LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Topic: Xaajiga see ka noqotay MMA yow, maanta saa usocotay, nin pedophile eh maa xaaji ugu wacday? Nin jiran aa tahay, propobably worse than kan aa ka hadleysid.
  2. Haye, heer maanta aa Global and Mail aqrisid aa keentay, war our canadian affairs amaan noo sii. Veil hasn't been an issue, until muslims themselves made it an issue.
  3. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    KK, saa usoo socotay, waxaad keentay maanta inaad ohio aan aaday inaa meesha announce ku sameysid. First, kii J-baro BORAMA aan aada uu keenay, then hada adiga Ohio aan tagay aa meesha noola soo fariisatay. If this whole purpose of creating a thread was to inform J-baro of your disappearance for few days, why didn't you just PM him, and why hasn't he PMed you markuu 2 threads furay to inform us how he was going to be a goner for 2 days? Obviously, labadiina, you have convinced yourselves that you are doing us all a favour by announcing your exit, but deep down, you both are informing one another without having to make it a big deal, so this isn't something aad the general public loo sheego, ee PM kunasta and naga daaya this filtering of the general site with nacnac. Teeda Kale, KK, Ohio wax lasheego maaha, waa meel dhimatay, you should have left the destination unknown, waan baxay aanagu filneed. Insha allah, adoo nabad eh noo soo noqo, and KK, noolow.
  4. LayZie G.


    ZAFIR, YOU ARE ONE SICK PUPPY, PAPICHULO YAHOW. Mac sokor@@neph. Hadii KK ahaan laheyd, iney baxdo ey kabadeeha heels ka leh baxsato ay odayga wajigiisa ku wave gareen laheyn, kk waa tough, she wouldn't take oday uu shit siinaayo like adiga lagu siiyay. Fuleeyad aan ku dhahay@neph, waa naceebeeysee.
  5. LOL@^^ I´ve been sleeping with my girlfreinds ever since i turned 12, i was(am) a heatbreaker, i turned the home phone into a toll-free number , i made mom utter words like " where are the parents of these girls?". Johnny, saas maa ku rabtaa inaan guri ku dhaqato? inaalilaah, waa inaa raajicuun. allah u akbar. Rahima, grandmother ma noqoday? Looks like you murdered this thread to death all those years ago, and after all that wisdom, somalida wali dhagax yaal waaye, darbiyaal maxaa ka sugee sis!
  6. Waraa, Tuujiye... I don't know what Bajaq means but it sounds very nasty as it rolls of my ******* tongue, so I'm gonna join my girl KK and oo raaxadaan kaaga qaadayaa, Bajaqyahow! KK, yey ku waalin, team Bajaq ee leader utahay. Tuujiska, eedo, I am loyal the bone. Qofta aa ka walwali leheed waa KK, you need to keep an eye on that one. Anytime ey another team's kastuumo gashan kartaa, intee kuu qosleyso, barnaamij kale ee kugu wadadaa, kixkix kix deeda caadi maaha eedo.
  7. lol@^^ Lily, aniga waligey matchmaker ma noqon, mana noqonaayi. I have to watch out johnny's interest in all of this. For the longest time, he kept saying that minyar oo laafiyooneyso sida inaa umoodo nigiskeeda dabada ugu jirto aa i waashey soo igu jiro, aa mar danba waxaan weydiiye, johnny yooow, yaa waaye mida aa mar walba ku dhibaateyso, markaas oo yidhi Lily, and the rest is history. All I want to say you both is I am beside myself with excitement, waa runtaaa Lily, wiil iyo caano, gabadh iyo caano. Welcome to the family Lily PS:Johnny, now that I have said everything you wanted me to say, can I get my cartier watch aa iga balan qaaday?
  8. lol@^^, bal adiga ukaadi, generaalka yaa lagu goobanin, or he will pull another disappearance act, then we won't have no one to laugh @, atleast no one thats as good of a sport as generaalka of SOL.
  9. ^lol@KK, thats what you get when you don't read the news articles oo the front of SOL home page laga helo, forumka lee kusoo oradaa, hadana ka xaaxaabi hee. Jimcaale, its funny because when I came across the article on the front of SOL page, I remembered jokingly warning dabshid and J-Baro at the start of this thread that I was going to rat on them to the authorities, because they both knew his where-abouts, and today I came across this article and it all fit.
  10. Officials say Somali poet accused in sex assault fled to Africa Associated Press - October 25, 2007 10:44 AM ET MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Authorities claim a noted Somali writer has fled to Africa to avoid trial on charges that he molested a 10-year-old girl a decade ago in Minneapolis. Seventy-2-year-old Mahamud Abdullahi Isse (ab-dul-AH'-hee EE'-say) was to stand trial in June on charges of first-degree and attempted first-degree criminal sexual conduct. But Isse never showed up. Now, he's wanted on a federal charge of fleeing to avoid prosecution. According to an affidavit by two SOL goer's, J-Baro, and Dabshid who are both Forum Goers of the popular somalia site known as SOL, Isse fled to the Republic of Djibouti (jih-BOO'-tee) in eastern Africa. The SOL goer's both were found to be living in two different countries and soon would be proud to the U.S for questioning. Isse is a popular poet, playwright, songwriter and actor. He has been vocal about human rights issues and government corruption in Somalia and has lived in the Twin Cities about a decade. Isse's attorney says he's had no contact with him since before his trial was to begin. Information from: St. Paul Pioneer Press, Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  11. let us hope that yuor rejection irritated the girls ( specially lily )of my less worthy Clan that much,and i get an offer of atleast a blind date. lol@Johnny, that won't be necessary. Lily has finally warmed up to the idea of you, so there go , and hold the thank you's until we have her settled.
  12. I read the same thing today. Geedi is in adis ababa and has accepted the invitation to go to saudi Arabia to meet with the KING, but Yey and his house leader oo was is farm leader wali ma usoo jawaabin the king's people regarding the invitation as of yet. PS:Duke, you would agree when I say the worst mistake your oday did was alienating his own PM, because what this means is not only are the insurgents going to continue to bang you from left and right, now Geedi's supporters and anyone he can convince to take out odaygaaga will be joining him and banging your TFG from upside down, then sheekadii SL ayagaa aa korkaas niga dhameystiraayaan. Its only a matter of time TFG and wixii TFG dhaho ay gubtaan, aaamin
  13. Wat will happen to Cade? more bariis, hilib uu sii cunaa, while the child soldiers die of malnutrition, not in the battle field, but that of hunger since generaalkooda oo cuntadooda oo ayaga loogu talagay oo cuno. Here they were accusing of GEEDI for giving his son a lavish wedding, or was it 2 million dollar wedding.lmao I don't think inaa xataa $50,000 uu arooskaas ku kacay and here is cademadow, calooshiisa weyn, waaba ujeedaan nafaqada ka muuqato to the point of heart attack and he is not being accused of anything. I wonder if being from the same tribe has anything to do with it, since Duke said puntland and TFG waa one of the same. Yaa odaygaas yeye usheegaa, how many men aa escape goat u noqonaayaan after geedi is ousted? two, three, ten?
  14. ^, u are one to talk about "time", generalka. North wuxuu kaa sheegay waa run, disappearance kaaga wax saas maku soo kordhin aan umaleynaa. Position gormee adiga lagu siinaa, warka soo daa.
  15. Nope, sorry to disappoint you. I am not an SLander, adiga aan qabiil faanis kuu daaye.
  16. ^lol@RED SEA, good one. RED SEA, su'aasha aan dadkaan weydiineyno is, TFG hadey ICU iska celin waayeen, oo ay ethiopian assistance ka raadsaneed, see SL u aadaayaan? Ma ethiopian help hadana weydiisanaayaa, becauase we both know ayada geesinimo, iyo will to fight on their own maqabaan. Waala yaqaanaa sida propoganda loo spread gareeyo in SOL(qof ka badiso ma jirto meeshaan). Af hadal kuwaan aa meel ugaariwaayeen, oo wali TFG kujira, but dadkooda iyo their so called soldiers ought to fight like the supposed men they are and not ask for "DARISKA" for help, hadey niman rag yihiin, kaligood aa meel istaagi lahaa. I look at this as a bonus, Meelka insurgents dhagaha ka tumooyaan, and hadana SL iyo meelo loo dirsan sanka gashanooyaan, how long do you think it will be before they are all wiped out and butland goes with it?(not long I tell ya)
  17. Any pics of his 'visit' to Burco?? LoooL, dont think so,,,, Don't make me google an old video of S. Barre strolling around Burco. KK, aniga dad maba isku diro, the art of dabshid belongs to Burco's first Man aka soon to be mayor of burco aka North, inta fire uu kiciye waa yaabe. PS:North, dabshid magaciisa kasoo gado, it suits you more than it suits him.
  18. ^Did you once read waxa aa qorto. Traitor kulahaa, country hee ka wadaa? butland maa country noqotay, didn't know districts were considered a country, but warka sii wad.
  19. Sanka, ceebta TFG Troops lee hada soo saarte meeshaan, wax kale la fiiriyo ma jirto. Wiilashaan oo from 14-19 jiro, oo some of them wataan sandals hadey troops yihiin, then aniga mujahida soldier waaba ahay. LOL@the title "TFG-troops", ilmahaas yaryar hadey wax tari karaan aan arkeena, lol@ they are heading to the battle field, haloo sheego iney caanahooda iloowin, they need it. I really hope odayga cademadow iyo kii senile-ka ahaa, heer maanta child soldier u fight gareeyaan ee gaareen, while they stuff their face with cunto and calooshooda inta iyo ilaa but-land la eg tahay. Let's get rid of them in any means, I am passed that stage to reason with them. Yariisey, isdagi aan kudhahay, only people that will be wiped out is those you highly speak off.
  20. Apology accepted. Zenobia, why aa ugu soo boodi weyse Tuujiska markuu yidhi: Meeshaan Aniga markaan Joogo shib ee dhahaan reer Somaliland oo wax runta u sheego aniga iyo JB ayaa ka joogna mase waa ka cabsanee, oo wuxuu dhahay above aa run eh, ma asaan SLanders udaayo soo shaqo niga qabto? I can't say anything about about SLanders,except to say wiligiin xornimo managaheleysiin.
  21. ^haa, somali oo dhibaateysnayn wee jiraan. Waa aniga, waa adiga, waa inteenan saake caafimaad kusoo kacday, oo cunteysay, oo coffee/shaah cabeen, oo qado guriga kasoo qaateen. ..but then again, dhibaatadaada waxaa ula moodaa stress iyo frustration aa daily qabtid, aan umaleynaa? There are real people oo aad u dhibaateysan oo ogeen nafsadooda sida ay ku sugnaandoonto sacad to sacad, oo o geen caruurtooda meesha ay raashin uga keeni lahaayeen, dadna aad iyo aad ayey u dhibaateysan yihiin that they don't even know meesha ay seexan lahaayeen caawa, bari, bari danbe, soo ina adeer, ereyadaana wax comedy maaha oo lagu qoslo, waa wax iga yaabiyey, ee isku noqo. As for Riwaayada la dhigaayo oo Ha u dayma la’aanin qima waa $30.00. Bal, kuwiina ku fikiraayo inaad aadeysiin meeshaas(indha-gub@the party goers), maad $20 kale ku dartaan, oo $50 u dirtaan relatives kiina, oo dhibaateysan. kana fiican, maa $100 keentaan oo dirtaan? Mase, $30 iyo niikis, iyo xoqxoqosho aa rabtiin? Bal isku noqda, ee ka fikira, dambiga aa shuban doontiin. Aniga $100 waa dirsaday, and I urge inaa inankana bil walba dirtaan, dadka somalia joogo aad iyo aad ayey danger igu jiraan, and anything you can contribue will be appreciated, but not marka aa sameyn doontiin niikas iyo is fiiris oo waxna niga soogalin karin. My advise is dira lagacta, and habeenkii sabtida oo bisha october, maalintii 27thka, qol inaad isku soo xirtiin, kitaabka gees iyo gees ka aqriya, ee ajar uruursada, AAAAMIIIN.
  22. LayZie G.


    hadii kale sidii indhaha faraha lagaaga gilinaayo, ilinta indhahaada waa iskaga soo daadanee markaste. LMAO@u, Tuujiska. Indhahaaga oo gaduudan lee iisawirmay markaan comments kaas aqriyay. No wonder aa red eyes u qabtid, dhibaato badan aa la kuluntay markaad meeshaas tagtay haye, and here I thought your eyes were red because of xashiiska.
  23. Tuujiska, wallaahi saan u qoslaaye, waanba fuurey. Hada waxaan ka baqaa iney gaaladaan oo xafiiska kala shaqeeyo iney maano koobiyo igu commit gareeyaan,ciilka oo qosolkeyga daraadiis. Marna KK comment's aan ku fuuraa, marna adiga oo dhahaayo wafaan kuulo yaaqee.. Sheekada Abuu Nuune wey isoo gaarte waana ogahay his activities during his trips to other destinations, but bal, maxuu ii qariyay aan rabaa inaan ogaado, soo aan laad gafuurkiisa igu dhufto all the way from dublin aa laga maqlaa aan kudhahay.
  24. ^lol, hadiiba aan fahmay waxa aad hada soo aqrisay.