LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^^kix kix kix kix. Aniga waxaan ka yaabe dadka comments ka sameeye about his clips in youtube. Forreal, there are some haters out there . (talking about his bigforehead iyo wax loo jeedin) Tuujiska, adiga jealousnimada iska daa. Hale heer aan video response u diro aaba ihaysay, but markaan maagay inaan youtube to log gareeyo and upload gareeyo video, passwordkeyga was incorrect and couldn't remember what I set it up as, meeshaas aanba uga tagay. Another favourite clip of mine is when he describes what Somali Chavs Syndrome is aka "SCS" as he calls it. PS:I officially endorse wiilkaan, and will now become a subscriber.
  2. Here he is talking about Somalia to somalida MarcasSmith kulahaa? I stopped taking him serious when he first introduced himself as marcus smith, yet spelled it incorrectly, but nevertheless, wiilka is concerned, so give him a chance and dhageysta as he talks about various topics that concerns our country and people, from tribalism and how it destroyed somalia as well as Somali "Euro-trash" People as he calls it.(my favourite clip, I strongly recommend you check this one out) Anyways, Marcus is serious about our people and somalida. Here He talks about somalida in the UK regarding Jaad, youth gangs etc PS:IF only marcus smith would change his name to a real somali name, other than that, wiilkaan raises some very good points about our people and country and for more on Marcus Check his YouTube Page
  3. quote: Originally posted by Khalaf: Koolkat exactly, toronto is more islamic then kuwaa islamka sheegta somalia or so called suadiya...u name it. Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax... Ok ok, sorry...I'll be back when I finish laughing... **Does he even know where Toronto is?** Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax...Kix Kix Kix...Kax Kax Kax... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha@KK How did I miss this?
  4. I thought inuu thanksgiving turkey from lastnight kuu yaale, leftover and all. Either way, anything in her face will do, talk about oprah aa tiri, wexeyba igu noqote naagaha oo oprah show religious ku eh.
  5. I haven't seen it before now. My hooyo was watching it too, she was impressed by him.(I liked the fact that he lived in buule buurto, masha allah, and the way he said I lived there from 86 to 89, if only I can speak that eloquently) Also I like the way oo xaaskiisa ufaaniye. Wuxuu yidhi "xaaskeygaa waa mid qurux badan oo aqoon leh mase aqyaar eh? (I couldn't really make out that part) and he also added and said a somali maah maah eh. "raag isfaanshe waa ri' is nuugte, but nin xaaskiisa faaninaayaayo, ceeb maaha(hehe, so cute) PS:J-baro aboo aboo, cunada iskaga dheg hee
  6. My condolences , pujah. May allah grant her jannah, aaamin.
  7. Caano Geel, lets focus on this woman man person, we don't want J-baro inuu igu xanaaqo hadaba. KK, why don't you stuff some of that turkey in neph's face, that would do the trick.
  8. First and foremost, wixii dhintay, allaah jano siiso, wixii noolna nabad allaah siiyo in somalia. Horn iyo duke, labadiina, who voted for you in public office? am I missing something or TFG's own cabinet aaba ka tirsan tihiin. Duke is always talking about how things will be dealt with bla bla, and now Horn aaba soo taagan inta talking about but as I have said, clearly something will be done: How do you know something will be done? Can you really just snap your finger and things will be done as quickly as you have snapped it? Its one thing if hadaad relatives meesha ku haysatid oo update ku siiso, but don't sound so sure of yourself, computerka aa wali ag-fadhisaa, that doesn't seem re-assuring, does it now HORN? Only ka hadal about reassurance marka aad the battle line aadid oo dadkaaga difaacdid, until then SOL aan booto ku haaya maba kaa yeelaayi, DUKE aa waxaas caan ku eh and wali meesha oo taagan yahey and still forwarding articles from those bogus sites.(waligiis ma daalo miyaa?)
  9. ^Says His Royal Highness Khalaf the Shrimpy Comptroller of Umaholyroller Upon Blah. Nobody stays friends with him long enough to give him a nickname. hahahahahahhahaha@cara, I can't believe no one laughed at this. Where is your sense of humor pple? PS:Laf Laf aka wiilka aqliga rabo oo weli helin, bal halmar isku noqo oo is weydii why you are the way you are.
  10. ^lol@overdeveloped sense of sensibilities. Adiga, why does my OSOS or ODSOS bother you?
  11. ^Tell me about it, wax walba wuu forumka ku post gareenaa, without any relevance. War nin yahow aka poster wax yaalaha aad aqrisid, qof walba ma aqriso.
  12. SOL ontarians, listen and listen carefully. Don't even try to vote for so called leader of the PC party. By proposing that he would go ahead and back this faith based school education proposal, he shot himself in the foot, and at the same time handed the election to his opposition, our premier McGuinty. If Mr Tory wins on wednesday's election, it would be one big miracle in my book. I mean, what kind of an idi*t makes a proposal as big as the faith based schools funding when he didn't even have the backing of his own party? What does that say about their so called leader aka JOHN TORY. Ask yourself this ontarians, are you really that oblivious to these elections that you would waste your vote on a man such as John Tory? He is doomed, forget about him and his scheming proposal, which by the way would never have passed on. I don't like his opponent aka our reigning Premier. Didn't vote for him in office then and won't vote for him now, but atleast he kept his mouth shut while his opponent shut himself in the foot. John Tory waan ku qosley markuu families with children oo autism qabo oo u plead gareeye, thats when I knew he was doomed. I mean, he literally used the american headlines of today, that is "HOLLYWOOD meets autism" for anyone keeping up with the hype surrounding Jim carrey's girlfriend's son and other hollywood goers, toni braxton's child, holly robinson, all of a sudden are the poster women for autism. Here they are appearing on television shows, magazines, even tabloids talking about autism and what does JOHN TORY do? He pleads with the ontario mothers and children of autism qabaan, vows to pledge $75 million on waiting list, bla bla bla, old news.(sound familiar?) When you know a politician uses today's headline as a strategy, thats when you know inuu san meelba aadeynin. If you are reading this and you are an ontarian, you are asking, why should I vote at all? You should vote because I am tired of going into the booth every election and afraid of picking my local policitian because he/she is in a weak party, so I pick the party close to defeating that other party I hate so much.(because thats just the type of system we have right now) If we would vote down on that old system that allows us to vote for someone we don't even want in office, all because to avoid another party in winning the seats, not anymore. If you go to the ballots on wednesday, I seriously encourage you SOLers to vote for the Mixed Member Proportional aka MMP after you are done voting for your local candidate. You want a difference, ontarians? MMP is the way to vote for the future
  13. I agree with you rahima, I think our somali parents should invest in all fields, sports included. Children benefit alot more than physical fitness in sports. They learn discipline, teamwork, time management, leadership skills, etc. They learn values and lifelong lessons that they wouldn't have otherwise learned from a classroom. Its the job of the parent of the child to make sure that the child has options other than sports (zenobia's neighbour is a good example) Not every parent is Zenobia's neighbour, there are parents that are all about the money, so they make sure that they teach their child that football is the only thing that matters, so the child is taught to live, breath and sniff football, b-ball etc. Those same parents make sports look bad, Rahima, but if only they taught their children to balance it all and not to focus or pressure the child to just be good at one thing and one thing only, the image of sports wouldn't be what it is today.
  14. and the winner is:(drums please) Lady LayzieGirl the Incontrovertible of Leg over Wallop
  16. ^You are one to speak. Lets take a closer look at wiilka "baariga": Without regard to their dressing style. I helped them with all I could do. And, adviced them to avoid any thing bad that will under mine their values. Now, the questio remains. Where are the brothers of these girls who were the pillers that they were accounting on ?????? What does their dressing style got to do with you lending a hand? and who gave you the right to question meesha ay brotherkooda joogaan? Thats why I always say, bad aadan laguu dirsay, hagalin. Who asked you to give them advise? Are you the street lecturer? YOu either help or don't help them, no in betweens.(how is that for attacking you?) Are you telling me a non muslim lady hadey ku joojiso in the middle of the street and asks you for help, you wouldn't lift a finger because she is not dressed to your liking or the fact that she is not a muslim will play a role in your decision to help? What kind of BS is that, wiilka baariga eh oo my views ku waco "personal attacks".
  17. hahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha@KK, Tuujiska waa my brotha, and I will help him in anyway I can to make sure his gig becomes a success and stays on top of the rating chart, and if that means being jaaajus oo dad ukeento, soo sirtaada iney soo fakato, so be it.(they say gossip sales , soo maaha) Waryaa Tuujiska, aqri waxaan qoray, waxaan ku dhahay, aniga aaa surprise guest kuu keenaayo, not aniga aa surprise guest noqonaayo hahaha. KK, don't let Tuujiska inuu aniga iyo adiga niskakeen diro. He wants to see a cat fight, adiga waaba siisay saa igugu daadisay aan ka arkay, but islaan yahey is dagi oo cuudi bileyso and is diyaari, don't worry hadey dadkale kaa hormaraan. I know its hard on you. YOu can't be Number#1 in everything kk. PS:KK, wuu ogyahey inaan saas(as in madaxa kaga istaagaayo) iyo mid ka daran kusameenaayo, but only haduu iga xanaajiyo.
  18. Tuujiska, marka aad KK interview ka qaadeysid, aniga ii wac oo surprise guest aan studioga keenaa.(jerry springer style hadaan ku dhigin, LayZienimada aanba kabaxaa
  19. Lmao@U Tuujiska, you really have a way with words. My favourite "asagoo caano geel iyo cad cunaayo oo murqiyo gaduud ah" lol, yaa ku tusay unuu gaduud yahey? and another favourite is : "extreme, extreme aa laga horgeeya" you really had me cracking up.(adiga, instead of building your new home, you want to destroy it, waxaas marriage miyaa"
  20. ^^lol@u. Don't forget the down payment of $2,000 - $5,000.(as well as empty promises, i.e I will take her as soon as possible, insha allah)
  21. ^^^, no one said you have to respect her or feel sorry for her. We all condemn her actions,(me and u included) as far as living with her other half prior to marriage. (a sin is a sin after all) We can disagree with one's actions, but we can't belittle someone for we are not perfect ourselves. Sure enough she made a choice to go for an older, trans looking ethio, instead of Eritrean's, somalis's, but thats her choice. FOr whatever reason she fell for the trans, he looks like he does needle injection in the park across church st.(those familiar with downtown t.o would know what I am talking about)but at the end of the day, she made that choice.(and she is paying for it as we speak and will pay for it in aaqiro)
  22. About time our youth got some much deserved recognition. I like the fact that the young juventus player got recruited at a young age.(if only we can tell hooyooyinka and aabooyinka(if they are around) to invest on their children early on)
  23. Al-Mu'minah, why aa wax laguu dirsan uga hadashaa? War hadey xabash aado oo kan maahe mid kasii foolxun aado, waa wax ayada and ayada only utaalo, not aniga, not adiga, not kk utaalo. Aniga waxaan la yaabanahay waxa intiina nikulileenaayo, ninkee ninka islaameed oo gabadha in question lagu darirabey oo maybe already laguba daray, aa waxaad ka dhigteen mib maskiin maskiinkiisa kadaray. How is he innocent? Maybe he was told about her before he agreed to marry her, maybe asaga ulterior motive uu qabaa oo wuxuu rabaa inuu somaliya kasoo baxo, soo marrying "canadian citizen" is exactly what he has been waiting for, tainted or not. Yes, he is probably innocent and maybe just maybe not even tainted, but it is what it is. I will not feel sorry for just one individual when thousands of my sista's from different hooyo maalin walba lagumeysanaayo oo la iibsanaayo with few shilings and a bribe with sharci just so they can give them their goods to the mother of foolxumo, haile in the picture wuxuuba noqonaa wiil qurux badan compare to what my sisters back home have to put up with. Fat, ugly, old men. (atleast labada pictureka wexeyba u eg yihiin labo is jecel)
  24. Did you ever use to see a somali sister hunging out with a foreing man when we were in our good days, no not at all. This is a shocking ashamed story wallaahi. Just because you didn't see a somali sista with a foreigner back home, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Don't talk about things aadan ogeynin, and hana dhihin ""NO NOT AT ALL". Women married cadaan back then just as they marry cadaan oo christian eh now. Men did it as well back then and men still do it. PS:You people need to stop feeling sorry for the somali guy oo gabadha lagu darirabey. How many somali girls back home fall victim to odayaasha on the west. They go back home and buy brides and consume the marriage, Allah knows what type of diseases they are carrying and infect these innocent girls back home who have no clue that ninka lagu daray inuu midoo cadaan la seexday without protection prior to coming to her, STDS, possibility of aids, you name it, qaarkood wey qabaan. So, stop feeling sorry for one man back home, thousands of girls are victims because of nimanka soomaaliya oo hal shilin helayand la ordaayo and marrying some innocent, virgins and not telling the girl or her family that they already have a wife and children already. SHAME ON THESE SOMALI MEN, we know they exist, SHAME ON THEM