LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ... adiga wiligaa banlee maa ku fadhinee LOL, ban ku dil, nin waalan. Tuujiska, xididka qosolka aa dadka qaarkood ka go'ay, why else uu bandhiig kasocdaa ilaa iyo hada? As far as the rest of you are concerned, has it occured to you that maybe wiilka typo ayuu sameeye? When will these islaano learn that they need to grow up at some point?(islaamo isku camiraayo waa fadeexo) Haven't you learned anything from your passed mistakes? Fadlan, isku noqda, sidana wax isku dhaama.
  2. LayZie G.


    Poster, nothing wrong with using cimaamad to compliment once's look, especially going causal on a cloudy yet cool day. She probably wanted to wrap it around her neck, scarf of sort.(the palestine inspired cimaamad is a hot sale)
  3. Layzie G, don't u have an opinion to contribute to the topic other than being an *** kisser for this ***** who is seeking attention. This isn't how a young islaan ought to conduct herself. Xishood ayaa kaa maqan, ee wiilka ka xishoo. What would your imam say if he knew what you were writing here? Matter of fact, go ahead and email him, asaga aa su'aasha kaaga jawaabaaye. PS:Emporer, wiilka madowga eh oo foolxumada badan maa maanta ku barbandhigtay along side Mr shades aka Sir Marc? How dare u?
  4. Soon Abdullah’s cinema was the last one standing in Mogadishu and he was threatened repeatedly. “They came with weapons, surrounded my cinema and told me, ‘We will kill you if you don’t close’,” he said. I can't for the life of me bring myself to stomach this type of dulinimo. Imposing sharia law my gafuur. Sharia ku dil yaadhaho. Islaanimo ayey isku sheegayaan, yet threatening to kill or even killing innocent people over what? Qol yar oo TV la dhigay so people can allow their mind to escape from the reality they face day in and day out for few measly hours? Its sad to to hear reports that they will switch sides in an instant. They are not even loyal to their so called cause. If the fighters in the ground aren't loyal, what does that say about the cyber shabaab supporters? Laaluush anyone?
  5. Koore, waan ku sharfey haddaan kuugu yeeray Koore-Turqaansade, haddaad Af-Soomaalka ku xeel-dheertahay waad fahmeysaa micnaha aan ula jeedo haddii kale seef la boodnimadaada ahoow! kix kix kix kix, and as kk would hiccup her way into more kix kix kix kix kix kix kix. lol@koore turqaansadee, abuu-nuune, sida kadaa hee.(encore encore)
  6. ^ enough respect Sir!!!(do not at anytime fall for any of their cheap tactics to get you to sink to their level) Whatever that means. Moron! Cyber Karbaash iyo nus aa ubaahan tahay. PS:Hi KK
  7. North, do not associate the bad behaviour of americans with your past canadian experience. We are respectful nation, and we do not tolerate ill behaviour from anyone. The dude who put his hands on that female was way too nice. I would've knocked her to the ground, prior to that I would have cursed the living daylight out of her. I am disgusted with the individual who recorded it well as the spectators as the poor old lady was being verbally abused. How can anyone just stomach all that? Toure, why did you have to share this? Dhiig kar aan waxaan ka qaada, xanaag daraadiis. Kudos to the homeboy who stood up and showed the little girl how its really done. PS:the comments in youtube page were comical.
  8. ^ The league was doing its job, and a mighty fine job it was. Shaq was the better player and infact he ended up getting 2 mvp of the nba final awards during their reign, Vs kobe's 1 mvp final trophy. Kobe did get an MVP trophy, but it wasnt Maurice Podoloff award. He got the MVP award of the all star games, twice. Regardless of whether or not he deserved to get the Maurice Podoloff in prior yrs, especially the last 2 seasons, that is debatable. PM will argue otherwise. He changed alot and he was finally rewarded for it. The transformation that happened with him offseason and during the regular season and his interaction with his teammates, coupled with their record played a role in the selection. All we(kobe critics) ever wanted was for him to change his ways, and I am glad it finally happened for him. It did infact come at a crucial stage of his nba career. He could have turned the other way, but instead he picked himself up, trusted his bosses and the organization to make the right choices. In doing that his team got better, atmosphere is better than ever and most importantly, the Great Phil Jackson is happy.(I have tremendous respect for the Zen master)
  9. MARC Caqliga marki laqeebinaaye adiga waa lagu hilmaamay umaleena LOL@AFRO, thats a bit harsh, even coming from you. Teeda kale, you know The Marc doesn't understand somali, why do you insist on writing in somali? Same question goes for the KK's in the forum. Emporer, caadi ma tihid. What is with SOL men and their envy on those shades? You could have commented about a number of things, please do. I would also like to add and say that you really need to get yourself some cool shades(similar to the marc's). You too will one day look half as good in them as The marc does on his shades, or maybe its wishful thinking, I don't know.
  10. lol@abuu nuune. Who are your sources hon?
  11. LayZie G.

    Baby Moma

    ^hayeeey hayeeeeeeeey, she might rat you out to her imam via email with that question.
  12. adiga laftigaagaa Marc Hirsi kale ah! Kaalay, maxaa the other ayan hirsi iyo marc meesha keenay? Abtigiisa, you need to cool it off a bit. Raat raatsiga meesha la imaatay iska dhaaf and take the article as is, after all a young lady is being recognized for the work you neglected to do for your community. This is a time for you to reflect on those failures not pick on marc oo ba waxna kaa sameyn. PS:big ups to the young lady, feel bad thought. Those comments in the hiiraan section, below the article were a bit harsh. Somalida aa haters, waligood wax loo dirsan ayey ka hadlaan. They are commenting about her hair? For heavens sake, they are commenting about her hair? Who asked them to point that fact out? Get a life yaa dhaho dadkaas.
  13. ^I got the spurs in that match up. Spurs may be down now, but dont underestimate the will of the defending champs. As for the Lakers Vs Jazz series, I too have the lakers going to the western finals.
  14. ^ I wasn't into somali music until King Khalid came into the scene. After the king's popularity took the somali community by storm, I soon found out about Cawaale Aden. Another young talent and I have 2 of his albums(downloaded from the net) and now I am feeling a young cat named GULED AHMED his album is entitled "RAJO" I think. He has a song about the state of our country, a song dedicated to "hooyo" moms all around. Most of all the single "rajo". This dude is deep with his lyrics.(I'm too lazy to look for his official album, but I downloaded all of the songs that interested me) So if you are like me, and are into the king khalid, cawaale scene, then you would love GULED AHMED.(cope that album folks)
  15. ^eedo macaan, he had no choice but to redeem himself and he did. Lets not forget that we are discussing professionals here. It's his job to post up such stats. My criticism of him isn't with the his ability to produce good stats, but that he isn't doing it on a nightly basis. Rashad is what I call a sleeper. btw, Where is LANDER, rashad's #1 fan in SOL? PS:PM, you probably excited your boy finally got the mvp honours eh? It only took like how many seasons to achieve such goal? kix kix kix
  16. ^how about doing it twice. New orlean hornets have surpassed anyone's expectations this year. Detroit Vs Magic game was a close one, but too many costly mistakes by some of their starters caused them the game. They have got to step up big in orlando. My philly could have won that game against detroit lastnight. You cant afford to make costly turnovers when the game is on the line and its under 3minutes, you just cant.(coach should really come down hard on rashad, that player is exactly how i described him to be after the trade, disappointment)
  17. How is supporting a group that publicly announced its affiliation with Al-Qaeda, vowed to attack American soil in retaliation of Ayro 's kiling, be a God-given right? Koora, dadkaan weydii where was ayro when the very same people here fled somalia and wanted resettle else where? Did ayro give you greencard dadyahow? did he welcome you with open arms? Did ayro provide you with the opportunity that you have found in the west? Did he put your children to school? Did he fed your children? Did he give you and your family shelter? Did he place you at the workforce? I don't think so. Some of you folks need to reassess your thinking. Your loyalty should be with your adopted country, not a late terrorist and his army. Your adopted country took you in when no one else would. You people turn around and repay back by siding with terrorist organization such as al shabaab? No wonder aad flight13 niladhihi jiray. Somali wax isxaan ay tusayaan majirto, no wonder 18 yrs aan is layneyne. PS:Robow can fire up all the threats he wants, but soon he will be the next one blown up to pieces. Too much tough talk ain't gonna get him anywhere, especially when he wants to start killing the aid people. After all, thats the only thing he can do, is get hold of american aid workers and slid their throats for a way to avenge for his brother? Aqligiisa is to turn around on aid workers, the very same aid workers who risk their lives to saving the very same people he and the rest want iney xormimeeyaan from the amxaaro? Aqli xayawaan @robow
  18. ^read my ps: Dukey, wali beentaada about condoleeza meeting ma cadeyn, ee wiilka dhiig karka qabo inaad iska daysid, go find me sawirada condoleeza iyo adeero.
  19. Mushkilo hadey jirto waaba kan. Who let little adam out of the xero? PS:Dukey has a point, only secessionists aa ciil qabo in this thread. Your man riyaale hasn't met the leader of france, but dukey's adeer did, it can't be about anything else. No big deal about this meeting, after all, no aa lasoo dhahay to the ground troops , even after adeerka begged for mercy@dukey.
  20. My childhood nickname was after all "indho shiino"
  21. ^excuse me, I take offense to that.(duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
  22. ^LOL, I was just thinking this lil boy and your niece ought to get together in 20 yrs time. aanba ka dhaxbaxno the mothers. Hada aaba leysasiinaa.
  23. ^lol@xanaaqaaga, iibiis way dhaafte sheekada. Are you sure you are not lost?(sports section that way>>>>>) PS:Money, it was a decent story, but the last part you posted sounded a bit corny.