LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^LOL TUUJISKA. Adiga yaa eheed? Magacaaga sheeg ps:VAL, MUG SHOT IS NOT TUUJISKA. Tuujiska ayuuba magaca ugu dheelaa
  2. ^eedo, that was in reply to sanka's comment: If we evaluate candidate's executive skills by the things they run/direct (campaigns, company, business, etc), Obama is doing an incredible job. PS:Bill didn't need to practice much law, he was a young governor, around same age as obama was when he applied for law school, lol (bill was handling business and had the most important job in his state at such a young age)
  3. Sanka, as much as I applaud your sense of loyalty to this black man, I sadly disagree with you putting hilary in the managerial caterogy. Washington experience will always be the forth front battle, it all boils down to that. I can say with certainty that obama has some characteristics of a good leader, but he is not a well developed leader in a national scale. Some day, he will get there, but this isn't the year for him. Lets dig into this past/present experience. University graduate Worked as a community organizer Applied for law school, graduated from law school, worked as a lawyer. Got elected to illinois state legislator, was a lawmaker for few yrs. Was passing laws as a state representive more than he was out there defending his clients. Ran for senate, and won and here he is few yrs later wanting to become a president.(he says he was lucky to have been the front runner for the senate candidancy in his state because two of his major opponents, which he feared would have taken his current seat just happen to have developed unsforseen scandal and led to the drop out of the running for senate) The only successful think he managed so far in his life, seems to be surrounding in and around the campaign, and all the credit can't go to him alone. YOu don't know what goes on behind the scenes, or who calls for what shot, and I dont either, so we can't really give him all the management credit. For all we know, his wife could be calling all the shots, as she is more experienced lawyer than he was. So sanka, these are facts, the things about his life that was written by him, not anyone else, but him alone, his words. All in all, we shall see, but it is a mistake to drag this all the way to the convention, its a mistake for your candidate sanka and its mistake for hilary. One of them needs to end it sooner than later, hopefully early march, or else they will both fail and once again republican party will be calling the shots in the white house.
  4. no no, I haven't signed up to the SOL group, I am just a lurker. and I still use my nickname, I don't do the full name handle. PS: cute aa? I think wuu soo shanleyste oo kistoo saliid soo marsaday marka aan mug shot ugu wacay aan umaleynaa?
  5. lol, u have seen the mug shot? Is he talking bs?Picture kale mayuu galiyay? Mug shot ka marka aan arkay first time, sometime last week, wallaahi waaba naxay. I think the mug shot is BROWNIE, and he can deny it all he wants, but its brownie alright as much as Zafir will like to take credit for it.
  6. lol@Zafir, what's happening?
  7. I meant the iowa caucuses won by obama. The first primary that was held, all early voting was pointed at hilary but you know how it ended. PS:I don't know meesha aan new hampshire iga soo gashay
  8. lol, waraa that ain't no q-tip, q-tip looks jacked compared to ismail dude. PS:zafir, why don't I believe you?
  9. I forgot the nick he used, but ask Zafir, he probably knows. I can't access facebook at work, or else I would have pointed him out to ya.
  10. this past christmas aan shahaadadeyda kaqaate, the school of "Abuu Nuune" aan kasoo baxay, my minor was the nuurism risky management with professor Nuune.
  11. lol@nephy, and I will run another story Simultaneously, "the uncovered truth aboutBrownie:: Is he the mug shot guy?
  12. ^lol@u, maya maya, aniga fuley ma ihi, ee sida picture upload loo sameeyo ma aqaano.(I am however impressed with your tech savvy self, go sista)
  13. Brownie, you are lucky he borrowed your nickname and attached it to the cute face. That was KK's crush, he is a cutie, far looker than all y'allz that posted your pictures. I do however have my doubts about him being a somali. (ismail ali fella) PS:You shouldn't have exposed yourself, now me wonders if you are that guy with the mug shot
  14. ^The previous black candidates were jokes. Al sharpton? Reverend Jesse Jackson, the former ambassador, a black woman, forgot her name. They haven't had this much hype surrounding a candidate (forget black candidate)for I don't know how long. Media darlings are just that, they won't go far and if it happens, it will be a shocker. Gore's florida miscount didn't get this much hype, and that was hyped up more than any recent american election. Excuse me, you can't convince me that DC and marlyland obama aa qaadanaayo, thats exit polls talking, not you eedo, ee get your facts straight. Exit polls(and all polls taken) lie, they give you a figure and guess what? the opposite happens on voting night. Everyone gave massachusetts to obama because of all the big name endorsements, guess who took it? Everyone figured new New Hampshire was clinton's, guess who took it? I say let us wait and see, mr brownie and quit trying hard to convince me otherwise.
  15. ^ brownie, please don't burn. Virginia is hers, not so sure about maryland(blacks tend to vote for blacks) and DC is up for grabs eedo, but as I said before, I am confident that she will go 3-0 or 2-1, either way, Hilary will build on her lead over him. Just an observation, from all the segments I watched, from senators or congressman/women's take on the two candidates, no one sees obama as a leader of any sort. When asked their take on obama, the answer is always "he brings hope back to americans'" or "he energizer's the young voters", I am sorry, but america and the world doesn't need a fulltime motivational speaker and part time preacher, they want a president.
  16. Sanka, you must be beside yourself. 5 states under your belt, and still Hilary has more delegates than your boy Obama. I am very confident that mrs clinton will capture Virginia, maryland and District of Columbia tomorrow. Anyone watch 60minutes lastnight? If yes, what did you think of both interviews? Obama didn't seem sure of himself.
  17. I watched the conclusion lastnight. I watched with my hooyo, just had to give her an update from prev. sunday's episode. I was disgusted the way the two siblings potrayed our religion. First the brother was out clubbing and drinking up alcohol (1st episode)as thought it was a norm, then lastnight, his sister was in bed with her boyfriend.(unmarried so called muslimah) I highly doubt any sane individual would act on the message of the story. It was far from dangerous, pathetic more like it. Here she was, about to become a mujahida, and she was unsure of her self? I can't believe she blew her brother up, a hero on his own making, its pathetic. How did the police catch upto him and not her? Dabaalo, overrall, the ending didn't impress me at all.
  18. OMG, my eyes are playing tricks on me. I am reading the news feeds at work now and they traded SHAQ to suns. Yesterday, I thought it was just a rumor, but today, it actually happened. Woowwwwwwwwwwwwww, suns are untouchable. Shaq must not be as hurt as they previously claimed. A block buster trade at its best, this really is icing on the cake, forgot the gasol one. Division rivals, wallaahi waa leysku dhaarsan yahay laker vs Suns games ought to bring huge ratings in the coming weeks. Would shaq become the only player in NBA history to have made 3 team hopefuls into nba champions? I don't think there is an nba player who made the difference shaq has made in L.A, in Miamia and soon in phoenix. If suns win it all this june, it will be because of shaq, especially if he can bring back his big man dominance to atleast 65% to 70%. PS: My favourite player of all time aka Grant Hill has more chance to win a title than he ever had in his career, omg, I am so excited for him.
  19. Nephyts...I'm assuming your friend told you all this in confidence. How's dis helping her?. I hope she is not SOL member. Che, always aqligaa kugu jeclaa. shaxshaxlow As for the topic, I really feel sorry for anyone oo Nephy saaxiib ka dhigta. Airing your friend's private affairs, and now talking about permission ay kusiisay, just doesn't make sense. heart broken female:nephy, orod oo find out what sol'er think about my hubby leaving me? nephy: ok ok(she hangs up the phone and rushes to open her pc/laptop and brings up the sol page, and off she goes and creates a thread)
  20. caano, I don't need hubsasho, when you got it, you got it eedo. lol@gediid, tough one, I have to think about that one.
  21. Pujah, lets put the name calling aside. All hardcore politicians are all power hungry and anyone who isn't, as rare as it may seem at times isn't really a politician. I have said it many times and I will repeat it again, your candidate is a hell of a salesman. Hilary has a plan, she has a budget, as expensive as it may be, nevertheless, she shares most of her change with that of obama's. She wants to tackle most of the issues facing americans. Economy, health, immigration, and has one hell of a stand with american's foreign policy. Other than a view here and there, they pretty much want the same things for the country, soo maaha? Yes she is a woman, but she is someone who is experienced, who sees that the way to change doesn't just start with talking about change, she actually had time to put forth a plan. Obama talks about his plans, but I have yet to see how this man wants to go about accomplishing it. He himself repeated many times in his last book how his plans would have to be put on hold, because there are more critical tasks to complete prior to this supposed change he keeps preaching about. I give him one thing, he is hell of a seller. My eedo hilary has the big dog's on her corner, even thought they may too turn on her when push comes to shove. Its just not his time, as much as I want to see a young black man hold the most important seat in the most powerful nation in the world's government, I just don't see it happening. Lastly, I would like to say out of the two candidates, Hilary is the better fitted one to compete on a national level with the likes of mccain, who is a clear front runner as of lastnight. Obama reminds me of kerry, soft spoken, barely holding on to his last breath when it comes down to getting his hands dirty. In america, you have got to play the game of dirty politics and he just isn't ready to go there with anyone, atleast not with a woman, so how do you expect him to face off mccain? The best thing the man can do is be a second best to hilary as her vp choice, he would really make a good vp. Don't let the hype fool you, obama is a media darling and thats how he got all those north dakota votes and those little small delegate state's lastnight. Media darlings dont make good presidents.
  22. Che, casanova iyo nus aa tahay. Gediid has been hinting your hidden skills, talow maxuu ka wadaa? I want to know what gediid is holding over your head, so I too can blackmail you. Nephy, eedo, its your turn, aniga suuqa madow aan ku geynaa, high stakes aa tahay adiga.
  23. no eedo, u are your own hype, lol... you go with headlines, because obama is a headline walking
  24. ^ hiili? daycare-nimo mey sheekada gaarte? KK doesn't need hiilis eedo, plus you sound as thought I have beef with u or something? Why aad caawa u careysan tahay nephy?