LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. CNN did a good job in facilitating the Debate lastnight. Obama had repeatedly displayed that he can put up a good fight against Hilary and Co but at the same time proved his critics when they said he is a weak opponent when it comes to face the republicans. How is he going to fight off the big bad wolf aka the egotistic frontrunner of a senator from arizona and CO, if he can't fight a wife and a hubby who are just throwing very weak punches at him? Hilary has a point, even thought her low blows from lastnight just showed she didn't have an aunce of respect for herself as a woman by getting into a squable with a man(the media is having a field day on their expense), she is the right candidate to go head to head with mccain, if it comes down to him winning it all from the other side. Her hubby's energy will be needed in the nationals, thats when he will need to to pull his sleeve's up and get ready to rambo with the wolf, but not now. Right now, the democrats are just displaying how weak they are, while their republican comrades are more or less battling clean, with the rare jabs coming here and there. All in all, good debate and I look forward to next week's debates in California from both sides hosted by CNN.(stay tuned to CNN, the most trusted name in news)
  2. Sanka, please, I expected better from you. The only source going around saying OBama won more delegates than hilary in Nevada is the Associated Press. Find me real source, other than Associated Press to confirm this so called win over the delegates, until then, you can't go around projecting a winner on your own.
  3. I asked you a question dear mr doggy dog, do you know what LATENT TB is, and the cause and the estimated figure in the world that have it?(not just in africa, but the world) Do you know how the disease is transmitted? Excuse me, dont talk about waxa aad ogeen and throw figures in the air, when all you wanted was to take a jab at me. Step up Doggy dog and come at me with facts, dhuxul jeceel waaxid, oo waarakiinyo ubaahan. PS:I wasn't the one who jotted the figure down, it was you, therefore you have to proof yourself to me or hush it.
  4. Ngonge, maybe you haven't thought about it, but I am sure some of your SOL buddies did, or else how do you explain all this hostility towards the poster? Plus, adiga aniga aa kaa shaqeenaayo, you are not a threat to him@Ngonge.
  5. Are you joking? 100% Kulahaa Kaalay, do you just throw figures out in the air or what? LATENT TB waxa ay tahay mataaqa, mase hadal ee kaa tahay?
  6. I don't understand why Marc is such a threat to most of you, especially the men. After all, this is a privately own site, SOL qof aad ka xigtaan malaha. It is getting rather timesome of reading the same comments, over and over from grown men. Marc has handled himself with class and it shows in his response's, especially when he has to defend himself against not just one but 3-5 people at each given time, ragiisa waaye. PS: Ujeedada nimankaan is to get you banned. Do not give them the satisfaction
  7. lmao@idhaafa dheh tibishadooda hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha
  8. The euro-trash version in America. This is what marc was referring to as Euro-trash, they are everywhere, illaah ha naga qabto. PS: In my defense, I feel that all this publicity and energy put to integrate these small county folks with the immigrants is a waste of time. Time and resources go into making the two sides come together, and once thats accomplished, these folks will be on their way to their next small town stop. It disgusts me to read about the same thing, over and over again. Headline is always the same "Somali aa town yar usoo guurte oo destruction ay kiciyeen"
  9. lol@U The Kool one. Ayaa mahaan politics aa toosh u shidatay ma istiri? Maxaa General section uga soo carartay, mase shadeska aa ku dhibay? Africa-owl, mid oo iskoobe la mid eh mey kudheheen? Ghettonima aa sheegee, xaafadaada dhan usoo wac, with you in it ofcourse. KK sida hilib shiishiid ayey kuu jarjaree.
  10. ^wiil lee kuu arkaa marka aan magacaaga and maskaxdaas yar oo avatar eh aan fiiriyo. I am shocked inaaad naag tahay but more power to you. LOL@zafir, biggest loser?(thats one show, along with dancing shitty shows aan waligey fiirsan) Ma saas aa calooley utahay? shedding those pounds off iska dheh. Aniga waxaan layaaba Al murmur, mar walbo kufaar iyo against religion this and that lee meesha kusoo qortaa. My option is survivor or Big Brother(the american version not the brit). I think I can outwit most of the past winners hands down. PS:ultimate fighter is a good show, I wouldn't mind having my man audition for the show(it will man him up), or survivor.
  11. LOL@kk, see kaa noqotay? Odaygii Yey aad umaleysid inaad xabadka kusidato, bal maxuu kuu sheegay? PS:Maybe nationality kale wuxu sheegtay marka ay maskaxdiisa ka fakatay. After all, loss of memory, and denial = Alzheimer's.
  12. LOL@BAASHI, it seems that the stock dropped few percentage's before and after the announcement. They are really setting apple up for failure, but rest assured, apple INC will prevail. Long live Macsters everywhere.
  13. ^^So in essence,a Muslim man could marry a nine year old today. LOL@CHE, Maanta waa lagaa yaabiyay haye? 9 yr olds with babies, waa "xashaasha" mey dhihijireen? Before I start off with couple of the folks here, let me put my conservative hat on. Ladies, and you know who you are, moral issues are not up for debate, much as as you would love to believe the jibrish aad meesha kusoo qorteen, its just not going to cut it. We shouldn't have to excuse and say " to each his own" when it comes to children who have no family values and no faith to guide them inorder to make the right decisions in life. Yes, our path in life is pre-determined and allah knows the outcome of our choices, but that still doesn't excuse children having babies outside of marriage. If parents fail the children, then society has a responsibility to pick-up the slack. Inorder words, its our moral duty teach these teens that their life choices has consequence, one that comes with a hefty fine. We can not sit by and allow children to make noise through the media, to make their outrageous requests acceptable, no way, no how. They need to learn that it was them alone that went and had unprotected, careless casual sex, and it is them who have to deal with the outcome. We shouldn't and we will not accommodate such ill behaviour. Now, what I am more shocked about more than anything being discussed is the nonchalant attitude that our very own muslim sista's are displaying in a public forum. (businesskooda kuleh", BS iska dheh waxaas) Now, bravo to Nephy for stepping up to bring this very serious issue at the heart of the forum. Remember people, it isn't just the gaalo children that are facing such high numbers in teen pregnancy. Our own children, 15, 16, 17, 18 yr olds are having casual s*x, because their hommies are doing it too. If you are somali parent, I feel sorry for you. You have one hell of a battle ahead of you if you are raising small children in this day and age. you not only have to step your game up, but you gotta be ahead of the game.
  14. saaxib, how about you forgive, my unprovoked attacks on you and we get back to how you wanna fix stuff. Bury the hatchet and Let proceed with the business of Social reconstruction. Hi U-Doggy Dog, lol what a name laguu bixiyay. In regards to the above quote, you are a better man for it. Only nin rag aa garto qaladka uu sameeye. I applaud you for being the bigger person and letting bygones be bygones. I also want to touch on a comment you made previously. When I reported you on sunday, my intent wasn't to have you banned, you can ask ADMIN if you like. I just wanted to shift your focus to the real issue's at hand and make you see that there is more to you than what you previously led on. You have a lot more to contribute than calling someone attention W*** or what not? Yes, when it comes to cyber wars, I am guilty as charged, but that was in the past. One thing you will notice, if and when you dig up the old archives that is, waligey dad been been ma u gardareesanin. My cyber wars, were just that, cyber wars.
  15. Most Blogs I read leading up to today and with so the called experts that weighted in, the same thing is being said all across the board. Mr Jobs will not come out with the same guns blazing as he had on last year's expo. That leaves me wondering, the hype surrounding this expo, is that really leading upto failure? (people have high expectations this time around) All good press comes with a price, I really hope it does good, otherwise they will be looking to see considerable stock drop.
  16. ^adiga adiga nooh. you silly you. PS:Che, yes it does describe just about every african leader, but we are talking about habrooyin oo ilmahooda meelahaas kusoo jiido aka demonstration
  17. Could it really be that the Riyaale administration finally got themselves some able people to conduct their communication and publicity departments? If all of this is just a coincidence, and not calculating move from riyaale's administration, and then I know just the right PR head, who can make it happen@Ngonge. PS:In that case,keep your gullible self out of these corners@Muminah
  18. Dad dantooda kasoo bixin, see anti-demonstration against another region usameyn karaan?(dang@Ngonge, can't believe you beat me to the post ) Ayagii-ba tooda haysato, mark aay shaqo ay leheen faraha lagalayaan. The time and efforts being wasted could go towards setting up charitable organizations to raise money for the families of somalida who have been displaced of their home, in xamar. Just to sum it all up, their priorities are out of wack, che huuno.
  19. ^ I disagree with you AJ. Just because "90%" have broken the rules, and I included, as well as yourself, doesn't mean its right. The reason why we are the way we are, and I mean all of somalida, is because we can never acknowledge were we went wrong, much less accept it for what it is, instead we continue to blame anyone but ourselves, hence (90% don't follow the rule, so what is the point?") The point Laba Xiniinyo and caano and myself are making is, you don't have to do or accept wrong, just because majority are doing it. You lead by an example and others shall follow. I will end it by saying, AJ, take the time to reflect on your actions, not that of others.
  20. Underdog, I just want to give you headsup. I reported your sorry excuse of a self to the ADMIN. You are getting out of hand, U-Dog. It seems that your rage and self hatred is coming from deep within. Could it be envy thats firing you up? (Plse, say it isn't so) We have north, caano who felt territorial towards Marc.(thought caano geel toned down a bit) and now you are constantly going at him at every thread he posts. Why can't you ignore him and his threads if he is what you say he is?
  21. Joker. lol@wadaad certified I make a little exception when some don't see it fit to wear undies and the wind is blowing. Then it's more like drop to the ground and puke into the city sewer. There goes my breakfast@Naden PS:Che, adiga khamiis ma xirataa? Khamiiska waxaan kasii jeclahay marka oo cimaamada lula gishto, just like sheikh sharif, seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy iska dheh
  22. I saw this guy at Masjid wearing see through Khamiis..Maybe that's Val lowers her gaze, disturbing that was. lol@che. speaking of see-through khamiis, check out ninkaan with the g-a-y pose:
  23. Laf Laf, now that you have gotten your repressed anger towards your cyber supreme queen-B out of the way, how does it make you feel? Nephy, eedo, Oodweyne aka Mr regards has spoken, ee war maba kuu yaalo. YOu should be preparing yourself for the enrollment of the "Etiquette 101" with Prof. Ngonge, ee get it going eedo.(don't let that cyber karbaash by Oodweyne weaken your good spirit, you hear? )