LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. my name is ******, but my white peers call me sammy or sam, go figure.(wax magaceyga runta iyo waxa ay igu wacaan iskaga jira malahan, mar mar aniga aaba isla yaabo) The most frightening thing about all of this is that I actually respond to sam or sammy now more than ever, magacii runta ah aaba ii gooye.
  2. Miss Aaliyah, we all due respect, but the debate I watched this past thursday wasn't the same debate you so eloquently described above. The debate I watched showed a man who majority of the time was defending his position on some of the issues that was raised by hilary, as well as campbell brown,(cnn's new face). Instead of taking the fight to hilary, she had brought the fight to him. Yes, at one point, she made the xerox remark and it wasn't a strong moment for Mrs C, but she made it up at her closing, she definetely drew that crowd on her favour. I was very disappointed with both candidates on more than one occasion (more so with obama than hilary)when a question was asked that deserved a very brief answer, instead, both candidates went around it. Hilary did infact once or twice illustrated the difference in their policies, such as health care and cuba. With cuba, there wasn't much difference, she was willing to meet the president, whoever it may be as long as some of the conditions that will be imposed on the future leader is fulfilled and ofcourse with some preparation involved. I recall Obama going for that same line that hilary had and even agreeing with her. That was until campbell brown came back and recalled a comment he made regarding his willingless to meet up with the communist leader without any conditions, then ofcourse he didn't seem so sure of himself after. All in all, it wasn't obama's finest moment, and I have watched enough debates between both candidates to come to that conclusion.
  3. ^Did you get to read the piece in huffingtonpost by Star Jones? O factor linked to lynching I do admit, I haven't watched mr O factor in quite sometime, but even he is too classy to have made such remarks. In any regards, Star Jones went off and went off pretty good on him, but why hasn't the Obama camp defended its dreamy first lady? Why are they keeping quite@sanka?
  4. ^Good read, but nothing for obama to get his hopes about. Rest assured he will not be holding such power as sarkozy's anytime soon. Yaa Che, too much exit poll theory aad aaminsantahay. anyways, a little motivation for Sanka Obama loves to say "Sí, podemos."(yes we can) but as for Mrs C's chanting goes more like this :- Si, vamos, Si vamos" (Yes, we will, yes we will) so you decide, which is better?
  5. ^oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, oooooooooooooooooo,I just read that mr Ladiif. You said you could name names regarding folks on SOL facebook group that are fraud, when it comes to pictures and their handle names. Therefore, I want names, lol, but I already know inaad Zafir kabilaabi doonto. Zafir, eedo, magacaaaga aniga ma aqaano and hadii aan aqoon lahaa, meelahaan maku soo qori laheyn. The reason why I wouldn't do it is because it is none of my business or anyone's else but yours. I don't have right to go around saying your name out loud on the net, even if you gave your permission. For instance, MMA waxa aan ku necbahay sometimes is that he goes and broadcasts others affairs accompying with images via a link in this forum, and his excuse is that it was already made public, so what's the big deal?(MMA, I made example of you because you have done that more than one occassion, nothing personal ofcourse ) PS:KK, thats all?
  6. Pujah, why would you want someone to compete on a national level, when you yourself don't believe he can win? Why would you want to support such a candidate? As for Madam Hilary, she did pretty well lastnight, considering she didn't win the popular vote, I was very impressed that she lost by a small margin and still managed to collect her delegates, bravo to Hilary C.(not much margin separating their delegates after all@Sanka) Can't wait for Mrs C to destroy obama on tomorrow night's debate. I am hoping the debate will rejuvenate her and ultimately pick up the momentum she so needs to carry her over texas and Ohio.
  7. Ngonge, as Nephy one's said, haba haba, oo meel fadhiiso, maanta warba makuu yaalo. I can't believe you at times. Here you are providing rationale on behalf of these people, when you know full well that they are on the wrongs. How can you justify attacking one's ideas ? Can't a person be allowed to express his or her ideas freely without confrontation? You people are wondering why I am always on the attack mode, and its because I can't for the life of me understand who made you people the judge and the jury on one's own freedom of expression. Whether it may be the marc expressing his views regarding state of somalia or Johnny B discussing his beliefs regarding the religion or anyone else for that matter speaking about a certain subject, all we can do as spectators is just to either agree or to disagree, we can not go on a rampage regarding one's true intentions, nor can we assasinate one's character as ghettonima has so profoundly displayed here. Fruthermore you don't know what/ who I may or maynot know so iska amus. I do not wish to know you, and I do not care to know what you are all about. You are a despicable human being. When I made that comment regarding you having alot of time on your hands, it was just that. I, on the other hand just come here, make few comments, and add some suggestions and thats that. I do not take anything said here or any other cyber platform personally, but you do. You had to go out of your way, to confide in someone else who may or may not know the Marc and you came back here to report that person's opinion as if someone asked you to keep your tiredless gossip upto-date. I might have sounded harsh above, but I really do mean it, please seek help ghettonima. Marcus, word of advice, dont reply to personal attacks! (And drop Layzie from your kiss-A$$ team - she is really getting you into more trouble). Our resident SOL Temptress has a point. Excuse her foul mouth regarding the **** kisser, it take one to know another @serena, but most of the early negativity surrounding The marc's threads were directed towards me. My beloved SOL haters, knew full well that my initial intro of The marc's video segment showed a great deal of potential, thus inviting controversy in which they immediately tried to find a way to stop it by not admitting that the man had a point and it was a very well thought segment. The Marc put alot of effort and time into creating these video's so he can pull us all together , so that we can work out our problems, whatever it may be. (Dalkeena &dankeena) So, yes some of the early attacks were directed @me, because I was the sole supportor of the Marc at the time and having completed previous cyber karbaash on these very same people that were and continue to attack The marc, were just seeking vengeance. I wouldn't be lying when I say that The Marc has handled himself very well. He has shown fair and balanced feedback. All he asked in turn was to open your mind and your eyes to his ideas, and instead you attacked him for it and shame on you all for that. The Marc, you are an outstanding member, I really hope you don't fall for the tacky lines. They have one goal and one goal only. They want the marc to be silenced, and what better way than to see him banned. This group will do pretty much anything to see that happen and my only advise to you is not to fall for it@The Marc. PS:Hi back@JJ, aniga aad iyo aad ayaan ufiicanahay, thanks for asking sista.
  8. Aren't you getting a little too personal airing shameless gossips? Unless you know him in real life, you shouldn't spread the powder room gossips in public forums. I think you have too much time on your hands ghettonima
  9. lol@social service field. I am all for unity, always have been, always will be brah. lol@so mad about the conversation. I am far from angry, and I do feel for you brah if you can't tell anger from laughter, through words.(after all, you are an expert on one's true expression soo maaha?) PS: All jesting aside, I think you are a cool fella, who has a good head on his shoulders, its just sometimes, you tend to loose your cool, other than that I admire your sense boldness.
  10. lol@u doggy dog, the mug shot comment was directed@ that faarax brown character and he knows why I refer to him as a mug shot fella. U have a great nickname already, u doggy dog, why change that at all? I didn't know you were this sensitive brah, next time I will make sure I spell it out for you and say, u doggy dog, bal karbaashkaas kaleexo huuuuuuuuuuno
  11. ^eedo, old news, J-baro ayaa kaala hormeraybthreadka. Will see if young castro would follow the same footsteps as big bro, or lead the country in different direction as promised previously.
  12. ^KK, as much as aad maanta careysan tahay, there is no question that you are one of the biggest "the marcas" fans around. May I suggest you go and create a fan club "the marcas" because mar dhow sheekadaada waxey gaare meel sare, 5 pages of admiration for the marcas, all along aniga ayaa leygu gonbanaa, talk about "bodyguard" this or "daba dhilif" ah that, but the real fans are at full force. Each one of the controversial topics has exceeded the capacity, we can only take limited number of fans, hence why I put KK in charge of creating the fan club for his majesty aka the marcas. PS:Hi JJ, how are u eedo? U doggy dog, if you weren't looking for trouble, you shouldn't have "hit and run" as you normally do, the marcas is a royalty around these parts. On behalf of the marcas, I thank you little people for raising the profile of the marcas to the highest extent without much effort.
  13. U doggy Dog, waakaas hee, facaa presidents waaye, but my question to you is, What have you done lately? That question also goes for mr mug shot, inta aad smarty pants iska dhigeysid, bal isku noqo and ask yourself whether or not you have even considered doing public service for your people and country. The marcas, I am very impressed wallaahi, good for you brah, keep up the good work. As far as the drama queens are concerned, pay no mind, waa hateration talking.
  14. ^lol, that should really fire up kk
  15. VA, DC, and Maryland were just a warmup, she should atleast take wisconsin caawa, if not hawaii or washington state for a total sweep. Remember, she has been campaigning hard in texas for over a week and a half, hands down, texas should be hers.
  16. KK, from the words of the Marcas If you have nothing good to say don’t say anything! I dont want to hear your tirades of self-opinonated bile!
  17. ^Take early naps in early evenings, that way you will be refreshed in time for the games. (PS:Sleeping is for the dead @north) Hi Playmaker, yes, the Gasol trade was just amazing, but the shaq trade is one I am waiting to see of its first taste, the face off on this wednesday night's game. Hoping Shaq and kobe play on the wednesday game. I really hope Kobe isn't sidelined from now and until playoffs because of a pinky finger injury, he says it isnt bad, but the laker trainers say different. The slam dunk competition from this past weekend was the sickest competition I have watched in a while. The so called "birthday cake dunk" from gerald green had me standing up from my seat, wallaahi it was just sick, blowing the candle as he dunked.(even thought dunking without shoes wasn't given much props, I thought it was one dope dunk he did on barefoot) Dwight and his perfect scoring dunks, the backboard dunk and superman cape dunk, that was just ridiculous. Back to the trade deadline,I am still waiting for the kidd trade, too bad reject devean george had held it up as long as he had. I hated that george dude during his lakers years, and I still hate him with passion. I guess he really wants to show that he too has a voice in this so called "trade clause", where he can decide where he goes. whatever happened to GM's making the final decision on where a player lands? Why were these rules applied in the first place, now every tom and dick who signs a multi year contract with a team will be exercising his one time power, even thought his performance with the team he is holding up may not be the greatest. On the other hand, I really think dallas will be losing alot just to gain Jason Kidd, who may or may not be productive for another year, maybe two the most. These is so much competition and youth now more than ever in the western conference that I don't think Kidd can outlast the likes of Roy from blazers, chris paul of new orleands, and deron williams utah jazz. Those young guys are talented and fearless and kidd has to be guarding them night in and night out. If the mavericks finally land kidd after all the drama surrounding whether or not a trade would go, or it wont, they will really have to pull a miracle to win against those guards I mentioned 4X per season, per team. All in all, mavericks will be solid on their backcourt, but their full front court will be slimming drastically if Kidd lands in Dallas this week.
  18. Sanka, let the blame game start brah. The crooks in these elections are well known and have been caught red handed and we both know whose camp that is coming from. A notorious plagiarist, whose only defense against the accusations made regarding the fraud he committed in his recent speech was that "he had previously written two books and "supposedly writes all of his speeches" The fact that the media, or atleast my beloved blogs, news stations haven't even shown an ounce of worth to this redneck out of minnesota, who happens to be disabled, tells you the worth of the story. (Youtube for heaven's sake) Anyone, whether they are from left or the right wing, would take one look at that redneck who made the accusations against obama and say, Atleast if obama was homosexual, he would have a little more class than going for a worn out redneck who is handicapped. Give hilary's camp a little more credit than calling them crooks, sanka. The redneck's story has no leg to stand on, thats why he went to a free broadcasting site to post his lame a*s story, as thought it is real. Talk about take a polygraph test, hahahha If there was the slighest truth to this story, not only would the major media outlets get hold of it and have it headlining every tv set in america, but hilary's camp would be the first to break it.
  19. Happy Family Day to my canadian people In fact, I think you should be banned Soma, eedo, I think you ought to be banned from general section for calling upon the banishment of the marcas. The marcas waa ragiisa, and he ought to be allowed to express his frustration as he sees fit. Almost everyone of us, at one time or another have displayed our utmost displeasure regarding SOL rules and regulations, for that fact alone, the marcas ought to have his moment to vent.
  20. LayZie G.


    ^DON'T CALL ESCOBAR XAYAWAAN, he is one fine niiiiiiiiiiiigaaaaaaaaa, and I will be the first in line at my local music store coping that record once it drops, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggaaaaaaaa style PS:thats one fine chain he got on
  21. LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@bajaq baati xiran ani isha geeskeeda xitaa maku xado.... WALLAAHI SHACTAROOLOOW IYO NUS WAAYE. JJ, waakaas hee, balaayo aa isku furtay and finally waaba laguu dhameeyey, baati jecelkaaga maxaan dhahaa. Qosol iska daa, aad iyo aad aan u fuuray, indhaheyga way gaduuteen. dirac iyo rajasiino hakugu tagnaato@tuujiska
  22. hahahahha@kuukaydii, wallaahi waan fuuray, because I just pictured lil JJ oo somali and half kenyati oo baangad banaanka la istaagan. PS:U doggy dog, adiga maa isku camireee, orod oo marcas meel iskaga soo reeb inta aa meelaha qosol been been lasoo fariisan.
  23. lol@kk, waabsi badanidaa. lol@Je jey, tobobar fiican aa soo qaadatay, and I can only think of one man who would train you in such fashion, Abuu Nuune, abuu enemy#1.
  25. ^Nephy, qaali ee iska dhigee, lol. (its her way of saying, add me) Cadaan, sorry, didn't read your comments before, but I don't recall you adding me, you sure you didn't add the wrong person