LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Red, respond to hypothetical? We can't make the victim and shooters waxa ay aheyn. You don't want me to embarrass you any further. Caawa, you are damaged goods and you have me to thank for. You need to regroup and , and next time do better than hiiraan region. As far as DNA is concerned, I am ready whenever u are.(make sure your carab heritage isn't exposed, borrow a real wadani's dhiig) PS:you are welcome, g'night
  2. Did I hurt your feelings? I hope iney sida hargeisa ay u dhaqaaqin. FYI, dont believe everything you hear little boy, I am a city girl, born in the greatest city in the world, MOGADISHU. I don't care to know which tuulo the victim or the shooters were repping or what qabiil they represent, because thats not the least in why I commented about your "stuff and nonsense" I did it, because you generalized somalida as a whole, and its very silly of you to come out and report yet another shooting. At the same time, I was reading another SL praise of a thread of yours and I just had to add little salt, and it really did get to you.(u are so easy) Lastly, beledweyne is the wrong B its buula buurte. Next time, you want to discuss hiiran region, ask for clarification as to what part of hiiran, instead of making an ars* out of yourself.
  3. ^maxaan kaala hadlayaa, wiil suufiyoobay aa tahay. SL aad mar hore ku qafiifte. The only thing you know is how to breath SL from your nostrils, if thats knowing something, then geez, I think I will pass.(u have my blessings) I think you need to dedicate more time posting some dhagaxo houses in hargeisa, that should fix your high for your tuulo, oops I meant city. PS:stop editing your post and what does hiiraan got to do with anything?LOL you are so silly, I suggest you get your hargeisa fix, you are losing it.
  4. Lander, what is it that red is getting across that I can't for the life of me grasp? Could it be that he is shocked he came across a story about my people going at it with a .38 in a little strip mall again and again? For one, I don't believe that the man is that easily shocked about yet another shooting among somalida. If he was genuine, he wouldn't have started with This is really sick. Somalis are hopeless bunch wallahi. I don't think you fully understand the man's true intentions, yet you area quick to come to his defense, a little presumptive perhaps?(can't fault the secession loyalty) Doesn't he read the reports that come out LIVE from the capital of somalia, aka mogadishu daily? As people from somalia, our focus is with those suffering back home, not labo dhin oo naaxeen and decided to purchase a gun and go at it in public. Doesn't your secessionist brother hear the news of my people killing each other through radio or internet? (he must be busy getting news from SL) Anytime an innocent live is taken is tragic itself but I'm concentrating on those children dying of hunger not ciyaalsuuqiin. Cadaans take AK47 to schools and shoot the daylight out of each other.(u don't hear a white folk losing sleep over it) Madowga go at it on the streets over trivial sh*t.(but hopefully obama will change their ways) As the ng saying goes, this story and the poster are "stuff and nonsense" and so is your reply but not until I give you a good SL whooping ya lander. There is nothing in this poster's thread that will somehow leaving me at dismay.(seen it, heard it all before) Incase you didn't figure out by now dear lander, I'm trying to tell you that we (somalida) are just like any other human being that Allah put on this earth. We have killers, rapists, pedophilers, robbers among us.(I am sure you heard it all) We have good people, and we have bad people, no need to go at it at every opportunity we get by creating threads about it. We know, it we hear about it. What cracked me up after reading your reply is that you have proven my point. Secessionists only care about one thing and one thing only, their own behind. Incase you are going HUH? Remember that you were the one that couldn't control his fingers after reading my prev. post. I didn't ask you to inject yourself in the mids of my reply to the thread, but you asked for it and I am always willing to give it to anyone who goes out of order. First of all, take care of your own affairs and leave somali weyn affairs to the real wadanis. Secondly, if I or anyone that is a true wadani decides to critize our clown of a government or its leader or the opposition killing group, it is my god given right to do so. If I feel the need to take a jab at the opposition or any party thats our own, I will do so in every avenue. I don't for one moment believe that you are sincere about somali affairs, therefore shedding a tear or two over dead people won't change anything. I will take Duke's patriotism anyday over any secessionist anytime of the week.
  5. Abuu Nuune, I agree with you 100%. At the same time, "ME" is spot on. Poster is a hardcode secessionist and his true aim is inuu dadkeena(as in somali weyn), the real wadani's inuu fadeexeeyo. Allah u akbar somaliyeey! (yes, we have killers among us, so what? we are no better than any other culture or race that exists in this world) PS:Don't let poster fool you into thinking he is somali, because religion is his biggest disguise.
  6. Illaah ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay and inta noolna illaah gargaar ugu rajeynayaa. Illaaahow dadkeena dhibaatada haysada u fududeey. Attention shabaab supporters: As most of you know, there are reports that both sides are accusing each other. My advise to you all is not to lose focus here. Your boy's hands aren't clean in this latest killings, so don't try to point fingers until we know all the facts.(if we ever get to find out the real truth)
  7. Poster, you need to learn to source your links. Getting back to to topic and the last post:- one thing should be noted ... each and every MP had a hand in bringing to the filthy xabashi to our land so im a bit puzzled by people who give a free pass to Nur cade or any other MP. I just want to start out by saying that I am not picking on you but that quote is somehow directed at me and anyone who shares my views. I don't think everyone who is in the yey administration had a hand in bringing amxaaro, or agree to the axmaaro's conduct. At the same time, they are just like you and the rest of the shabaab supporters. You support one side of the fence that have blood on their hands, and others support the other side. At the end of the day, you have to pick the one with the least blood and that is to mps and people in that administration that are willing to stand up and say enough is enough to adeero. When some men say "We want peace, but if you think you can oust me and that will somehow put a stop to the peace negotiations, then you have another thing coming" they should be applauded and not shunned. Nur Cade doesn't strike me as someone who is power hungry, not before he was elected and not now that he is occupying that seat. The very idea that the man is willing to step down in the name of his people tells me that he is a man's man. At the same time, he will not be bullied by yey or anyone to further their own interest and that is to get rich off the suffering of our innocent brothers and sisters in mogadishu. I will end this by saying, likes of Nur cade and those mps and even sheikh sharif is all the hope we have against the end of axmaaro occupation and as well as the end of yey. If we don't have men who can truly stand up and fight for what's right, then we have no hope at all as wadanis. Our hope is in the hands of such fellows as the nur cade of today ti and I pray to allah that he will come true for us. If he can't somehow accomplish such a task, I want him to expose that oday for what he is truly is, a scumbag.
  8. Newbie, are you still talking? The identity of the man in the picture is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not the story is true, and if it is, then yey is in real trouble. He can't hide behind his usual "fadeexey the pm" routine. He is caught red handed, and now he is out in the open, especially with the reports coming that his masters aren't happy with his decision to undermine nur cade. That said, Nude cade waa ragii, and so are all the others who stood up and said enough is enough to adeero. (I said a long time ago that not everyone in yey administration is a dab*dh*l*f like him) Getting back to somalida and their professionalism where it concerns reporting the news from the homeland. In short, its a ship that has long sailed. The truth is that half of these so called sites that are now "the internet media" don't have real journalists working for them, and most of the site owners don't have broadcasting/journalism background. Their reliable sources are mostly adeero and abtiyo from the ground, because they themselves don't want to risk their lives to go out there and report the real truth. If I were in their line of business, I too will heavy rely on abtiyos word, because abdi's adeer is saying the same thing, so why can't I quote abtiyos version? My point is, we can only go with the word of the majority, some media outlets have better reputation than others.
  10. think that picture is of Looyaan, Somalia's Ambassador to Tanzania? ^not true. Not only did more than 2 news sites report the same story but attached his picture. One of the sites is Hiiran. I think you want the man to be someone else because you can't stomach yey's men defying him eh?
  11. Your very own mr east-africa contestant repping his seccessionist state and somali weyn.
  12. I think thats a good idea, try to get some rest yariisey. DD, you are visually impaired aan umaleynaa, or else you would have read the part aan dhahay wax ayey iska dhaadhicisay, not said. Ibti saying something and ibti convincing herself of something are not one of the same. PS:Ibti, I think you have much bigger problem than me learning how to read. You need your eyes checked, maybe DD can recommend an optometrist to you or something.
  13. ^cadaanka are the other side, but gabar ladhaho Ibti wants to squeeze herself in the middle between cadaanka and McDaddy and wants to make this about islam. Gabadhaan convinced herself iney ayaha muslimad fiican tahay, better than all of us, bravo young lady. This thread is not about muslims or any religion boycotting mcdonalds, but what doe she do? She makes this about islam then she justifies the actions of her extremist brother's as a fault of ours. Pathetic iska dheh. My advise to you yariisey is stay on course, follow the good man's advise and stick to one battle, you can't fight them all. This is much bigger than islaanimo and yariisey can't do it all, as much as she believes she can do it. PS:ng, all that energy wasted over big mac?
  14. LayZie G.


    ^lol@feero yare, nice try. lol@bob.
  15. LayZie G.


    ^one or two piece suits? Badow ka maxaan kaa dhahaa... I bet you were one of em baadiyo folks Bob mentioned above, oo t-shirt oceanka lasoo galo.(hiding your skinny feero )
  16. LayZie G.


    ^I am a girl, I don't wear buma. I wear kastuumo baanyo for girls.
  17. LayZie G.


    ^LOL BOB,what the hell is ali falaax? Bob, you are so bad eedo.
  18. LayZie G.


    Good morning KK, How come somalida mayaqaanan iney kustuumo baanyo gishtaan? Macawiis iyo dirac ay bada igu soo aadaayaan, jaahil lee iska dheh.
  19. LayZie G.

    Rising Star

    Waryee Morehouse, wasn't he impressive? What is freaky about your thread is I did a wiki search on Roland's background as early as yesterday afternoon after watching the CNN & Essence clip. He is a very impressive young man and I like the project he is currently involved in; allowing children to earn incentives for their academic achievement. It is indeed a success by the numbers he briefly shared, especially the group incentive. Black children love money and when you tell a young boy or girl that you will reward them for going to school, they will jump at the chance to earn some few dollars. Children don't care how you get the doe, as long as it keeps coming, they will keep taking it by doing whatever is required of them. Holla I didn't appreciate Dr. Malveaux objections to Roland's vision about reaching to children by way of giving them money. She summed it up as a short term solution, when infact its a solution that can be adapted by the school system in the long term. If the government and those responsible for education were to look at the success Roland's program is having on the children from various schools and see the numbers, they have no choice but to pour the money into such programs. After all, they are spending millions of dollars into already lacking projects, so why not gear the funds into successful, proven methods of reaching to children? When Roland spoke of his vision, I immediately remembered similar programs offered in some of the UK school system. When I last visted my cousins, I found out that some schools pay children an allowance weekly to attend school. At that time, I thought it was impressive, it was another way to encourage children to show up at school and earn their allowance. This is just gets children to be that much closer to getting their education. A child shows up all week, gets paid. Next thing, child is wondering why Ali from math class is getting a B when he is getting D's. So he will do his best to get a C or even B and maybe an A. This makes the child more competitive. Children need to compete and the group incentive is definitely covered that ground. If there was such incentives for our north america schools, we wouldn't have such a high drop out rate, especially from inner city schools.
  20. Correction:=idea, not ideas.
  21. ^about u? inaan honeymoon ku jirtay and that u were spotted in kerala, india.(deep in the jungle yaa j-baro)
  22. ^lol, kaalay, just because awoowgaa aa magaalo ku dhashay doesn't make you any reer magaal than say the one oo awoowgood baadiyo ku dhashay. Marka aan waxaan soo qoray, Koolkat meesha ma joogin, ee ayada xataa waan qarxin lahaa. Iga tag, wali waa jiraa, aniga aaba isku qoslaayo, no joke. PS:KK, ayaa mahaan intee ka baxday, I heard u been a busy body eedo
  23. Somalida waa pathetic, they are either perverts or petty thiefs. For all the criminal wanna be's if you choose to break the law, you might as well go all out and become a gangsta, or a drug lord, or notorious serial killer instead of touching little girls or getting caught stealing gum from the local 24/7 variety store shop. ps:LOL@AFRO, INKAAR BADANIDAA.
  24. Professor, I have no interest in defending the likes of Cade, but you forced my hand and you must deal with it. That said, emotion plays a big role because I truly care about the well being of my people, unlike some people here. Any politician who slightly sees hope and who is willing to do whatever it takes is a man that I will welcome with open arms. As much as I think you are a decent human being, I will not tolerate your likes belittling a man who wants to do good for his people when you are sitting on your behind day in and day out and shouting shabaab from the top of your lungs. PS:Geelka, just because I once teased the two of u being one of the same, doesn't mean that I truly believe it.(take the membership# as a hint of sort dear lad and don't ever repeat that silly notion u have in ya head to anyone, or else they will think you have completely lost it) psps:Professor, I was addressing ^ the other clown that bears your nick
  25. lol@myself, rageedii aan ahay. This is by far my favourite thread. PS: After all this time, I still chuckle at Baashi's Clip PS:stoic, surely you approve of this thread? Castro hasn't changed at all.