LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. lmao@Abuu nuune. I would never have thought inaa saa ii necbaneed in a million yrs.
  2. Serenity, sweetie, inta aa secretary kugu wacaayo maa heerkaan kuu geesay? lol@"I am meeting him today", again, ilaa iyo hadda I don't know qofta oo su'aalahaan kuweydiinooyo? Anyways, I know for a fact, marka aa sanka ku dhahdo, tuujiska, kk and layzie ban kusamey, inuu kugu qoslaayo. KK, ngonge and serenity ciil aa meel dheer ka haayo, normally, shaah ay meeshaan u soo doontaan saaacad walba, but since the canadians took over and taken the general section to a new level, meel ay istaagaan ey waayeen, soo ciil daraadeed aa dhareerkooda dry u noqday as of late. PS:Ngonge, I WUV U TOO awoowe
  3. LOL@Kharaar, yummy. I like milkshakes too, vanilla is my favourite che, hoping you are not a chocolate kinda guy. KK, lol@hurontario, don't tell me survelliance aa kugu juro building-kaaga, lol, hadooda, albaabka ma maqlin aa iigalee, inta aa fuleynimo ka gaartid, well, lunch time keega waa 2pm, soo waa inoo hadowta. PS:Che is being polite, habar waalan uu kugu wacaa.
  4. What's up with daring me ilaa iyo Xale, "I dare u" aa igu wadaa. Dare me inaan hada QEW soo qaado, I am only few exists away, lunch time waan imaanaa and lafta aa taagtana waan kaa jabinaa, I dare you to dare now.
  5. ^, biyahaaga ka waran yaa Che. PS:Aniga mineral water aan cabaa, just thought I share that with you che
  6. Che, awoowe, I heard you took over for the generaalka during his absence. Why aaniga list igu daree(mase saas aa LayZie jaceyl ka gaartay?, kk iyo tuujiska lee aniga ku qoslaa, shaqo kale meeshaan maka qabto aan qosol aheyn. Didn't it feel good to wake up this morning, knowing that you felt like you slept an hour late? I woke up at 8am, and I thought to myself, masha allah, I slept until 9am, because my alarm clock is still setup with the old time. PS:serenity yaa sanka's secretary kaa dhigay and why you announcing his holidays, as if qof inuu ku weydiistay aaba u hadashay.
  7. ^naag waalan#3, last time aan ogaay, biyo meant water, I don't know waxa aa eww igu leedahay, ma hunqanoysaa? Waxa qurunka niyada kaaga juro meelahaan hala soo galin. Biyo as in if her hubby can't offer her what she needs, another man will do just that and there is nothing wrong with it, that was what I meant by biyo, its a somali metaphor.
  8. Kaalaya, you can't even allow SOL admin inuu update site-ka kusameeyo? Must you complain about everything?
  9. adiga lee waaye. Sanka aa kugu ciyaarooyo.
  10. KK, lol@naag waalan. Adna never denied being married, so for both of you to bring up history oo loo baahneed, is just meaningless. Who said a married woman can't taste biyo kale? So what if she wants iney cabto biyahada saxiibkeed, after all, ninkeeda long distance yaa dhahay ku maqnow, sheeko asaga isku keenay waaye, ee adna iska daaya, saaxiibkeed ha qaboojiyee. Inkaar yeyna dilin labadiina waalan@KK and Val.
  11. lol@Val, qarxis badaninaa adiga.
  12. Dabka naarta, I didn't hear, I know iney abaar xun ey meeshaada ka jirto, waa adigu leheen, Tuujiska, canadian bajaq yaal ii soo raadi, oo mobile-kooda iga soo qaad. Gaajo aa meeshaas kugu hayso ma istiri.
  13. lol@kk, bisinka iyo yaasinka. Bajaqa wali delicate waaye, ee u tartiibi.
  14. KK, calaacalka dabka naarta is his way letting us know inuu hadalkeena ku raaxeysanooyo.
  15. Waraa dabka naarta , yaa kuu dirsatay wararkeena? Haduu dhamaaday iyo hadii kale waa arimo adiga kuu oolin.
  16. lol@kii sijui ahaa. As for the topic, my advisor aan latashanooya hada. Our aim is to out-do you, after all you are our #1 competition.
  17. waligaa ma maqashey, typo? Error ee eheed and dont confuse me with kii sijui ahaa aka farax B, asaga aa saas u hadlo oo somaliga ku lii liiteeyo.
  18. Acuudi billaah@ kugu dhagtay. Timada iska rif.
  19. lol kk. I was just thinking of introducing a topic called "waan dhuusay" in which I will post how many times I fart a day and so forth, date stamped and all, bal kawaran hee? Getting back to this topic, I just want to say that KK is indeed a trend setter. Now people are more jolly around the forum, with "kiiixk kiiix kixx's" and "lol's" and "kkkkkkkkkk's" and alot of people coming out of the closet with their vacation plans and so forth, all thanks to KK who made the general section feel as thought its her ow shoe closet, hehehe. The prestigious award known as the "kastuumo of the year" award goes out to none other than KK herself. Congratulazioni sorella KK, naag naagteeda aa tahay.
  20. lol@yaa Skipper. Wallaahi when I read your title "the new SOL phenomenon", I thought KK inaad dheheysid, but close, hahaha. KK, tii ila dhalatay, hada ay waxa aad qoreysid aqrineysey, markaas ey wexey igu tiri, topic KK and this new trend ee bilowday intro kusamey, but I guess this topic will do.
  21. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    Not tall, hell yes check, not dark skin, hell hell yes check, got curly hair, hell hell hell yes check, and not wearing same diract, alla waan ba' nay check.(you literally described KK to the letter, but hada stalking hanoo bilaabin, haye)
  22. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    Thats the DVD I requested. Tii aniga ila dhalatay ma kudhihin DVDs soo iibi? She told me that you got my message. Teeda kale, KK, tdotO wax ay somali dvd ka haayaan maleh. I went there with my friend over a month and a half ago(the studio inside xamar weyne), and they had nothing, non of the new dvds, especially "gabar haloo doono" or anything. Cali & cawrala, they started playing on cinema that weekend that we were away, so I highly doubt DVD is available.(The movie is what now? a year and ahalf old?) Anyways, hadaa cali iyo cawrala heshid, iisoo sheeg.
  23. LayZie G.


    ^, heer aa "albaab madow" ka carooto aa gaartay oo ooyin daraadeed, admin isku wacdid oo si aniga edit leygu sameeyo, instead admin topic-gii dhan uu la kacay, ala concorde!
  24. LayZie G.

    I am gone

    ^^^ keyword "waan kusiiyay", why would I return waxa leysiiyay, yaa boston?