LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Geelka, there is no way Duke will come here and say he will support TFG without odey Yey. Duke supports Yey and Yey only. TFG is just a front for him.
  2. LOL@Che, usheeg gabadha, I don't share period. The Marc, I would advise you to wait and see the weddings that take place in canada, and then maybe form an opinion. Uk weddings got nothing on us, we take it to another level. Maybe that would be a good topic to discuss, but only after you have witnessed the weddings on our neck of the woods.
  3. Faynuus is the new Nephy. Eedadey nephy too much influence ayey gabdhahaan ku haysaa. Faynuus, waxaan wax laga hadlo miyaa? WAxaa rabtid nac, waxa aa rabtidna jeylaaw, just dont get in pple's business. lol@eedo nephy Waxaa soo xasuustay Somaliyo reer daris ahaan jirnay oo aabahood intuu soo dhargo, uu habarta iyo cayaalka baqda ka qasi jiray jimco kasto. Cayaalka intay banaanka usoo ordaan ay guriga dhagax roob ooga dhigi jireen, sometimes asking our help. Asaga, iyo macala baabuurkiisa eber, sii dhagax loogu wado. Nacala wasaq dheh. Kaas camal aabo-nimo maloo ciso abaa, lugtaa la qabtaa waa la jiidaa, so is your friend's dad. saan u qoslaaye, waan fuuray. PS:Ngonge, is there a sign that says "Hi Ngonge"
  4. lol@faynuus, Habraha drained me. Talk about " kaas iikeen, kan soo qabo. Orod inta wax iga soo gad, what do I look like? errand girl or something? I am very delicate, and layzie, I do not want to run around for a bunch of old ladies all damn afternoon and evening. My bestfriend actually waa naag fast eh. She hasn't had a chance to celebrate her 1 yr anniversary and baby is due prior to that date, naag cajiib eh waaye.
  5. ^ L0L . Saa u taqaanid lee. Mr. "awowgay ayaan ka maqlay...saaxiibkay ayaa ii sheegay...adeerkay ayaa i dhahay...iyo anoo yaraa waxaa jiri jiray." Layzie waa fiiro dheer tahay. Who would've thought? NEphy, eedadey Ferraro adaaba ka fiican, rageedii aa tahay. KK, su'aashaay, nephy aaba ka jawaabte, I guess you don't need an answer from me. LOL@"awowgay ayaan ka maqlay." MMA, if anyone oo meel ka gubanooyo, it must be the topic starter. whoops, thats also you.
  6. ^When a woman who is with child is due, and we (and a bunch of uninvited islaano's) get together. Buy the baby gifts, eat food, sing, and I witnessed wax cajiib eh this past weekend. They did some "ayey ayey" ladhaho, it seems like we praying for the girl, but really it seems as thought they were chanting something(some sort of a wardi?), it was very moving. Funny thing is, this lady, another friend of mine's aunt, just started to cry for no reason? It was hilarious at one point.
  7. ^yes and no. Beautiful weather, but I was slaving it away. My bestfriend had a baby shower, so I was busy with that most of saturday(and all the habro that attended it), and part of sunday, I was at work, just briefly. PS:Islaanta caydhka ku jirto? Same ole same ole, and just had her 6th baby few weeks ago, so she is still collecting it as usual and still got a dead beat baby daddy.
  8. J-Baro, maalin walbo waxaa dhahdaa weekend this and that, but when do you really enjoy your weekend if you are here writing about it?
  9. ^lol, it seems iney murug ku hayso. Cheer up homie
  10. May be she is trying to catch the beauty train You can't catch a train that was build by the person running to catch it. hahahha lol@hungry, waryaa, all I said was waligaa adiga nin jiray ma aheyn, but that changed when you disclosed your findings in public. In any regards, I didn't say where my folks hailed from, I just said Big ups to that region, just as I big up anything beautiful. I do not endorse any particular region, even my own, and never will, that would just make me one of you. Nephy, naag waalan maxaan dhahaa, always got one ear in. Rahima, I took u for a lover not a hater, lol. You can also say big up to your beloved australia if that helps.
  11. ^, KK, aniga waan kula yaabanahay. Why do you always stand up for mr Detective here regarding the state of affairs of the somali community in the GTA? If you two are trying to convince me that there is a little masjid inside that tiny building, then its something aan indhaheyga kusoo arki doono one of these days.. and what type of masaajid can be located inside a tiny building, the rooms are so tiny, ya raxma. Masaaajidka aa ka hadleysiin must be inside that xawalaad place eh, lol or next to it. In any regards, the findings of a tiny room called inside that building that is called a "masaajid" doesn't change MMA's ways, he is still the same. Again, I ask KK, what do you get out of defending mR snoopy, mr detective, mr I know everything through hearsay?
  12. I don't think it was a Soomaali-on-Soomaali shooting. If it isn't TdotO's fine detective, at it again.
  13. Sanka and CO, looks like y'all had a scare this past friday eh? Dude did an interview with fox, hahaha, thats how desperate he has gotten. I was watching Hannity and Colmes when the breaking news alert of Obama's interview appeared on the screen, hahaha pathetic man iska dheh. Obama's true identity has been revealed on the friday night interview with major from fox. How can you know someone for close to 20 yrs, and call him your spiritual guide and not know his political stand? He says he is a true believer of jesus christ and he wasn't present when the taped sermon's took place? What type of a christian is this man to have missed that many sermons, the juicy part at that? PS:sanka, rest easy. Its better for the dirt to come out this early on the game, than say late september or maybe october?
  14. Midka ay dhahaan "Hungry" waxaan umaleyn jiray, mid asaka jirin, until uudhahay " I have never seen more beautiful,pretty girls than those in Baladwayn/Hiiraan." I concur with hunguri's findings. Big ups to Hiiraaaaaaaaaaan region, all day everyday.
  15. ^lol@KK, exposing the fella eh? Waa ragiisa thought. Can't hate the playa, gotta hate the game folks.
  16. ^nope, he is on weston rd. Actually, he told me last year, that he was finally done with the business and that his nephew was going to take over from here on. Aad iyo aad ayuu u faan badan yahay, he was talking about getting into the real estate buzz in dubai. This was coming and anyone who didn't know is a fool. PS: I had noticed his office was closed the recent Fridays, since it was right next to the masaajid I pray at sometimes. Suspiciously, it was closed when it is the busiest time for accountants. His office is inside small building. You have to take the stairs, open a door, go to a hall and then stumble upon his office for you to actually spot it, not something kor ka arki karto. Its not something one notices right after getting off a masjid from outside, in other words, same old MMA snooping around as always. There goes all your ajar.
  17. ^Pujah, those weren't her words, and thats some serious charge you just made against Mrs Ferraro. I agree, he didn't get to where he is at solely on the base of affirmative action, but it played a part in it, especially right after his speech at the 2004's convention and what came after. Ferraro pointed out on one of the above quotes I posted yesterday that, the reception she had received at the early 80's campaign once she was selected as a running made wouldn't have been the same if her name was Gerald Ferraro, it wouldn't have been a warm reception, just another couple of old geezer's running for office etc etc. In our words, even thought she might have had the qualitifications to become someone's running made, affirmative action played a part in it at that time also, nothing to ashamed about, atleast she is not ashamed.
  18. ^thanks for the coupon anyway, don't think I will be going there until sometime in late april or may.
  19. Pujah, america would not simply move backwards or forward over a remark that was not racially motivated in the first place. As for ferraro's comment, she simply pointed out that this hasn't happened to color folks and its a phenomena. The white man, the woman, was a "been there, done that", but not for a colored man. As much as you believe your obama can change these times by just flickering a switch of some sort or using a magic eraser, it just won’t happen. History is there to be made, not to be re-written, and obama is hoping he can re-write history. Racism, injustice will not disappear overnight, just because an African American man who can speak the light out of everyone is running for the presidency and has a good shot at winning the nomination so far. The man is intelligent and articulate and he is the first minority who has been this close to getting the nomination of a major party, but he is not ready, not yet. So, nice try but unlike you, I use common sense. I don't shout "racism" everytime a white person points out the truth. After all, obama is a black man, what's wrong with saying it? He should be proud of who he is, instead of silencing his critics.
  20. lmao@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@che, hada anoo email qoraayo aan topic-gaan furay. I was thinking of something to write to him, but I thought oh boy he will blow up, but then I just read your reply. Oh boy, u doggy dog will have you for lunch today. PS: I love Linens N Things, are you on the mailer list for special promo's or something@u doggy? Very worried for u doggy dog
  21. lol@che, you are as wired up as I was yesterday. Lily, calool jileec has no place in war. Yes emotions are high, but those killings may as well be justified if those dead men had blood on their hands. PS:lol@geel jire, you would make a good soldier.
  22. ^^ In that case, you deserve to be occupied. Animals with no brains need to be led and controlled. lol@ngonge, waxa aad dhahde has some truth to it. I think Siyad barre was doing just fine keeping these animals in their cages, but I do not want ethio's and yey bunch controlling anyone but themselves. For that reason alone, beheading one or few of our own people can not be excused, at the same time, our freedom fighters need to make an example of someone and if it gotta be sadax somali askaro today(tfg soldiers) and 10 ethio askaro tomorrow, so be it. I always lived by the saying "EYE FOR AN EYE", justice has no faith, no naxariis, and no somalinimo, and bless the fighters on the ground, and may allah be with the dead muslims all over the world. PS:Morning to you too@che, and amen to what you wrote.
  23. ^First learn how to spell Hilary, then decide who you ought to vote for in the general elections, ok? Sanka, this man you support has lost the plot. Geraldine Ferraro said today said: I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign," Ferraro wrote in a letter to Clinton. "The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen." also: Ferraro also told ABC's "Good Morning America" that "every time" someone makes a negative comment about Obama, they are accused of racism. and another ferraro quote: Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up," she told the Daily Breeze of Torrance, California. "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?" Waa naag rageedii dheh. Another quote: "I said in large measure, because he is black. I said, let me also say in 1984 -- and if I have said it once, I have said it 20, 60, 100 times -- in 1984, if my name was Gerard Ferraro instead of Geraldine Ferraro, I would never have been the nominee for vice president," she said. Sanka, your candidate may as well wrap this campaign up and call it quits if he becomes the DNP candidate. If Mrs Ferraro's comments and that of many others in the last few weeks has "no place in politics" as your candidate referred to many times, then he really better buckle up tight come fall season. She also said Clinton had been the victim of a "sexist media." Amen to that Mrs Ferraro. It seems that obama wants to cry his way into the oval office, its pathetic.