LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^Hal wax ii sheeg, do you really believe waxa aad qoreyso? There are many men in the yey administration that share the opinion of Nur cade. As far as I am concerned if a man in his position is willing to come out and say that he will step down if it means for the greater good of the country is a good man in my book. In the case of Nur Cade, a class act politician. It tells me that he is not in it for the glory. Nur cade made himself clear, he loves his people and his country and he will do whatever it takes, even if it means stepping down to bring together all the parties involved into the peace negotiation. As for you professor, you say that they are all alike, not in his case and in the case of the many politicians who are not yey supports but hold cabinet positions in his administration. (I know few) Just because you don't hear these men speak out in the open, don't mean they don't exist. Not everyone is a "**********". Remember professor, Nur cade is more of a man than you will ever be. About the Masjid massacre, I and many people here share the same opinion, what does that make us? My advise to you is to get hold of yourself, you are really walking on thin line here@nabad diid.
  2. ^LOL, feeling is mutual ya stoic. PS: I can't be mad at a product of morehouse.
  3. ^ I mus admit, I never liked the idea of you using the name marc. I would have preferred that u used Guled or Liban jr etc.(fyi, everyone wuvs u marc) lol@stoic, you know you won't get any brownie points from me, ee maxaad u danleedahay? Teeda kale, this isn't the first time you have voiced your disapproval, ee why do you keep doing it when you know nothing will come out of it?
  4. Abitigiis, I'm shocked to say this, but I am starting to like you. Good sheeko indeed, and I really want you to keep it coming. Your friend waa ragiisa. Wiilka waxyaalo badan buu isoo xusuusiyay. Don't forget inaad ku matagto all over you know who's threads, if you ever come across another trashy piece.(You have my permission eedo) PS:dont worry about the others, I will take care of them.
  5. ^u don't have to explain yourself. Only that region can produce your fine genes.(I should know) PS:try limiting your interaction with the brazilian babes, I heard there is an outbreak of syphilis in that part of the world.
  6. Che, stop it. No need inaad bogus university ku gabato, we both know you are soliciting money for your dominican babymama. I don't want to say "I told u so" , but you should been more cautious. (PS: I cannot hate on her, she was wise to keep the genes to herself)
  7. ^LOL@1970'S. Congratulations Marc.
  8. The strange thing is the defiant girls happen to the averagely educated Xalimos. The number of enlightened Phd holding single Xalimos I know points to something else. Little education perhaps? Since you had to go there, let me ask inta gabdho oo adiga taqaano or have come across who fit the "averagely educated" category, take away the inanyaasha oo "PHD" hold gareeyo, and then add that to a 1, and please share your answer markaas? My point is that you can't possibly know more than 10-20(MAYBE A LITTLE MORE) girls who hold city college diplomas or university degree's(somalida hada), and you can't possibly know inanyaal who hold phd oo dhameyn 2-3, top maybe 5. That said, you happen to know more the average type than the phd elites, and that doesn't make a good judgement on your part ya paragon.(the numbers have to agree with u, which in this case it just isn't adding up) Next time, I want you to try your best to think about waxa aad qoreyso before aad so hit gareeso the send button. PS:The poster tried generalizing my sisters and she didn't succeed. Adiga oo nin eh will even attempt to try, much less succeed, eee guess again sonny boy.
  9. ^actually, if they tweaked the piece here and there, it could have turned out to be a great satirical piece. Pujah, that mccain bit is funny, and if they got rid of the flag burning, instead maybe showed Obama stepping on his flag pin or something? Stoic, wallaalo, because I like you I will try my best not to be as rude as you have been above. First of all, I am not obama, therefore you should direct your anger at him and not me. Remember eedo, I wasn't the one who refused to sit the hijab wearing females behind the stage in michigan. That was your "babyboy" obama. I did not try my best to avoid meeting with some of the muslim leaders in some of the biggest communities in the united states, and instead did my best to appease the jews and the christian evangelical communities, that was your babyboy obama.(word has it he even went and sat with the catholics) That said, I believe I was right to summarize your man's actions towards the muslims. I believe that it is a waste of time and effort on your part to support a politician who is trying his best to distance himself from the everything you are, a muslim man. Your man has become the very thing he was preaching against, a divider. Truly, you will be disappointed one day soon, but as a muslim woman, my obligation is to the well being of my muslim people, including you stoic. Don't be hard on me, I am just doing the sisterly thing here. (let us hold hands now and say together "A change we believe in")
  10. What now, the obama's dont have a sense of humor? As a long time GOP supporter put it; "I think it's pretty comical," DiMaggio, 84, said. "I don't know much about his background, but he's not going to win anyway. This won't change that." Conservatives all over have spoken, cartoon or not. When it comes down to it, cadaanka will vote for their ailing white man over the black man. Soomaaliyaal, please dont lose your sleep over him. He doesn't even want your hijab wearing ladies anywhere near his rallies or the sight of your gardheere brothers.
  11. lol@cara, yes the sun glasses, but check out that other video, indhihiisa caadi maaha, caadi weeyee.
  12. lol@tuuf tuuf, caadi ma tihid ya malika. I don't know about quruxnimadooda, there is definitely room for improvement. The green sweater is a cutie. The the other one is hiding behind coofiyadiisa?(big forehead anyone?) That said, they don't have much on Che. Che waa man's man.(unless its Sulai & Diidi ) Wiilashaas aa on fire, especially Diidi, (he is the one with the long hair(gorgeous iska dheh) yummy and they are singing my favourite song, "dowfaarka" ) PS:
  13. Dear Principessa; Don't pay mind to ng, he has this way of blocking free speech. He would rather beat a pan over someone's head than allow the person to express themselves freely.(Fidel Castro ayuu bloodline la share gareeyaa) Unlike brother Ngonge, I believe in freedom of expression. I had high hopes for you, because I thought you would truly deliver alot more than "I understand where you are coming from...". Before I excuse myself from your thread, I want to leave you with very few facts about women. Over the years, many many women paved the way for you. If it weren't for the bravery of women, you wouldn't have had the freedom to get a fair education. Or the freedom to voice your opinion. If voting is of importance to you, you wouldn't have had the freedom to cast a ballot for your favourite politician. It was a woman who paved the way for you to be treated as equal to man, where it really matters.(the work force etc) However, because your calling is to be a dutiful wife, you are truly wasted the efforts of the many women who broke the barriers and continue to break many more barriers daily. On behalf of real women, we are truly disappointed in you. May Allah bless your young, naive heart. PS: Good luck serving your master.
  14. Wiilasha sawirka ku jiro, ma groupka Aar baa?? if so, I want Che to dress like the dude that has the green sweater. (I want you wearing nice colorful macawiis, not professor's blue macawiis, ewww)Hi professor, I know u know that I know you are that dude who had on the blowing macawiis. Hi che, rock on hon.(I like the other green macawiis better, I think u will look good in it)
  15. No wonder why the divorce rate is so bloody high amongst muslim couples I forgot to comment on the above quote. There are number of factors contributing to the high divorce rate, and its as follows: Absentee fathers Welfare depency balwad(i.e khat) maturity infidelity Lack of communication(nowadays, people naxariis ma garanayaan) and list goes on and on, but working mothers have nothing to do with the problems facing today's couples. However, I agree that some women prefer to stay home and raise their children. Lately, some of the very same women waxa ku qasban iney shaqeeyaan because ninkooda can't fulfill his duties as a husband/father and be the sole provider. That said, wallaalo, I ask of you to take the time to get all your facts before you start putting the blame solely on our hard working sisters everywhere.(i.e Black, hindu, white, indho yar, latinos) POWER TO MY SISTERS EVERYWHERE
  16. Young lady, it sounds to me inaadan waligaa women's studies qaadan at the university level. I recommend that you take the introductory course as an elective, when and if you reach that level of higher education. Yes, we live in a male dominated society, but at the same time, as women, we have come along way and have invested far too much to pay any mind to the likes of you. ps: If the wife is not at home then who's going to be attending to her husband and childrens needs? I am a product of two working parents. I am a living example of a daughter who had a working mother, and somehow managed to be home for her children with our qado ready before we set foot in our house. She didn't have to be home, because we had biyoosooyin. She was home for us because she wanted to be home, after a long day at the office. PSPS:incase u are wondering, I turned out better than the ones who had stay at home mothers.
  17. ps Why is someone from London writing in that vulgar North American way? FIX UP. eeeeeeeeeeeeee, e-eh. We don't put much emphasiS on MILTON AND SHAKESPEARE's language.
  18. Professor, is this really about knowing who wears macawiis or showing off your picture?(the far left is professor and the rest are his non somali friends that accompanied him to his miyi trip)
  19. Speaking of second generation IPhone 3G, I was on the phone with my cellular phone provider just yesterday. I had asked the customer service representative to order one for me and she said that I had to not only pay $249.+taxes to get the phone, but that I had to be locked up in contract for 3 yrs with fido solutions. On top of that, I had to pay the minimum package plan, going rate $60? Are you sh*tt*ng me? Surely, she was just being a comedian. I waited a long time, a very long time from U.S launch of the Iphone. That said, I will not pay almost $300 just so I can get the phone and be locked in a contract for 3 yrs. The monthly plan package is nothing, compare to what they want me to pay for the phone without a contract. We are talking $800? I can get that phone for little less than $500 and unlocked, instead of paying more $300. The whole thing seemed like a scam, and thats what's expected of likes of Ted Rogers aka the ROGER mogul of canada cellular phone service. I am just going to have to get the phone from across the border and get it unlocked. This way, I can just pay for the monthly services. All in all, I am d isappointed with my cellular provider, because waa kalab oo tuugnimo isku darsaday. If anyone is in the same boat as I, my advise is purchase the phone from the states, instead of pouring your canadian dollars into Roger's pocket. Its not worth it fellow canadians.
  20. ^Lucy, you got some explaining to do. You have been eyeing marc's physique eh? You naughty girl you. Malika, I hope Ng's answer is sufficient. Remember wallaalayaal, this isn't about axmaaro soldiers or whether or not they are capable of committing severe atrocities. This is about ahmed, who has admirable qualities. A hard working young man who still in his thirties is responsible for his family. Making sure that the little wage he earns is divided among his loved ones before he has a second meal.(he should pat himself in the back) On the other hand, Geelka goes out shiisha smoking regularly with the little money he earned in the week. Tell me Professor geel(u are in Me's position for the time being), how does this make the other geelka relate to Ahmed situation?(just using geelka as an example, dont be alarmed wallaalo) PS:Ng, lately its getting difficult for me to enjoy life's simple pleasures(I.e fine cheese). My cheese broker decided to expand his business and no longer gives me first class customer service, instead I have to share him with his other clients, and see very little of him as of late. Unacceptable, and yes sir I canned him. Knowing that cheese is the single contributing factor to my nightmares, I had to stop. I thank you ng, and I look forward to not having another nightmare in the coming weeks.(atleast I hope I dont)
  21. Poster, how are we Ahmed, when some of us are wasting our suppers by dumping it to the trash and he can't have supper most nights? Me, you have some explaining to do about the title of the thread. In the past, some of you may have witnessed that type of struggle, but I highly doubt anyone who logs to SOL or the internet is currently living Ahmed's life. I am not him, because I have never struggled in my life the way he is struggling to make ends meet.(thank god for my parents) At the same time, I am empathetic to his situation. I am because he seems to know what he wants in life and how to get it, and more power to him. He manages to support his siblings, sends money to his parents and even calls them. However, his "raped" sister and her tales about ethio feasting on her, that I don't buy. I think they maybe be some truth to the axmaaro offence, but I don't think they have raped her twice in the same day. I just dont believe that ethio army weren't able to find another girl to offend in the block that same day. Therefore they had to come for repeat performance?( this sounds like a classic sponsorship story) I don't know much about the lows people sink to get an application for sponsorship, because mine was handed to me. I was landed immigrant before I even set foot in a canadian soil, thanks to habaryaro. At the same time, I have heard many stories told to gaalo that are similar to hers. Maybe she realizes just how the wide audience that will tune to her brother's story and this may work to better their living situations and maybe leave Yemen altogether. Either way, she didn't sell me about the rape fest. PS: Don't take your macawiis and safaleetis out, after all these are "words on a screen, words on a screen" (The great NG)
  22. Owly, you need to learn the very basics of objecting to one's claim of a subject. You need to do much better job with "You have no idea...." or "Prove this...". You need to provide explanation that supports your objection to the claims made about the funds of the uni or why she is wrong that majority of the people live in the little tuulo don't support the "seperatist movement". PS:Charity boy, no need to thank me.
  23. ^The word on the street is that you sent inappropriate pm to our darling Cara that may have led to the censorship.
  24. Stoic, your man is singing the very same tunes that I warned you and others about. Your man is just like any other politician. They make promises that they have no intention of keeping or implementing for that matter. Some of his colleague's in the senate referred to him as " presidential candidate who speaks so eloquently about issues?" Does that sound like a man who can do the job? You and like minded people think you know Obama, but you dont know him at all. The man is an open book and I urge you to read his words before the november elections that way you don't have to waste a vote on him. As long as he continues to behave like a rockstar, the closer mac man gets to secure the election. Wtf? Backstage passes to meet him at the convention?
  25. Waryee Che and Tolka, meesha ka baxa. I don't want you two to spoil the ending for me. Hopefully, haraantida and laatka ay Lois Lane ku dhufato Ng will have him landing somewhere far away from here. PS:only if NG is brave enough to face the music of lois lane, wack wack wack@ng