LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Farah B, butt out nin yahow, this is between labo naago, nothing adiga kuu yaalo maaha. Taking cheap shots@KK while you are posting a smiley, isn't going to make this any better. Wax adiga kuu yaalo maaha@Farah B, so butt out before I do it for u. Waligaaba naago waa ku dhax jirtaa, oo nin rag ah iska dig, ceeb caleyg. Ladies, cool it off, no need to make this more than it is.
  2. ^KK, kaas wixii ladhaho iyo nus waaye. why aad waligaa u difaactaa gabadha maskiinada oo macruufsan?
  3. ^lol, afka aad ku hadleyso, maxaa waaye?(KK) Af jini may afro-girl ku bartaY? Waryaa Faarax B, inta aniga dagaal kujiro, adiga maxaa sameysaa? Waa raaxeysanee, soo maaha? Hakuu macaanaato, mugshot maroodi ku dil.
  4. ^yep it has been long. Mind u, I only had 3 days off, friday, sat.sun., not sure what u mean by 4, we don't believe in 4 days unless you are a government worker or you're in school. Why didnt you go away if you had that much time off?
  5. LMAO@"Mayee Alkuliiste Umbarayaako Aasasiino!!! Abtirisi uuba u egyahay kan... " J-BARO WAX WALBO WAA LAGA FILANAA
  6. lol@haneefah, waligey ayadoo dadka u tirineyso ma aqrin. Koore tuunji or whatever aad iskugu wacdid, colgate aa u baahan tahay aan umaleynaa? Sabaaxada maxaan kaa dhahaa
  7. lol@"the Marc has never shared with you the finer points of proper Markite etiquette." I am afraid not, cara. Afro, hadii aan somaligaaga fahmay ba, af jinni aniga ma aqaano PS:Where is che when you need him? War, get hold of her before you lose her to The Marc
  8. ^cara cara, all fitna adiga ayey kaa bilaabataa. PS:thats "the marc" to u
  9. Mrs C is ahead in the Gallup Polls, YAY!!! PS: I haven't read as funny of a blog as Larry David's for huffingtonpost for sometime. This man is a joker. Here he is on about the "red phone ad" and Hilary, he had me cracking up. "Here's an idea for an Obama ad: a montage of Clinton's Sybillish personalities that have surfaced during the campaign with a solemn voiceover at the end saying, "Does anyone want this nut answering the phone?" How is it that she became the one who's perceived as more equipped to answer that 3 a.m. call than the unflappable Obama? He, with the ice in his veins, who doesn't panic when he's losing or get too giddy when he's winning, who's as comfortable in his own skin as she's uncomfortable in hers. There have been times in this campaign when she seemed so unhinged that I worried she'd actually kill herself if she lost. Every day, she reminds me more and more of Adele H., who also had an obsession that drove her insane. A few weeks ago, I started to feel sorry for her. Oh Christ, let her win already...Who cares...It's not worth it. There's not that much difference between them. She can have it. Anything to avoid watching her descend into madness. So I switched. I started rooting for her. It wasn't that hard. Compromise comes easy to me. I was on board. And then I saw the ad. I watched, transfixed, as she took the 3 a.m. call...and I was afraid...very afraid. Suddenly, I realized the last thing this country needs is that woman anywhere near a phone. I don't care if it's 3 a.m. or 10 p.m. or any other time. I don't want her talking to Putin, I don't want her talking to Kim Jong Il, I don't want her talking to my nephew. She needs a long rest. She needs to put on a sarong and some sun block and get away from things for a while, a nice beach somewhere -- somewhere far away, where there phones." Source
  10. ^ooyin ooyin, baas bas. Do me a favour and don't wet this thread with your bla bla. BTW, smiley, the "bet" reject, that travis smiley maa ka hadlee? LOL(he is a loser) Sanka, lol ragiisa aa tahay. YOu made a smart choice by switching your candidate choice. I too agree, its still too early for you to lose all hope from the hopeful candidate. We have a long way to go before april 22nd comes around, on a cool, spring evening, hehehe. PS: Now I feel bad for the obamamaniacs
  11. lol, this isn't the time nor the place to have this sort of discussion, but looks play a big part and lets not forget I have your aqli and ngonge's combined.....
  12. I don't understand your question mark bit. We were once at a period when all we read on the news blogs and watched on telly was islamaphobia, especially after 9/11, that bit wasn't so confusing to you, why should race and the role it plays in america is something you gotta wonder about? In regards to american media and race being the front and center lately, it is just a norm. The issue was always there, but lately, it has become more frequent that non to bring about, as a means to win elections etc. Regarding the family man who was sentenced, that normally wouldn't be a big story from the conservatives, but today, it was a headline, so I was just sharing that bit.
  13. ^I think you understood waxa aan kudhahay, don't pretend to be confused. and sii soco
  14. Nephy, runta iska sheeg, eedo macaan. Lacag ma haysaa marka hore, inta aad rejection sameyn?
  15. Everything seems to revolve around it at every opportunity presented to the media. Why do you seem surprised? Its just like the muslims after 9/11 shoving the religion in everyone's face, not much difference me thinks. America and race go hand in hand. As was the case today of a black family man who was sentenced to 2 yrs for shooting a lynch mob made of teenage boys that came to his front porch in the hope of beating up his young son. A family man protects his property, family and he gets to be sentenced, because the boy he shot happens to be white. PS:thats quite an honor, only 2 men posed on the front cover before lebron, and he does have a monkey noise(king kong anyone?)
  16. PM, 76ers are destroying teams. LOL@the pistons upset. Pistons thought they would walk into that game and walk out with a W. Tomorrow should be fun, AI is back in philly. Nuggets have woken up from their on/off coma since the season started but it may be too late for them to catch the warriors for final spot. That said, warriors could mess up and give nuggets a lifeline, either way, it will be one of these conference shifts, were the seating for the western conference will be decided by the last few games, if not right to the 82nd one. Its as thought the western conference is the new eastern conference, too much competition and not enough dominance, very exciting. Rockets surge is not something I am buying. 22 in a row aa tiri, let them have 30 in a row, I still don't think they can get passed the 1st round. At the same time, I cant put anything passed rick adelman, that dude did wonders in sacramento. He may be the guy to take tracy passed the 1st round slum, who knows eh? Lakers have showed that without a big man in the paint, they are just a typical team from the east.(their game isnt even good enough for their conference) They have lost the edge. Mavericks, I dont know what to make of them. crystal ball anyone?
  17. lol@kasha. Junior Radical aa tahay, but nevertheless you are a good sport. I will not denounce your ideals, nor will I disown it. At the same time I have no choice but to disassociate myself from it. (obamabombastic iska dheh) Maybe he feels its time to let the healing start, but maybe just maybe majority of the americans don't feel that it is time to heal old wounds and hold hands. Just today, Mrs C said "What matters, isn't the quality of the speeches: It's whether the president delivers on the speeches." and I truly believe words alone will not win the war with the conservatives on november.
  18. ^^ I don't know that's the case for sure. Kasha, "I don't know" is not something meel lala soo istaago. History is history, but we were discussing Pastor Wright's past. You can't just come out and make a link between his ancestors and that of others who had went through the hardship of slavery. Next time, come here with facts eedo, until then rest easy. But I do know that historically, white plantation owners raped black slaves or forced them to become mistreses, a process of racial bleaching that resulted in generations of light-skinned blacks. Again, with the history, we are just discussing one man's past. The the entire black race is not in question here. FYI, not every interracial connection then was a result of force in, some were lovers by choice. ps: I had the same mind-set before spending two months in the ghettos of DC last summer, something I will inshallah write about when I get a chance. lol@somali farah, always wanting to be the center of everything. Listen, wiil-yahow who had his mother cooking him hot meals and giving him warm baths when you were growing up. YOu have no idea what these people had to go through and staying in the detoriated area's of DC for few weeks won't make you relate to any of them. It doesn't come close to know how it feels to be lynched in the south just for being black. Or not have to enjoy the best life has to offer because the color of your skin wasn't welcomed in some places. Or have to constantly say "yes sir" "no sir" to someone who is beneath you. Quit while you can@kasha
  19. ^ Kasha, are you serious? His great grandmother was raped by nin cadaan eh? Or you just made that up? The pastor is very educated man, he should have known better than preaching hate in church. Its a place of God, preach god's words. I never understood why imams were doing the same thing UK, a god's place is god's place, not a place for one to further their own self interest.
  20. ^Yaabka, what are you on about wallaalo? Yaa hadli? Anigii mase The Marc's video segments?