LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Iga daaya rag baa raba in la i Ban gareeyo. lol@u, you are the king of common sense. I know why you will forgive caydiid and not excuse A. Yusuf and his likes. Al-Shabaab is the clone of the former warlord's force, like it or not, thats the truth. Everyday, they go out bombing amxaaro soldiers and when the amxaaro fight back, their supporters cry foul. Double standard iska dheh.
  2. LayZie G.


    ^good read, but its not as thought we are placing all the blame in the hands of the freedom fighters. What I dont agree with is putting the blame solely on one side, tfg and ethiopia, while the other side goes and invades peaceful regions and kills the innocent, and shouts oo wey diinta ayey ka baxeen. Unacceptable behaviour deserves condemnation and it deserves for folks to come to terms with it. We have children fighting a war? Shame on the men who imposed such tasks on these children and now we sit and point the finger at amxaaro when the roof of our home has long collapsed on us.
  3. Excuse me, can someone guarantee me and anyone else who is concerns as I am that once ethiopia evacuates, that you will actually sit with all sides and come to a peaceful agreement? Is that even possible? What is to stop these gorilla's from killing anyone who disagrees with them. Seriously, I am very concerned here. I do not trust these young people oo hub lasiiyay oo l a dhahay dagaaltama and kill anyone who you think doesn't meet your standards. Where is my guarantee and the guarantee of many somali citizens that these militia boys and men will agree to make peace with anyone? By ethiopia leaving, it will just get worse. They dont even listen to the great sheikh sharif, what is to say they will listen to anyone sitting in the peace talk table? From the start of the amxaaro invasion, I believed just like all of you that once amxaaro leaves, all of our problems can be solved. I do not think that way anymore, I really dont think amxaaro being around or not will change matters, until both sides sit without any condition whatsoever. Lets stop fooling ourselves, these problems wont disappear whether ethiopa army is here or not, and the sooner we realize that at@the two Geelka brahs and the toure and the great xoogsade etc, the better chance we will have as people of a nation that so desperately wants peace.
  4. Dukey, you lied about your adeer meeting Condoleeza. According to my habaryar, who took part in that whole charade for adeerka said he was not meeting with condoleeza, but members of her staff. She also said adeerka was a joke at the gathering in D.C Did not learn anything useful and when one audience member asked him what are you doing about the draught and hunger in somalia, his answer to the man and to the audience was "Have you guys finally made peace among yourselves" In other words, he turned the page to the north american community, wondering whether or not they have crossed the qabiil division among themselves. Some audience members responded by saying "no we have not". He goes, ok then, why dont you guys work on getting along here, and not so much worry about somalida gaajooneyso in somalia. In any case, Dukey, adeerka is a clown and the sooner you realize, the better. A Yusuf needs to go period. He kept obsessing over "al shabaab" He said, "what can we do with children who are bought and if you instruct them to bring their Hooyo's head for money, they will do just that?" Other than that, he was shaking quite a bit and had few secret service agents guarding him and could not stand still for a long period of time. PS: Hi KK
  5. ^EEDO, my adeero's aren't officials representing a country who can't even get hold of the house speaker. Nancy is not that hard to spot, and anyone can meet up with a senator, all you need is to make an appointment, especially the ordinary citizens with concerns and such. speaking of pictures, here is Dukey's adeer with Senator Coleman
  6. ^speaking of adeerkaa's meeting, why hasn't he met with Dick Cheney?(someone higher up like the house speaker aka nancy or any of the presidential candidates? I am not downplaying condoleeza's role or anything) Is bush still in new orleans? Even if he was in town, I highly doubt he would meet up with adeerka, but I am sure we can agree to disagree on that instance.
  7. xal ka keen xeraddaada gubanaysa Dear Abtigiis, or whatever tolka means. War sax waad dhiibtay, xeradeyda, not yours aa gubanaysa, and leave it to me and others that are in the same boat as me to work out our differences. Dont u agree? lol@the weight thing, bas bas ka dheh
  8. ^lol, North iska daaya. Koora aa sifiican utilmaamay shalay. His pessimistic attitude and one liner isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
  9. ^allah afkaaga ha asturo, nin weyn oo f and F kujiro is not pretty. Eedadey Hillary didn't win by a healthy margin as predicted. This doesn't change a thing, we are still at stand by until one of them gives up, lets hope Hilary builds a better argument in the next few states in May.
  10. I am fully sympathetic to mty people in the North, and really love them. people say you are rer-waqooyi given my accent and everything. Since you are sympathetic to your people in the north, why don't you also reserve your energy and that accent you speak highly off and leave somali weyn siyaaso to the real somalida, you know those that don't want to separate. lol@xoogsade, if you want to be saved, we will save u brah. PS:Geelka, weren't you using Abuu Geelka just yesterday? Are you trying to confuse me by pretending to be two people? Nin yahow wareer ha igu ridin, energy ma uhaayo.
  11. ^lol...where is dukey? He could shed light on the matter.
  12. what is the difference between the crimes and rape of a Somali against another Somali in a mosque and that of a Somali by Ethiopia. Morality, Islaanimo iyo qabiilism wax lagaama waydiin. Emperor, Xoogsade isn't the first somali to think and behave the way he is behaving, and he sure won't be the last. Somalida midooda ayaa u cad. Do you think if we all picked ourselves and said enough is enough, lets meet half way and agree to disagree that we would still be suffering after 17 yrs? The blame doesn't lie in xoogsade like minds, damage is done to his generation, but the real scary thing is we now have a new generation of xoogsade's that we have got to save, its not too late, it may be for xoogsade but not the children that were born into this hate, and I for one am very hopeful Another thing about al shabaab supporters is they are obsessed with providing evidence of the killings, and their way of doing is is providing a youtube video of the burial of the bodies. Its not as thought anyone here has denied the killings took place in the first place, we know it did, but the question is why did it happen? Stop with the youtube video's that you are all sharing, and start asking around and find out why the masjid was attacked, and if you can't find answers, ask your "people fighters", I am sure they were the real perpetrators of these killings.
  13. Geelka, I still stand by it. "At one moment you're saying " ooh, they're were probably fighters whom sheltered in a mosque". This is definitely a possibility, or else why would the army enter the masjid in the first place? About the one-sideness, I was referring to non other than the "prestigious" Garowe online(what a bs). They seemed one sided, atleast regarding the slaughering business. and Marke dambe, you say the killing of the Sheikhs was apparently made up by drama I was referring to the body of the story. Whoever is behind it had exagerrated the facts and wants us to all slam our keyboards in protest of these killings without proof and it ain't gonna fly with me geelka.
  14. ^eedo, I was never a TFG supporter, but at the same time, I can no longer sit still and be brain washed like the rest of these folks into thinking that our "people fighters" aka the fake army oo wadaado isku sheegayo are our saviours and have our best interest at heart. They have blood of innocent people on their hands as much as the amxaaro, if not more. This one sided report and this condemnation to the ethio's without burden of proof is getting trying Che. Its time we open our eyes eedo. Tfg is not the solution, nor are the wadaado's, so what now?
  15. ^GO FIGURE EH. I don't even read garowe trash, and yet here they are, a day late and a penny short getting the story of the other side out to the public.(By now if somalia was a functioning country and believed in death penalty, we would be putting needle in the arms of the amxaaro and garoowe online will come just after the fact to get the other side of the story out. No time for investigation, no judge or jury, just folks full of rage) What would ethio's get out of killing a man oo illaah usujuudanaayo? Witnesses, witnesses, witnesses. Dad banaanka ka fiirsanaayo what's happening inside of a building are reliable bunch@koora. PS: I am pleading with the anti amxaaro group, please don't let your hate cloud your judgement. You must use your brain and allow it to actually function before aad "ethio's aa dad dileen meesha la imaataan".
  16. witnesses and confidential sources said. "Confidential source" said is not good enough. I don't think they were killed for no reason. I think they were fighters who sought refuge in the masjid and now the story has changed to "innocent wadaado slaughtered in masjid by ethio's" headline. Whoever is behind this fabrication is one hell of a drama queen.
  17. ^No need for a cab. He just took the elevator to the 4th floor, presidential sweet. An entire wing ayaa yey lasiiyay. Source: Dukey
  18. lol@keyboard warrior. Everyone is obsessed with ethiopia leaving the somali soil, and I too felt that way, until realized that the people that want this army to vacate are the same ignorant folks who are killing in the name of islam, cutting hair, oo loo dirsan. Priority maqabaan dadkaan, so how can we trust them to sit down and talk with anyone, even among ourselves, when they are out cutting hair and bombing movie theater full of innocent pple, just because they think watching a movie is unislamic. I ask you again, the supports of the "people warriors" aka al shabaab or which ever name they have this week, is it really worth putting all your faith on a bunch of hungry pple that were given weapons and told to do what they think is right and they think bombing their own people is the right thing? Can you trust these individuals to sit down without ethiopia and actually come to a sound judgement? Give it a rest @the supports of the wadaado, you are a broken record and so are your fighters.
  19. ^ you are mistaken .. she did not refer to the clan of A/Y as 'Gaalo Gudan' read the thread another time Geelka, I didn't know you added the spokesperson title to the list of your duties. You can't possibly know what was in the person's "niyad" when she had made the statement, instead of correcting her, waad u sii camirtay, and now waxaad inta lasoo istaagtay she didnt refer to the clan bla bla. In any case, if that same statement was directed at your precious wadaado's, I am sure aduunyo gadoon ayaa SOL ka dhici lahaa. The simple fact is that, you made your point against your wadaado's, which are by now the same boat as the so called amxaaro and their supports you hate so much. Only thing left now is to hear a report or an eye witness saying the wadaado supporters have" raped women" to prove a point. Already they had taken innocent lives in the name of religion, so rape is the only thing left, what say you then eedo? I think its time all of you have given it a rest, you each have equally said your piece. PS:KK, "adeerkii" yey ka waran? Dukey has never denied having yey as adeer, and thats why that term is so popular, but only to dukey and not anyone else ofcourse.
  20. imagined the highest turn up ever for a Somali leader Enough with the exaggeration there brah. It can't be the highest turn up ever for a somali leader, as there have been many great leaders before adeerka ever held that baseless title "madaxweyne" who had higher turn ups.(the great Mr Barre was one, who had much more turn out than your adeer will ever dream off, mr barre had his supports occupying stadium's in the thousands, not banquet halls of a hotel, lol that may fit 250-300 max, and from the looks off it, he is lucky if he had 150 of them, depending on the size of that banquet hall, the pictures are very deceiving ya Emperor) About the assumption of clannish gathering. I can understand why some of the anti-tfg group would sum up this meeting as a clannish gathering of sort. I would think that way too had I not had family members with mixed political views, pro tfg, anti tfg. Lastly, you have to realize dear emporer that pple will call things as they see, even thought there are no facts backing up their claims, thats just somalida for you.
  21. Didn't you know? Oday yey is a ladies man, even for his age. Older ladies love cabdullaahi yuusuf/
  22. folks, not every habar iyo nin oo meesha adaay shares clannish interest with yey. I say that because my own habaryar went there and she shares no qabiil affiliation with yey.. She is an avid TFG supporter and has been since its creation and her and her co-workers went there to simply show their support. Not everyone sees what Geelka or xoogsade see, a war crimal in his own right. On the other hand, the so called wadaado killing innocent people in the name of religion should also be condemned by their supporters, as much as you condemn yey and tfg, if not more. The wadaado are not innocent, lets not put them on a pedestal anymore.
  23. ^lol, adaaba war hayso. Kissing sure is a calorie burning machine Yaabka Yaabkiisa, I didn't know taking breakfast at the local restaurant was a morning activity eedo. Am I missing something?
  24. I have a feeling 76ers just earned that 1 and only game I predicted they would steal. I didn't think they had it in them to get it right in Detroit, that was a shocker. All in all, the loss for the nuggets and the laker gain was due to one player and one player only. CARMELO CARMELO CARMELO CARMELO CARMELO I didn't know what Karl was thinking keeping him in there at crucial times when he wasn't producing, matter of fact he was getting turnovers from left and right at one point. The nuggets may as well have had the perfect 2nd quarter, until melo was put back in the line up and all of a sudden, not only did they lose their lead over lakers, but as a result were down in points. This was definitely a bad coached game, I can't stress enough to KARL to take out MELO when melo is being selfish. Melo was being typical melo, just all over the court. I am shocked that he ended up with 30 and 12 at the final count, because his game wasn't a 30 and 12 watching it at first. Good effort overall by everyone, especially big ups to the bench. Camby wasn't on his game, or else he wouldn't have been violated like that in the paint by gasol. Something tells me that gasol just had his first and last good game out of this series, he showed off enough to Espana. Come 2nd game, I expect Nuggets big guys to step up on defense and even contribute on offense. JR Smith was every coach's dream until he caught that flagrant, I can't imagine what would have possesed him to go up that hard on a player that wasn't worth it. All in all, I expect Nuggets to come ready, and put that 3rd quarter nightmare behind them. I say this now, if Nuggets dont come ready and win 2nd game, this series may as well be a loss to them, PM. PS:PM, I might have to agree with you for the first time ever that this series VS nuggets will end sooner than anyone thinks unless Nuggets come out ready next game.