LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. You came back screaming? What an entrance! Gotta love the ranting, but hey, this is much bigger than lack or minimum intelligence.
  2. LOL@ "Ma maqlin oday Somali ah galbeedka ku nool baa xaajiyadiisa afka ka dhunkatay." good one che, and we posted at the same time, this definitely calls for a shake and a toast all at once PS:KK, aniga maba ogi waxa aan ku qoslaayo, you did after all make me sound like I get around. Its like I am SOL's own C_ _l G_ _ L or something, acudii billaah, ee maxaa waaye sheekada hada wadid, aniga aaba igu soo noqoday sida neph raaxada keega qaadeysay.
  3. Ok ok, since everyone is feeling great this morning/afternoon for some and evening for others, I would like to share an advise I once heard on the Dr. Phil show Dr. Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started and never finished." So, I woke up this morning, being a sunday, and feeling LayZie as usual, and I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before having my spinach omlette this morning, I finished off a bottle of Gin,a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Bailey's Bristol Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of Oreos, a pint of Ben and Jerry's, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some saltines and a box of Godiva chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel, now can you KK and J-baro beat that? PS: I still haven't gotten around to having a full sizeable strawberry shake, but I promise that once I get to it , I will finish off every last drop.(drop, drop, drop) @KK and S-Shake himself.
  4. ^Cunug aa? Ala ba ayeee, Islaan taas aad umoodo iney afartan jir sprint kusameyneyso. LOL@KK, atleast J-Baro meesha uu isoo dhigay, ee gormee Neph picture-keeda meeshaan isa soo dhigee? Aniga waxaan sugaa Nuune oo macawiis iyo cimaamad wato oo sinta qabsade pose as thought inuu hada dhow hip surgery laga sameeyey...
  5. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    There is fun and funny,making fun of people is never funny in my books,its childish and irresponsible especially when done by adults..and a tad bit distasteful. If you don't find the SOL sketches uu wiilka ka qoro dadka, maxaa meeshaan ka sameynee, Dahia Al Kanini? Seriously, to say waxa uu qoraaayo fun maaha, but hoos hoos aan ka qoslaa is just silly and aqli daro, c'mon now. Serina, sweetie, wax ha iga sugin inaan ku dhaho iyo wax waan kusoo qoraa ma is-keenaayaan, ee beenta aad iska dhaadhicisay iska daa, it isn't healthy for your blood pressure-ka. Neph, war fiicaan aad keente, aqliga lee kugu ogahay eedo.
  6. lol@KK, garbo xanuun iyo qosol maa isku darsatay? Wali neph's habahaba aan ku qoslooyaa. Neph, goorme noo wacdinee, I would probably benefit from it more than anyone here, ee date-ka lecture aa sameyneysid igu soo taabo. Haneefah, thank you sista, masha allah, I think we need a balance, and you are it. Too much qosol meel ay nageeneyso ma jirto, because already KK islaan isku soo aruurte ee noqote, see u qosleysay, mar ay dhabar xanuun sheegato, iyo mar ay dhahdo garbaha aa i-xanuunaayo, maskiin waaye, so we need to limit qosolka.. PS:lol@kk True without Ghanima, SOL would be nothing...
  7. Habahaba aa soo dhahee lmao@haba haba, that was hell of a fun, good come back eedo, I knew you had some gas left in you. KK, hairy chest, not hairy men, acuudi billaah. Yariisey aka Ghettonima, it seems to me you have a problem with me having my you know what in you have a hard time understanding waxa aan maalin walbo kaa celiyo. Anytime aa meeshaan daaco daaco kusoo gashid, and you attempt inaad nagu ma tagtid, not only will I continue to be all over it, but I will make sure you don't leave a stain. Now, as far as I don’t give two Fu*k What you think, believe, do, care, shid or huugac. Maad faahantee? Beenta iska daa yariisey, YOU CARE WHAT I THINK OR ELSE YOU WOULDN'T BE BOILING AS YOU WERE WHEN YOU WROTE THAT. YOU CARE AND IT KILLS YOU THAT YOU THINK I DONT THINK MUCH OF YOU, OTHER THAN SOMEONE AAN BALOONI CAMAL ISKAKA CIYAARO. SO STOP FOOLING YOURSELF and say it with me, "iga qalee LayZie".
  8. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    who we all know is married.. . and made fun of Xiin's PRIVATE affairs. First of all Serina, are you serious? Secondly, do not speak for anyone but yourself. I don't know about anyone's affairs but my own, and I like to keep it that way. You are not me, and I am not you, getting on people's bidness, as much as you and your likes are involved on other's extra curriculum activities is just silly, but its what you like doing and thats fine, but don't expect me or anyone who is reading this to also get on pple's bidness and know who is who, who is doing who and who has recently split with who, or who is married to whom here among your circle, thats just something you do, not I. You expect us to know about this stranger's marital status, as thought we are the kids in the spelling bee nationals infront of thousands, recalling what word origin goes with what? Forget the individual you mentioned, I don't even know inaa naag tahay, and I don't care to know hadii aa nin oo naag iska dhigaayo tahay, because? Its your bidness, not mine, so, next time aa meelahaan lasoo gashid "we all know", you might want to take a quick exist out. What part of the fun and laughter did you miss? What train did you take, it surely isn't the fun train. My advise is, exit on the next stop and take the eastbound towards funville station, when you get off , take the south exit, and look on your left, Tuujis Show is the big building overlooking the river.(You can thank me later) Lastly, I want to remind you that Tuujiska can make fun of whoever he wants to make fun off, and there is nothing you can do. This is a forum, and Tuujiska is allowed to have a section dedicated to anything he wants to talk about and that includes making fun of you on his next segment, ee get ready aan ku dhahay, I know you are a nervous wreck right now, but I assure you, he will be gentle on you, especialoccasion waaye.
  9. Anigu waxaan SOO JEEDIN lahaa in gobal walboo Soomaaliya ka mid ah uu sameesto Passport u gaara, chaos iyo chaos Nuune, I want whatever passport oo adiga qaadaneysid, kaaga lee igu og tahay. Castro, this is more than naceebka aad yey iyo TFG u haysidee, ee intee lagaa haayaa? Goodness, you really have problems, and you are way out of line. Just because labo eray aa aqrisay, and meeshaan aa istaagtaa like its a coffee shop oo 401 west ku yaalo, and you think you are build for siyaasad? C'mon eedo, I know inaa ceel buur iyo meelahaas dagneed oo lo' iyo ari dhaqan jirtay, you and that ngonge, but its getting old to read your condescending ways. I admit, sometimes, you make valid points, but other times, I just want inaan gafuurka kaa tumo. Qof aad SOL ka xigtid majirto, ee wax isku reebo, you are losing it eedo. Teeda kale, MMA, you are good for nothing MOD around here. We have castro attacking another member for no reason, he went off topic, talking about meel kale aaad, yaa u dirsaday, and why aa waligaa afka u taagtaa? Goormee aa shaqadaada qabanee? You are MOD, do your work, no one asked you to volunteer, maybe admin, but you took it upon yourself to do a job and you are not doing it. HOw many times do I have to tell you, You are not capable of handling this section at all. I have seen too many of your wajiyaashaada, you report who you want to report, and kuwa kalane aa meelaha afka isula wada taagtaan. Its a shame MMA, I can't begin to describe how disappointed I am with you as a MOD, very disappointing, if you want the truth, just do yourself a favour and resign or let someone like nuune moderate this section, and you might want to take up the poetry section if you insist on being a MOD etc, baby steps aan ku dhahay brah...
  10. EEdo neph, magacaaga shimee ghettonima noqday? As KK's saying goes "Is qorad badanidaa", your issues is beyond help hada, ee hada saa usocotay, aniga maa igu soo gambatay about your menage a trois fantasies you are having about inanta?(aren't we a little too territorial, ma istiri?) PS: YOu have nothing to worry about , I have always been a fan of the other team, something about hairy chests that I can't get enough of, unlike you, caawa sirtaada aad iyo aad ayey usoo fakatay, now KK is worried inaa kix kix kix deeda si kale u qaadatay, I feel for KK, aad iyo aad aa uga nixisay, oo indhaheeda saan ay ufuureen :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    lol@Tuujiska, nin waalan aa tahay. LOL@dirac with thong aan ku tusaa, I think odayga wuu waalanaa just by the thought of it. He is used to seing granny undies, so a thong will be a big plus, waxaana umaleynaa inuu duco kuugu daraayo.
  12. in case you have not noticed KK is now online in SOL 24/7, when before I use to see her post once a month. As much as I like having her around with her QAX QAX Qix QIx Ghettonima, that was one bad impression of Tuujiska. You need to quit trying so hard, Tuujiska is a natural, he is just funny and you are not. What you wrote above is not remotely funny. Anyways, maxaa KK, afkaaga ugeeeyay, af aad moodid iney kaneeco ku kaadisay? Dadkiina reer UK, SOL waad ku dukatiin, and you are one to talk about other people, inaa lilaah waa inaa raajicuun.
  13. Juq Juqlees badanidaa, lol@isku xishoo, hoos hoosne waa iga waalee, lol.
  14. KK, wallaahi wax ceeb meesha mayaalo. Hadaa hada rabtid, islaantaas waan kuu geena oo ayada aaba sida cashar camal ay kugu sharxee, maba umaleyso iney ceeb tahay. I thought you knew about this, your own friend was sitting there when the story was told to my aunt, I thought she might have mentioned it to you.(not rock's chick, the other sister) PS:Hi Lily, red iga aamus and ducaysane, adoo nin waalan ah aa question gareenee my sanity, how dare u?
  15. Hey KK, erayo kale mataqaanid miyaa oo aanan ahayn "isku dhadhajis"??? Miskiinad ..i am also a 'rent a xalimo' for weddings ect Haye hee, there is a name for that line of work, it starts with an "E" and ends with a "t"
  16. Hi Val , Hi Strawberry shake . Val uun u salaantaa? What about the rest of us, we dont deserve a measly Hi? Val is not a bruja like you, she is lovable.
  17. Aniga, ingiriiskaan iyo sheekada private school, carabta lee leygu soo baray.(Canada waxaan imaaday anoo ingiriis ku hadlaayo) Waalidkeyga were all about ingiriis hala baro gabadha, si deg deg eh, because I was the only one in my family that didn't know english. I am the youngest in my family, in other words, all my 3 older siblings mar hore ey private ingiriis after school aadi jireen ayagoo yar yar. So carabta marka aan soo dagne, egypt to be precise, private school oo western eh aa leygu tuuray, oo run gareeyo from 1st grade to 12 grade(aa umaleynaa), saas aan 4th grade kudhameystay, and 5th grade ka bilaabay, oo odaygii ingiriiska ay introduction leygu sameeyay.(hal maado lee carab eheed, inta kale ingiriis aa lagu qaadan jiray) Waa dalkii carabta oo tutor leygu qabtay so I can be on top of my game at school were engiriiska was concerned.(I remember my tutor was a nigerian dude too) So, there is something in the arab air and private school ay somalida geeyaan ilmahooda. Teeda kale, hadii iskool carab eh ley geen lahaay markaas, hada anoo fluent in arabic eh oo sida qu'raanka aan ugu aqristo aan ugu hadli lahaa, oo lafaha aan carabta ka tumilahaa, unfortunately, kii ey dhahaayeen ingriis aa waalidkeyga qorsagaaro ku qabtay mar hore. PS:North, nothing wrong with parents oo kufaanaayo "my children go to private school", if you got it, flaunt it
  18. Red Sea, I knew all along that you were creeping on ina adeertey, now that adiga iska shiftay, Ima have to cut you and your pregnant mistress into pieces. No one creeps on you know what, and gets away with it. PS:Kii shiineyskii oo ladhahaaye Zu iyo our sista rahiima sheekadaan ma ogyihiin. Rahiima iyo ilmaheeda, iyo Zu iyo asaga kaligiis(the SOL version of michael jackson) allaha ka ziyaadiyo dhibaatada toys ka oo lagu soo koobay dalkii australia
  19. Kk, Condoms are nt healthy. I puke with just the thought of them, it makes u feel so used! loooooooooool but pls no offence to nay1 out here. Uma, you don't strike me as a sexual personal by any means. A couzin of my habaryar, once said she didn't enjoy having intercourse with her hubby. So habaryartey wexey weydiisay, naa kaale, hada adoo 6 ilmo dhalay aa maanta inta inaad isoo fadhiisatay aa idhahee, I don't enjoy having intercourse with hubby? So the couzin of my habaryar said, well aniga intercourse maka helo, waayo, sida aniga iyo asaga waligiin wax pleasure eh nama dhaxyaalin. She went on to explain to my habaryar the way ayada iyo ninkeeda ay ilaa iyo hada 6 ilmo kusoo dhaleen.(wallaahi waa runtii iney 6 ilmo qabto) Her explanation went like this and I Am not making this up by any means. Ninka comes to the room, prior to his arrival, she would go and handle her business, come to the bed, and turn all lights off, and she will position herself with lugaheeda cirka ayagoo fiirinaayaan. He knows the arrival time, he will come, go on top of her, do what he has to do to relief himself and the show is over. No affection, no hugging, no kissing, non of that. Foreplay hadeyba kuu taqaano ba. Naagtaas when she was explaining all of this to my aunt, daacad ey aheed sida ay ugu sharaxeyse the system ay ilmo ku dashay. The moral of this story is that the minute aan aqriye your response about "eww, puke oo the thought o condom iga keenaa" I thought of islaantaas, and wondered what else oo puke kaa keenaayo. I am sure pleasure toys are out of the question where you are concerned, right? (don't worry, you don't have to answer) PS: Just by your response to KK about the love aa baby u qabto was more in the lines that you enjoy the idea of a baby, but not so might about the mechanism behind it all?
  20. Can two people who were married then got divorced date again? Yes brother, they can get it on with each other. Is this normal? This is quite normal. This scenario oo leysgu noqonaayo has been around for ages. Its very similar to dating couple, who end up breaking up, only to get back with each other days after the initial break-up... You know that person, so it won't be easy, its like wearing dirac without gorgorad at the beginning, it just doesn't feel right, you feel naked, you constantly ache for gorgorodaada and you just have to have it. Anyone who has ever dated and broken up with someone would agree with me when I say its not easy to move on right off the path, you will second guess yourself, you would think about them constantly, maybe even reach out to them, its human nature, in leysku noqdo the first time. The initial breakup isn't really a breakup, the after breakup breakup is the real breakup, thats when you know you are definitely done and that you have nothing in common with your ex other half and you are finally ready to let him go, and move on with your life. What do you call that? Brother, the term you are looking for is "booty call", I am just disappointed that this wasn't brought up by the others before me, mase cabsi daraadeed aa meelaha kale fiirineyseen, dadkiinoow? With booty call, the reality is that after being with one person for so long, especially a woman wouldn't rush to jump into the bed of another man, and somehow she finds herself being in the same bed ay marka hore kasoo carartey, and maybe thats a good thing, instead of sleeping around with total strangers. In any case, this booty call business is very complicated and if you don't play your cards right, you might end up being burned, and become a burneeeeeeeeeee, instead of a burner, ya feel me, I thought so.
  21. She is registered at the Home Outfitters and The Bay...I haven't registered anything less than $100, just so y'all know... Marka hore oo wax la registaraareenaayo, waxa bride-ka rabto aa lasoo registeraareeya, not KK's favourite department store's, incase hadooda aan naco some gifts saa adiga uqaadato aa rabtaa, sheekadaada waan fahmay. Hadii aad serious "wakiilnimadaada" uqaadaneysid, meelaha LayZie jeceshahay tag oo isoo registaraarey.(i.e linen N things iyo Pottery Barn ) I know its a hard task for soomaalida like Zu, inuu Pottery barn helo much less afford it, but tell him he can register online, since meesha shiinahiisa dagan yiihin oo loogo helin department store-kaas. Teeda Kale, Neph iska daa. She is the only one besides me oo nuune's choice of a mate la yaabte. Nin soo tuurtuurte, oo bajaqyaal soo maray, oo aad u dhib badan, meel aan geeyo aaba iska yar. Sista Neph, wax run aa ku hadashay, but marka run run oo aan aroosgeyga kuugu soo sheego, run run aan gift kaa rabaa, ani congratulations dry eh dadka dadka ka yeelo ma ihi, hawada cirka xataa cheap people mala share gareeyo. PS:KK, saaxiibtaa said that "Bay", Macy's aa gatay, run maa sheekadaas ka jirto?
  22. ^, I will take this opportunity to translate your jibrish to afkeena caano. Ghettonima said, "Mac sokor, waxaan nii rajeynaa cilmi dheer oo ku saabsan dagaal", markaas ey qososhey, ey ciridkeeda oo jaalada-ah natustay. Hadana wexey ku dartay " Atleast nac nac deyda, wey joogsanee, aniga oo leygu magacaabo, ghettonima, because wax igu qeylinaayo ma arkaayo hada kadib", then she concluded by wishing us "wanaag", the end.
  23. LayZie G.

    The Show..

    LMAO@ dhidid badnaa waxa ma sac oomanaa.. Naagta Tuujiska aroosto, wexey udhimanee qosol daraadiis, acuudi billaahi Tuujiska, KK see ufuurte ma aragtay, mar dhow gabadhaan canduufkeeda ay ku choke gareene saa uga qosolsiineyso.
  24. ]Waraa inta bajaq meesha ka buuxdo oo ii kulul, tan since 2003 nafta ii keeneysay aa hada madaxa ii Tuujiska, tii serina ladhahaayo, mar dhow ay mindi daraada ii qaadanee oo anoo hurdaayo dariishada iga soo galee, aad iyo aad ay gabadha kugu kulushahay, ee qabooyi waryaa. lol@KK, Tuujiska waa wiil fariid eh, but aniga teyda aa i haysado, mid waalan meel aan geyn karo aaba iska jirto. PS:Strawberry shake, vanilla is still in the game, and loves her shakes too much to leave it alone, so don't believe Nuune
  25. kix kixk kix kixk, maad rabtaa inaan soo qoro, serenity. About time inaan armaajada kasoo baxday where Tuujiska is concerned. I knew you had a thing for Tuujisk all along, I am just glad that you came to terms with your feelings. As for me, I knew all along inaan aad ijecleed, too bad the feeling isn't mutual, maybe if I played for the other party, things would have been different. PS:lol@KK, haa all of a sudden, I am joking ey excuse ka dhigatay