LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. You righteous lot, shall we recap the events leading up to the capture of these terrorists? #1) Under surveillance a)Possible wiretap investigation b)activity monitoring etc #2) They left suicide letter behind in their living quarters. #3) Possible connection to some other inside terror cells within Germany. 4) Passenger(s) are not removed from a plane seat without a probable cause.(Now that we know North was seated 5 rows from the men) 5) I'm positive the German authorities have something on them. In other words, forget about the bla bla of "innocent until proven guilty" as it doesn't relate to martyr's. 6) Never associate martyr with innocence. 7) I don't have respect for cowards, and this alone should be enough to convict them. One of the young men was a "GERMAN BORN SOMALI", that bit is troubling to me.(ciyaal maaamo oo inoo is gubo rabo, inaa lillaah waa inaa raajicuun) This is not a good day to be a SOmali. ps: North, I don't recall addressing secessioners in this thread. This is a terrorist alert thread, wait your turn. I will eventually get to you lots.
  2. Brief Summary: A couple of somali men, one identified as a 24 yr old, and another just identified by name have been arrested by the German authorities with links to Al-Qaeda. Read the article below for more details. I want to take this time to thank the officials, the hardworking men and women who are making efforts to crack down on fake mujahidiin's everywhere. Allaahu Akbar, hopefully more arrest will follow. KLM Flight passengers bound for Pakistani Border PS:Kasha & Co aka abuu kashafa, you are next.(be afraid, be really afraid)
  3. KK, lol, inaa lillaah waa inaa raajicuun. I read the title and already migraine aa i qabtay.(no joke) Everywhere you turn, you have another secessioner posting a thread about how wonderful s-land is, its almost as thought they don't believe it themselves, so sanka ay dadka ka galinayaan so ayaga madaxooda u galo. Seriously KK, soon Suldaanka will claim that the waramps organization waxa laga aas-aa-saa-say S-Land. So what there are few individuals who had returned lost items over the years? Every society's got them. Poster, I bet you didn't know that my waramps tag helped me get my keys back. A combination of my car keys(which were $300 to replace (taxes in)) along with my house keys by waramps sent by mail. This great nation of ours, aka my adopted Country Canada has better citizens than your sovereignty seeking little tuulo, ya dig. These types of threadS won't help your overrall goal, ee why don't you try to do a better job next time. That also goes for the other notorious secessioner and his europe-trash tourists postings of the so called "ministers" of your administration, enough is enough.
  4. Yes, ngonge, it matters to the poster and to others, or else this thread wouldn't exist. Geez, I thought you of all people could figure that one out. The question still stands, are they harbouring axmaaro or are they not? Why is it so hard for some of you to answer that? 2 pages of nacnac and not a single answer produced. About the "lets assume business" forget it, only facts are welcomed here.
  5. OMG, Username, I am so sorry. I had no idea that you had Mongoloid. My apologies eedo, I promise to always carry my board and chalk and ready to draw at a moment's notice for you, O-T-A-Y eedo?(since reading is not your strong suit) This is indeed incredible news. Sarah Palin's long lost son right here in SOL, imagine that? From now on, you and I are off to the drawing boards, alright? :cool: That reminds me, we need to see your optometrist ASAP.(something about how I said black men came in record numbers prior to the 60's)
  6. ^username, I think what you meant to say was that you clearly did not read my previous post, the one above yours. I am not here to debate about whether or not black's rights were enforced, as I clearly said to you above post that implementing the amentment is a whole new discussion for a new thread. My thing with you is you are not willing to admit that you were wrong and you had no idea what you were talking about before you came charging here. Putting the law into writing is one thing, which is what you said I was wrong about(and I proved you wrong and u wont admit it), but making the law work, thats what you want to argue now that I called you out on it. Listen, eedo, no one and not even I or you can even sit here discussing how the blacks coped during those yrs. You don't know what's like, and even I, who read extensively, can't begin to imagine. Stop hiding behind civil rights act. My argument still stands, the rights were written for colored men before women, and that still stands. (emphasize on "written") Don't bullshit yourself, dont try to score one on me, as I am clearly right and you are clearly wrong and confused. My offer still stands, get at me if you need assistance, but I highly doubt you will.(Why is it so hard for men to just admit that they don't know jack sh*t and that they won't own upto being wrong when called upon?) Goodnight
  7. Evening mr Gello I live in a small town located in the province of ontario, canada. Its about an hour from toronto, which I think you and most people here are familiar with. I like my small town, so much so that I wouldn't trade it for the world. My small town is far enough from city life, but short drive to the city whenever needed. If I must pick a livable city, I probably would want to live in richmond, or victoria, british columbia CANADA. No other place can replace my small town. About london, I have visited once, I will probably go back sometime soon. More than anything, I will be there(closer in the stands) and watch and scream my lungs out for usain bolt's repeat performance in london 2012. That said, when I last visited london, I wasn't impressed by the city at all. Too many indians for my liking, too many shops, just way too many people for such a small city. I don't think london can take the world and its citizens all for a good 2 weeks in 2012. You have your hands full. I was in south, north and east london. In total, I was there for a good month, I loved the shopping, but living in the city? No way I still cherish my memories, but one thing I dislike more than all else is meel ay somali ku badan yihiin. I love my people, but I don't want to live around them, I prefer to be an outsider and thats just my preference. During my childhood yrs, I enjoyed going to schools with minimal colored folks, and especially zero somalis. I love living in neighbourhoods with limited colored folks and not just blacks, but asian, latinos. My thing isn't against somalida, it is sharing my living space or neighbourhood with folks of color. I hope I answered your question sir.
  8. Username, like hell I am wrong. Maybe, you need to revisit your american history lecture notes before you come charging here, if you have any lying around. The 15th amendment states and I quote "race should not deprive a man from the right to vote". It was written for colored men exclusively, but implementing such a right is a different discussion for a different thread. Prior to 15th amentment, some, few very women were voting in some north states, yes, but legally, their rights weren't recognized country wide. Therefore, those very same women's right to vote were non essential, ya dig son. Another thing, even thought women fought as early as late 1700's for the right to vote, it wasn't put to law until 1920's. Yes, there were exceptions to the rule, but it wasn't legally recognized. Speaking of freed slaves, aren't they black men? In order words, they were legally voting before regular white men were voting. Do you want me to go about the history for you? Maybe I should Here goes, no one was allowed to vote, unless you were a man, white and owned a property in the u.s.a. After that, freed slaves had the right and was recognized in few states. After that, then came ordinary white men, regardless of wealth were allowed to vote, then came immigrant whites rights to vote, then women... In other words, yes, we as women, not that I am american, always come last in the political arena, until recently with our saviour, Hilary R. Clinton. All in all, all men's right to vote were granted before all women's rights were granted, even thought it wasn't implemented in the case of colored men before the civil rights act , and I repeat "all women" rights were granted after few amendments later . Yes, even thought the amendment did give the right for "a man" to vote without prejudice, the south and much more states did find ways for those colored men not to vote. Thats a fact, its not up for discussion. To sum it up, there were many obstacles(danger at times) put infront of the colored man if he dared came anywhere near a voting booth. In all totality, I strongly advise you to take up american history, my favourite subject in university. Matter of fact, I recommend it sir and if you need more lessons, feel free to ask, no need to make dramatic entrance. God bless
  9. ^^Don't you think white woman trumps a black man in the General Election? The answer to the above question is a simple no. All women, regardless of race will play second fiddle to all men for sometime to come. Black men voted long before white women or any woman, so what makes you think that will all of a sudden change because of the hockey mom? History speaks volume, ya sanka. This is serious folks. McCain has played a very dangerous game and it may work for him. Yes, he is playing a dangerous game. He is actually taking the que From el presidente Bush Sr. The pick of Sarah Palin is incarnation of what happened 20 yrs ago in 88 when Bush Sr surprised his party and the world with his pick for VP candidate with little experience. 1. He wanted to steal the media spotlight a day after Obama's great speech, and that seems to have worked. It was expected but hurricane GUSTAV will be stealing the show from the SOB's that are called GOP's. Thank you GUSTAV 2. He wants to appear as the candidate of change himself by putting a woman on the ticket. Time will tell. Mccain could care less about change, he just wants to show the world and most importantly his party that he is a maverick and don't you dare doubt him america. It may get tough from here. It will get tough, this is high stake poker game and there is a chance that mccain will come on top. After all, he is going to tell the country that he sacrificed his body and soul for this country, and they should repay him with atleast one term as president, just one tiny term with a woman on his side. A woman that every small town in america can relate to, a self described "Hockey mom". God bless red states of america, god bless sarah palin. and Lastly:- 3. He wants to court angry Hillary supporters. Wait and see ... Lets define the so called "angry hillary supporters" shall we? It has come to light in the last few weeks that there are two types of Hilary supporters, the intelluctuals and the "PUMA's". The first group consist of political figures, they are indeed true democrats that gave their word to hilary, long before they knew that Obama was running. Same group of women that continue to be faithful to hilary to this day, but know what is right from wrong and their vote won't be with mccain. On the other hand, we have the "PUMA's", the self described few mothers of america as "party unity my behind" type of folks are not a threat. They are the opposite of the other group. Their vote doesn't matter, as they can't influence anyone or anything, let alone a standing tree. We only hear and see them in the spotlight because of the republicans. Matter of fact republicans paid their plane ticket to denver. Mothers with banners are harmless and are no threat to democrats. All in all, I just don't see TODD PALIN as the first man of america. He looks like a scumbag, and he is a high s chool graduate, a jock of sort and he is going to be the vice president's hubby? I just don't see it. Sorry Sarah, I just don't see you getting there, not in november and not many yrs to come. There is no way in hell that sarah will be voted over Hilary, it just won't be possible. The die hard Hilary supporters will not let this woman and her scumbag looking of a husband in anywhere near the white house. Fact:Mccain in 88 said of Bush Sr's Pick of VP candidate : Who would resist a man that good looking? I guess now the question is, who could resist a hockey mom like sarah, not small town america.
  10. lol@again Ramadan Karim to you J-baro, may this month bring you the rest you so desperately seek.
  11. Pujah, typical of an obama supporter to skip out on one of the best speeches of the convention. Mr and Mrs C were on fire and they delivered what was asked of them. From here on, obama has himself to blame. Next, you should be able to see close to double digit lead in the national polls thanks to the clintons. Che, the governor was pure comedian. PS:MN pple, I saw your muslim congressman on tv.
  12. ^lol emperor, now you know why I think you are the usain of sol? u are so adorable, keep your husgunti on, its going to be a bumpy ride.
  13. Nuune, go back to being silent boy you once were, ya pretty boy. Seriously, folks, yes this is a public story, but at the same time, we all have made some bad judgements. Who are we to judge, knowing that you have made atleast one error in your past life? This is hers, she is not different from say gabadha USA joogto oo 4 kids qabto with her afro-american boyfriend. Atleast, this one banged a soldier, give her credit. Soldier, maybe wuxuu ku dhahay hadaa ila seexato, aniga aa meeshan kaa wadaayo. What do we know about her situation, other than what's on the article? Maybe, just maybe, promises were made and now promises are broken. People do stuff when they think they are inlove or desperately seeking something, such as getting out of war torn country.
  14. point, dear, it isn't I oo sii wadaayo, its folks like nuune and koora who still got alot to say about the subject of dehumanizing naagaha.
  15. I don't get somali men, if I can generalize you all, as to how you can go about being the judge and the jury? Somali men, who is this woman to you? A sister? A friend? A neighbour? What gives you the right to judge her? Do you think you are better than her? Most importantly men, are you her maker? I'm not defending her action here, I am speaking out against you men who have the nerve to show up in here and take shots at her as thought you don't do this sort of thing yourselves. If it weren't for men, women wouldn't be having babies out of wedlock, ugandan or not. YOu come out here acting hollier than thou and expect that I(a woman's woman) will allow you to attack an innocent woman on my watch? Yes, you men all of you, I am speaking to you. PS:Abuu nuune, you have become very vocal ayaamahaan. I liked you when you were alot quiter. Wiil aamusannaan ku fiican, aad iyo aad ayuu u qurux badan yahay, me thinks.
  16. Abuu nuune and abtigiis are mad because an ugandan soldier beat them to the bunch. sORRY FELLAS, YOU KNOW WAXA Niga hadalsiinaayo is because you wished you had a go at her instead of that fine ugandan.(I'm sure only a hottie can make her commit such an act) All jokes aside, when are you people going to get through your thick skulls that you are not her maker. Let her answer to illaah, just as you two will be answering to illaah for your crucification.(What I can do with a cross right about now and a taraq, I could blow the two of you out of this thread so fast that even jesus himself won't have time to save you.) Johnny, as always you are on point. Illaahow, haiga qaadin abti johnny
  17. Che, there was a time when you would pamper me. You used to brag about it all the time. Your friends seem to think that you're so peachy keen But my friends say neglect is on your mind Who's right? What have you done for me lately? Ooh ooh ooh yeah What have you done for me lately? Ooh ooh ooh yeah Remember, we use to go to dinner almost everynight Dancin' 'til I thought I'd lose my breath Ahh Now it seems your dancing feet are always on my couch. Good thing I cook or else we'd starve to death Ain't that a shame? What have you done for me lately? Ooh ooh ooh yeah What have you done for me lately? Ooh ooh ooh yeah PS:courtesy of Janet J.
  18. Emperor, no no, you are the real star and you know why. Z, I don't remember giving you permission to talk freely to me? I told you to focus and you have yet to follow that simple instruction, therefore you are in no position to say anything.
  19. Afro, do you honestly believe waxa aad qorte? Ofcourse, you shouldn't defend people in the name of qabiil. YOu should defend and speak on behalf of all innocent victims, regardless of their qabiil. Furthermore, you should defend the innocent women and children that are in the midst of it all. Teedakale, where do you get off accusing me of carrying my people on my chest? When did I ever defend one single tribe or one single area? Or who is my tribe? People make assumptions about who I am or what I defend when infact they have no idea what they are talking about. If anything, I have always stayed true to the people of mogadishu, those innocent people made up of all sorts of tribe. They are the ones who suffered the most and lost the most out of everybody. I think you need to take back the above comment until you can show me the date when I went out of my way to voice my concern for my people and left the others on the side. I don't support one tuulo from another, and I am not loyal to any one tribe, not even my own.(not that you know or anyone knows what that is) I am a peace seeking wadani who will do and say anything to make sure that more innocent people don't lose their lives. I have always spoken out of the killings of women and children that are dying because of power hungry odayaal who have no idea what they will do with the title they desperately seek. It is a shame that you are just another fadhi kudidir as the above poster said. I couldn't agree with him more, its an ugly site to witness. I didn't think I would witness the day a somali sister would come out in the open and speak on the basis of clan loyalty. Its not attractive at all, I prefer nimanka tolkooda ka hadlo over a woman now, because I expect alot more from a woman. I thought naagaheena were much better than this, but I guess I was wrong to assume.
  20. ^LOL, there it is. Why are you so angry? Afro, you are much better than this. I hope you can find your way back to being the level headed young lady you once were and not one driven by clan loyalty, etc.
  21. Zack, you need to shift your focus to the topic. The title of the thread is about the opposition "media"'s coverage of the kismayo story, not emperor or his tribe. Afro, lately aad iyo aaad aa cagaha dhulka uga qaade. YOu are out of control, ee wax isku reebo eedo.
  22. ^we got theo back(much bigger news than mr brand), thats the bigger news.(76ers are as deep as ever) Coach K, it starts with him and it ends with him. What a man, what a man.
  23. LOL@KK, answer the boy's question hee.
  24. Hello Pujah, I see you still haven't given up on your boy eh? What is your take on your boy's pick with senator biden? Do you believe its a good pick? I think Senator Biden is a great pick for obama, but not if mit romney is on the opposite ticket. If Mit romney is the pick for mccain, rest assured biden will be cut into two pieces and obama will be sliced to many pieces. Mit romney doesn't play fair and he is a very outspoken man on telly, specially on the best news channel aka fox news. He knows how to talk to the average american, and he will expose both biden and obama's weakness or play against each other or whatever it takes to win and thats Mit Romney for you. As far as average joe is concerned, he will take the word of romney over the truth and thats how obama will lose.(not a chance against romney ticket) On the other hand, if mccain picks anyone but romney, then there is a chance for your man. Trust me, mit romney scares me and he is exactly what republicans need to continue to dominate american politics but its upto old man mccain to make that smart choice in picking romney. All in all, I feel that it was wise and save choice for obama to have picked biden over the governor and the other senator. I think biden was my 3rd favourite among the candidates in the primary, coming last to Hilary and edwards. Good luck pujah, you will need it. PS:tuesday, august26th, prime time for prime lady. HILARY's SPEECH is on and you better tune in.