LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^duh. Money talks eedo. Money is what drove you away from home. Cara, good point there.
  2. I just watched the two clips, courtesy of Abuu and somaliweyne site. The so called deputy was potrayed as a dead beat dad, but no, that is not important. The fact that he made $1500 monthtly is important to him.(loser iska dheh haduuba waxaas lacag umaleeyo) The example of the wife who tells the reporter that she has nothing to do with her husband, I was arguing on behalf of those people like her. Tuujiska and Lily, you can take the criminals apart, no problem with that. Dibiga meesha uu is dhigo aa la geeyaa, or something to that like. I just don't think naago iyo ilmo should be part of the equation. I thought the documentary wasn't fairly presented. I would have liked for the reporter to also report on the opposition side. After all, these TFG's aren't fighting with themselves, they are fighting an opposition group. Why should this white reporter just get half the truth out? Why wasn't he willing to cross to the other side? Could be because they threatened to kill him. After all, during his reporting, he was witness to some serious road side bomb blasts that the insurgents took responsibility for. Is that not news? Insurgents can continue to kill innocent people, but as long as the TFG is warming up the seat in mogadishu or baidoba, they are to blame. As long as amxaaro are present, its okay for more people to die in the hands of these insurgents aka m**ryaans. Lets keep it real here folks. I understand you are all outraged by what you saw, as I was. What we need to do is to condemn all sides, and not just the one party.
  3. Malika, they may or may not know what their fathers are upto. Children and family members are blameless, just as those suffering in mogadishu.(not to the same extend) As the daughter of a former wasiir, I think the family members should be left out of this fadeexo. You can't understand what they are going through. They are victims and should be regarded as such.(Wax aan aniga isku quurin ma u quuro dadkale) PS: I don't know how to make you understand it, unless you have been in that position. psps:abuu, I understand what you are saying, but just because you know, doesn't mean you need to keep spreading the word about them either?
  4. ^watch yourself abu abu. Expect the worse and hope for the best. Their families are the victims, remember that pple. I can't comment on the clip, as I haven't watched it, but I think there is a limit to how far one can go.
  5. Ngonge, says who? Yes the term was there long before we set foot in the west, and it will be there long after you are gone. Go and google class yourself, you seem to have missed the bus. As far as government and all other sources are concerned, they only definite you as one way or the other. If your income does fall under the middle class umbrella, thats how you will be defined. If you choose not to live in that lifestyle, that still doesn't mean you are out of that circle. It just means you choose not to follow the tradional definition of class. The house, the cars, the green lawn. The cottage(aka summer house). You can make an argument based on redefining if the usual traditions associated with middle class arent followed, but it doesn't make it right because Ngonge sees it one way, and one way only.
  6. you are going against the marc and "going to indulge inlow status activities like going to the movies. shocker
  7. ^NO SWEETIE, THOSE I DESCRIBED ARE THE TRUE DEFINITION OF MIDDLE CLASS.(hope the cap lock helps) They are as middle class as hilary's supporters of blue color workers. AGAIN, WHAT DO YOU BASE AS UNDER CLASS? THEIR CONDUCT IS DEFINITELY UNDER CLASS, WHICH I WAS TRYING TO GET ACROSS. (I am glad u got that part, but just admit you rushed to judgement and didn't understand it fully.) I promise I will forgive u if you just say, I ngonge was _ _ _, and I do not know any better.
  8. So disappointed in you Ngonge. I was making 2 key points and its as follows: A:-In our community, those deemed middle class, based on income bracket etc refuse to live as such. In other words, they behave worse than the lower class, border line homeless at times.(blame it on mismanaged of their finances) B:-Even if their economical stand were any better, and not saying they are not better now, they would still be determined to rob the government of all the free resources, because intaas baa u cad. That was the point I was getting across and again, I can't tell you how disappointed I am with you, I had high hopes for you Sir. PS:Whether or not I do not know of middle class, or any social-economic class definition is beside the point. There is one simple definition of class, but I highly doubt thats your understanding of the term is the same as mine. Could be due to lack of comprehension on your part, I dont know.(I await for your answer)
  9. ^surprise me for once and go back and re-read waxa aan qoray.
  10. 5 - Xuseen Ceelaabe Faahiye, Wasiirka Ganacsiga, Wershadaha iyo Dalxiiska - (Gudaha balse ilmahiisa degan Ingiriiska) MMA, as always, been iyo nus aa meelaha ku faafisaa. Where did you get the idea that Xuseen ceelaabe faahiye aa dadkiisa dagan yihiin ingiriiska? Please, talk about waxa aa taqaano and stop blasting pple's names on public forums. Where is the need to list dadkaan's name? I just don't understand you. I already told you this before, its bad enough you are listing individuals, but to bring up their families into the mess? Why is it so important for you to continue to blast pple's names online? If the source is out there, let pple find it, but there is no need for re-distribution. Wax aa ka faaideyso meesha majirto, ee ninyahow isku noqo. Ceeb Caleyg
  11. JUJE, forget the choice of entertainment, adiga maxaa naagaha ka fiirsaneyse? Gediid, u traitor. I bet you know how to dance to the tune eh?
  12. I read the article yesterday. Who is the hunk? The soldier beside him? Ma somali baa? He looks dangerous. I couldn't believe ninku inuu loser ahaa, oo factory tumi jiray. Truckers are the new lawmakers, lol. PS:which is worse, dhuuse cade from puntland, a former gas attendant, or kani, a trucker/former assembly worker.(ceeb caleyg)
  13. There is "no solution but war" to solve Somalia's problems OMG, he reeks of ignorance. "The talks in Djibouti will never change anything. I urge our colleagues to come back, take their guns and fight our enemy. We shall defeat Ethiopians, Burundians, Ugandans and the coming UN forces as we defeated the warlords," Turki said. Everyday, a new xoolo takes upon himself to speak for the majority. Today he is calling himself al-tuur, tuur ku sixro yaadhaho.
  14. Abuu Nuune, lets not kid ourselves. If nuune was in that dream, waa kala badbadan laheed, ala heaven style. Mrs I get my sermons off the net, I think you ought to worry about who and where to get your next sermon from. Rumor has it, your e-sheikh ran away to hide from you.
  15. Hey hey folks, there is no need to attack the messenger or dismiss his concerns. There is definitely some truth to what has been said of the middle class. It is possible that the group he speaks off do infact settle for less, because they lack ambition. They are content with living off government hand outs, such as scamming the welfare system, child benefits etc. We are talking about healthy, young individuals, who work two or 3 jobs but continue to take hand outs from the gov., because they feel they are owed or something? Their only sense of accomplishment has got to be maintaining their subsidized housings, and cheating their children from having a decent shot in life. They would rather hand their children to gangs, and be victims of violence than change the scenary. Don't you people want your children to grow up in a good neighbourhood, and have a shot at getting to top universities? The question is not about affordability. Do you want to buy a home and put down roots? These folks I speak off manage to make the income of the middle class bracket, but nothing to show for it. That subsidized $200-$300 is all they can talk about. You are better off moving your families out of the projects and renting a home for few hundred dollars more or even taking out a mortgage if you can afford to put a generous down payment, but no, not somalida. You need to better yourselves as a community, as settlers of the west. You need to provide your children alot more than living in a project and living from pay cheque to pay cheque. Finally, education. Hadaan somali nahay, we are good at taking everything that is offered to us, without any intention of paying back. It starts with student loans, grants, and it ends with paying it back. What if 15 to 20yrs from now, the grants wont be available to your children and their children etc? What would you do then? Its not like majority of you are saving for your children, instead you are too busy popping one after another. Don't you think you owe it to yourselves to start paying off your student loans now? It should be a top priority, no? We need to learn to take and give, its a two way street. We can't always take take take, without the intention of giving back to our host, our adopted home away from home.
  16. ^Waligaaba qosol, but I promise you those laughs will soon turn to tears. Speaking of a*swhooping, I didn't get a chance to watch the game, but I did catch on the highlights lastnight. I am disappointed, because the stats didn't agree with the spurs. Tim was truly the only real contributions they had, and you can't win with one player.(ask kobe, he knows a thing or two about that) Speaking of the role players, Gino-boy has been no show for two consecutive games. Ginobili ought to suck it up and star slashing between opponents, and take it to the lakers. Without him and that bench, and duncan getting some help, spurs will find themselves in same hole as lakers in Game 1.
  17. Throughout history, the subject of dreams have been widely discussed, and to this day it continues to be discussed, without coming to terms with its true meaning. Dreams are the mirror to our self-conciousness or maybe not. It could be an express of ones thoughts or feelings? I doubt it I dreamt of the Good Sheikh Sharif lastnight, and it was first of its kind. It was a pleasant dream, one that I still remember. I am not big on dreams, nor do I dream often as some do, but maybe this was just one of those random dreams, or maybe not? Maybe the pleasant converstaion the sheikh and I had in my dream was a sign for discussions on other matters to come in the coming days, weeks? In my dream, the good sheikh was everything I thought he would be. A true gentleman, patient, non judgemental and highly intelligent. Going back to the setting of the dream. We just happened to be at the same place, at the same time. I was already visiting close relatives in mogadhishu(perhaps related to him(not)) and he had just arrived to brief the elderly figure of the house. After the meet and greet, I had expressed to him that I needed to have a word with him. He didn't seem to mind that I wasn't wearing Hijab.(it seemed odd to me) We went out to the courtyard for a brief walk and he started to ask questions about me.(who I was, what I did, where I lived, and the purpose of my visit etc) I, on the other hand was just so enthusiastic about this chance that I had with the good sheikh, that I was close to freaking out. I managed to contain my excitement a bit, because I knew I had so many things to say and so little time, that I was worried I would come out sounding like a groupie.(I started to think, does the sheikh know what a groupie is? Does he think I brought him out to try to get with him?? After that brief mental moment I had, I gathered myself up and managed to express my thanks in his efforts for bringing an end to the war. I told him that it may not seem possible, but that truly the worth of trying was enough. We briefly prayed for our people. I had shared with him the admiration and respect I had for him and the thousands like me who felt the same way. ...and markaas kadib, hurdada aan kasoo toosay. PS:maybe this is a sign that wiilka aan habaryartiis u ahay aka abtigiis inuu nac nacda uu SOL kuhaayo ayaa mahaan inuu joojiyo, saasaan u riyoon.
  18. PM, why do you always downplay the laker's flaws and so quick to point out their success? Have you forgotten were the game was being played? It was not in Texas. If I were you, I wouldn't be in a celebratory mood, I would be thinking about ways to keep off the spurs for the rest of the series, because they are coming back and this time, there won't be last minute lapses on their part. Your precious Lakers had all the time to prepare for their opponent and yet the spurs were the dominant bunch of the two. Your team has the better record, and for almost close to 3 quarters, they were manhandled by a bunch of old dudes aka spurs. You understimated the spurs in the last series, and you continue to understimate the heart of a champion. Maybe I should take a minute or two to refresh your memory about the SPURS. 4 championships in under 10 yrs, the most dominant big man of his time in Duncan. A great stragetist in Popovich. Most importantly, an amazing cast of role players that know what their job is, not one single selfish bone in their body. Do not ever understimate this bunch of guys. They have done the unthinkable, came from 0-2 deficit to take out an amazing young squad in the hornets. They literally shut the hornets down in game 7 of its entirety. Now, they came to your team's homecourt and performed just as good as their last game, with few last minute lapses, they almost would have had that game and it would have been over for your precious lakers. This doesn't mean I am taking anything from your lakers, no way jose. When your team find themselves in the hole, their ammo is always to explore that one costly mistake of their opponent and run with it. In this instant, they did just that, and were successful at it, thats the lakers for you. I am not downplaying their ability to dig themselves up from the hole they had dug up for themselves, but this isn't something they want to try again for the rest of the series. If I have watched enough of pop's team, and how he conducts himself, I will say he will explore the same weakness of the first 3 quarters and this time, it won't have the same outcome.
  19. ^it seems that Che is slowly becoming cyber jihadist, aduunyo wey dhamaate. Wali sheekada beenrobow and his likes aasaaseen aa la wadaa. Caqli xumo iyo nus. I didn't have stomach to read further than Waxaa uu sheegay in aanay wanaagsaneyn in dagaal loo adeegsado caruurta, isagoona sheegay in caruurta yar yar ay bilaabeen in ay maskaxda ka xadaan deetana adeegsadaan." I really would like to find out if robow and his m***ryaan actually send their children as well as ciyaalka caafada to blow themselves up? Is it just wiilka agoonka eh oo xaafada dagan ay "paradise bullsh*t maskaxda u geliyeen" while robow jr. is sleeping soundly in his warm bed?
  20. it seems he's making the right moves to earn more admirers like moi if that means the loss of few rock headed individiuls like you. brrrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrrrrrr sheikh sharif hanoolaado.
  21. LOL@xoogsade, did Xiin really accuse you of that or shactaro ayey ka eheed? Xiinka waa ragiisa. ps:ABTIGIISA, count your lucky stars. I too waan kugu qarasbaxi lahaa, but after I finished reading the thread, I felt nothing but sympathy for you. Next time, remember to keep the good sheikh's name out of your perverted carab. PSPS:kasha,lol@adoonka. Ok jareerow, whatever you say.
  22. LayZie G.


    ^I didn't see anything other than gabar handadaad threadka loogu dhameeye. Maxey soo qorte marka hore, ya KK? Che, caytam maad gashay?LOL Maxaa gabadha kutiri oo deletion ubaahnaa?
  23. What else is new other than Hornka wali bacaadka Kismaayo difaacayaa. Eedo yey m**ryaanta shabaab ku gowricin oo aysan dhiigaata bacaadka kismaayo aysan ku shubin out of despite for the ICU and that one "tribe" union that you hate so much. PS:Marmarka qaarkood k-town sheeko sheeko marka aad keento, shaki aa igalo, oo waxaan umaleeyaa inaad ka hadleysid sierra leone iyo diamonds ka, markaas aan is qabtaa oo instead reality of bacaadka k-town ii sawirmaa.
  24. LayZie G.


    ^ A.D.D and business school ma iskeynayaan. Poster, try your best not to mess up at the assembly line, or else your boss won't be happy.
  25. ^are you serious? You don't see anything wrong with a 10 or 11 yr old boy playing mujahid? He probably can't read and write and instead is playing the role of a martyr for the shabaab side, and you dont think something is wrong with that picture? In just 3 to 5 yrs from now, these boys will be the ideal candidate for these evil spirits aka shabaab's, and you still don't think something is wrong with that? Geelka, please, take that blindfold off and open your eyes to the destruction all around you. Wake the h*ll up@geelka, children are meant to be children, they are not meant to be immitating terrorist organizations. These boys out to be at dugsi and school learning how to add, subtract,divide and multiple along with learning their alphabet both in somali, arabic and english, not playing war games. shame on you