LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Duqeedana in uu cararo ma ahayn fuleynimo daraadiis, in uu iyada ugu tago meesha kaligeed to face those charges. Ninka aqlilow waaye, dabaasha ayaa meesha loogu tagay so she can face the music by herself. atleast 3 houses ayey qabtaa and only 2 were taken, soo atleast some lacag aa ilmaha uharaayo. LOL kk, tan mid aqli kujiro ma aha, lol walaalkeed oo deceased eh ayay dhibaatada ku nabtay, waa snitch, meel ay usocotona malaha. I don't think she has the aqli to escape prior to sentencing.
  2. LayZie G.


    I thought facebook was just for college kids. Waayeelkana meesha maka qaraabtaan. LoL. Merry X-mass and happy New Year shake
  3. ^lol. Talk to me/Ask me questions Ngonge, be a sport and include that nutty topic where the poster answers his own questions 2 or 3x in a row before someone takes over for him.
  4. LG 3-5% APR on few dollars is not going to make you rich it will only take the baraka out of your money since that will be mixed up with your hard halal earned money. The way to financial freedom is investments in the stock market, having your own business or real state. Obviously you have to do your research to make sure who ever you invest in is not involved in unholy activities. Pujah, sweetie, First take the halal out of the equation. Secondly, the average reader or investor has to start somewhere, ING direct is an example and having measley 3%apr on a few dollars is better than paying your local bank a fee so they can keep your hard earned dollar in their banks. You need to look for businesses that will pay you to keep your money. There are other options out there, ways you can earn a bigger cut, such as locking a large sum of dollars for a certain period of time, the higher the rate for that amount would be at the end of the term, either way, its a win win situation for the investor. You can't just advise any farah and xalimo to invest in stock market. Not everyone here is a risk taker, so give them all the information that you know thats out there, and let them make the decision. Steer them in the right direction, thats all. Another thing is, look for unionized banks, stay away from the big players in the market. If you must bank with an established bank, know your options, find out what the competitors are offering you. Remember, they need you just as much as you need them.
  5. Good read, poster. lol@Wild Cat, indeed cali beystaan inta taagan waaye. The point made a good point, dad oo finance and investing shaqo kulaheen aa lecture arimahaas ka bixiyo, the nerve eh? I want to save money but I want to do it in a halaal way sheeko sheeko waaye. Hadaad haram iyo halaal niyada kaaga jurto, then you are not serious about investing.. We live in a world that as soon as calagta kusoo gasho the sooner ay kaa baxdo. The key is to balance it out. Look into setting up an RRSP account, look into ING direct saving plan. For instance, opening up ING direct saving account is easy. A 123 step over the website sign up or calling their toll free#, instantly, you will have the account setup, from there you deposit a blank cheque, in which they will create a link between them and your regular branch (chequing account) from there on, you can add $50, $100, $200 into the investment account monthly with a starting of a 3.85 rate or so as an example and your money is earning for you without you doing anything. But on the other hand, you have a saving or a regular chequing account with your regular bank, in which they may charge you $5 - $10 a month just to have that open with them, and in turn, your money just sits there without doing anything. The somali people's greatest investment comes in a form of ayuuto, but even in ayuuto, they still spend their money irresponsibly Individuals who are in ayuuto have to setup a plan, in which after the 6-10month period of their money being kept in rotation end, where to go from there? Maxaa lacagta lagu sameynaa, now that ay kuu aruurte without koritaan? Is it going into an RRSP account or is it just simply going to be put to buying that car you wanted or those overseas business venture you were looking into setting up ? You have to have a plan of action and you need to be prepared to execute it. Yes vehicle is a great investment, but so is real estate. How about investing in some stocks, very few shares bought could do wonders, but you have to be able to take the risk, not just think about it. So, the next time you have a quite a few hundred or thousands and thousands of dollars saved up, think before you act on that "it" item you were looking into getting. Lastly, I want to end it by saying, for those that make a decent living yearly, why not set "a figure" to save yearly.(just on the side?) Whether it is $5,000 or $10,00 or those that cant afford to put that much away, how about few hundred of dollars or even a thousand dollars? Think safe, spend responsibly
  6. ^^ S.A.D kulahaa? Waraa, I just went and googled that disorder from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:- Light therapy lamp for Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, is an affective, or mood, disorder. Most SAD sufferers experience normal mental health throughout most of the year, but experience depressive symptoms in the winter or summer. The condition in the summer is often referred to as Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. Before maanta, waligey term-kaas ma isoo marin and its sad that a nin went and posted "ways to keep one happy" and now adiga aa S.A.D ka hadlaayo, balaayo idinga lee keenay, ee naga fogaada, badeel dhagaha hani martee.
  7. Dabamusbaar and Dhajjis lmao@nuune, I can't believe waxyaalaha sida aad u aliftid, shactoroolow. dabamusbaar kulahaa, isn't that what naag oo flat behind loogu waco?
  8. Laf laf, waxaa cidiid madow la tahay ba cun, ee wali maad hadlowsaa, iskaalmeento yahow.
  9. KK, labadaan nin ayaga aaba isku qoslaayo. Especially the first one, wuuba iska helay, kix kix kix kulahaa. Ninka labaad was better off holding the camera, humor-kiisa meesha uu baxay ma arkin.
  10. kixkixkixkixkix, on behalf of KK. PS:Nice read lurker
  11. (as the Canadians suggested), hmm, waxa ad la maagan tahay ma ogi, but is dagi eedo. If people are going out of their way and giving tons and tons of greeting cards and gifts, its good to return the favour,an even go out of your way to give them gifts(little things), nothing wrong with that, but I guess the canadians waa dad reer magaal, who know how to show the love back to their co-workers...
  12. lol@che, sheikh sharif has always been in my heart of hearts, but you have been in you know what.... lmao@@@@@@@@@@@@@Nuune's comments Nuune, acuudi bilaaah, xaasid lee kusoo baxday. My days of dagaal are behind me. Hada maskiinad aan kusoo baxay, ee rabshada aa ila rabtid iga daa, dooli haku fuule. PS:dont let my admiration for the sheikh ruin our special bond
  13. We spend eight hours per day with these people. It is more than one spends with friends and family. A little consideration is in order. Alright, Ngonge, you have a point. Since I am full of energy this morning (cant wait for the free food), how about I give you some tips on what to get these people. Because you don't have much time on your hands, this weekend, you have got to start hitting the shops. Have the wife or yourself get a sorted candies, some chocolates, gums etc. Tell them to go to the dollar store near your area and get some colorful tiny x-mass cards. Add that to some candy cane,buy little ribbons and a large clear wrapping bag(cut it for each cup), gliterry white and have it wrapped all around each cup once the goods are in it and hand it over with little cute cards hanging on to each one of the cups. Its very personal, and it says you care. I got that gift couple of times and each time I loved it, it just makes people feel warm and fussy inside when they see it. Now go on ahead and get going, you got work to do. To get you to the mood, Ima read you one of my cards I just received not long ago, its a new year's card, she was so thoughful, knowing that I don't celebrate x-mass and all and it reads: Happy faces greet the season, all aglow with warmth and cheer... All the world joints hearts and hands to welcome in the bright new year. With all good wishes for a happy new year... signed XXXX wishing you the best XXXXX
  14. LOL^, ALL JOKES ASIDE @NGONGE, WE NEED TO TAKE A STAND AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. How are we ever going to make a mark and become the generation that opened doors for ours hadaan aan qabno aqli oo eh, get whatever you can out of the cadaanka, while you can and sii soco, with no hopes or dreams or roots to set. No assets to own in the adopted country, because mid walbo tiisa ayaa uyaalo?LOL Seriously, lets stand on one side and say, this ends right here, right now, instead of making excuses for these people and calling me, munaafiq and such.
  15. this is a question for LayZie, imagine where an overpaid politician buys a diamond necklace for his S&M mistress from your tax money or he takes the country into a war for his political gains, and there is nothing you can do about it? What would LayZie do? Politicians and their excessive charges on tax payer funds is a well known issue. Its an ongoing battle, and alot of people have lost their jobs in the past over it and continue to lose their jobs, and its also a job that the government should ought to police, not an individual. There isn't much I can do about what our public servants aka men/women in office are doing with our tax money, but I can be sure to make an example out of islaanta aan ka hadlaayo, so the thousands like her would take a hard look at themselves in the mirror. What gets me about islaantaan is that she manages couple of "ayuuto's", minimum bid is $1000, and when you take alook at the children aka the money, lacagtaas oo dhan maba ka muuqado, if the children were looking their best and getting their fair share, after all lacagta is for them, aduunyada wey fiicnaan laheyd, but oh well, she pockets it all.(its so tempting to drop her 411 info at the local papers mailbox) Lily, eedo, war fiican aad sheegtay, I never considered ilmaha masaakiinta waxa ku dhacaayo,until aan aqriyay your reply. Islaanta is blessed with aqli, thats why she can take a dollar and make it into two, but why not do it in a halaal way, thats my problem? Why handicap yourself to a hand out, isn't that disgusting? That money could be spend by another family, one who really are meant to have it, one that have a disabled parents and little ones, and has no way to get up in the morning to make a living for the children. Waxa ay dadka islaantaan camal sameenaayaan waa wax xun, waa dad inkaaran, oo dadka masaakinta who are meant to have this type of assistance ay qaliil ka galinaayaan, because as you know, these funds can be reduced or worse end at a moments notice, what then? another example corruption at its best, check it out ps:KK, LG oo LCD HD eh owner <<< I want the new LG french door fridge oo temperature-ka qabo for each of the food groups when I get my house next year
  16. Alright, as you can see, I have a dilemma here. Most of us at one point or another, have come across caydh mongers.(dadka oo dawlada lacagta ka qaato ilaa iyo hada) Welfare, also known as social assistance is provided by the government of most countries throughout the world. Most well off countries, such as Canada(My beloved adopted country), U.S.A, some european countries, some african nations, as well as Asia, australia etc all provide social assistance to the less fortunate. The aim of social assistance is to help those that fall on hard times, and to make their unemployment status as painless as possible. Social assistance is definitely not for individuals who think they can cheat the system by lying their way into getting every last penny of the welfare cheque, without any hopes, dreams. Their sole aim is squeeze any type of "social assistance" out of the government, even if they have to kill or deceive those that are close to them, but mostly importantly lie in the name of illaahay to collect the cheques. In our communities, whether it is through family, friends or associates, we have all had the misfortune of having a welfare monger enter our lives, some of you readers have close relatives that are well known welfare mongers, or some know welfare mongers through family members, but all that aside, no one has taken the liberty to actually do something about these thieves. Tonight, I am here saying enough is enough. I am a citizen, I pay my taxes and I sure don't want to support people that purposely handicapped their god given mind and body and soul, just so they can have $600 measly dollars or whatever the average pay is and not have any ambition in life, other than waiting from month to month for a hand out. Its disgusting and it is not fair to fellow tax prayers such as myself, or you the reader, its unacceptable behaviour and I have had it with welfare mongers. There is this lady, who has settled into canada from sweden 6 yrs ago. Ofcourse, she has not claimed her swedish status when she arrived here, and is now finally granted citizenship status.(I know her through the family, but we are not related in any form) In any case, for the last 6 yrs, she has managed to have 3 children, 5 in total and now is pregnant again with her 6th child, due any moment. This very same lady has been on welfare since her arrival to the country, she has been collecting her welfare cheques, as well as baby bonuses for each of her young ones and has managed to save and buy a brand new van just as early as this past year. She has no other source of income, but manages few "ayuuto's" with my tax deductions and continues to getting pregnant. I can't tolerate dad islaan sheeganaayo oo hadana been ku nool, nor can I tolerate such disgusting behaviour. She knows how to make babies with a husband "who she hasn't claimed" as her hubby all these yrs, but manages to get pregnant long enough for him to disappear into thin air(aka is an illegal alien in a neighbouring country) but shows up just in time for next round. My dilemma is that I want to snitch on her and I have threatened to snitch on her out loud to myself, but didn't bring myself to snitching, because I'm still bond by the streets " no snitching of any kind", but hey, I have had it, here I am getting taxed large sum of money weekly off my hard earn dollar and a percentage of that deduction is helping her with her expenses, car for hubby, etc and yet hasn't sweated a day in her life since she arrived? Don't know what to do, but I am tired of welfare mongers and I want to report it..
  17. Laf Laf, why don't you follow master Zu's advice and make amends with naagaha sijui oo dhan, and admit inaad qaldan tahay inta aad urkaaga oon kor kor usheegay aad priority ka dhiganeysid. Secondly, eedo, only a class act can discuss about other's naagnimo oo class-nimo marka ay qofta hadleyso ay ayadaba class qabto, but hadey qoftaas bottom dirt tahay, such as yourself. Qof kale, classnimadeeda, iyo maturenimadeeda maba ka hadli karto, soo sax maaha? Adigii baa ciyaalsuuq oo wasaq eh, marka aad aniga ciyaal suuqnimadeyda ka hadlee. If it was coming from any other person but your likes, I would have not only taken it serious, I would have reflected back on qoraalkeyga to see where I went wrong and would see to it that I make it right, but not in this case, get it, now keep moving.
  18. Eedo Ngonge, you can learn to cope by treating it like its nothing. You don't have to feel pressured into giving cards to people, just because you got it from them, nor do you have to give them gifts. They all know that I don't celebrate christmas, and still the cards are coming, they are like, ok I know you don't celebrate, but I just thought I give it to you, in turn I say thank you and move on, don't stress yourself over whether or not you should return the favour. Hence on my b-day, got tons of b-day cards, some even got me a gift, but when it comes to their b-days, I am no where to be found and when caught, I say, ooh was it today? gosh, if only I knew. Last year, I collected close to 30cards from co-workers and my manager, lets just say this year, I am ready. I went to wal-mart and got a bunch of cards for a price of less than $5, it says happy holidays, no reference to christmas, so all I need to do before tomorrow comes (office luncheon), I will sign with my name and put theirs on the front of the envelope and start handing them. Then we have our famous yearly holiday gala (again, no reference to christmas) as it offends those that don't celebrate the holiday, even thought everyone knows that it is indeed a christmas party. This year its extra special, the annual gala will be held our city's own convention centre, and people can't wait. Everyone has been going on and on for over two weeks now about what are you wearing, who are you bringing? Will you be attending the after party and the after after party?LOL some are booking rooms at the near by hotel incase they get too drunk, it is just going to be off the sheezy.... (cadaanka at work take this annual gala way too seriously) and my answer is always, "still figuring it out"
  19. ^^Kix kix kix kix kixxxxxx, mac sokor @neeeeeeeeeefey, waa istaahishaa waxa kugu dhacay. I can't say that I feel bad for you, now, going back to the topic, yaa waaye dadka xanaaqsan, magacyada igu soo taabo, anaa hal hal beerka ka tumaayo.
  20. literally beat the crap out of them. Anytime aad ready tahay, anigi ku walwalaaqi. Seriously, you have issues, because here you are talking about dadka SOL oo xanaaqsan, yet adigi baa xanaaq mar dhow u dhiman doonto, ee is dagi, waa x-mass, happy merry to you, enjoy the festivities. I wish you a Merry I wish you a merry I wish you a merry x-mass and a happy new year @neeefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. again, lets take it from the top
  21. Koolkat, i saw what LG wrote, but i couldn't respond since i was at work and i no longer post from work. I don't know why they deleated it, that's just Layzie being herself and doing what she does best. Af xuumo iyo ciyal suuqnimo naag wayne kuu dhaaqmayso, wa ayaan daro iyo ceeb ayadaa uu taalo. waxaas baad sxb la thay lol. lol@naag wayne, I dont believe my lastname is wayne. Uraaye, I suggest inaad somaligaaga improvement kusameysid. lol@ af xuumo, its xumo with a "u" and dhaqmayso, not dhaaqmeyso, ceeb caleyg. Wax la tirtiro, iyo wixii ladaayo, wax dhib igu hayso malaha, ee iska sii tirtira, yes adiga, midka foolxun oo MOD eh, adiga kula hadli. PS:laf laf, hadii aan rabo inaan kucaayo, mar hore baan sameyn lahaa, but qofka has to be worthy first, and you ain't it
  22. Here you go again with waba waba jibrish, how many times do you have to say I am out and still manage to post a reply? lol@ I dont read long posts, been ha isku sheegin(YOU DEFEINITELY READ IT), secondly, hadaan warkaaga kuu cadeeye and in turn you became speechless, all you had to do was ignore the post, but no, here you are coming at full force, trying to be on attack mode, hence italics shorten run on sentences? Next time you find yourself on the spot, try defending your views, instead of resorting to daaco, you know what they say about naagaha daacada badan!!!
  23. How do you know waxa ay la hang gareyneyse? Ma kuma dhinto aa wakiil lagaa saare? It seems to me inaan aad kuu fahmay. According to you, the right crowd has got to have a head scarf and preferebly muslim ofcourse. If not, they must be bad friends. Hello, this has nothing to do with what type of crowd ay la hang gareesay. This is simply, a man who killed and has the blood of the young lady's in his hands, in the name of religion. Its disgusting, you are disgusting for defending, "right" or "wrong" crowd as you put it, in others words, you are justifying waxa uu sameeye, and further more it seems that you are saying ayada ayaa dhimashadeeda isku keente, so yes, I really do understand you AL jibrish.
  24. g.L.a.M.o.r.O.u.S, did you get your results, if yes, negative mase positive aa noqotay?(I will pray inaad negative results heshid, it is indeed a deadly disease) Btw, you can get it from blood, needle sharing etc. Those that are virgins but tried doing heroin or still on heroin, please dont share your needles. Stay high and safe Modesty, "test him" aa? Soo adiga eheed nin yourself, didn't think people were this open about their personal preferences, acuudi bilaaah..
  25. she was hanging around with the wrong crowd. In your opinion, if one's friends don't wear scarf, and aren't muslims ofcourse, they are indeed the "wrong crowd", do I understand that right? (what a balooni aa meelaha lasoo gasho )