LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^lol@you being a preacher. I think you can be whatever you want to be in life. If your calling is to preach, that will do sir. Ng Ng, you just can't help yourself eh? PS:poster, do carry on eedo. You are onto something.
  2. ^envy aa, NG is the reason why uu abtigiisa u qafiife. Cirka inuu u qaade, oo ku yidhi isa soo daa, aniga aa ku qabanaayo. NG waa qamarji. PS:KK, caadi ma tihid, ee iska daa inanka wareersan
  3. lol@KK, what will I do without u? lol@haneefah, tolka waa nin ragiisa eh, haduu adiga xataa kaa xanaajiyey.
  4. ps This whole thing takes away from the fact that the Sheikh is a good man that does a lot of good work. Grrrrrrrrr.. ^, you don't have to convince me anymore, I am ready to elope. I say let us get our b*tts to vegas and stand infront of an elvis impersonator.(much better idea than the one u suggested) The best part, after our I do's, I will provide you wil unlimited coins to spend on the slot machines, while I get my b*tt to the texas hold em table. The coins are much better suited for you. PS: oh, the thread, there is no story here, nothing to see folks. It is just a recycled article that someone decided to slap a new title onto it and whatever else NG added above.(talk about a reminder of that muslim police woman)
  5. North, u are one to talk. Marka hore somaali soo baro(dabad***abaadadada), before aad dhahdo ma jecli somaligiisa this and that.(note to north, edit yourself) lol@Serena, you have a point there. In my defense, just because you dont see something in full view doesn't mean it isn't said.(one thing pple always count on is my fair and balanced defense) PS:please dont start on abtigiisa, he is not normal that one. Beside Geelka stirring the pot,you need to be honest with yourself. YOu know you enjoy Tuujiska, or else you wouldn't have put up with him this long. PSPS: Geelka, I just read the edited version of your post. I don't care who calls what head and why, all I know is that the victim at the time deserved every bit of abuse he got, waayo waalid waligaa meesha mala keeno. While you have a point about the individual(tuujiska), the language is not as excessive. Also, just something for you to marinade on while you re-read your prev. posts. You just fired up the two individuals above and below you just so you can get drama out of nothing. Tuujiska is a very respectful young man and he meant nothing by it. If serena was bothered by it, she would have done something about it long before your post.(even she can't deny that)
  6. ^LOl@DHAGA NUGLA, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? These days somali waa weyn aa soo tuurtaa. PS:Tuujiska did comment about a lolly pop in reference to lil wayne's hit song. lol wuxuu ku dhahay lollypop aa nuugtaa aka something else lanuugo, but I refuse inaan sidaas usii fasiro.
  7. dadkaan ku yaqaana waajibkooda kama soo baxin Geelka, what does the above quote really mean? I think I have an idea, but I will let you explain yourself.
  8. Tolka, wali sheeko sheeko maa wadaa? Incase you haven't noticed, I stopped addressing you. Waayo, I finally figured inaadan 100% aheyn. Aad iyo aad ayaa u qafiifte. Caafimaad allaah kuu rajeeyo, aamiin dheh.
  9. lol@koora. Don't mind castro, nin caadi ah maaha. Where is Kasha? Care to comment? After all hal geeri, labo geeri, or 100 geeris are all worthy of a mention. Geeri is geeri. This past weekend, while you were enjoying a good film at the comfort of your own couch or at the theater(depends if u have your own home theater), your brothers and sisters in islam bambo ayaa la dhaxdhigayay by none other than your idols. How do you justify these types of attacks? Will you quote a verse or two for me? pretty please?
  10. Everyone is invited accept for tuujiya and Lazie I am afraid I can't take a dis from someone who can't tell accept & except apart. KK, lol, saas maa inkaar ila jeceshahay by mentioning me in the same breath as those other characters.
  11. Che, KG deserves it as much as paul, they all worked hard to get it. I even think old boy eddie house and his nomadism deserves it too. City to city, bounced all around in the nba and hopefully boston will be his last destination. I hope he stays, because eddie brought alot to the table. As for my admirer aka africaowl...did you feel left out? You know you are not the first to feel the way you do about me. You remind me of that one kid standing on the side walk in the neighbourhood when all the other children come running to the car as it comes to a stop in the corner. Ciyaalka oo dhan soo shamuuman wanting to see the star. On the other hand, you are aware of the movement, determined to be different from the other children, stubborn almost. The moral of the story is that,you need to allow yourself to give in. Stop fooling yourself owly, don't fight your feelings eedo. PS: when you have a layzie nature, the last thing you want to do is force yourself to do something that you don't have in ya. You either got it, or in your case, bitter and u aint got it.
  12. ^You are right. I did say that 18-1 record they had at the beginning was a fluke and that they needed to prove themselves in the 2nd half of the season. You know what, this type of turn around has not been since in the league, not from going from bottom to top the way they had. Even experts agree, not many picked them. I was also reluctant not because of the big 3 coming together, but whether or not they can stay healthy long enough to make something happen. I liked all 3 of them as individual players, and because of who they were I didn't think they would have ego problem like AI and his supporting cast in philly not jellying, or in denver. I am happy they won. They deserved it but they need to really prove more than ever whether or not they can maintain the dominance they showed against the lakers and allow them to carry it into next season. PS:Hi kk, sheekada as my sister igu waday aa inta kuwadaa. Goorme aad basketball fan eheedba? Can you believe your so called friend was cheering for the lakers just to stick it to me?
  13. ^Wallaahi oo billaahi inaadan caadi aheyn. Saan u qoslaaye, ooyinti xataa wey iga dhamaatay. Gabadha dharka dhan inaad ka qaade, xataa safaleetiga waa ka tuurte ay isku asturi leheed. Waxaas waa ceeb yaa Tuujiska.
  14. Pm, thats it? I expected alot more than that coming from you. Did anyone see Kobe leaving the bench and how he was in tears, indho gaduud asoo qabo ayuu rivers salaamay. Ciyaalka xaafada are more courageous than the crybaby. Che, I am so jealous. I watched a little bit on it on the telly. So many peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee turned out, those fans are loyal. I don't think spurs had that many folks show up for their parade or the lakers for that matter. Not since the first championship
  15. ]NONSENSE iyo badh baad tahay ee hana la sheekaysan!!!!!!!!!!! Tolka, waligey your likes sheeko mala soo aadin. Waayo, I don't know your definition of sheeko is, but to me sheeko is qof adiga kula qabsato. Hadii dad sheeko la aadi lahaa, I wouldn't have picked nin weyn oo hadana xishood laheyn, worse hoos hoos u hadlo. I am sorry if you thought I was a bit harsh, but what I said to you needed to be said. You might not see it my way today, but if you sleep on it, you would understand it better. As far as leaving u alone, that all depends on you. As far as NG is concerned, I never once read a post of his oo dad iyo tolka dadkooda cayayaa. Ng is a gentleman and I don't say this enough but I very much like his character. Yes Ng, me wuv u. PS: I recall reading a post of yours once about u being banned. If that is true, you are not far from a second ban, and this time I highly doubt there will be a second chance.
  16. ^ point exactly. by adding a little humor, he thinks he can get away with the disrespect. Wixii jacel ng, iyo wixii ng neceb, ayaga ayey utaala. No one asked you to speak on their behalf, so please stick with your short stories.
  17. Serenity I knew you were his! Indeed a mole and a ploy! Insults are the distinctive trademark of his desciples! How unmistakable! Tolka a.k.a kilyo ku hure, you went a bit far with that comment about serena. One thing you won't find me do is defend serena, but as a female, I found the terms such as "his this, or his that" very distasteful. Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu gafte gabadha, it makes her seem like gabadha in meelaha lagu gado. You really need to bleech carabkaaga. Lastly, I think you need to tone down a bit. YOu are losing the plot abtigiisa. Don't think I didn't read your disrespectful thread about mogadishu people. I don't know what tuulo you rep, but you don't come in this forum and mouth off about my hometown people. I was born in mogadishu, and that trash you posted about dadkooda is a bit qabiiliste of you.(that trashy side of you must be common trait in your parts eh?) YOu better stick with your bari regions or whatever you hail from, and remember, clean carab takes you far in life. PS:Long Live Senor Ng
  18. ^next time try reading other threads, before posting. Pujah already reported the news.
  19. Omg, this is unexpected. He looked healthy when I last watched him on the telly. My hooyo will be shocked by this news, she was a huge fan of tim russert. The "Tim Russert show" and "Meet the press" no more, no more. I don't think anyone can fill his shoes as a host of "meet the presS".
  20. I agree with Gadafy. Furthermore, Obama is shady. His last book is a testament to the type of character he will be once he takes office. PS: If you don't believe me, go read it for yourselves.
  21. Ngonge is not the condescending old codger you know on SOL, in fact he's a really great guy, and funny as well, with a lot of stories to tell. If you ever meet him, ask him about the "Cadde Madowbe" story ah-huh, waa double agent. I am glad you had a good time Cadaan. PS: I am surprised you didn't hook up with anyone, especially that serena.
  22. North, its evident in your writing just how passionate you are about the subject, as you should be. No one can tell you how to raise your child, or what values you should implement and such, the same way you can't stand around the corner screaming "Put hijab on little girls". Where is the logic of pushing your opinions onto others? Is anyone telling you to parent your baby differently? No, but you are judging folks because they don't share your views. Furthermore, I haven't read a topic where u were this active and I can tell by your constant reply just how serious you take the matter of hijab, which is okay. What is not ok is you comparing your first experience at a masjid with your father to a young girl being forced to cover up her head at a such a tenderly age of 4. That is absurd comparison. You can't possibly think a little boy going to a special place such as the house of god with daddy can be in the same scale as young girls who are forced to wear the material.(your experience can be compared to a day trip of sort, after all you are at a unfamiliar place and you are getting the feel of it) I believe the saying "To each his own", and if one parent chooses to implement the hijab in their household, and another doesn't do it, then its okay. There is no right or wrong answer. As long as you raise your child to be the best human being they can be and fear allah, then you as a parent have done your job. There is no judging here, so stop pointing the finger.(u are but not in so many words) PS:Hi Johnny, more power to you brah...(u summed it up for me)
  23. ^best advise by far. Waryaa Ngonge, why don't you say what you really wanted to say? Waxaan waa classic "stuff & Nonsense" as Ng eloquently said it in the past. Tolka, the more aad waxaan trashka ah soo qorto, the more you sound like gabdhaha on women's corner getting advise for their friends about their hubby.(in reality its them seeking the advise) Nin rag aa tahay eedo, but its hard to tell which u like best, cimaamad or safaleeti?