LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    Mayor, interview-ga aad aa ugu ciyaartey.
  2. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    ^Yarey, what's with dadka airporka internet kagalo, and why aad internet u iibsatey, ma laptop kaaga qaadanin oo wifi hotspot arkin? Maskiin aa tahay marka aa internetka iibsaneyso, lol. Anyways,sheeko sheeko iga daa, ee Somali DVD films masoo iibisey?(I want to borrow it ASAP)
  3. dab, I don't recall qof kale oo assistance karaadisey ethiopia other than odaygii ii inta daba socoto. The reason why most of you don't feel sorry for dadkaan dhimanaya, and you know dadka aan ka hadlaayo is because you have no relation to them. You figure, as long as dhulkeena and dadkeena are peaceful, who gives a sh*t? Hadaa muslimiin iskugu weceysiin, waa inaad danqatiin whenever you read somalida dhimaneyso, regardless of what part of the country oo gubanaaya. Aniga hada waan karkarayaa, but yet those people aren't even related to me or have any relation, but all the name of innocent women and children aa i karkarsiinooyo.
  4. Red, wallaahi waxaan waa wax caloosha kaa istaajineyso. Dad masaakiin eh aa ethiopiankaan xabad iskaga furaayaan and losing their lives, just for demonstrating against what's rightfully theirs, meanwhile odaygii Yey guri oo fadhiyaa, oo cunto oo cunooyaa, wuxuna haystaa sariir oo habeen walbo seexdo, and thousands and thousands of people cunto, biyo igo shelter maheystaan, aa meeshaan dad maalin walbo imaadaan and talking about how "great" inuu odaygaan yahey. Faaniska heer wexey gaarte in ladhaho ninka waa nin politician eh. Maxuu nin military background qabo uu kayaqaanaa politics? Is it worth for Yey to stand in this invisible seat, while uu sii badsado bloodka gacantiisa ku baxday all in the name of "power" oo jirin wali? Masaakiintaas, qaarkood hub xataa maheystaan, markaas aa xabado lagu furaa, markaas makuu umaleynaa iney saaas nabad lagu helaayo? What is so great about ninka yey when his supposedly "dadkiisa oo masaakiintiisa dhimanayaan in the hands of the amxaaro? Makuu nin great kayahay, bal sheeg? Nin dhiig leh ma aha, toosoo barre ragnimada ninkaan ka qaaday, and now he is trying to get his xaniinyo back, ceeb caleyg. Acuudi bilaaah, what's even more sad about this whole thing is that most of these people waa naago and ilmo dhimanaayo, all for what? So that ninkaan inuu isku convince gareeyo that he is running a country? What country? What would be left to turn when amraarada dadka eber ka dhigaan? What would be left for him to lead, iisheegaaa. PS:waxaa rabtiin inaan nii naxariisto marka tuulooyin labo qof kudhimato, marka hundreds dhimanayaan everyday and thousands a month, dhiigiina meel laga raadiyo majirto, and you wonder why destruction aan urabaa inuu certain area ku dhaco, go figure that out
  5. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    ^^Ani, last season aa showgiisa aaday. The november sweeps of last year aan rating-giisa kor ukiciyey. PS:I like that nickname, just saying it out loud, ina baqti laqde aa qosol iga keento
  6. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    ^waa jooga, mardhow aa maano koobiyo leygeenaa, sida qosolka daraadiis.
  7. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    Balo ku aragtay, naayaa marka la iheynaayo ma xayawaan baan ahay lol, balaayo lee lahaayaa, xoolo lee kuumaleysay, ma istirI? wallaahi inaan fuure aa ooyin iga imaatay. PS:Guriga oo mini-mansion ka aa joogtid, bushiino mey qabaan? Alla 2 piece bathing suit masoo qaadatay oo few lapse's masoo sameysay? Wallaahi, sheekaa keentay, biyooso markaan maqlo dhulka aan isku tumaa ciil daraadiis, oo waayo, waan u xiisay, aniga biyoosooyinkeena advantage maka qaadanin marka aan soo koraaye, waqti aan biyooso ku boss gareeyo maleysiinin, and hadooda guriga markaan tago, laundry oo 2 weeks aan isdhahaaye samee aa ii yaalo, ee wxaan ku dhahay let me borrow naagtaas oo kuu sheqeyneyso.
  8. adna, hadii kii aad ukaashaneysid uu KULEEL KUGU DILO MARKA AAD INDHA ISKU QABATAAN, oo hotflush KUsiiyo, wax laga doodo meeshaan ma jirto. haba kafikirin, ee inta aad waqtiga hayso, sida laguu kululeyo waaye, qaboow aa soo dhacaya, and lafaha uu adkaana, jirkana wuu dilaaca, ee ka faa ideyso aan kudhahay, and cunitaankana biloow, barako kuu rijeynayaa, iska dhaxmara, and shaqshaqley aan kudhahay.
  9. lol@Che and Neph. Rumour ha igu bilaabin, KK see usocoto, walaashey ey usheege, and walaashey see usucoto hooyadey ey warkaan ku qabanee. Hada kabid, explanation sii maba ka bixi karo.
  10. LayZie G.

    I'm HERE

    ^lol, I am still questioning waxa aa qorto iney somali yihiin, iyo in kale.
  11. LayZie G.

    I'M OUT

    THank God,Sheekha is out, Sheekha is out. LOL@ I am out and I am gone, bal yaa kalay oo baxaayo? Neph, goormee holiday aadee adiga, mase kuwaan aa kugu korkor soconaayo mar walba?
  12. ^How many times aan ku dhahay gadaasheyda ha istaagin.
  13. ^^^I didn't know you had some Q-aldaan in you. Che, what would that do for you, ii sheeg, ii sheeg.
  14. ^^^I didn't know you had some Q-aldaan in you. Che, what would that do for you, ii sheeg, ii sheeg.
  15. ^Otay, otay, I just corrected myself. I could have swore when I say "cayda" out loud, it sounds more like I am saying "caydha"
  16. ^Otay, otay, I just corrected myself. I could have swore when I say "cayda" out loud, it sounds more like I am saying "caydha"
  17. lol Neph, goormee meelahaan imaataa? I didn't even know you knew of this place. Whether Geedi left or stayed, TFG wali meeshooda ay taagan yihiin.
  18. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    ^lol, marka aad soo qortid lee iga was sug. KK probably guryaha baakooyinka aa cajabiye aan umaleynaa, mase Moorya*nta ohio somali youth aa luuqa u istaageen oo canadian passport keeda aa laga qaatay, lol. Moorya*n qatar ah aa ohio ku nool oo midka yar iyo midka weynba weyka cabsadaan, even the parents of these kids xataa weyka baqaan.
  19. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    First, kii J-baro BORAMA aan aada uu keenay, then hada adiga Ohio aan tagay aa meesha noola soo fariisatay. Sheikh J, gormee indhaha daciif kaa noqdeen? Ayaa mahaan, saan maaba udaalan tahay, heer waxaa gartee inaad your own version of waxaan qoray iska sameysato. I never said borama waa ohio nor did I say ohio waa borama, just the fact that first you announced your leave, and then she announced hers, when all you had to do was announce it to each other, KIXKIXKIXKIXKIX FOR kk, she is truly missed.
  20. xaaji = qofka soo xajiyay ..... J-Baro, period, full stop, no other xaji definition other than the one you described above.
  21. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    LOL Tuujiska, lol@aroos apartment lagu dhigaayo. What about their guriyahooda made of baakooyin? I went there once, and I couldn't believe the state and shape their houses were in, all baakooyin, I don't think they could survive a hurricane like katrina, they could easily be wiped out. Ghetto ghetto eh waaye columbus, meel dhimatay, I was there just driving through from Virginia on my way to canada and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
  22. former petrol station labourer Ma generaalka butland wuxuu ahaa gas station attendant? Ceeb caleyg.