LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^He doesn't need inuu faraha taagtaago, marka uu faraha indhaha kaa galin karo and at the sametime ganfuurka kaa jabin karo.
  2. ^ lol, waayo? Why uu faraha u taagtaagaa?
  3. ^lol@kk, seriously, you are sounding more and more like The Marc. PS:The highlight of my wekeend was seing My homegrl's beautiful new baby boy. I saw him lastnight, indha yar iska dheh, wiil yar oo somali chinese u eg ayuu ahaa.
  4. KK, alla maxaa wiilka toosh ku shidatay. Facaa iska celi nooh, why aa Marc and his shades waligaa u saaran tahay. Marc is the "ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR" in SOL, and we dont even have to wait for the year to end.
  5. Abuu geelka , don't hate the player, hate the game.
  6. lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo@The marc. Welcome back and let me be the first to say you have been greatly missed. PS:about the adam posts, especially the bollywood bit was a bit over the top,and did bring quite a few closet freaks out in the open.
  7. If only you knew who my best friends are! Waxaad isoo xasuusisay qof oo mar dhow saa tiri, lol "if only you knew my eedo or abti". Note to self, if ever find myself in hot mess, I will mention meesha ay my homegrls ay ka imaadeen, but not before I go and ask them waxa ay yihiin first, after all, it isnt as thought we had the "what tribe u repping" conversation, like someone I know.
  8. lol@caano labeenta leh, how come caanaha disapora dont have labeenta? What does "aburta kicinaya" suppose to mean? Abuu Nuune and Abaay KK, torobo camiraad aa meesha ka socoto. PS:aniga caano booro aan cabaa, please ha ii gafina with your caano oo labeenta leh
  9. ^lol, if they didn't, they have one now.
  10. ^u forgot to include the missing money bit. Surely, you can't forget the tens of millions that had just disappeared on his watch.. Money that was meant for the organization ayuu laqay and yet you do not include that bit, because according to you everything is an accusation.
  11. Shame on you. "SHAME" on me? What about SHAME on you JUJE. After all, you and the rest of these people are grieving over a well known terrorist's death. Since when was it okay to side with terrorists? If that wasn't bad enough, he was killing in the name of islanimo. How can I even show empathy over the situation when this late aden person was using my religion to further his interest and the interest of his clansman. If anyone knows this man, ,they know what he stood for. You don't need me to go into his background, as all of you who support this group know what they are all about. YOu people act as thought an awliyo died today, give me a break. PS:You should be reserving your naxariis for those innocent people that die daily because of the late aden person and CO, not the man himself.
  12. While I take your advise, you need to retake that biology test you miserably failed in 7th grade. PS: I wuv kasha, and I can't wait for him to share some of the wisdow he has with me. Kasha I MISS YOUUUUUUUUU
  13. Sh. shariif has stated that he and his followers are ready to give limited compromises for the sake of peace and greater common good. This is the reason why I admire the sheikh. He is truly an extraordinary human being, one who sees the greater good. Masha allah. Thank you brother cawaale for the update. PS: May this be a lesson to the shabaab supporters and its so called spokesman aka robow would never be regarded as anything more than a criminal.
  14. ^allah maxey cyber jihadi wannabe' ay been isku camirayaan. He died being a dude alright, with this body parts and anything left of it(the dudeness of it all) turning to ashes.
  15. KK, how dare you speak of the sheikha sharafta leh in that manner?
  16. I read it first in Huffingtonpost. Too bad it wasn't robow aka Abu Mansur, that criminal should have been blasted instead of this other dude, but a strike is a strike. Robow won't be far from the next hit. Good target and hooraay to the innocent informants who gave this precise intel, or else the hit wouldn't have been as successful. This just assured me now more than ever that people of xamar do not want these goons aka shabaabs to represent them nor do they want to be associated with them.
  17. ^If you say so, abtigiisa and tuulo. I wonder abu mansoor waxa aad isku tihiin, after all it is not that hard to figure out why you admire a criminal over a hero aka sheikha sharafta aka sheikh sharif.
  18. lol@stoic, adiga maad sorry is dheheeso? Stoic, you can't possibly believe waxa aad qoreyso eedo. Hilary knows how to stand on her two feet. She knows she can't be pushed around by anyone, especially the right wing media. Obama on the other hand has proven time in and time out that he is a weak candidate, but good luck, I am sure the 70 yr old opponent will have him for lunch in general election. PS :Don't you love the Hillary Camp/Obama doubters of SOL? Yes, aad iyo aad aan isku jecelahay aniga, not sure about anyone else.
  19. ^good luck cawaale. It is such an honour to meet the sheikh, he has alot of admirers, and he is indeed a great man. PS:Ask him, is there anyway possible to get rid of the leader of the goons, aka abu mansur ninka isku wacaaya? How did that criminal end up being the leader of anything? He was a deputy for heaven's sake and now he is leading an army of children.
  20. ^allah maxaa ka hadashaa shaqo adiga kuu oolin.
  21. ^JB, he has place in my heart, and thats much better than your dry hargeisa and all of somaliland combined. Poster, Do you plan on asking the good sheikh to log into somaliaoanline? How long ago did you post this, where are you meeting him? Why are u meeting him? I don't really have a question, just tell him I shall see him soon and I don't blame him for the actions of the goons of the so called shabaabs and that we shall meet, if not in this life, the here after. SHEIKH SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED NOOLOOW
  22. First waxaad weydiisay, "WOULD YOU"? and Now waxaad Keentay "CAN YOU"? Alla maxaa saaxiibyaasha ku qaraabsatay. PS:lol@duceysane, always waxa loo joogin aa keentaa, timo hakaa buubto
  23. Allahayaw mid ii daran Kaa dooni maayee Eebbaw mid daacada Ii door Allahayaw Midii aan ku dagi laa Abuu nuune, adiga maa qorte? Waa very deep, deep enough for a girl to develop a crush on u.
  24. LayZie G.
