LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Some call them the "Somali Islamist insurgents", others refer to the as al Shabaab group, but I now call these animals the worst of man kind. The Late Daud Hassan Ali Ever Since the Wadaado led by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Hassan has ousted the Milita men who had destroyed out capital and its surroundings, I couldn't have been more hopeful and more proud of my nation. I thought finally, we have real patriots who have finally brought stability and hope to the the citizens of xamar. Little was I wrong, and when amxaaro was allowed to enter our soil, and as a result the "warriors" of allah were thrown out. I admired the wadaado and its supporters for never giving up, ambush killings, one amxaaro soldier at a time, for however long it took. Whatever it took, the wadaado weren't going to rest, and I applauded them for it. Atleast someone with real dhiig, but then Last week, the beledweyne attack on the school and its staff had happened. I went to give my condolences to the Niece of the lat Mr Ali, who happens to be my distance relative, I couldn't have been prepared for the story that unfolded infront of my eyes, told by the eye witness who was present when Mr Ali was shot several times. Evidently, one b ullet wasn't enough. According to these animals, someone had told them that Mr Ali isn't really teaching the children/adults of the area english, but that he was actually spreading christianity and that he needed to go, simply put. The few men, not many, who normally guard the school couldn't do much, as over 50 men with all sorts of weapons, state of the army grenades etc, throwing it in the direct of the school and bombing the building for hours, because they come in the school to hunt Mr Ali by foot. The target weren't the kenyan's or the young British girl who died, they were after Mr Ali and him only. A man who was born in beledweyne, who after being away for some 40 odd years from his homeland had just come back to help out the less fortunate in 05 and open a place for them to read and write and simply put, and killed as a result of helping his people? This is personal to me, and its only personal because innocent lives were taken. I am now here saying no more al shabaab support, I hope to Allah they are all eliminated, every last one of them and if Amxaaro are going to do it, so be it, atleast someone gotta do it. He wanted to do whatever he could, however small it was, and it cost him his life because of some animals who probably don't know how to read and write themselves. Allah did not say to kill someone because he or she is from a different religion. So what he was a convert, what right do these men have in killing him for his choices? Did he somehow go out of his way to wage a war on them? No These animals are cowards, who only way to getting rid of this brave man was to do it in the middle of the night. Further more, where was the TFG help, why isn't Hiiraan region being protecteD? Why is Hiiraan Region the suuqa caanaha, a save haven of sort. One day its amxaaro camping there, the next the animals are imposing the so called islamic law, no gaalo assistance allowed. What if the last of the aid workers leave the region, do u actually think the innocent pple that live in that region have a chance to survive? This is bigger than just few teacher's being killed. This could cost the rest of the aid workers who are, ofcourse christians or sort to leave and never come back. Lastly, I want to say shame on you al shabaab leaders, if these men were part of your organization or not. and Shame on you TFG for not protecting other regions except of your own P-land and a city that doesn't even belong to you. and shame on anyone who didn't have something inside them aa danqaday as you read the killings of yet another innocent 80 plus people this past weekend.
  2. ^ Playoffs starts tomorrow. From the Eastern Conference We have 1st seed Boston Celtics Vs 8th seed Atlanta Hawks 2nd Seed detroit pistons Vs 7th Seed my philadelphia 76ers(uggh) 3rd seed Orlando Magic Vs 6th Seed Toronto Raptors 4th seed Clevand Cavs Vs 5th seed ashington Wizards The games that you should watch out for is the Cavs Vs Wizards series, that may as well run right into 7th game, a healthy rivalry between the two teams. all the remaining match ups are obviously mismatched or boring in the case of the magic vs raptors series. I hope 76ers can atleast steal one game, either in detroit or in philly, either way its a pistons series, may go up to 5 games if not 4 sweep in favor of the pistons. Celtics Vs hawks is an actual sweep from the outside looking in but I might give them atleast one game, if the celtics aren't on top of their game and injury to one of the top three big dogs. The Western Conference finals is the hottest conference to tune into, its a must see tv. Starring with 1st seed Lakers Vs 8th seed Nuggets(A must for sunday showdown, because I think the nuggets can steal one game right under playmaker at the staple center) 2nd seed New orleans hornets Vs 7th seed Dallas Mavericks 3rd seed San antonio Spurs(defending champs) Vs 6th Seed Suns and shaq. 4th seed Utah Jazz Vs 5th Seed Houston rockets(this game will not be played in utah, because rockets have a better winning record and jazz just won their northwest division, hence a 4th seed automatic seeding but no home game advantage in this series for them) All in all, I have Pistons Vs Celtics in the eastern conference finals In the west its hard to tell, but I am favouring Nuggets beating lakers (being hopeful ) and dallas destroying new orleans in 6 games, as well as spurs losing to suns in 7 game. As far as the Jazz Vs rockets, i really could care less which way it goes down. Thats my take for this semi-playoff preview...
  3. I'll be happy to nag him, and occasionally slap him around, to ensure that he always tells the truth on his tax returns and insurance claims, never views morally-questionable materials and imagery, and so on and so forth. lol@^^^ Valenteenah mey kudheheen, rageedii aa tahay. Nuune, bf/gf wey jiran. Why aa isaga dhigee inaad waxaas oqoon. Hadaba, sheekadii aboo aboo aa wadaa
  4. ^lol@u...good one PS:Poster, I hope inaadan iga xanaaqin, cafis iyo masaabax kuligeen.
  5. surrounded the government in its base in baidoa? that they went as for as puntland to the north and and jubba to the south. Naxarow, I am really glad you got that off your chest. This says that you think adeerkaa aka yey waged a preventive war against xamar weyn and its wadaado's with the assist of the ethio army and the funding of the bush administration, ALL IN THE NAME OF FEAR. This way yey and co are assured puntu-land and area will never fall under the wadaado hands, and as for the ethios, they just want any excuse to enter somalia, and bush just wants to come out on top as the top hunter of terror, even if it means allowing greedy countrymen going at it all in the expense of the innocent hooyooyin and ilmo for few measly dollars.. Dukey, its your turn...
  6. Nuune, not only will I teach you basketball fundamentals, but I will make sure you become a decent shooter. I am a better scorer than I am say "rebounder, assist". Now, speaking of football aka soccer, that was my 1st love, I played junior football for the girls team in high school but I quickly got bored when the coach benched me for being late few times. when it comes to football, I would rather play it on a good day by kicking the ball, than say "watch it". With basketball, I do both, play and watch, and cant get enough of it. PS: I am a world cup type of fan, but as soon as thats over, I am ghost. Can't be bothered to keep up with english premier or spanish or german or the african cup etc, its like a foreign language to me, ya dig@abuu nuune psps:WHEN I SEE HENRY PLAYING, I FREEZE THE TV SCREEN AND HAVE A MOMENT (HE IS A HOTTIE)
  7. lol@awoowe. You can't seek something thats already available in suuqa bakaaraha. BTW, the image has been removed, incase you have missed it.(I know the LayZieOne can be a distraction at times) Now, go and redirect your energy else where, and I will call upon you some other time.
  8. lol, why is that everyone who comes across things they dislike or are distasteful to them almost always blame it on ADMIN? ADMIN isn't a moderator, take it up with the MOD's, not him. PS:get over yourself eedo, its just an image. (if it helps, turn around)
  9. ^You are very disrespectful. Questioning someone's manhood, and if that doesn't deserve a proper karbaash from ADMIN, I don't know what does. You owe Che an apology, now go on and be a nin rag and do the right thing.
  10. “Al Shabaab waa argagixiso caalami ah dowladuna wax wada hadal ah lama galeyso,sababtoo ah AL shabab waa urur argagixiso oo caalami ah”ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Yuusuf oo caawa wareysi siiyay BBC-da laanteeda afka Soomaaliga. maxaa argagaxiso laga wadaa?(gangsta in somali?) Adeerka talks as thought hadalkiisa actually matters. He should be thankful when/if anyone wants to get into a dialog with him and his phony government, instead of beheading him or blowing his aging body to pieces.
  11. ^lol, the nacalad bit kinda summed it all up. I support abuu nuune abuu 76ers in the east. It was a heart break loss lastnight. I think the ref's really wanted the 76ers to face off the pistons, that really sucks, I can't believe that happened. It was bad enough that I couldn't watch that game, but to see the highlights played over and over again. Raptors must really be high on happiness right about now, ugggggggggggggggh.
  12. If this is about trust issue, then the list should stretch beyond warlordshipnimo. We have ministers, government officials who are probably as I type this defrauding our nation and its people, yet you trust them to make good decisions for the country. Probably pocketing public funds, furthering their self interest before that of the nation, list goes on and on yarka. Remember, the TFG is the biggest liar of them all.
  13. Somalida are so judgmental. You can't even recognize good even if it hit you in the face. Take the man for what he has become and not for what he use to be.
  14. LOL@ISIAH being banned. I agree, isiah Thomas deserves to be thrown out of the league. I don't care where he ends up, as long as he is no longer a coach or an executive of an nba team. PM, *****5 restaurant worth of a prize aa kala carartay haye, and all you gotta offer is a dry dinner. Anyways, the threat for my 76ers ending up at the 7th spot is more real now than ever before, I think they have 2 games left and raptors have 1 game left. I really hope the raptors lose, because I don't recall who owns the tie breaker between the two teams, but I do not want my 76ers facing the pistons at any point in time, we have a better shot against the magic, atleast maybe win 2 or 3 games against them than a sweep. The hornets nacalad aa kutaalo, waayo, they just let the MVP title get away from c-paul and at the same time let go of the #1 spot, its sickening wallaahi, knowing that Kobe is this much closer to getting that MVP title. I am now pulling for garnett to win it all. How pathetic it was seing kobe's little girl waiving the sign "daddy for MVP" yesterday(THAT WAS EVEN LOW FOR KOBE), what was parker and duncan doing? Probably sleep walking their way into the 3rd quarter and what remains of the game as a whole.
  15. Abuu nuune, abuu shaxshax, threadkaaga waxaan umaleeyey inaad dadka weydiineysey how many of us had a land cruiser, I was getting ready to remember our entire list of family vehicles, make and year etc. I didn't even know such a song existed. I do however know that my daddy owned Toyota land cruiser oo kala jiidan courtesy of the old regime. waxbarashadii bilaashka ahayd iyo caano boorihii qaarkiin la siin jirey baa idinkaga daray. lol@caano boorihii, now I know my hooyo fed me caano booro, not that I was a fan of it, like the other children.
  16. PM, how much did you win on the pool? I had my money on UCLA going all the way, big disappointment. As far as the playoffs are concerned, I am really hoping the 76ers can keep up the momentum and keep that 6th seat, I like their chances of facing the magic, instead of the big wolf aka pistons. I want raptors to say exactly where they are(7th) so they can get sweeped by you know who. I want new orleans to make sure to keep that 1st seat, because nuggets have more of a chance to finally come off the 1st round than any other season. Nuggets are on fire, and if you watched lastnight's match up against the warriors, then you had a preview of next weekend when the playoffs start. Watch out new orleans, nuggets are gunning for u. Lastly, I just want to say, let the lakers stay at #2 or #3, depending on who wins sunday's game, after all, that will be one hell of a match up, its like a preview of the playoffs coming for us this sunday against spurs. Goodluck to your lakers @PM, kobe ain't gonna get the MVP, c-paul for MVP, big ups to that kid, either him or garnett, not sure how that will play out, but the 2 top gunners of the conference's will be the 1 and 2 in the voting.
  17. Excuse me I already have a husband, I didn't post this topic to find nin Ok. lol@the poster. Does that mean hubby is the subject of the thread? If so, you are to blame. You should have had him writing poems to you and such before guurka oo dhacay, or else you wouldn't be here posting this thread to find out whether or not folks could tolerate illiterates as their significant other. PS:KK, qosol aaba igu dhishay, adiga mar hore aa ogaan laheyd haduu mid wax aqrin karin uu kusoo mari lahaa, aan umaleynaa?xashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. can u believe we got somali dudes in this world watching Indian movies! loooool......wat a joke lol@rudy, waligaa waxaan kugu jeclaa runta.
  19. I am sorry if i have offended anyone while i was here, i only hope you can find in your hearts to forgive my tirades of self-opinationated bile that i spew on so many occasions. lol@The Marc. U doggy-dog and I will miss the subscription to "your tirades of Self-opinionated bile" Until then, god bless you The Marc.
  20. So the Sunni Muslim count has surpassed the catholics? The last reliable stats that I have seen was on the documentary "In God's name" that aired late last year. According to the CBS documentary, there were over 500million+shia muslims and over 950million sunni muslims and we weren't that off from the catholics on just over a billion, so in other words the sunni's have caught up to the catholics, very impressive indeed. Not so goodnews for the shia muslims, but I still couldn't believe there were over 500million shia muslims in the world? GO sunni's GO
  21. The Marc, tribe and somalida go hand in hand. It is what aids is to South africa, it can never be eliminated. It is infact something that will continue to be infectious all around.