waa naive hadey umaleynaayaan naag noo wrinkle qabto iney 21 tahay, maskiiniin.
  18. Ngonge, eedo I have never seen you as upset as your last post, I must have hit a nerve or two. I read your entire response to Bob before I posted, and what I said about you still stands. Nin War jecel ayaa tahay. Waan iska hadlaa war maaha sweetie, you have got to do better than that. Dadka fikradooda iyo hadalkooda aan murun lagalaa but fikradeyda ma sheeganaayo majirikarto. LazyGirl, you must be itching to be in the ring with NGONGE for mud wrestling! I don't like him either, but for different reasons Whatever made you say that? Ngonge knows I adore him, don't u eedo?
  19. KK, TdotO meel la defend gareeyo maaha. I get you were raised in the city and you probably wishing it would go back to how it use to be, but that was in the old days, the city isn't the same anymore. The topic should have been "If TdotO isn't good for KK, why is it good in general?" Crime is rising, random shootings are happening more frequently than ever before, and KK would agree with me. (hence the area code change) London, UK is alright. If the indians in London were to be wiped out completely, it would have been a great place to live. Can't stand their many shops, their reer baadinimo ay meelaha kuhaayaan, but other than that its alright place.
  20. Ngonge soo u socday wuxuu keenay inuu dhaho I am for gabadh in lagu daro wiilka yar oo saaxiibkeed, haddabana ay isla seexdaan freely? Ngonge, as a parent, I will bet anything that you will not allow your son or daughter to marry their significant other on a temporary capacity , in the name of shagging.(Dont even try to convince me or anyone else otherwise) I get that you are always defending for the hell of defending(because you like seing yourself in almost every topic), but defending the shia practice inorder to cover your position on this very same topic is just lame, eedo. Come out and defend your position, without you looking for excuse to go off on BOB. BOB made this position on this topic very clear, soo hanoo keenin marmarsiyo meeshaan. If you want to cater to your child and allow him/ her to indulge in haram but yet find ways to cover the haram itself by calling it "temporary nikaax" mut'aa etc, its just ridiculous. Ngonge and poster and your likes, you might want to just allow your children to just have sex with no strings attached, why waste time with bogus marriage? Marrying them off for the hell of having intercourse is just another way of pimping your children. PS: It says alot about once parenting skills.
  21. lol@^. The key here is, wear what fits you men. It doesn't have to be "baggy" or "tight" pants as KK put it, but simple fitted jeans, trousers.(and no, you don't have to wear jeans that show your stuff, thats just too much, pple have no choice but to look down there and imagine the size or what it looks and you don't want pple going that far now, do you?) No need to wear XXL t-shirt either, because no one asked you to be part of the sanitation department, for that reason alone, if you skinny farax, wear small or medium size shirts, t-shirts. Do not wear shirts that are too big either, it looks disgusting and please tuck in, I know Jay Z wants you to not tuck in your shirts when you wear your jeans and baseball caps with it, but Jay Z is one ugly son of an eedo who just has money, so no one can say anything about his looks because he pays pple to be quite. Wear what you feel looks good on you, don't turn to TV to dictate what you buy or wear.
  22. It just weirded me out that halfway through like half of the pple would disappear. Tell me about it. Whenever I attend tarawiix, we always end up coming the last minute before it starts(it just worked out that way), hence we can't find space to pray, and a lil while after, I find pple disappearing bit by bit and all those nice spots that were occupied earlier are all of a sudden free and I can't take advantage of it If pple know they can't stay for the entire service, just find a spot near the exit door, don't go to the front or the sides and later have to walk passed me just to go out, its just not nice. Another thing is, why are little young girls and children outside making noise, why aren't they in bed, its not as thought they are there to pray. These moms need to leave their children at home.Too much noise for my liking, for heaven's sake its a masjid not a daycare or social event.(abtw, its always the arabs who bring their children)
  23. LayZieGirl, did you get that job? No, KK, I didn't get the job, damn americans. They almost tried to spoil my NYC trip by informing me that they have chosen another candidate two days before I took off for my holidays, but that didn't stop me from having a good ole time. SHEH, qoraxda aa maskaxda iga gashay today, I had insane headache...
  24. Gotta work thru the month's notice. Why so generous? A month is way too long to be staying. Normally, pple either just up and walk or they give two weeks notice. I guess the finance department aa aad kugu culus haye, you need that last and final pay + outstanding vacation time etc. So what made you come to this conclusion, you posted about giving a notice, might as well fess up what led to it, I want to know it all. Once your business is out in the open, it opens the door for questioning and I amcurious. Should I start guessing? Dont make me guess now. PS:I am no longer loyal to my employer. I had a job interview about a month ago and wanted a reference from my manager. This a woman who I was buddies with, we were really in good terms and I thought it would be piece of cake getting her consent to put her name down, and surprisingly she said it was against a company's policy to give reference to current employee's, because it meant the employee will leave them. The only time the company gives reference is if you leave them and not get fired, then they will be obligated to give it to you as its on their employee handbook but LayZie new nothing. I was with this company since fresh of school, and now I am going into my 3rd yr with them, never once did I apply for another job until recently, because the job I was applying for with another company had a bigger pay, and allowed me to travel, which was intriguing. Come to think of it, I wasn't even planning on leaving my current employer until after I had secured a job with the other company. Quitting so soon wasn't on the agenda. My manager knew this because her and I are buddy buddies, and she goes, I am sorry but if I were to go against company policy and they find out, I could lose my job. I was like, no harm done, atleast I asked, and went my way. I went ahead and contacted another manager, who I recently worked for on a temporary project, same company, different division. Called her, did my hello's and afterwards I asked if I could use her as a reference, she goes I would love for you to use me as a reference, but I am so sorry to hear that we would be losing you. I told her that I wasn't planning on leaving and that I was getting a new car and needed the extra $$$, and she nodded and told me she understood.(I felt bad lying to her and making it seem as thought I was getting a part-time job and ha no plans to leave, but I had to do what I had to do) she gave me the go ahead to use her as a reference and went to ask me about the new car etc.(this is someone who knew me less than 6months , I worked under her for 3 months this past may and she was very impressed with the work I have done for her and even so much as to tell me to always come to her if I have any problems or if I need anything, she just adored me and said so herself) Long story short, two managers, one company, two different perspective.(Both confirmed that they can't do the reference because it means I am leaving but one bended the rules because she just loves me and one whom I thought adored me too ended up covering her sorry white b*tt over me? Thats when I decided I will no longer be loyal to them and will leave if the opportunity arises.) As a result of all of this, I don't like my manager, nor do I want to be working for this company.