LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    Remix: Ar goobile goobiloow Ar goobile goobiloow J-baro iyo KK, eedaday neph daaya. Ar goobile goobiloow Ar goobile goobiloow tani tuscany to peru, aduunka meesha ayka joogtoo, waa balan inaan eeedadey soo dhoofiyo. Ar goobile goobiloow Ar goobile goobiloow dayuurada mida uga qaalisan, waa balan iney eedo nephy xeerta iga ciyaartaa goobile goobilow geeska to geeska waa iney dharka tuurataa goobidoono waaxid the End:
  2. Grasshopper, your thread led me to record the program. Bad timing, with football on around the same time, but I watched it right after the game. Sohail's story is very powerful, I very much enjoyed watching that episode. I can't wait for part two, thank you for posting it, I don't think I would have had a chance had it not being for your thread.
  3. ^ truth hurts haye? Fact is fact. No one can argue against these nations listed are not dangerous, so why all the hostility towards forbes corporation? Get over it, this isn't about religion or color, the list is based on facts, our country included is the most dangerous of all, lawless for over close to 2 decades. In land and even in the waters. Did you really expect somalia to be rated somewhere on the top 50 or top 100, instead of the #1 most dangeous nation in the world? Guys, read the news feeds, aid workers are pulling out. We are terrorizing the same very pple who risk their lives to save the innocent folks among our people, and you don't think that #1 spot is deserving?
  4. ^lol nephy, he is probably oday gaboowe oo 40s kusii socdo. Wiilka avatarkaaga, yaa umaleynee inuu timaha usameeye on his way to fighting the amxaaro? waa soldier oo rageesa eh
  5. ^lol@I don't know waxa aan ka hadlaayo. Eedo, I am talking about what I have been told and what I have read, thats just as good as being on the so called "sidelines", since football arena aa sheekada ubadashay. and what makes you an expert, remember you are just a visitor, so, its a matter of opinion, ee get going. I told you before, you are as clueless as they get, don't try that ish you pull around here eedo. PS: Probably the locals way u harowsadeen, taking your dollar for a high exchange rate, suckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
  6. ^ The folks in S-land prefer the dollar over the local currency, thats a fact. American dollar aa loo sijuudooyaa in all of africa and s-land isn't any different. You can spin it in anyway you like, but fact is fact eedo. PS: I don't recall you being around when my habo was updating me about this currency discussion, so how do you know if she didn't talk to me much about it? Focus focus owly, I don't want you getting confused again.
  7. ^J-BARO, BEEN BADANIDAA. MY HABARYARO who travelled with her medical organization and did stay in hargeisa for few months last year said, american dollar is the preferred currency in somaliland, ee why aa fake bills usoo sharaxee meeshaan?
  8. The high school I attended didn't offer any sex ed classes, because it was a catholic high school, but they did host various seminars(with host speakers) althroughout the school for an entire week, and each different grade had their turn to participate and take part in the information session. As we exited after it was over, we had pamphlets with info and condoms available. I thought it was very informative session, they had decent materials, not too graphic, but overrall as I recall it was very educational. I believe something similar to what I just described ought to be available to young children and adults as well.
  9. Sanka, you can get excited from as many endorsements off individuals to organizations as much as you like, but still doesn't change anything. Let us wait tuesday, when we will know who the majority of the americans want as their representative in the nationals. Btw, isn't this the same organization with the damaging campaign ads that disfigured John Kerry 4 yrs ago and guaranteed bush a no contest re-election? What an endorsement that is for your obama, hahaha. Again, I do not endorse any two candidate, obama or Hilary, but I believe Hilary is a better candidate. According to your Obama, he is all for change, but even he admitted to saying all the things to bringing about change has to be put on the back burner once he is elected because he will have his hands full with the debt left off bush to pay off, then he will focus on the funding of schools, raising teacher's salary, funding laboratories that are working on american's advancement in the math and science field. All that I mentioned above is the core of his campaign, "change", and if he can't deliver the change he is preaching on the first few yrs of his presidency, when will he get to them? After his term ends? PS: I did watch both debates, but the republicAN debate was rather dull. I was very surprised about the civility from both parties, hilary and obama. (could it be that they called a truce on the d-low?) All in all, it was too much I respect him, or I respect her, not enough of I want to scratch him or her that took place from both ends previously.
  10. Cheers Fellaz It seems that Paul Gasol has left the building Elvis style, in route to Kobe and Los Angeles, hehehe. I am not so sure memphis got the immediate return they wanted off the deal, but Lakers are clear winners from the trade. Can someone say Kwame who? Kwame wherE? LOL His days as an NBa player is numbered, soon he will be waived altogether. If I know one thing, is that brotha playmaker isn't happy about this deal. This laker team was a tough team early on the season, and had a minor setback recently with the loss of the young bynum and kwame back in the rotation, but now that Paul is here, a little spanish flavour anyone?
  11. LayZie G.


    Howdy, For SOL ladies that go to the gym...I have some questions for you. * How much do you pay per month? ( I can't seem to find out less than $40) * What do you wear? (most of workout wear is spandex tight little things) * What machines do you use? * Do you have any classes you recommend? * How soon have u seen results? * Do you have contract or no contract payment plan? ( I don't want a contract but most of the gyms near me have them -- there is no way I'm giving them access to my account) I wanna join a gym and can't seem to find one that I like so far. Cheers FF!!!! I don't do gym anymore, I am a member of a martial arts studio. Cardio Kickboxing, on and off for few months now and as well as brazilian jitsu for beginners.(just started) I buy 20-30packages, no expiray date, costs anywhere from $150-200 per package, depending on whats in it and you can let it stretch. My work out routine consists of attending the centre 2-3x a week(3 weeks out of the month). I will do two days of kickboxing(an hour each) and now I started one brazilian jitsu a week. The one hour kick boxing is high intense work out. It starts with 15 minutes, 5 minute set(3x) jump rope exercise with a ring bell and a 30second break after each set. Followed by stretching, total of 5 minutes to warm up the muscles. Followed by 20minutes in the ring, one on one with a trainer. Followed by 5 minutes of freestyle boxing with the bag, on your own or with a partner. Followed by 10minutes of push-ups and situps, a variety of routines. and lastly, 5 minutes of stretching. I started it last year, and I have yet to give it up. Kickboxing kicks a*s, and soon I shall report the progress of the jitsu.(that class is more technical than anything but I will look forward to it as I advance) Outside of the centre, I tend to eat moderately. Breakfast, breakfast, and more breakfast. I fill up early morning, then I take lunch with me, as well as fruits a jug of water.(just 1litre) different, the earlier I eat, the better. My classes tend to be at night(after 7pm), so I tend to eat around 5:30pm, especially when I have the kickboxing class, that way when I come home, I will just have a hot cup of tea and maybe some fruits atleast 3 hrs before bedtime, that really helps. Whatever you do, be consistant, thats the way to make a difference in your body. Goodluck senorita. PS: WHen I first started this routine, I didn't see results for atleast over 10weeks, thats when people really started seing it and then ofcourse I saw it too. Ofcourse you notice your body tonning as well, which is a plus. About the wardrobe, just wear regular gym outfit, make sure you wear very comfortable running shoes, not too flat or not too heavy, nike does it good. Get lots of t-shirts, you will need to change or people will assume inaad dhar qabin, and ofcourse I wear bottom sweats, reebok etc.
  12. Nephy, eedo boqol iyo shanmar aan ku dhahay, I am well aware of my gabarnimo. Hadaan run uhadleyno, I don't think you are in a position to bring up xushmonimo. After all, you are the same islaan oo mar mar kuntiinadeeda tuurto, oo buufis ku dhoco in this very same section. Adigi aaba xishood aqoon, see advise kaaga uqaadanaa? PS:Xushmo waxaa latusaa, kuma dadka xushmeeyo. But Generaalka wasaqnimo oo meesha keenay countless times, and each time oo keeno, waa sida level-kiisa la tuso.
  13. ^lol@uma, abuu nuune macalin weyn waaye, oo wax walbo precise uu kugu sheegaa. lmao@@@@@@@@@abuu nuune. KK, since you are impressed with somaligeyga ayaa mahaan, I think you owe Abuu nuune a thank you or two.(he is my macalin) PS:Tuujiye, xan kudil, ma waxaas aa meelaha inaad ku maqashid aa ku qososhaa, hadootana kastuumo maskiin aa lasoo bexee oo dhahdaa, "I respect my sista's"
  14. perminent power. I agree, "perminent" is the way for adeerkaa, CARABLAAWE YAHOW. BTW, did you figure out Che's asalkiisa? You seem way too occupied with what che is and what he isn't, ee is dagi, waxa uu yahay, asaga aa isku eh and just because he disagrees with you, it shouldn't matter to you. talk about "I am disappointed with u"? You want him to agree and be like you, as hateful as ever. Dude, I am sick of you talking about my clan this and that. CLANKA AAD SHEEGTO, ANAA HABEEN WALBO KU DHUUSO. ps:It seems dhuusadeyda kuligood ayey gaartaa(corner to corner), so that clan isn't as big as you described it to be. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  15. ^well owly, if you were north, you would understand how burco comes into play, but you are not him. I am really scared for you, if you are trying this hard to understand my reply to others, it must mean there isn't much working up there, ee, how about you do a hardreset to whatever cells left off that DIGSI OF A BRAIN YOU GOT THERe?
  16. lol J-Baro, hurdadaada iskaga noqo, I know inaad daalan tahay.
  17. ^ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Regards, Oodweyne
  18. North, its good to know that there is two sides to the story in hargeisa. All the reports relating to foreigner killings does leave a bad taste in one's mouth, but now that this man's story is read throughout, people can make their own fair judgement about living/visiting hargeisa. I am surprised you didn't post one relating to the daily living in Burcaawi?(that would easily generate the tourism in that lil old place ) PS:How did you manage to post, I thought your region had no connection to the world wide web in the last day or so ago, some sort of fiber optic cut surrounding the gulf area.
  19. Gediid, bal MOD noqo, anaa saa cyber ul kula dhacaayo, aa huskuntigaaga xataa waa ka cararee. On the other hand, Che will make a fine MOD. I am casting my vote for Che all the way. SOL's finest papi
  20. ^I thought farah brown inuu ahaa the Hubby of SOL's favourite Islaan aka Nephy, neeftuur aka biyo iyo baraf intee kusheegtay?
  21. Poster, don't you look up to see if the news you are posting has been posted? Why double of everything folks. Too much trashy news, ethios are wali socda. Now that I think about it, what if all this is just a strategy on Cade's part, a way to draw all folks to him and somehow lessen the bloodshell. I can't put anything passed odayaasha, they will do just about anything to convince us that they are their own entity and don' cater to the ethios.
  22. ^ If there is hype surrounding any candidate in the demo's party, its Obama, not Hilary, the favouritism shifted from her to him. To answer your question, Its not that I am rooting for him or her or her or him, its just that I am afraid all this false hope set for Obama will fall flat when it comes down to getting down and dirty. He is not the right man to face off republicans in a national setting. I said this before and I will say it again, only folk he can face off is Mit Romney in a one by one setting, but not any other republican candidate, and from the looks of it, Mit romney's chance's are slimming. PS: You probably wondering why I picked romney over all the others. Answer is simple, he is a dreamer like Obama, so they cancel each other out.
  23. I had to resurrect him. The ladies missed and some requested encore. Papichulo aa noqotay ma istiri? Why is qashinka ethio-s news uyahay? There is no secret that the amxaaro generals have their hands in the TFG personnel's behind, farta ayey ku haayaan and if anyone crosses them, dacwo aa loo diraa melez, the subject will read "Melez, smell odourkaan bal?", I think Yusuf as "CC" aa emailka loogu diray.