LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. lol@che, saas maa Jury Duty u neceb tahay? Aniga, I can't wait to be selected, just reading the title of the thread had me excited all over again. Only person I had seen with an order for to appear is my mom, and she was picked twice, each time she called and gave a reason, and they accepted it. I asked her to ask the clerk if I can substitute for her, I was that excited, but unfortunately, thats not how it works. When my time comes, and I know it will, I want it to be something special, like robbery/rape/murder, I don't want to be selected for a civil matters, hell no. I don't care about $$$$(I would do it for free) if the trial is long, because just having to sit in a court room and have that defendent look into my eyes and see hope is worth it all and go through that experience is priceless. I even thought of a way to sway the other jurors so we can be on deliberation for as long as we can, and at the end, I am hoping everyone will vote my way.
  2. Rudy, lol@christian organization, hahha u are funny. That clip about the chavs is by far my favourite, I am a subscriber now, and J11, de nada. That pic you posted looks nice(what's up with that geeky guy on the background, he/she needs a hair cut), he really seems cool, talking about the issues that are real to him, and here are most of former chavs, current chavs of SOL hating on the guy(Naxar iyo north), get over it qaxooti's.
  3. lmao@NEefey Kaalay, why aa J-baro saas ugu ceebeenee? LOL J-baro, how many times aan kudhahay, post your sources, without them, its almost impossible in waxaan serious loo qaado, ee nadaa, pakistani iyo wexe eey yihiinba yey nawaalin. Magacyada ayuu inoo soo badalay, lol(but death wax joke loo qaado maaha@Jbaro) title ka marka aan hada aqriyay, I was shocked, KK meydey???? Neefta aaba igu dhagi laheed.
  4. Red sea, get a grib and man up, "I lost hope kulahaa", go cry you a river then son.
  5. Abdinuur, no need to ask for a geographical graph because 90% of these forumer's are from UK, and most just happen to reside in london or outside of london. The remaining 10% is divided to, canada %3, 3 U.S.A and the remaining 4% is between the continent of Asia, Africa and our oussie brothers and sisters.(this is based on my observation over the yrs) There are few of us from Canada, getting killed with this storm we had over the weekend. and then we have people like Che, and Kenyati farah brown, repping U.S.A and then finally we have Jbro from somalia, but currently in france having shrimps from a chinese restaurant and smoking shiisha and wuu qaliyooyaa probably, go figure.(CALOOL XANUUN RAADIS WAAYE KAAS) In any case, thats the 411, and incase you can't tell from these people apart, you will soon enough because UK affairs lee soo qoraan or ay ka hadlaan, hence naagta gaalada who allowed her pupils to call their teddy mohamed, btw she has been freed, yay to cadanta.
  6. ^^ *Never seen so many nomads giving so much accolades to someone who is still alive and kicking You call that praising Ngonge? You either say your piece or move on, no need to start wondering waxa aad aragtay before iyo wixi aadan arkin. Anyways Ngonge, indhaha fur before aad closet-ga aadan isku xirin, ee for once waxa la qoro aqri, I know inaad qoritaalkaaga mashquul ku tahay most of the time to pay attention.(more reading, less writing for you)
  7. ^You can say no one cares and end it right there. The reason why this problem exists is because most of these children have parents that have your type of mentality @sharmarke. There problems with the youth are everywhere, uk, u.s.a, canada, africa, other parts of europe, australia, asia. These children need to be taught right from wrong. They need to be believed that they can be anything they want to be and that getting into trouble isn't the way of life. They need to be shown that there is more to life than hanging out late at night on the streets and wasting time away. If the father isn't there and the mother is busy having more babies and doesnt have time to sit and talk with their children and ask how their day went and what they learned from school today, then what makes you think inuu cunugaas meel gaaraayo? Who do kids turn to when there is no home at home to turn to? Their friends, and by god if those friends are kumo tuugo eh, cunugaas iyo gabadhaas wey udhamaatay because their role model is another 14 yr old who knows nothing but stealing and aiming for wealth by force and not knowing that you can work hard for whatever they are trying to steal and earn 10x more than its worth. Unless the child is smart and is meant for greatness by allah, he/she has no chance in hell in making it, thats a reality. The process of rebuilding starts at home, parents need to show interest, first and foremost, but if they have no interest or no faith in their children, then the child in turn will have no faith in him or herself. That article above was very powerful, so maybe you sharmarke need to take the time to read it before aad meelaha kusoo qorin "no one cares".
  8. llmaoooooool@Neph, hahahaaaa the new way to hearing live music, after all heesaga dhagta aa laga dhageystaa. PS:JB, saan maa dadka adiga usoo dhaweysaa, mase si ka daran? Forget waxa uu government-kaaga dadka usameeyo, ee ii sheeg how far you will take your hospitality? Instead of diyaaro, is there helicopter showing you the night scene from the top habeenkii?
  9. Ayoub, if that isn't hating, I don't know what is. The last 4 pages speak value. I only commented on my run ins with her in these forums and thats how I happened to reach the conclusion that she is an awesome individual and many more are on my boat who also commented about her, and some know her personally and they all have one thing in common, and that is Val. And no, she doesn't have to be dead inorder for her or others to appreciate her. Did you ever hear about appreciating others marka ay nool yihiin, instead of waiting marka ay kaa tagaan and there goes your regret. If only I said this, or if only I had a chance to do that with them yada yada. My advice for you Ayoub is go to and find anyone you love or care hoy, and tell them how much they mean to you. I know majority of somalida weren't raised to be affectionate, but you need to get over that.
  10. Don't you realize what day of the month it is? Never attempt to speed or drive on a yellow turning red light at the end of the month and the beginning of the following month. Officers got quota's to meet, and only fools get caught, you are lucky he didnt fine you or did he?
  11. LayZie G.


    What’s a lot worse is mixing English and Somali words, not sentences, as we’re all guilty of that. For example, call-garey, watch-garey, find-out-garey etc. Really, I fantasize about ina wajiga ka slap-gareyo. Lily, funny you brought that up because just yesterday I had a call one of my homegrls and this is how the conversation went. Sual ayey igu bilaabtay ay i weydiisay, why didnt you return my call, waxaa kaa sugaaye inaan isoo call gareeneysid? Jawaabteyda wexey aheyd, movie aan watch gareenaaye, ee hadoota isoo wac, hada waqti aan ku murmo ma haayo? Markaas ay igu jawaabay, but hada aan waxti qabaa lee lets meet garee, markaas aan ugu jawaabay ok, but wait wax yadh, oo aan clothes soo gishto oo soo shower gareysto, markaas aan meet gareyneynaa, hadaba, markaas ay tidhi, ok ok, waa inoo hadoota.
  12. Excuse me, A.D.D aa kuligiin tihiin walaahi. She clearly stated she doesn't "exercise" , so why go around giving her tips about various work outs? She wants a quick fix and eedo poster, there isn't a quick fix. The reality is, you need to burn more calories than you cansume. Watch what you put in your mouth. A bag of cookies thathas 200 calories, Vs a bowl of cereal that is very filling? I would opt for the cereal in the morning. At lunch, would you go ahead and buy that chicken burger with fries that has 550 calories, or would you opt for a bowl of soup that has just over 100 calories? So, at the end of the day, its all about choices and you need to make smart choices when it comes to food. Next time you grab a quick meal, please look at the nutrition facts at the back sticker and think, trust me, once you see that big number, you wouldn't want to put it in your mouth.
  13. ^Mr Cadaan, LayZieBone is hottie, KrayZie just looks old grandpa who still hasn't come to terms with his age, lol. LOL@KK, Zafir why the shock aboo aboo. You got me for a moment, because I was like when did I post that? Just for a moment, then I opened it and looked at the date. Good one Now that I am reading all those comments, the one that stands above all is che's comment, he is so cute and no che, you are not a hater, but a shaker. Saludo ya che
  14. LayZie G.


    waah waah waxaasaa maah maah lagaa dhaha LOL@waah waah", waad aqrisay waxa aan maanta kuu qoray soo maaha? You noticed that I murdered your "wah" in every other sentence. Shaqo waxaan eheen majirto, shaqo and more shaqo na mean. Nuune aa ayaa mahaan professor ii eh, he says I am his top student , he wants me to master in our language, will see. I am using the lingo to better communicate with my comrata che, para fomentar nuestra causa. If you wondering what the cause is, is the Shake cause, hehehe. PS: Uf, this thread wreaks of self-righteousness Mukulaashaan oo fleas-ka qabto intee kaaga soo gashay@KK?
  15. J-baro, masha allah, you are a gaaboo aa tahay(anaaba kaa dheer), didnt take you for the midget type. lol@kk's comment about calooshaada, bal yaa dhahay sidaas sawirka ufiiri, I think meelo kale ayay daawaneysay (i.e the eyes) How come you won't come out in the open to confirm that is it indeed you on that sawirka, teeda kale, why post your co-workers, when you may or may not have their consent to use their image in a public forum, but exclude yourself from it? (just doesn't add up J-baro, sheeka jaceylka)
  16. but watching them play on the weekend made me question my previous reaction) Lander, I wrote the above quote on nov.21st, incase you missed it, fatlan, re-read it. In other words, I might have judged the magic too early based on the amount of $$ they poured into rashad lewis, I thought here we go again. We all do respect to rashad lewis as a player, but history can not be erased and when it comes to him and injury, he is just immune to breaking something or hurting anything at anytime. That aside, his inconsistancy, his inability to function as a leader. Lets not forget that he didn't deserve that contract. As a role player, he will probably be an asset to an established team, and magic aren't it. As I said, I have watched them once before as mentioned on my initial post then again lastnight I caught early 3rd quarter right to the end of regulation and phoenix just took their defense apart, aside from when they caught up, and that last play by stan for a 3? I never understood why a coach sets a play for a 3pointer Vs a 2 when the entire game is on the line? He could have easily written a dribble and a possible foul right to the hoop and that could in return either tie the game if the player takes it to the hoop, or a possible foul depending on how he is foul? On top of that, the best defensive guy as far as power forward in matrix aa haayo rashad and yet the coach sets a play for him to shoot over matrix over other players, aqli daro at its best. That was just bad coaching decision. To make matters worse, you have weak backcourt aka Jameer Nelson and his sidekick backup aka puerto rican in the nba aka arroyo, and you actually believe that they will make it to the conference finals? hahahahhaha qosol waaye waxaas, ee bal is daji. Man child has weak support, they are good enough to make it to playoffs, even pass the first round, but thats it, as far as them going anywhere with bench such as evans and cooks (phill jackson rejects)lol, and dooly please, waligaa riyoo but that is one far fetched riyo as I just laid out the entire team's weakness.
  17. LayZie G.


    KK, Ingiriiskaaga aaba kusoo koobmay UNBELIEVABLE!!! WAH... at the end of every sentence aad qorto, ee maxaa miskiiniinta oo ka hadleyso karabtaa???(how did the maahmaah go? "Daanyeer badadiisa mafiiriyo" :eek: :eek: :eek: ) Che, dalac bilaash aaba kusoo baxday lol@ waa adin yaabe I think you meant to write, "waan idinka yaabe? " :mad: :mad: :mad: Afkeena hooyo haku ciyaarin yaa che
  18. So, lastnight, I walked into my house and I noticed that some family members were tuned in and watching Dr Phil (on the DVR) from earlier in the day. So, after a while, I sat and watched with them and got the update on what I missed. A while girl met her boyfriend which later became her fiancee from my space, she went and met him, only to find out that he was beating her with his belt if she went out of line and she didn't like the few lashes oo lagu sameeye. Anyways, Dr. Phil had her and her family as well as the guy on the show via satellite, due to not him having visa to come to america. Watch It Here PS:I was laughing my head off marka wiilka imaaday on the show via satellite, once he walked out of the show when the fiancee, the white girl confronted him and said she doesnt want to be with him, apparently, she went to the show to show courage and once and for all break up with him on national television, d*mb broad
  19. lol@buuxo, this system is based on innocence, is he innocent, is she innocent, not kaas aids ha iska fiiriyo oo stds check samee. Plus, somalida wexey aaminsanyiihin, hadii ay "intercourse" dhicin, qoftaas didnt get any contact with a disease, but that was before qalabyada hada jiro invention lagu sameynin aan umaleynaa. Nuune, su'aal aan ku weydiinaayo maa ku dhibaayo? I am naturally curious, so saan aan wax u weydiinaayo is my only source of info, hahaha, aniga google wax walbo maka fiiriyo.
  20. ^aaaaaaawwww@@@che, did u finally get over the abondonment? Do you still keep in touch with that family? their name is Madhibaan, isn't it? You should use that instead. Cadaan, seriously WTH? I didn't even know that term existed, and I am 100% somali and here you are cadaan as ever. If you didn't post that pic that said "Hi LayZie" from some time ago to prove inaad cadaan eheed, I would have seriously questioned your race, but unfortunately, you proved inaad cadaan eheed ages ago. Or maybe your bestfriend oo cadaan eh aa tiri hold that sign that said Hi LayZie while you took a snapshot? That would explain your deep undercover somalinimo, hmmm? PS:I don't have a problem with anyone who is you know what, because I didn't even know who was what qabiil and why qabiil this hates qabiil that until few yrs ago, I was never brought up to hate anyone(unlike some people on this very forum) for how illaah made them to be, and I am not about to start.. Now, I recall once commenting about these same qabiil/tribe or however way they are described, a friend of mine was from that tribe, is the only close contact I have had, and I gotta tell you, they are just human beings, but their flaw was that they insisted that the girls married one of their own, hence a couzin and so forth, or else they would get sh*t from the parents, so ayaga aaba the rest of somalida rabinba, so dadkaan who think they have something against those other tribe, is weydiiya, maba nilarabaa first of all? Unfortuntely, my homegrl I speak off, she wasn't for that, she wanted to choose her mate, and it didnt matter where he came from. As early as this year, her little sister married a non somali, first for her family and everyone was beside themselves.(everyone was so happy for her) She married cadaan oo muslimay just for her? How wonderful is he? So, its getting there, but I am sure even they would love to keep it on their own, but some of them are changing with time, so kudos to all sides, thats my advise for the day.
  21. lol@Sista Haneefah, I asked you a closed end question, haa mase maya. I never once made a judgement about your life. BTW, yOu just seemed so tense when you wrote your previous post thats all. Furthermore, no woman is at fault for the abuse her husband afflicts on her despite the type of mentality or behaviour she manifests. I find it quite absurd and absolutely wrong for anyone (let alone another woman) to even suggest that some women 'give the green light' for abuse. Any husband who abuses his wife is sick, he is the culprit and he alone should be held accountable for this heinous crime. I wholeheartly agree with you. The blame lies with the abuser not the abusee, and no one is arguing about that. But for you to find comfort in another human being, may it be your bestfriend, your sister, next door neighbour(neph's case) and so forth, there is nothing wrong with that. Sure enough, once you make your private affairs public, depending on the person it ear it falls on, words can be spread faster than you can say "yahoow".(neph's case a good example) No xalimo from xamar laga keenay knows ninka inuu gumeesanaayo, thats why neighbours such as neph out to be neutral, find a way to resolve it by listening to both sides or having a way to reach out not just to one party but both parties and get them involved in a dialog and by doing that, she needs to tell the neighbour to have the husband be open to discussion, whether it is just the two of them or involving an elder, however way that makes the situation easy for both parties. Either way, hadii naagtaas ay neighbourgeyga ahaan laheyd, I wouldn't lash out on her hubby even if she is doing all the trash talking, instead at the end of that lashing once she is settled, I would ask that she find a way to communicate with him and have her listen to her concerns. Sometimes, people need to be guided sista haneefah, you can't shut people up or they would just explode and we dont want suicide rate rising in our community, hence why its good to chit chat to your neighbour etc if thats what she feels like as long as she knows what she is doing is the right thing.(use caution and select a trusted confidant not your neighbour in unit 2B(neph's apartment #, incase anyone wants it or else neph will broadacst you out in public forums)
  22. Just be glad I didn't mention what they found on cinema seats. Cinema seats = full of cem*n (too much action happening with those back seats) Another thing is, if you occasionally travel, take 2 bed sheet with you and lay 1 on the hotel bed over their sheets, and take another one for cover at night. As well as take extra pillow cover and you are set. I do that when I take my vacations, never leave my sheets behind. As for the office, its best if you have your own office but in the case of Val, coming early to work is the way to go I guess.(head start on cleaning, smart girl) Also company hires company called techclean and they come every 3-6months and clean the office workstations As far as doorknobs and such are concerned, I pay particular attention, especially when I use the washroom, I kick the door on the way in (gently and I kid not) and coming out, I take one of the towel papers and touch it to open the door on my way out, I wash my hands atleast 2-4X a day, I even go and get more towels, I can't stand germs, please ha igu sheegin. At home, I have my own work area, but knowing family members, I still have a cleaning sheet to wipe the germs off the keyboard, I dont do it frequently but probably every few days or a week. As for the tea cups, I have my own tea cup, I dont use any other cup at home besides that one and when it breaks, I get another one off the set my mom keeps for guests(we all have mothers who tend for these ghosts and keep the best china for these people that may or may not arrive and if they do, we end up serving them on some low china set not those nice things we are always staring at, cheap iga dheh.) Lastly, I wash everything atleast 2-3x, I even go grocery shopping and I pick the fruits and vegetables of the bottom because the top has been touched or atleast thats what I convince myself. Best thing to do is, change your toothbrush every 2 months, change your pillow every 6months, there are real dhidhimo aka look alike injir that leave under those cottons(I seen it on oprah ages ago when she had the msot common things tested) Goodluck and May you live in a germ free environment
  23. Written by Islaantaas^^^ r in this case SOL A magnificently vivid dream indeed lol Yaa kudhahay hadal? Islaan oo web dreams maginificent ku weceyso by a fellow nomad aa disrespectful iyo wax loo jeedin ka hadleyso? Where do you get off talking about waxa disrespectful eh iyo wixii kale? Mase hada aa explaination ii galee, sida tii kale u hore u oyse? C'mon now, go hide behind bustadaada before aan cyber "ul" kula dhaco, LABAWAJIILE waaxid.
  24. Abuu nuune, in just reading your past post, I came to the conclusion that marka ay hablaha systemka "juus gareyn" use gareeyaan, its just that, and that there is no physical evidence that the man oo juus gareen lagu sameeye inuu tainted aheyn. Furthermore, naagta waqtiga lee iska dhameenee, oo hada naag juus gareen sameyneyso on a man waxba maka soo galaayaan, ee iisheeg how the women who perform the juus gareen were selected? Are these elders or average xalimos? Explain to me the history, as I only heard about it briefly, because I read it somewhere we are not the only culture oo saas sameeyaan oo juus gareen is practiced better parts of africa.