LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. lol@awoowe PM. Are you trying to convince yourself by what you wrote above or what? How did you sleep lastnight? Dude, we man handled you in game 2, with the exception of allowing y'all to come back with little life, which was the celtics doing as I previously mentioned. We allowed you to get comfortable on game 3, because we were testing just how you were going to adjust to being at home. Celtics have shown that even with pierce with a single digit scoring, that they can still come back and almost get away with a win in game 3. Two stars weren't upto task, garnett was definitely not on his game and lets not mention pierce. You let all of game 4, and without fretting celtics collected themselves and handled business. They did after all erase from the boards that suppose comeback on game 2 by the lakers, with the history making period of game 4. No one will remember game 2 with down 24 pts, and you ask why? Because they didn't win the game, it was just a fluke. In any case, Kobe can get angry and haku qarasbaxo all he wants on his teammates. This is by far the best defensive job that celtics have done on Kobe in a long time. No other team defense better than the celtics in these playoffs. YOu look back on the last 4 games, and without question you would point to the celtics as the better team in the series. PS: You have exactly 2 days to get over the depression that phil mentioned in the podium. Do whatever u need to do, try to regroup etc. Nothing hurts more than celebrating in the road, with the home team fans watching and not having a choice but to cheer for the green masters. KG gonna get his, KG gonna get his. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  2. If this deal is real, then I hope to God those animals aka shabaab honor the agreement. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and shake hands. This agreement is bigger than both parties. Kasha, this ceasefire is not about who is right or who is wrong. This is for somali weyn, this is for that man in bakaraha who lost all of his family members, while you and your family rest in your cozy living room. This is for that mother of 5, who doesn't know where her next meal is going to come from. This peace is not for you kasha, or me. Get your head out of the gutter, and move on about ya cyber jihadi. PS: I have had enough of you, nabad-diid yahow.
  3. ^Zidane has nothing on Sir Marc. Marc, crush em both.(yariisow aka adam xataa)
  4. maxaa yeelay waxay igu tiri hadii aan iswayno oo iga tagtid waan Isdilayaa. Red, this is easy to solve. The last time I heard someone say " wey is dilayaan" was from a boy long ago. He said it at the time to get me to change my mind about going out with him. It didn't work, because I had a good friend who told me that this can't be real and no one is that crazy to take their life away for a date. In any case, I followed her advise and told him go ahead and see what he will get out of taking his life. When he realized that I wasn't going to fall for the act, he just cooled off. In other words, call her bluff. After all, you are not the one who is going to lose a life. More importantly, how are you ever going to look at that girl in the eye? She will always be "tii oo jaceyl daraadeed iney isku disho rabtey". You can't respect someone who is that irrational. No respect=no guur PS:good luck Psps:What is NG's take on the matter?? Red, bal please go to the great man.
  5. Dear Concerned Cat-owner; Pets are similar to a night at the casino. You lose sum, you win sum. Get off your chair and take your behind to the pet shop. Always have a good hand, and make sure you have enough chips to spread around. I hope that helps. To the confused muslimah. Did it ever occur to you that I wrote what I wrote out of a genuine concern for the muslim brother? You took it upon yourself to judge me, without giving me the benefit of the doubt. I would say that you have indeed judged me, and Allah shall judge you soon enough, you judgemental woman you. Next time you want to comment for the sake of it, stop for a moment, breath and look around you. Think about what I am writing and how I am writing it and most importantly why I am writing it. Ask yourself, why would this fine somali lady spend good few minutes to write a lengthy post? Is it because she just want to lash out on the poor fella? Or is there more to her post than meets the eye? Now, I didn't say anymore than some of you were already thinking. Someone needed to tell him to stop making himself think that he is the victim. After all, he did victimize these girls. If this story is true, the cousins need a voice. For they are not around to witness what their snake of a cousin is saying behind their backs. PS:NG, speaking of snake, get that for a pet.(cats are for sissies)
  6. Marc, what is with the layers? Your guest looks to be dressed for the weather, and you look like you are getting over the flu brah. Did you get death threats from SOLers? is that why you were loaded with the scarf and hiding behind em big ole glasses? They look bigger than my own pair. (those look like shades that muraayo garaad would wear) PS:lol@buurtii naasa hablood, I heard about the hotel naaso hablood, didn't know a buur was named after as well.
  7. lol@uncle and family. Geelka, you are very funny. Tolka, you are changing your tune from "they will win against france" to they will "get points". Meel laguu raaco ma qabtid.
  8. ^lol@romania beating france. You sure you want to pick romania, after all you did say turkey would come out victorious against the portugese and my hottie.
  9. I am no snitch and believe everyone is free to do whatever No no no@money, waxaas aqli daro waaye. Waayo, you are infact a snitch iyo nus. On the one hand, you can't start the conversation sounding all conflicted and sort, when in fact you knew exactly what it was you were trying to achieve by choosing to post fadeexada of your family members. If you really wanted to come off as this concerned cousin , who is too cool to snitch on the girls to their parents, you wouldn't have chosen an open forum on the world wide web to publish the girls fadeexo. Most imporatantly, you need to change the title of the thread. Your cousins are not your sister. Your cousins are either ina habaryaashaa or ina adeer yaasha, not your sister. Your sister, as far as you are concerned has not been seen drinking. No need to make the title of the thread about her. Qalad aad u weyn aa walaashaa ka gashay, and you need to apologize to her. Why can't you be man enough and confront the girls or better yet, have their parents come down while you are all there and have a big old discussion?(that seems reasonable to do, soo maaha?) Why choose an open forum to air their dirty laundry? Lastly, I want to say that it seems that you wanted inaan anaga dadkaan kula cayno, why else post it here? You want us to condemn them with you, soo maaha? How do you feel now that you have gotten it out of your chest? Brother money, you need to keep one thing in mind and that is, you are not "THE VICTIM" in this. PS: I do not condone the action of the girls, in any shape or form.
  10. PM, save it eedo. I don't want to hear lakers almost erasing a 24pt deficit from you. It is obvious that celtics took a nap, and they stopped defending your boy kobe in the 3rd quarter, and his team followed his lead on the 4th. Your boy is such a sore loser with that "T" he got. I played back the TV atleast 3x just to see if anyone touched him, especially perkins, not a single contact.(not even ray) He cries too much if you ask me. Can someone tell him to man up, he is too much. Celtics are playing a good D on him, and they shouldn't stop, not even for a minute when they get to L.A It is all celtics doing and had they lost this game, it would have been on their own doing and not that of your team. I thought that lead was a fluke almost, because I knew the time would come when the lakers would once again figure out their opponents weakness and exploit it to its full potential. Phil doesn't have 9 titles under his belt for nothing. He knows that there is always a weakness, and if you can't beat a team fair and square, get them where it hurts. Didn't they learn a thing? No one sleeps on the lakers, not now, not ever. A team that phil coaches never gives up, not until they hear that buzzer. All in all, on the part of the celtics, it was a good team effort. They played an amazing team game, had total control until they let it slip slowly without realizing the time left on the clock. I thought coach rivers was smart not to use cassell, he is nothing but a disappointment. Rondo, now that man is ragiisa, aad ayuu u shaqeyste. I thought rondo schooled Kobe on how to properly throw down an alley hoop to a teammate, that was marvelous. Powe aka homeless dude was just feeding off his new found fame of half time bio. Haduu rag yahey, he will do a repeat performance on behalf of his team in L.A, or else he is just another n*gga seeking a limelight. PS:Your boy radmonovich? What the hell? Getting blocked by rondo of all pple? How tall is rando? That movie "White men can't jump" came to mind when I was witnessing that ugly scene. Pathetic, just pathetic.
  11. American Idol's own Paula Abdul is ostensibly an Arab of some sort, but I doubt she gets down on her knees for anything other than to blow that Puerto Rican guy she was allegedly involved with Ooooooooooooouch
  12. ^ The games are aired Live, and in HD format. The days north america got re-runs of the games are over. It seems that football is the new hockey here in canada.
  13. ^What side is that? I'm lways on your side. What are hottie #2's chances? Can they win against italy?
  14. Tolka tuurka, NG was spot on when he said Though you're useless in every other sphere (mainly football ), when you do tell a story you do it wonderfully. Do yourself a favor and stick to telling tales. If only words could describe how I truly feel about this hottie. Caawa anoo faraxsan aan seexanaa!
  15. ^ I didn't know you were alive during the 80's, much less know about stories aad maqashay back then. Wiil weyn aa tahay yaa nuune. Poster,why it is just a big deal to get to the bottom of what the bride said to the groom? Just based on the setting, time etc, I would say she asked him to go downtown and he went psycho on her? Or Is it possible that she asked for him to try to do the nasty in non-conventional way?
  16. ^HATER. PS:much better than your hablo sheeko
  17. in the morNining-alive and kicking, I confronted all. "Waan kala bartay dadka". By far the best part, ragiisa aa tahay. Out of curiosity, when you write sheekooyinka, do you have a specific structure you follow? If not, may I suggest that you fictionalize your work, add a little juice to it so to speak? I think the best way is to engage your reader from a narrative point of view. You need to play with your focus style and tone. (i.e leave out the "I"'s completely) You need to develop your own style using the tradional forms of writing, even if you don't want to tackle if from a narrative point of view as suggested above. All in all, I love the zest your writing has. YOu have excellent imagination and you should utilize it to the full extent.
  18. He may be forgiven for drinking and being a slut but the angels of hell are sharpening their forks over his age lie. Twenty three, my foot. He looks like he's on the lumpy side of 30. lmao@naden. Afkaaga caano oo malab-eh sii. I was a bit taken with the number 23. I thought the age thing was an obvious clue, yet you were the only one who caught on to it. Not only does he look like he is in his 30's, but he is also not an attractive bloke.(as the brit's say)
  19. ^lol, good for you. Unfortunately, I only caught the last 6minutes of the game. I think Cassell needs a smack in the head. It is not as thought he is in the same boat as rondo, veteran anyone? Those turnovers he made were very costly, could have turned the game around, but thank god it didn't.(I can't get that mental picture of kobe's ring collection out of my head) Loved the put back dunk by garnett. Can someone say on ya face espana.(what a facial it was eh?) PM, may I recommend that you go on hiding until tuesday. You kinda know how it will be played out on sunday night, so no point in calaacal until tuesday night. Hopefully markaas aa war fiican sheegi. PS:PJ the oldie, went old school under the rim. I cant stress how much the support of the bench is vital. ( I am soooooo high on farxad right now)
  20. Jb, you are to blame for questo il tutto. You are a bully. Abtigiis, I didn't read waxa aad ka hadleyse. At the same time, I don't think it is a good idea to create a thread in order to explain yourself. Why do you care what cyber figures of sol think of you? Aren't you abtigiis? Man up son, live up to your name, make your tolka proud. Just a bit off topic, what I found interesting above all is that mugshot is making fun of pple's nicknames? Talk about digsi dabo madow. Lastly, I think you need to forget about this madness, and concentrate on JB. He is getting the better of you and you need not let it happen.
  21. PM, you should be thanking ginobili. You are in the finals because of gino. As for finals, I don't care for neither team, especially the lakers. However, I am fond of KG, and I can't allow myself to accept the idea that Kobe, in this one season would have been MVP of the league, MVP of the finals. To make matters worse, he will add to his championship ring collection. I hope to God that the key players such as ray, cassel, brown and co show up, because I know KG will give it his all.
  22. I have easy picks. It comes in the form of A & C letters. In group A, I adore Cristiano Ronaldo, in group C, the dreamy henry. What could u ask for but those two hunks playing for their respective teams? Is it possible for A & C to face each in the finals? Where are the bracket experts, holla. Are my boys playing in this tournament? PS:Ng, I am not a footie fanatic and I know not to make such a pick. Croatia is toast.
  23. lol@ng. You have a point, and yes there are exceptions to the rule. One example is that brazilian malab aka Mr de Lima. He is so handsome, that I am willing to overlook those rotten teeth of his and put the braces on him with my african hands. I want his whole mouth to come together, so he can probably smile without giving me a stroke. Can you really ask for anything more than that@ng?
  24. Stoic, stop spreading propoganda ay AP meelaha kuwadaan aka beenta press. Sanka, was it too late for you to get a ticket for the big moment? How else can you explain missing out the biggest moment of your man's entire existence? He will be discussing how the idea of hope allowed him to steal the votes casted by 16+ million hillary supporters, and a chunk of the remaining super-d's. He will also be making another prediction thats based on the hope spirit and that is to continue to hop hoping his way into the oval office. All in all, I just wanted to come here and let you all know that Mrs C does not plan on admitting defeat, not tonight, not ever. PS:Stoic, get your facts straight eedo, and stop relying on just the one source.