LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. I have a recommendation to make to the Abdillah's of this forum. Grab one of Arianna Huffington's new book, out today; "Right Is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us All Less Safe" This book outlineS the fear that the media plants into the heart of the public. As far as timing is concerned, it would not have mattered had the reverend spoke out a year later, they would still find a way to scrutinize him and squeeze the life out of the story for as long as possible, thats media for u. I think it was good for Wright to come out and speak to the very same people that bad mouthed his "momma" as he so eloquently put it. I am not saying this because of my support for the other candidate, but because its time that this media was hushed, I was getting sick and tired of tunning into the same story day in and day out. I would like to see something besides AC 360 discussing Wright or campbell brown forever holding her war rumour to find out just how damaging the message was. Once again, obama bought into the media pressure. This man is a doll, he will be pushed around from one corner to another until he has nothing more to give, and this is what I am saying he needs to ghost. No one can push Hilary, waa rageedii, she will not be weaken by the press. Her mix up with the bosnia bit, "she said listen, it was late, I said it, so what?", no story there to report, but this weak african american man they call a senator is being bullied all over. How many times does obama have to tell us that he doesn't agree with the reverenD? How many times does he have to denounce the good reverend? Reverend said it himself, so stop buying into this media pressure. The likes of Sean Hannity thinks you should "denounce the reverend" in another around, and what does obama do? He gives in by holding a press conference. What sean hannity means is, please continue to allow me to bully you, so I can show my viewers just how easy it is to take you out of your game. If a host of a cable tv can get away with pushing obama around, what do you think iran and north korea can do the skinny senator? He would end up becoming their slave. Give it up to the Sean hannity's of the media, waa ragiisa, please continue to call out obama, hillary sure has a better case to bring to the superdelegates now than ever.
  2. LayZie G.


    Laba xiniin, I can't tell you how truly disappointed I am with myself for wasting few minutes of my time into reading y our fanatic antics. The sad part about it is that I read from start to finish. I didn't think a human being who was blessed with aqli from allah can truly believe the following:- Seeking help is an act of worship, so for one to direct that act of worship to a disbleiver who doesn’t deserve it is a great error You really are one step closer inaad taraq isku shido. I started to worry for you when I also came across this part of the paragraph:- The scholars of Tafsiir have explained it to mean that you must march forth for Jihad in any possible circumstance that you are in - wealthy or poor, young or old, sick or healthy. When the call for Jihad is announced or when it becomes obligatory on you, you must march forth. All this because of a scenario by someone who says they are a scholar?LOL They say, ok so this is what this line means, you must believe it, and ofcourse xabadkaaga aa ku sidataa. and finally, the most intriguing part of your post: allaahi, If C/yusuf said today that I will rule Somalia by the Qur’an and Sunnah and shows the outrwardly signs of his following of Shariah, I will be the first to support him. Somalia will never fall under the sharia law ruling, we will not be called the afghan of east africa, but if it helps, maybe in your dream can it only happen. PS:One of these days, your fanatic antics will get out of hand and you just might end up going to abu ghabi prison for questioning.
  3. You poor baby@Abuu geelka, did I touch a nerve or what? Listen, I don't want to take anything away from anyone who teaches the children, whether it may be religion, history, geography,social studies, afka kacaanka, as long as someone is teaching them. What I will not stand for is killing our volunteers, regardless of personal beliefs.. Our volunteers are helping these children by teaching them, the same way your wadaado spend 17 yrs doing the same thing, but do you see anyone killing your wadaado for making a 7 yr old turn radical? Why should they take the life of an innocent man and a woman of somali origin? Because they said so? What would you have said if the same kabaabs you are defending were to be slaughtered to death for making children fight their wars? As far as you are concerned, your wadaado can't do no wrong@abu geelka. What did the lady of the somali origin do to the wadaado, except take time out of her life(she has one just like u and I have a life) and instead put her life at risk by going back home so she can do the work you or I are not doing. How dare they kill someone who is there to help? Soon, the aid workers will be next in line, because they will probably be accused of feeding bacon to the masaakiinta, then next and next. You want us to sit around and dance for them each time they take a life and when amxaaro fights back, you want us to condemn them? What, tell me, what do you propose we do? Incase you dont have a proposal @brother abuu geelka, I have one for you. The solution is for somalida is to make no demand, other than to invite the world, anyone who is willing to help, to come and intervene. We need to be watched at all times, because the one time we said we would get along if only we get rid of certain someone, it failed, we didnt get along and 18 yrs later, we are saying lets get rid of the axmaaro and we will talk again. Do you actually believe anyone buys that? Amxaaro out and lets sit down? More excuse for more bloodshed, so I say, let the amxaaro or any foreign army who wants to come, come, period, end of story. Somalida will get along only marka madaxa looga istaago, ala siyaad barre style. PS:Anyone who sees what I am saying as absurdity is a damn fool.
  4. PM, the game just concluded and congratulations are inorder. Good job, lakers sweeping the nuggets, who would have imagined eh? I certainly didn't. Facing the Jazz may not be an easy task, but I think it will be a good match up to watch, much better than the nugget series that just ended so horribly. Hallelujah at the magic win, on your face raptors, philly is still alive and bosh and co are backing their suitcases, gone fishing season iska dheh. How about the celtics? Tied with atlanta hawks? C'mon KG, no wonder he won defensive player of the year, instead of MVP, which we all know will probably go to that kobsha creature.
  5. The reverend impressed the living out of me at this morning's national press club address. I will say that I definitely misjudged him. He was inspirational, he had humour and he was such a joy to watch. My favourite part of his address was," I served six years in the Marine Corps and Navy, how many years has cheney serveD? That cheney, he is everyone's butt of joke.
  6. ^3 pages, and you have yet to admit inaad beenlow tahay. You would make a good prisoner of torture for the kabaab group, once they catch you. YOu would literally lie until you take your last breath if it were upto Dukey and it was for the good of your adeer, after all, 3 pages and you have yet to correct yourself, but are willing to show me pictures of other leaders he met, hahaha but not condoleeeza, you poor baby. Money, war fiican, but no need to convince dukey of anything, or else he will form a sudden yey seizure.
  7. Odayaashaan wareersan oo meesha inee is maaweeliyaan oo isa sasabaan usoo fariistay kala garaka dhaadheer wexey sheegaayaan aaba iska yar. hahahahahhaha, kixkixkixkix@KK. You never fail inaad mar walba ooyin iga keento saan kugu qoslaaye. Kasha, kasha mey kudheheen. I actually was going to fire up that video and watch it from beginning to an end, just like kk, but it didn't end with me finishing the video. The 1st speaker said something in these lines and immediately I closed the youtube page:- Taaariiqta lama sheegin, iney muslimiinta africa kuloon ineysan wax u qabatay, iney wax u tartay, majirto, iney waxyeesho mooyee. Waayo, he was looking around in the audience to see if someone can correct him, seemed to me he was repeating a hearsay. It was also evident that history class wasn't the choice of curriculum in indho tigid tuulo where he hails from, so sad. Kasha, if I can advise you once more. Please, do tone down a bit, I don't want to see you thrown out for losing your temper over nothing. Take it from me, someone who has had her share of outbursts in the past, I do want to keep you around here, and unlike emporer and CO. I want you to continue to point out to me how silly your kabaab radicals sound more and more everyday. PS:MMA, word is yey will land in tdotO in september, but my question to you is, would u be the sirhan sirhan of somalida?
  8. LayZie G.


    Toure said : unfortunately a lot of innocent people will perish but I believe it is sacrifice worth taking. What makes you any better than say, Dukey and Co? I think you should really go and get inside a tub filled with baraf and inkaarta dadka dhintay iska soo naar, acuudi billaah. Sacrife kulahaa
  9. Weak-knee'd hypocrites will find a way to 'boon-boonis' and use it for justification to sell-out. Or if they are already traitors, they'll beat the drum of propoganda. It sounds like you lost the plot there mr kasha. How dare you compare the prophet's mistakes to that of your mo*ryaan warriors with the cimaamo, who know jack shit about religion, much less know how to read and write.. You are going in circles and justifying the killings of the innocent, but no one is buying it. Your warriors are killers, and they soon will be ousted out xamar and area, in body bags.
  10. ^LOL@Kasha, again, all that you summed up doesn't come close to sida aad u caabudo robow and the likes. PS: I do not read articles from terrorist sites.
  11. ^Waligaa warar meesha yaalin aa keentaa. Threadka waxa uu ku saabsan yahay ayaan ka hadleyne, Abuu geelka. PS:North, there are no different versions, only one version. There are however versions of indha iska xirida lawado, oo wax walbo ooo masterkaaga dhaho sida in la caabudaayo camal aa loo qaadana.
  12. LMAO@"Balaayo ku dhagaysatay." me, war wiilka dhageyso, inta ay dhagta ku dheeraan.
  13. ^atlaest the flags being waved won't endanger me if I were to set foot in somali soil today. Matter of fact, those ethio flags would probably make me more safer than the kabaab group would.
  14. ^Just because I am exposing the so called kabaabs for who they are, that automatically makes me a xabashi supporter and a yay dabo kac person, c'mon. My loyalty lies with neither side, except that of the innocent lives being taken by both parties. This one sidedness has got to stop folks. You either labelled as something or you are with us talk no longer is tolerable by me. I no longer show support to any man or group who take innocent lives in a cowardly fashion and waive the kitaab on the air as thought we are in a rap video, but kasha would have you people otherwise as he himself is brainwashed. PS: I am saying shabaab kabaab group are a bunch of tuugo, made up of mostly the sons of the men who fought for the likes of ceydiid.
  15. ^I can never expect a follower to come to a sound judgement on his own without his master. Facts are facts eedo, and your idol Shaykh Muktar Robow beenta UU meelaha kufaafinaayo shaki ma igaga jirto. Hadda asaga iyo yey wey isla keysiman yihiin, and robow's believers are just as brainwashed as yey supporters. Its official, you have lost whatever common sense you had left in you kasha. I am sure your day will come when they will behead you too, and when that time comes qabrigaaga aa waxa oo dhan dib uga sii fahmee. Until then, usii sacbi shabaabkaaga, oo kabaab bbq kusii sameyso on the expense of the innocent people they too ay gooracowyaan.
  16. ^Is today pick on hornka day, hehehe. Emporer, leave me out of this madness eedo, I have no beef with hornka, wiilka repping the one and only Tuulo hebel, the heck with the rest of the country, "maxaa iga gale attitude leh, but wait, I hate yey too"... So maaha@horn.
  17. ^something tells me your question is just not sincere. Matter of fact, you are so convinced your so called wadaado fighters are so innocent, they can't do wrong, especially entering a school and hunting the man behind it, all for the sake of just killing him. He could have ran into town, but he chose to stay near(because he didnt want to leave his staff behind) by, even after he was asked by the few men guarding the school grounds, in a near by neighbours home, and once they gained entrance to the school property and couldnt find him, they started to knock doors in the neighbouring homes and there he was, the one who is spreading christianity and bang bang bang. The man whose home was invaded and the macaling was taken from had said in his own words to the family. Like some sort of enemy of islam or sort, they shot him mercilessly.
  18. ^kashafa, lets be honest here. You were a bit too harsh. Instead of coming to terms with it, handadaad aaba admin u gashay. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this to people, if you want to leave, please exit with grace and dont look back but no need inaad ninka meesha kala haayo aad handadid for cleaning up his place. PS:Hello to you too@abuu G
  19. in an attack on 13 April. An Al-Shabab leader has claimed that the teachers were shot in crossfire. Alla been badanaa ninku. Going into the school compound and hunting down an innocent teacher and shooting him mercilessly. I hope to allah that man gets his throat slit by the amxaaro. What a disgusting and disgraceful man he is for lying to the international community and downplaying the teacher killings.
  20. so stop disguising it as a hate for the Amxaars. lmao
  21. It is pathetic to address you honestly but take this as an expression of my contempt for you. Ouch, Dukey, you can't excuse your senile of a oday yey's actions forever, give it up already. He can't even stand up in the podium for a long period of time, and waxaas aa sharafsiinee, ceeb caleyg.
  22. ^eedo, unlike u, my habo was there. She doesn't hide behind a pc, like someone I know. She doesn't waste time posting posting bogus reports from clan sites that benefit adeerkaa. There was nothing to gain from his welcoming, total waste of time. All in all, the argument isnt about my habo, its about your lies about adeerkaa and condoleeza. Meeting with officials from the state department is one thing, but lying about meeting her? Why couldn't your sources written about meeting up with nancy pelosi , cheney? lying about condoleeza? c'mon LOL@KK, no kidding, I quoted her as she told it to me, except the adeer bit. Its true that he kept asking the audience what he should do about ciyaal oo hooyadood gowracaayo oo madaxeeda kuu keenayaan for money.(ofcourse in between he was shaking, even at one point he had gotten help from his guards by the shoulder for support, he needed to get back to his seat)
  23. "Islaam diidow, silac u dhimo" Are you kidding me? LOL, this is what I mean by these folks being confused, where do their priorities lie? How can anyone with real aqli trust any man or group talking like this: "Islaam diidow, silac u dhimo"
  24. Abuu Geelka, are u kidding me? If you didn't know that, then I dont know what you are doing in the somali politics section. First rule of being a die hard fan, research, research, research. if you can't do something as so simply as knowing who you are supporting, then sheeko aad political section la imaado majiri karto. Anigana wax ma iga heleysid, as I don't want to break site rules by engaging in qabiil talk. Che, ofcourse if tigrays exit, we will go back to early 1990's era, turning on each other formula. PS:Che, its time you and the rest of the supporters went back to the drawing board, new strategy is needed.(exclude the amxaaro out of the discussions)