LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ps LG, darling, not a word. Not a single word... LMAO@Ngonge.
  2. Greetings All I spoke out my frustrations towards the state of our people. I had folks telling me, stop criticizing and come up with a solution. So, yesterday I had discussed ways in which all of us can partake, right here in SOL. If we all want change, we will make change happen.
  3. ^ you didn't get my point, Mr point. Volunteering locally is fine, but inorder to get the message across universally, we need to have a sense of urgency in a big platform such as the "NETWORK". For instance, "climate change" is a crisis, one that the average person knew off, but didn't know to what extent it affected them. So what does Al Gore do? He gathers around his people, little or no funding and makes a movie, goes out discussing it in national conference's.(it help that he was the former vp of a powerful nation) He took it upon himself to challenge the world leaders and to make an awareness of just how serious climate change was to us. The reward of hardwork was priceless for him(nobel peace prize, but guess what? It really got the attention of some of the world leaders. It was front and centre of each world leader's agenda, because the grand scale on the way in which AL gore's message was presented to the world was something that no man or woman could turn the other cheek on, much less leader's of the nation's of the world. So, as an individual, you can put 1-2 hrs of volunteering, most of us have done it, but that only helps few people. This network I speak about, will help thousands and thousands of our people. Why you ask? The message will be the same across the board, the sense of urgency that is needed will be the force of the "NETWORK". Underdog said that the youth of today want hero's, ok, here you have a world wide name(the network ___), made up of from men and women, of all ages, coming as one, put their resources together, all the while bettering the communities they serve. We all want something to identify with soomaaha? This project I am presenting will be start in the right direction. The message is clear, action, action and some more action. We can't sit back and see generations of children evaporate infront of us, atleast I can't sit back and allow that to happen. Point Dear,my concerns are shared by most soler's if not all of them. Everyone is saying the samething about our people, broken homes, troubled children, absent fathers. I honestly want you to get the full picture here, not waxa "italics" kusoo qoro iyo wixii kale.
  4. I want to start by saying that I understand what each and everyone of you are going through. Lately, I have come to the conclusion that we, every last one of us that are members of SOL have a good heart. Its shows in your posts, it shows in your usual rants that you love your nation and your people, as much as I do. I love my nation and there is nothing more I want than to be proud of my people with my head held up high. Its no secret that I am disgusted with single mothers in canada who continuously abuse the welfare system with my tax dollars, but how do I stop it? Its no secret that Rahima has seen so much hardship in her community in melbourne(being passed from generation to generation), and the same is probably true in perth, sidney etc. More importantly, we have all tuned in to our brother in islam aka Mr Smith, who took it upon himself to broadcast the very same issues going in his community, through youtube, and what an awereness it has generated. He used the internet, a global phenomena to work for him. He doesn't broadcast his sessions out of pure hatred for his people(atleast thats what I have taken from his video's), he does it because he cares. (I really hope you understand that caano geel, instead of being just fed up with the message, do something, let that enegry work for you too ) We spend part of our working hours, and our spare time in SOL, inorder to come together as somalis from all walks of life, and discuss issues and exchange ideas. Why can't this union that SOL has given us work for us, instead of against us? Why can't we utlize our time here, after all we are here because we care, we want to be in a constant contact with issues that face our great nation and the people of somalia, soomaha? atleast thats why I come here. I propose that we create a network. We will start small, we will create local area contacts from all over the world(one base for each continent, majority rules). This is strictly on a volunteer base, funds from our own pockets, through fundraising will be needed. Our brothers and sisters in North America will be divided into two bases, depending on turn out. We will have several locations in europe(seems the numbers are higher in europe than anywhere else), london, UK will serve as the head quarter of the network. We will setup location in Australia as well as Asia, and most importantly numerous locations in africa. Our aim will be to serve and better our communities. Message being, for the people by the people. We will organize ourselves and we will create a national awareness in due time, maybe get endorsements. This type of network will cover more ground work, than we can possibily imagine. Some of the things we will implement could include national conference's, workshops, scholorship programs(to attract the youth) setup locally, but it will be the same message being distributed all across the board, where-ever somalia reside. A little town in "jilib" to the city of perth back to manchester, UK, we will all be on the same page. We will have speakers, local hero's, community leaders come and speak on a national scale that will be organized year in advance. So, the question is, who is with me?
  5. ^ What I think you ought to do now is, grab garbasaarkaaga and run for your life eeedo nephy. There is no protection for you marka aad same list as Generaalka igu dartay. Its madness, how dare you put my name beside Duke. and Laf laf? Laf laf is boneless, waa mid ciida cuno, sidee ayuu any wall of whatever galay? Most of these names are pro TFG supporters with the exception of myself, and maybe my cyber abti.
  6. We, meaning somalida. The game meaning the state of our nation. If few million jews can pick themselves up and become a powerhouse in this world, why can't we, another few million, lesser than the jews, come together and get our act together as one? Its only a matter of time before sheikha sharafta leh uu wadanka xoreeyo and when he does, he would want all the help he can get. If most are into balwad, who will be lending a hand to the masaakiinta xamar? A generation lost in this civil war, and a generation born into it.(they all need our help) Somalida sheekadooda waa wax kadaree. Some dont know how to control their alcohol, so they become alcoholic, some dont know how much weed is enough, so they over do it, then we got the jaad eaters, who refuse to get up off their fadhi carbeed. People from back home think they have hero's out in disapora, but instead there are those into shiisha , jaad jewers, it has become a hobby to say the least. Talk about disappointment eh? Let me give you an example KK. Remember I mentioned we had few hundred somalis who migrated to canada and the government settled them in my small town, some time back? It has been 3yrs now since being in canada, and can you believe, just the other day on my way to work, I drove by this arab area(mostly restaurants,variety stores and such and now they got a big building, and inside they have shiisha joints) Now, somalida cusub, aaba meeshaas fadhiistaan, I mean, they haven't even bee here for 5 yrs and all of a sudden shiisha hang outs maba laga kaco. It is disappointing to find out that these people came all the way here and and instead of making something of themselves, they made sure they are comfortable in their shiisha joints, smoking their life away. Lets not forget, dhibaatada ay sponsorship umareen, inta lies la sheegay to get to where they are.
  7. ^Haye Haye, it seems that you just woke up from a deep sleep. Somalida you meet locally aren't the same somalida you meet here in SOL.(open indhahaaga) American affairs are world wide affairs. Only americans aren't aware of this fact. The rest of the world knows more of america, than americans themselves, isn't that shameful ya laf laf? It took a minority man and a woman whose only credibility lies on the hands of her famous husband to wake the average american out of their coma for the first time in how many yrs? A colored man, who speaks a good game, but is so unsure of himself and his plans. The same man who thinks parading around his sense of awareness of what the american people want, because he spoke to some farmer in some small county and thinks by bringing those sob stories nationally will somehow earn him a seat in oval office? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE
  8. LOL@KK, wallaahi saan u qoslaaye, waaba fuuray.(tears aa iga imaaday) Wiilkaan is avoiding the question. After all, balaayo ayuu isku furay when he mentioned the growing shiisha users among females. Tuujiska, ha ii dhuudhuuman, answer my question. Do you prefer naag shidato mase mida cabto, which is worse son? You say that its alright iney shitaan shiishaha but on the other hand, you don't seem pleased about the growing generation of females overcrowding the shiisha joints? Double standard waxaas aa la dhahaa. You either for saqajaanimo, or you are against it. "I dont mind saqajaamiin, but I would rather they hide it from me, sheeko sheeko waaye." KK, someone said you sounded too liberal, thats spot on sista. Yes, dadka oo "balwad" kujira, waa howl ayaga kusaabsan, but balse it isn't something we shouldn't take lightly.. This carefree thinking of "to each his own" isn't something we can afford at this age of the game. Balwadnimo takes our people back in time, we ought to be moving with time.(khat,shiisha,cigarette,qamro,weed, and etc is intolerable behaviour and a social destruction) The issue of "balwad" is a clear cut issue, you either for it, or against it, so who is with me?
  9. lol@casanova, shactiro kasii daray. but aan kix kix kix kixk sameeyo inta ay KK igaga hormarin
  10. lol, inaa lilaahi inaa rajicun I can't help it but be suspicious of your ulterior motive. I don't think you are questioning "shiisha" for what it is, more so who is smoking it, precisely, gabdhaha. What I want to ask you is that, as a nin rag oo somali eh, would you, Tuujiska, prefer kuwa shito mase kuwa cabo, which is worse?
  11. lol, if huckabee is the last man standing at the end of january, I guarantee you that the limbaughs and my favourite TV personality aka O-factor and their supporters will be rallying behind huckabee's camp, not to mention the votes, thats GIVEN. You fasten your seatbelt Sanka. PS: Have you read Obama's book? the "audacity of hope", in one of the chapters, he discusses "UNITY" and makes a relevance to his republic counterparts. He says that when it comes time for real decisions to be made, republicans come together as one, show a united front etc. He further mentions that nothing gets away from reaching the ultimate goal, and they must do whatever necessary to reach a common ground, the same can't be said of his own party. What I am trying to say is, he knows the power of his opposition, he knows what they are capable of, and he admires them for it. If the opportunity presented itself, I can almost say with certainty that this afro american/kenyati would switch sides in a heart beat
  12. North, Why do the qualified candidates have to be from back home? Don't you know there are hungry, overly qualified somali in disapora oo shaqo helin ilaa iyo hada oo dhaho engineering aan ka baxay, shan sano ha hor, ilaa iyo hada shaqo saas ku saabsan ma helin, "oo experience needed aa leyga rabaa", ee chance kuwaas maad siisid? Tuujiska, kuwaas aan ka hadlaayo adiga aa ka mid eh haye, lol, shaqo raadis waaxid.
  13. Baashi, ujeedadaada ma garan about the Gates interview. Are you in an agreement with the genius when it comes to risk taking, that thinking on a larger scale, getting out of your comfort zone often pays off? Does quantity Vs Quality come to mind when you think of these two giants??? The same can be said with Apple's backbone of products. When I think of Apple, I think of longevity, but when I think of Microsoft, I think of short term success that evaporates, quicker than it appeared... Baashi, what is your take? (barako ayaan kuu rajeynayaa, odayga tomboy nimada kasoo horjeedo)
  14. A good read, indeed. Now if only Rahima can dig into her pockets...
  15. Waraabe aka sanka, you pushing hard for Osama obama ma istiri. On one hand, the man is like a fiction novel narrator(painting the perfect picture of the hero and heroine), on the other hand, he is like a soap-opera star on his last breath... He sure gets the average viewer's heart bumping, and wondering whether or not he will beat the odds and survive? The best thing for Osama Obama is to stay clear off the national front runner picture, especially if he ends up running against huckabee, american's favourite minister. That minister will eat him alive in a national campaign and Obama doesn't have it in him to fight off the big bad wolf. Any chance that Obama has at the presidency will be against M-Romney, he has just as much skeletons as Obama. In the end, its who can out talk, out hussle the other.
  16. First off, I don't recall going head to head with you in a discussion. Except that thread about the ethiopian man who was trying to find out the whereabouts of his live-in somali girlfriend, and as I recall, we have exchanged few jabs you and I, but other than that, we have not come across anything that would classify as "constantly missing your points" as you put it.(you would have to make a point inorder for me to miss it, right?) As for the question of who makes a decision about rotten folks, anyone who feels strongly about the future of our nation, as it depends on its people. The hopefuls, the believers. What I do not agree with anyone, young or old, blind or deaf, indha yar or indian, somali or kenyati(farah brown comes to mind), baptist or jew is that we shouldn't silence free speech. As individuals, we have the right to express our views, our frustration anytime we please. As somalis, its our obligation to come forward and speak about the issues that face us, and then accept it for what it is. Only then can we truly recover. I truly believe that when I rant about issues that are dear to me, I am actually speaking on behalf of atleast one other person if not more. That believe means much more to me than anything you have to say, Underdog. Don't get me wrong, I do admire your passion regarding the issues that face our people, whether it is the "khat" thread or this thread" but don't you for one moment confuse me as someone who is above everyone, only allah is. I am just as passionate as the next xalimo or farah about the welfare of our people, and our country. I am not perfect. I am not attempting to audition to be a role model nor is it my intent to be one in the future. Inteyda ayaan ka bixi la ahay, but I will say this: If allah willing, I plan to to lead by example. By that, I will just say, when xamar is peaceful, insha allah, thats when the action will happen, until then, my plans are my plans. In the meantime, I do volunteer and I am in involved in some projects, but just because I dont go around advertising it, doesn't give you the right to question me. I don't answer to you, therefore, I will not go about discussing my accomplishments. After all, they are my accomplishments, how is that going to inspire cabdi the jewer, or jaamac the gangsta in the corner? Tell me, so what they hear a sister has done this or that. Brother Nur or Brother cilmi has received a Nobel Peace price, what is that going to do for them? Are you honestly that naive? Do you believe that dadka balwada kujira or the criminals will all of a sudden get up from their deep coma sleep and dress up and get their lives together, just because qof kale, other than their parents have made something out of his/her life? You want me to fill the role of a parent to these individuals we speak off? I am suppose to become a mother of the addicts and the criminals now, is that what you are selling here? The only role model that anyone ought to have is any figure in their lives that has had a positive impact on them, directly. For instance, my role model and my hero is my mother, not sheikha sharafta aka sheikh sharif or Allen Iverson.
  17. AJ baranbaro, and U-dog Tuurlow, get a grib. Waan hadlaa, oo handadaa qof walbo oo dadkeena ceebtiisa ka hadlo, war maaha, ee naga aamusa if you can't contribute to the topic. This is a simple matter, waxa laga hadlaayo exists, deal with it, but dont attack the messenger, all he is doing is expressing himself. You think just because U-dog iyo caano geel yelling on one side, and you on the other will put Mr smith to silence?(Khat thread and such) C'mon, whatever happened to free speech, iyo expressing one's disappointment with his/her people. YOu shouldn't be encouraging these folks, we should be putting our heads together to find ways to eliminate the rotten apple's, once and for all. PS:ujeedada AJ waa inuu rabsho inta ka kiciyo, oo heated discussion ay noqoto, in turn, the thread will be deleted, ee keep an eye on that chav
  18. ^until kursigiisa uu ku aruuro, all the while recalling the day adeerkiisa got shot(infront of him) aimed at his head, hearing the skull cracks as the bullet came to a full stop inside his brain just prior to his heart giving up, once and for all along with his entire organs. That indeed will be the day the music of Duke and TFG will come to an end.
  19. lol@immigrants. It was a good call on the part of immigration canada to settle most of its immigrants in montreal and its surrounding areas, this way if it ever comes down to a close tie such as the last referendum, they would be high on win margin.(I think that province is very integrated nowadays) Actually, the numbers I read somewhere were near dead tied 50 -50.222 decimals only separating for a Yes and No vote(just filling those numbers as an example, not an actual figure ) At one point, block quebecos or however you spell their party name were down a huge margin, until they caught up late into the game back and nearly got away with it, but the no margin was victorious on that day by a close call.(some even wondered if the numbers were fixed as that of the present day Kenya situation and the Bush Vs Al Gore, electorial votes in florida )
  20. LOL@BAASHI. Bas bas, if you put it that way, waan ka qaleenaa dadkaas. I didn't rat out on naagta just yet, but I did put the snitching idea to rest, for now.(some folks made me reconsider for the children's sake) Jimcaale-waaye, since when does welfare make one wealthy? C'mon eedo, that was sarcasm at its best. Rumors of meel ay caydh taalo always starts with "lacag aa meel hebel sifiican u daadsan, ee nakeena aan qaraabanee", here comes the invisible wealth. PS:JIMMY, Mar danbe yaan kaa maqlin " spell it out for me in a A-B-C format" jaacis jaaciskiisa
  21. ^, Sista Uma, you are not getting it at all. How can you compare waxa laga hadlaayo, Vs your upcoming trip to UK? Who said that visiting a country is trash? Waxaa laga hadlaayo is a group of people, in large numbers whose's sole aim in life is to be temporary settler's. Which ever location is hot for the moment ayey u-guuraan. If a somali went to croatia and found caydh in croatia is to die for, and he tells his family and friends, and the word travels, we will have about close to a thousand moving within 3 months to that location, just because of hebel iyo heblaayo ayaa yidhi. Moving from destination to destination for hand outs, is not something we should be supporting. When I visited, it was a summer vacation, I wanted to see that part of the world with my own eyes. I went to astonia, some cities in sweden and in finland to name few places to experience its beauty, not to settle there.(dont even try to compare that to these temp settlers who are out to bleed the governments of well off countries) PS: To name a locations in north america as an example, specifically in U.S of A, in a state they call maine, somalida who were living at different parts of the country had heard that the state of maine's social assistance program was making individuals wealthy(this was not long ago), citizens of maine had found themselves being targeted by hundreds of somali's. kuligood halmar ayey usoo duuleen and ofcourse, the tax paying citizens were frantic over these sudden refugees that had taken up the small towns in large numbers in a such a short period of time(it even made it to CNN), so you tell me. Are these groups we speak off good for society in general?Do they have anything to contribute, other than total destruction?
  22. lol@Mr Smith. North, jawaabtaada waa heshay aan umaleynaa. Uma, marka hore waxaan ku dhihi lahaa, is dagi. Marka ku xigto, you need to tone it down a bit, that was very harsh. Lastly, why the kar kar? Its as if adiga lagaa hadlaayo or something. If these euro-trash groups do exist and they are as bad as Mr smith described them to be,then they do deserve to be called out in the open. I remember when I visited finland, sweden and some other scandanavian countries, few summers ago. The somali community out there were just so hungry iney great britain iska diibaan, that they were willing to sell their soul to land in that sole. When I asked some of them what it is that you can't get where you are now that you think you can get in britain. Their answer was that asxaabteyda aa halkaas u guurte(heblaayo iyo hebel aan ka dabagalaa), aniga qof inta ma ii joogto, boring aan inta ku ahay, and etc. Waxaas, aqli mey kula tahay, UMA? How can, an individual, or better yet an entire family, base their lives on waxa uu hebel iyo heblaayo ay sameeyaan? They all came to britain iney baashaalaan. Some lived in those other adopted countries for yrs, 10, 15 yrs, why make a change just because cabdi aa wuxuu yidhi inta london iska dhiibtid, aa hadana "leeds" aa iska dhiibee, two places at once.(live the life of a caydh monger) If you have read my "snitching" thread, you would know that I dont like caydh mongers, they are disgrace to society and it sounds that euro-trash folks are just that, if not worse. Salaama PS:The lady on the "snitching" thread kusaabsaneed was from sweden, a euro-trash who migrated to canada.(meel walbo ay euro-trash joogaan, not just in UK and thats just sad.)
  23. My question is what's the best way to approach this problem with the youth? Ismahan, very well put. I would like to take the opportunity to answer your question. It is never too late to get involved in your child's life. Parents need to be more involved, take a pro-active approach. Extra curriculum.(It gives them something to do) It is never too late, so get involved and get it going. I am not sure if I said this before, maybe I did but, sometime oct/november of 2007, I had attended a youth appreciation night with a friend, it was hosted by a local youth organization. This particular organization did wonders with the youth that were being appreciatedthat same very night. It was relatively new organization, 2 and a half yrs, or was it 3 yrs running, it started with just one man, and now they have a staff of 10 people and a number of volunteers .(they are still growing) What inspired me that night was the children that were being rewarded with sponsorship prize for their studies. Amazing to say, 6 of those boys had no chance to even live, and now they have all graduated and are on their way to college's, universities. One of the boys I speak off attends pilot school and few yrs prior, he was incarcerated, go figure.(He had no one, atleast no one to call a parent, until the founder of the centre visited him at juvi one day, and thats the day his life changed) These youth's were former gang members, gang leaders, some were previously incarcerated, some were on the verge of being locked up, some came through court order. All of these children shared one thing, they were all from broken homes. They had no one to turn to when things got tough, they had no one but their friends, and they weren't so lucky to have met good friends, like you the reader or I. Some of us are very blessed, because we have caring family members, loyal friends, and some just aren't that lucky. The point is that these youth turned their lives around, they took charge of their lives with the help of the founder(the courageous man I speak off) and with the help and his board of directors(which consists of family members as well as non family members) He reached out to our community leaders, such as the local principal of a high school who heard of his program, and a judge who had most of the boys in the centre at his court one time or another and a few former parole officers, current ones, as well as a bank manager who heard the program through word of mouth. Everyone wanted to help, so they came together and they lend a hand to the hero I speak off. Each day, this man will get up, will go juvi detention centre's to see if any of the boys there wanted someone to talk to, to listen to. He even met some of the boys at a court house. These boys I speak of, have seen and been involved in some ugly things in their young lives, but it wasnt doomed just yet, and the same can be said for our youth today and tomorrow.
  24. i completely disagree with this idea for the simple reason that you only have to look at somalis in the US and Canada. these people have become prosperous and live a life much better than those of us who live in countries where khat is abused. Ahem@@@@@@@@@@@@@my adopted country. Lol@Ngonge, they wouldn't let you passed customs.
  25. lol, ngonge, if you must know then come closer so I can whisper in your ears.(but then again, please iga fogaaw, dhugay weyn oo dhexda fadhiya ayaan arkay hada)