LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Uma, did you know your buddy isn't here anymore? It seems that ADMIN heard your cries and banned that individual you were obsessing about, congrats. Zu, waligey maku arkin adoo this much qoreyso. As much as I tried reading past the first line, I couldn't get myself to finish reading waxa aad qortay, madax hanuun aan ka qaaday. But illaah hakuu ziyaadeeyo waxa aad New year kaan raadineyso ya Zu
  2. Happy B-day Dahia-Al-Kanini J-baro, seems like gabadha waa true flight 13, lol january 2nd ayey dhalatay.
  3. lol@Underdog, ragiisa waaye ninkaas. aS far Kenya is concerned, ha gubato. Somalidiina, need to get your priorities straight. Kenya isn't your problem, dalkiina aa gubanooyo, ee shift your attention back to dalkiina and dadkiina.
  4. Abuu Nuune, sheeko mac ayey aheyd. Inta ugu horeysay maba idhibin aqrigiisa iyo fahamkiisa, aad aad u sharaxday. Inta danbe aad iyo aad ayey ii dhibtay. In any case, ninka naagta qabo waa nin ragiisa eh waaye, if he was the one oo mindida ninka kale ku gowracay.
  5. :mad: :mad: :mad: @ "odaygii saliida badnaa" I think you meant to say the honourable, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh ahmed and his cocoa butter face. About that pic, Che aa sawirka mar walbo wado ka xanaaqay, but will bring back sheikha sharafta leh very soooooooon.
  6. ^lol... KK, Shades-ka aan jeclahay, iyo shades-ka iska bixi ma iskeenaayaan. LOL@ "I dreamt one day all euro-trash people would go back to where ever they came from." You heard him Ngonge, go back to where you came from adeer.
  7. ^ since you put it that way, then Suldaanka aan la jiraa
  8. I'd love to know what you believe BB's legacy is apart from first woman PM of a Muslim country Haddaan hada naagta wax ka sheego, and in turn aad ka heshid, you will be saying, waxa meel aan kasoo aqriyay. If I were to go and say something about her that you may disagree with, you will shout, that isn't a "LEGACY", in the end, I would just look like qof oo "qori" a nobody please -gareenaayo, so no thank you. If you want to know waxa ay ka tagtay oo ay sameysay, which is a long list, go check her autobiography, I am sure it has been written, if not, it will be written shortly.
  9. I actually wanted to respond to the "Islamist thugs beat up Somali women in Oslo" story about Kadra Yusuf, posted by Peacenow beginning with "A brave Somali woman was beaten....", but decided to post it here instead. I am furious. Waxa aad waashid aa rabtaa, ee nagatag. Haddii aad fuley tahay oo peacenow u jawaabiweyso, inta maad kusoo ordee? [ December 29, 2007, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: sheherazade ]
  10. The point, eedo, get a grib. No one said anything about being an expert. Waxa idinka pain nigu haayo is that the world has a tremendous respect for the late Bhutto and no, not just the muslim nations. But powerful nations and its leaders, thats waxa nidhamqanayo, ee xanuunka iska soo saara. Lets face it, anytime that the so called "infidels" as you put it show slight respect to a political figure who is a muslim, y'all hate on him or her, is that simple. lol@ a new hero in a few yrs. Let there be a hero tomorrow, but bhutto's legacy will never be forgotten, even if the likes of you two above still exist in this world.
  11. lol@skipper, just until tomorrow? I think you are what they call "one cheque away from being homeless" in your case, its few dollars short of being homeless. LOL@my contributions in the joke section. I think thats one section that I hardly ever went to, maybe to read. I have a dilemma. Its about my tax preparer dowlada wants me to snitch against my tax preparer, give them examples, documents on how he has prepared my taxes over the years, in turn, there is a chance I might have to testify against him. Heck, I know if the roles were reversed, he would sell me in a heart beat. The guy is good guy, gives me back a decent return come tax season, and I have used him only for the past 3 yrs, so I really don't know what to do. On one hand, I want to fulfil my duties as a tax paying citizen of my adopted country by doing the right thing, on the other hand, its not as thought they are offering me any incentives to rat on my tax preparer. What I am trying to say is, I am torn, but I gotta give them an answer sooner than later. PS:Baashi, this tomboy thing is getting old awoowe
  12. LOL@generaalka. Sawirada odayga oo sanka naga galineysid naga daa. If he is your vote, then you should have posted it on the original thread, not make one for yourself full of the same images you have posted here a thousand times. Hadal makuu yaalo until aad wax cusub meesha keento, same things aad ku noq noqonee, everday.(for instance, the last two images, odayga is wearing same stripe suit and color tie, doesn't he have a decent wardrobe, bisinka yaasiinka.(after all those millions in aid money ayuu afka dhigtay, the least he could do is have taiolored suits made for him and some choices in the tie department, that red silk(looks silk) tie ayuu sawir walba ku sitaa )) PS:Posing with the sudan, amxaaro or a yemeni president is not something to be proud off. Those images should be kept deep under, lol@ that image of him laying in a hospital bed, he wishes inuu asaga saas loo danyareen lahaa.
  13. lol, aqlaaqda aa ka dhuntay. If this was a man, I am sure kuligood would have danced to a different tune.
  14. Fighting for whom? The Munafiqoon/hypocrites and Fasiqoon/corrupt people of this ummah who fled islamic states in search of the dunya?..... How dare you, a nobody, discredit the dead's good deeds. Deep down you probably wishing that you were a fraction of what she was. Khayr, waxaad la mid tahay "dameer daaman weenooo dacala kuusan darbi saar dheelo damiinimada ka badatoo dabakafuulnimo soo dilootey diifku ka dareerayo sidii doolli dabagaab qabo dayactirnimo u baahan daacuun iyo cudura dilaa ahba ubaahan in laga daryeelo ee dumarka iska daa daqsiyahow dalqada dheer leh"
  15. ^didn't think you believed in celebrating the New Year's. See kaa noqotay? ( I meant Uma, not mida who robbed my post) J-baro, how will you welcome 2008?
  16. lol@Nuune. Quluub ma dhuunbaa? Qanshiir ma marka cunada ku go o oo hadalka kugu ceshmo? War ii fasir jibrishka aad qortay.
  17. YOu might want to go back and re-read waxa aan qoray. The only crime she ever committed was being linked to that hubby of hers. Her good name is still tainted by him and his greed, but not her. She was looking forward to finally getting her chance in court to prove her innocence. Again, too much hearsay, not so much facts. She was wanted kulahaa? If she was wanted, why wasn't she caught? She was free travelling all parts of the world and had lived in most european countries as well as U.S.A, why wasn't she caught then? You want me believing fabricated stories aad google kusameysay and all I gotta say to that is, NICE TRY. PS:Oh yes I did@Ngonge
  18. , it's funny how Layzie dadka u nacleeso, lol@U neph. Mar walbo aan aqriyo waxa aad qorto, qosol lee i qabto and I don't know why. The topic isn't about those that died with Bhutto yesterday, but memories of Bhutto herself. Also, funny thing is no one pays attention when an average man dies. Ish! thats just life. We can't undo how we view others, average is average. The great ones always leave the aduunyada before all others. As a result of that, we are left with the Ngonge's of today, with no purpose in life, no mark to leave, no sense of patriotism on his part, just too much nac nac and the labelling of others as "infidels".
  19. She was what they all are, corrupt to the core, immoral to the sinews, power-hungry to the grave lol@nacala tula caleyg.(I didn't care too much at the time of qoraalkeyga waxa aan qoraaye, I was fired up) Exactly, who is "they"? Don't hear everything aad maqasho. Do your own research and find out for yourself who Bhutto was and what she represented. Class act on her own right. In the name of religion aan ku tooganaa naagta(back of the head? I felt disgust as I was watching the news feeds this morning), whether musharaf was behind this or whether it was organized shia militia, sooner or later the truth will come out. Allah is watching those that were behind the killings, but she is really a great loss to the world, not just in pakistan. PS:Lol dabshid, orod dabka dami, naagtaas was naag naagteeda ehee. Waligey, ma garan way naag iyo rageedi leyskula dhex wado. Naag waa naag naagteeda, not rageeda.
  20. ^^Dadkiina, let the dead rest in peace, nacala tula caleyg. Secondly, Benazir Bhutto wexey aheed naag naagteeda eh. Those corruption scandals that she was linked to were never proven. I remember watching an interview of 60minutes with her and she said she was looking forward to coming back home and looking forward to justice finally being served. For her to be accused is one thing, for the accusations to be proven is another. Those scandals was brought by her husband, whom people accused of embezzlement of state funds, which at the time she was too classy to even talk about it on the interview. I respect her as a woman, as a politician and finally as a fellow muslim. The cowards who did this in the name of religion will be punished by allah, if they don't hang on this life. This woman didn't come back to a dangerous country because of greed as one of you put it, but she came back to speak for her people and free her country from the corruption it currently employs aka the general, who finally decided to take his uniform off, even if its temporary. allaah unaxariiso, Bhutto, naag naagteeda eh waaye.
  21. let me know haduu u'baahanyahay in loosoo aar gudo thats what I was thinking too. Eye for an eye, is the way.