LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. che, your green bostonian folks too much power aa siinoysaa. Ted calooley isn't all that he is cracked-up to be as the media would have us convinced. Hilary will have her heavy rollers rolling soon enough. PS:Toni Morrison sure loves being on the spotlight, coming with her dry a*s endorsement for Obama, just because her name came up in a question a week prior, attention seeker iska dheh
  2. Bush sounded like a broken record, kept repeating baghdad, afghanistan etc. Ted CALOOLEY SURE MADE A STATEMENT SITTING BESIDE OBAMA. Hilary didn't look too happy, who could blame the lady. Obama rageesa waaye if he can control Hilary on thursday at the CA debates, but I doubt that very much. PS: I thought this being his last state of the union address, he would leave with a bang, but he was very disappointing to say the least.
  3. Is yeel yeel meel maku gaarsiineyso. I guess I will have to explain myself in a way that a darbi would understand. Right now, we have lawmakers, men and women who left pretty much everything they have build for the last 16yrs behind, inorder to come back home and take part in the rebuilding process.. If it means that these same people can fly 3or4 times a year inorder to see their families abroad, by all means, they can do so and you or anyone shouldn't have any objection.(matter of fact, you have no leg to stand on to object or make accusations) You seem concerned for the people of xamar, and how they need someone there 24/7, well, how come you haven't taken up such a task? Right now, masaakiintaas will have to make do whatever they can get. If it means the father of 7 children back in sweden was selected as a wasiir of some sort, and there is a need for him to travel to see his children and wife, by all means, thats what they will have to live with right now, because you are not risking your life to go out there and devote your entire life for the cause, just yet. Things will eventually change, but right now, we are not at a period where we can make demands. Right now, we should just get all the help we can. What bugs me about you, MMA, is you are in the comfort of your home, or work etc and you have the audicity to question the intention and motivations of the brave men and women who are in somalia. Couch potatoes should have no say on what volunteers are doing with their time. Are you a brave citizen? Can you put yourself out there and leave everyone you love and the land you grew to love in the last some odd yrs, just cold turkey? Are you willing to risk your life inorder to help those that can't help themselves back in mogadishu? Until you actually take such initiatives, hadal meesha mayaalo.
  4. lol, kk waxaas camiraad mala dhaho, sheeko sheeko iskadaaa oo orod seatka "wasiirka shacabka iyo hubnaanta" nephy usoo raadi. Yey administration ay aad eager u tahay inay ka qeyb qaalato, ee islaanta soo meelay inta ay SOL dab weyn ku shidin.
  5. lol@che. If kk could get away with cyber murder, it will only happen here. Issiiiiiii, aka Jamaal 11, I didn't know inaad J11 eheed until recently, either way waxa aad heshay was well deserved. What goes around, comes around. You were once the Maskiin Macsokor of SOL, not a single sole ku jeclaa ma jirin, can't say I missed you as a MOD, either way, it seems you toned down a bit. Good for you adeer, or else round 2 preparations la sameyn lahaa, best of 3 aan aadi laheen once more.
  6. ^Sanka, I really hope for your sake that Obama doesn't have his "hopeful" feet cut under him. S.C surprised me too, I thought it would be close, but heck if Edwards remains convinced that there is still hope for him, then I shall remain optimistic. There is hope for each and every candidate from both sides. PS: The point I just read your post, and I can't help but agree with you, I love me too
  7. ^ I think he makes sense. He is saying, for the sake of our common goal, let us put our differences aside. I agree with him, and yes we need to unite against amxaarada, and I believe anyone who opposes this isn't a somali and should have his/her head cut aka generaalka. He had a right to voice his displeasure and his lack of naxariis didnd't turn me off a bit, I think he has valid reasons as to why he said what he said, but at the end of the day, we can't just all be sitting around allowing amxaaro to eliminate our people one by one. For the good of our land, we shall fight against amxaaro at all costs and I know you are with me, because sheikh sharif is fighting for it as well.
  8. LOL@Zafir, adigana matunto ma taqaanaa? LOL KK, sheekada dhee-dheel aaba ka dhigtay, I have folks waiting for answers and you are not helping discussing our canadian version of fruit the loom matuntos in here. LeeziGaal, ruti tahluuka aa tahey, tahluuka socota, is this phenomena exists in canada as well since it exists in the UK Abuu Nuune, waxaas canada ma ka maqlin, KK aaba hada iga nixisay with her "hadaba niga leersanee" hadal ay meelaha lasoo taagan tahay
  9. Dabshid working for who? Dabdhid means our respective governments. He and like minded folks think that anytime the subject "caydh" is discussed, those that brought it up somehow, someway are informants of some sort. Thierry, I brought this very same topic to the heart of these folks, but I had an axe to grin with a welfare mom, who made her life goal to milk every benefit that she can get her hands on out of the canadian government. I was told by a smart lady called WaterLily to think about the welfare mom's children before I snitch on her, which I listened. I still have a mind to drop her info at the local office, she is only one google inquiry away. I am disgusted, and until you thierry, or me or the next person who cares about the welfare of these families, can take the necessary steps to eliminate the weak links before they disgrace us all in the eyes of the world. These folks don't have high expectation in life, they want hand outs and will not stop, unless we stop them. Right here and now, i am created "The Coalition of snitches, World Wide" sponsored by LayZieG. I promise to reward any folk who has the guts to hunt down the notorious welfare mongers and put a stop to it, legally ofcourse... Yes, I said it here(SOL) first. Go get yourself a caydh monger and you shall be rewarded generously.
  10. Che, waxa uu somaliagone qoray mala sax santahay?
  11. ^child soldier with a machete. Acuudi billaah
  12. ^ The men and woman you mentioned have a right to keep their families safe. If it means that they have to fly out from time to time to visit their children and spouses in their adopted country, so be it. Its the least we could do for a group of people, after all, they put their lives on hold, and separated from their families, and flew to a dangerous, lawless country inorder to take part in the rebuilding process of the country. (can you say the same for yourself , Mr MacSokor?) What some folks, like yourself MMA shouldn't be doing is posting their identity, even if you took a link from another website, and identifiying their adopted countries and accusing them of taking" leisure vacations and a few extra dollas" as thought they are thieves. I honestly believe a human being wouldn't jeopordaize his or her life just so they can gain few few extra dollars and enjoy little perks that come with holding a certain position, wasiir, ambassador, etc. They just have too much at stake.
  13. Sanka, welll said, but you don't have to defend your position to any of these people, because it goes in one ear and out the other. I, personally applaud you for not publicly expressing your support to any particular polical party in somalia. I also applaud you for allowing folks to be themselves and put down any somali political figure or party as they see fit. Too balls, you have issues eedo. There are tons of anti-TFG threads created daily, if they were pro-TFG, they would have cleaned up this section of the forum, so please, stop the calaacalka. You accused Baashi of disrespecting the female forumers, can you please post the evidence that supports your accusation? Character assassination isn't going to fly around here, I read what Baashi wrote and it was far from an insult. He was merely explaining to the rest of us who hadn't had a chance to read how the thread escalated to a point of deletion, so for you to start accusing the great abti, is a new low even for u, ee please grow a third ball.
  14. ^generaalka, I finally agree with waxa aad maanta soo qorte, one passport for all somalia, but maxaa waaye, sheekada dubai iyo meelaha kale ka jirto? Passport-keena oo qiimaha badnaa, hada heroin addicts xataa wey heli karaan for as low as $2, that needs to be nipped in the b*tt, soo maaha? adeerkaa warkaas iga gaarsii inta uusan dhiman I don't think mothers should get involved in politics. africa's-owl, hooyoyinka in politics meel iska dhig, I think dayuusiinta shouldn't even be allowed to co-exist among the civil cyber world.(your likes etc) I knew wasaqnimo was a trait you had, but didn't know it went as far as aflagaadeenta of hooyooyinka's expense.
  15. ^lmao@uma. Sista, wallaahi ooyin aa iga keentay. saan u qoslaaye. All jokes aside, this is a serious matter, regardless of "kastuumo" discussion being a taboo among our people. U-dog, the citizens, some of them have actually witnessed it. Most of the allegations are geared towards the females.
  16. According to concerned citizens and as well as some of my sources in the london and surrounding bureau office's, there is a new phenomena growing around the somali community in London, UK. Folks don't wear kastuumo whenever dressing up and heading out, is it true? When did not wearing a kastuumo become a trend?? How can the citizens concern be adressed? all comments are welcome CIAO
  17. ^Mac Mac back@CHe LoL@eedo Nephy. Islaan fakatay ayaa kusoo baxday, but faataxo aan kusoo maraa. KK, lol@that story, aniga suuro suuro ma aqaano, I tell it like it is, now it is lyrics, soon waxaan rabaa time square inuu personal poem kusoo qoro on one of the panasonic displays for thousands and thousands and folks to see and hopefully CNN/fox will catch it and I will be on the breaking news, and we will tell our shake story to o'reilly man.
  18. Dadka afxumada wado wey isgaran doonaan la islaaha, but if ay saan kusii socoto, we have no choice but to either edit and close this thread. Haye haye@Miskiin MacSokor. Marka hore, "we" da aa meesha kusoo qoreyso iska saar. Aniga iyo aniga dheh, inta aad "we, we" meelaha kusoo sawirto sida aad umoodo art gaboobay. Marka ku xigda, waxaan ku iri hadalka aan hada ka dib ku dhihi doono, sifiican u aqri and aadna u fahan, because mar danbe makugu celinaayo. This thread is 5 pages long, I caught up with it when it was on page 3, and all the way from page 3 to 5 it was still a battle ground, and it took you now to open your eyes and to find a way to end it with handadaad. I guess rif jaceyl inta ay kuu geesatay baad finally sheekada kula xumaatay, either way, you are about 4 pages too late. Hadii run run kaaga tahay, mar hore aad dhihilaheed, nac nacda hala joojiyo, no wonder no one takes you serious. War qol aan xeraa aad sheegtee, qolka oo dhan madaxa saaaro, but aan arko meesha ay taas ugeyso. PS:Nephy, lol@u, I knew inaad sida haba haba igu soo ordi laheed, so waxaan ubadaley diifka
  19. Me, if you want to challenge me, I would be more than happy to engage in the discussion, but only to worthy opponent, one who isn't afraid to say "I am wrong" no matter how many times your friend xiin will dog you for standing up for what you really believe and that is you know inaad Northerners aflagaado la aaday , qaarkood ka mid ah, dad adiga ku aflagaadeenin. stand up or stay silent eedo, until then, don't come at me with your cheap tactics about your silly steps
  20. Good for you KK. Waa wax ***** oo anyway aad ula hadashid wali soo taagan, but safiican ayaad ****** uga shaqeysay, nothing more to be said eeedo. PS:Nephy, ereyga "diif leefe" was invented just for u aan umaleyee, but warka isii? [ January 24, 2008, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. Appearance ?? Accent ?? J-Baro, ^^^couldn't agree more^^^. When it comes to appearance, fella's from the north win hands down, some southern fellas just don't do it for LayZieG. The accent of some Northerners is soo ever seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehsiiiiiiiiiiiiii, can't get enough of the qald**n accent, even thought I don't understand what is being said to me most of the time. PS: I can't help but read some of the comments from this creature called "Me", waryee, marka aad kusoo coobte an entire regions desire to separate and be independent by summing it up with "one khat crazed lunatic", after saying that, how do you expect anyone to take your reasons for staying and being united serious? You disgust me when you refer to the north as one khat crazed lunatic, and u are not the first one to call those folks all crazed khat jewers and I am sure you won't be the last, but I just thought I go off on you, just because. There is nothing you or xaafadaa can do to stop these thousands of folks from speaking out, if they want out, its their right to voice it out.. I always said Somaliland won't be recognized internationally and I will stick to that, but I never argued against their right to speak their mind, or nor did I insult an entire region, for that I think you need to step up as a man/woman, whatever you are "ME" and apologize to every lander
  22. Call me crazy, but how the hell did this thread escalate to 3 pages long, when I couldn't get passed some of these words written by the poster: that's not what i want do here ya dig simplteons and navity and dumbiest thing ive heard .....i am a very clam guy My migraine kicked in a notch just trying to get passed the jibrish. Laflaf, for heaven's sake, stay in school. Taada kasoo bax before aad affairs aad shaqo ku laheyn aadan galin.
  23. ^I only opened this thread to see if you had confessed your undying crush for me, but guess not. PS: I saw this on youtube sometime ago, she ain't that funny