LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Tuujiye, my brother from another hooyo, KK is just mad because you didn't select her as your 1st guest. Warkeeda iska daa, ee gabadha yar wareyso. Tuujis, Waxaa aaliyah weydiisaa, the art of the broom. Ask her, once ee gurigeeda yeelato, would she opt for a vacuum or go old school and grab that broom?(she will know what I am talking about)
  2. He divorced her when he found out she wasn't normal...I know the guy personally.. KK, do the media still bug him? Ayan Hirsi is not going to be happy when she finds out who you are KK.
  3. lol@KK. Maskiinka cali beestaan uu ku dhix jiraaa for 12 hours out of the day, jic iyo jac ma dhihi karo. How many times aa lafta uu taagay laga tumay, aa umaleysaa?
  4. ^^ lol, no comment(as in che) PS:KK, its very filling dear. Ma maqlin wexee Oprah and her advisor, Dr Oz dheheen a while back, dont eat passed 7pm.
  5. ^, great read. Mr Jobs is a genius in his own right.
  6. ^^, adiga kaalay, maraa spandex geyga kahadashid, iyo maraa KK dhibtid, war kale meesha maku heysid miyaa?
  7. Che, eritrean's anytime. They cuties, just makes me think of this one particular dude, at first I thought inuu somali ahaa umaleynaaye, haha, and the rest is history. KK, waa aragtay hee, getahun the cleaner nin ciyaarayo maaha, run run eeba ka tahay, after all picture keeta ayuu newspaperyaasha siisay. I wonder why Che oo dry article ula soo orday meeshaan.(my sis saw it in the newspaper yesterday, ayaa tiri KK tus ninkaan oo umaleyneysid inuu kuwii church st taagnaa inuu yahey, rooseetada waaba laga daran yahey, ninka straight miyaa waa su'aasha?) KK, shalay aad iyo aad ayaaba iga qoslisay. I didn't even eat anything special, same ole sahuur, cereal, milk.
  8. Here is "haile" aka Getahun with Najah Jama. U-dog, its easy to always blame the parent, but you can't help who you fall for, in this case clearly the cleaner won the battle.(KK, rock's chick said that he looks like the guy who cleans the office building of her work) Courtesy of check the full article
  9. Caadiyoos, waala iskala qabsanaa...There could always be something worse. KK, markaan erayadaada aqriyay, ilin aaba iga imaatay, lol@caadiyoos. kalmadahaa aad use gareesid aad ayey iga qosliyaan, hahaha.
  10. Lol@Che and KK. Clue#1. (the letter J) and will let you two figure out the rest. Che probably thinks he knows it just by the letter, but think again Che. PS:KK, point taken but that doesn't give pple like u-dog to talk about the 1st night with her new somali husband. We should be asking about her where abouts. Why hasn't her family atleast taken the decency to call and let the boyfriend know or allow the girl one more phone call? If these people involved in the girl's disappearance want the authorities off their back, just have the girl call and speak to the boyfriend while the police are on the other line or else this investigation will remain open.
  11. u-DOG, that wasn't funny. Afkaaga gabadha ka qabso, she is not here to defend herself. Its not as thought those somali men oo aado back home and lagu daro innocent girls iney ayagaba tainted aheyn.(You probably have something on your closet too) PS:Che, haddii serious loo hadlaayo, everytime a story is made public about someone's dirty secret and forumka lakeeno, everyone jumps on the hollier than thou bandwagon, as thought ayaga oo dhan iney dirty secret qabinba.
  12. ....Come on, you care.Why be this upset? Laf laf is border line suicidal. All that suppressed anger, let it out son. Seifu Getahun don't sound like no somali name Suicidal and now he can't read. LOL@doesn't sound like a somali name. I guess you missed the part about him being canadian-ethiopian oo christian eh. KK, I don't know meesha waxa kaa karkabinaayo, but when you read this, your reaction should have been, how dare che publicize somali-canadian affairs here. Wixii ethiopian aado, iyo wixii christian aado, ayagee ee utaalee, ee afkiina ka ceshada.(I prefer Eritrean over ethio's)
  13. LOL@u two, wallaahi you two are going to get me into trouble. I can't stop laughing as I am reading your posts. Hoodrat kulahaa, wiilka wuxu umaleeye inuu asaga yahey cadaan, lol@ghetto aan iska dhigaa. Haduu ghetto iyo comparing me to ayan hirsi umaleeyo inuu yahey wax lagu caytamo, waa in dugsi aan furo oo hada kadib gadaal loogu noqdo micnaha caytinimada. Waraa, leave my spandexgeyda alone. And tuujis, I dont run anymore, kickboxing class aa energyga iga qaaday.
  14. Timahaanba kuu soo dabtay, adigana waan fuuraa kuteh... lol@u, KK u r very funny. Intee timo daboo kubaratay? Hadaaye markaan LMAO dhahaaye(lmao as in laughing my *ss off, Imeant it literally. CAdaanka adkeyga joogey wey iga yaabeen saan subux alisey qosol ubillaabay. Markaas aa midoo wexey i weydiisay what was so funny? So ingiriis aan waxaan kudhahay, islaan somaliyeed aa ii dhaaraneyso as thought ineyba idili karto. War lafahiisa meel aanba ku arkin aa ba jirto, but LAFLAF meaning bonebone, as in "ey" yariis oo bone jecel aan ka waday, because he reminds me of an ey oo one of my homegrls qabto oo bone lagu magac daray uu soo xusiisiyaa, mar walbo, bone ladhaho eygaas, wuu jump gareeyaa, oo excited buu noqdaa.
  15. lmao@U KK, you are killing me here. Its too early for me inaan hada fuuro.
  16. ^You sound so sad. How long were you waiting to say that to me? That article about the hindi/paki man must have been early summer, acuudi billaah, intaas ciil maa isku celineysay. War cuudi bileyso, inkaar haku laqdo. Listen Laf laf, last time I checked, I had a right to voice my opinion and he did look terrorist, thats the end of it.(orod oo is soo ceeji) Speaking of that man, he did and he probably still looks like a terrorist(terroriste). Playing professional sport and looking like a jihadi ma iskeenaayaan, now, get going, and come back anytime aad ubaahan tahay in jiniyada lagaa tumo.
  17. Tuujiye, isku dirdirka iska daa, KK knows I wuv her and I don't care if she has Hirsi as a lastname. Back to the topic, war naagtaan maa amaan lasiiyo.
  18. Asian noodle maaba all this confusion u creategareesay faaraxow. Emp, Sheh's post fiiri on page 1, that will explain what Cadriyad means.(asian noodle) Faarax cuntada oo ku afuri lahaa cawaa ayuu nugu kor karsanaa, markaas uu tip waydiina, anigana LayZie nimo daraadeed, waxaan oo grapes and water aan aheyn ma soo qaadan saan ugu afuro since I can't make it home in time.
  19. Laf Laf,I didn't ask to have a grown up discussion or any sort of discussion, all I am saying is accusations without merit meel ay kugeenaayaan malaha. The lies aad abuurooyso is not good for your fasting.
  20. [quoteis that its basto fiina ah oo la fry gareeyo & then you add sugar to it. Meesha aad macaroni sokor igu dareeso waa maalinta lagaa sheego "the geeriyad thread", acuudi billaah, allaah nii sahlo heart attack kiina.
  21. Laf Laf, if you are going to accuse me, you better do it right. beard...."terrorism"...correct urself...... Ninkee hindiga oo cricket star eh maa ka hadlee? Kaas, asaga aa terrorist u ekaa, but never once connected terrorism with a long beard in general, ee beenta iska daa. Teeda Kale, maxaa beard iyo terrorismo & Ayan Hirsi isku keenay, ma gar ayay daysatay oo jihadi may noqoday?
  22. 10 days maa tiri, 20 days aaba kusiiye, ee ii naso as best as you can, lets ee where this takes you. Carab dheer aa qabtaa, and I am familiar with the art of doing dhalqo jir, so hadaa rabtin in dhalqada lagaa jaro, is keen, hadii kale, oo orod oo afur soo cun. As far as your answer is concerned, it seemed more like a calaacal than an answer to me.
  23. ^^, KK=Ms Hirsi, in other words Abuu Nuune was right on the money... PS:KK, please forgive me, didn't mean to put your bidness out there in the open, but my big mouth got the better of me today.
  24. 24hrs? thats nuts KK, ma vegas ayuu aaaday?
  25. ^, Amiin, and waxaan illlaaah Neph uga baryayaa iney habeenkii eena geeri ku riyoonin, ee qu'ran keeda akhrisato, oo cuudi bileysado, oo sheedaanka iska naarto, AAAAAAAAAAAAAMIIN.