LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LOL@Kasha Listen brother man, empathy is for calool jileecs. You can not go around wanting to give freebees of espresso empathy everytime a muslim makes the news with the most ridiculous story as a headline: A Muslim woman refused to shake the hands of the commissioner or The headline about your somali brothers and sisters in a factory somewhere in maine or some other state in the USA, demanding that they get more break time than all the other factory workers in the name of equality. I have news for those folks, do not get into the police academy thinking that you are not going to be in contact with the opposite sex. In addition, your brothers and sisters working at the factory have to learn the meaning of comprise. Accommodation of religious groups and ethnicity is a delicate subject, one in which needs well structured argument to be presented in a manner suitable for both parties.(the employee & Employer) Negotiations are key, having an open mind about the outcome is welcomed. Therefore kasha, you and I know that somalideena are not reasonable people.(most) The groups that look to making the changes need to change themselves. Yes, multiculturalism is an asset to the prosperity of the nation(s). That said, there are citizens that long been part of the process and they need to be inclusive as just the newcomers should be inclusive. Human beings can accomplish anything they set their minds to it, therefore we need to teach our people to be part of the integration process. They can not fool themselves into thinking that they can make changes happen on their terms alone without some comprise on their part. If the african slaves could not achieve liberty and equality for as long as noted in the history books, what makes you think a farax can get it in a day or a week or a month? Blacks were willing to be part of society and wanted to be accepted as human beings and they were told no, you will never be one of us. On the other hand, Somalida want no part of the white man's world, they just want to be accommodated while scamming the social programs that were designed to service the less fortunate. Lets be real, there can be tendencies of destructive force that is found in our folks and for that reason alone, they should be shunned and not praised. We have to learn to respect the rules and regulations of the country that has welcomed us. I'm all for change and just reading Ng's post above, I too can't help think about Dr. King and reading "letter from birmingham jail" for school ages ago. The difference of reading that letter and the impact it had on my view on life is tremendous. If any of you have not read it, I strongly recommend it. The man was better orator than I have ever taken him for. All in all, creating barriers and being social outcasts is not the way to achieving total liberty that would allow one to pray freely, and practice their faith as they see fit. Making demands does not get anyone anywhere. People, if you really paid any attention to Obama, then you know that change is needed but change can not happen all at once. Its a process, be a good citizen, know how the system works and keep in mind that whatever you are determined to change will happen as long as the law works for you and not against you. PS: The Masjid Massacre was unfortunate, it was an evil act that was carried by evil men. To this day, I'm not convinced that axmaaro had a hand in that, if anything it was your militias that staged the act for the axmaaros, unless they themselves ay dadkaas gooraceen. Remember, you are not as open minded as you like to think because you blamed axmaaro without any evidence. I remember saying that we needed to wait for the verdict to come in, let an outside organization conduct an investigation and find out exactly what happened. By then, you have already judged the axmaaro, all because axmaaro ayey yihiin. Waxaas aqli ma aha wallaalo
  2. NG, ha isoo ag marin aan kudhay. Adiga iyo xaaskaagaba dad fiican oo dagan aa tihiin. Si walba hadaan u fiiriyo, aniga patientkaaga ma lahaadeen. Heck, I was itching to scream as I was just reading that long transcript of yours much less tolerate or be in that man's presence. PS:VAL, dadkaan waa xaasid. Waayo no one told you that even if you do not have the pound £, you can still make your ALT+3+4 work for you and you will get £££££££ to your hearts content.
  3. lol@kasha, you know you are my favourite right? All jokes aside, if I may set the record straight. First thing is first, I came as a landed immigrant under the "Canada Family Class Sponsorship" friend . Fact, we had an aunt who sponsored us under the family class sponsorship, who was a citizen herself. Fact, we paid our passage to Canada from our own pockets. Fact, we were landed immigrants before we even hit Canadian soil. That said, the classic and famous "flight 13" term does not apply to me friend. On the subject of asylum/political asylum: Fact, no family was more qualified to have applied under political asylum than my family. You may not know this or care to know but I will tell you why we would have made ideal candidates. Numerous attemps were made on my father's life as well as own lives, that of my siblings and mother, all because my father served under his excellency the late Barre's administration. A man who did nothing wrong but bring himself up from nothing to something and at the same time served his country with honor.(I'm sure you can not speak any single contribution you made or services performed in the name of your adopted country, much less somalia) Fact, we had people that we employed(provided for many yrs and helped their families) who turn against my father by breaching security. A successful "madfac" was targeted directly at my parents bedroom in our house back in Mogadishu to possibility eliminate the folks that brought me into this world. Fact, father was not in the bedroom when it happened nor where we present in the house. It was so horrific that it was hit it from us at the time. My friend Kasha, that is a cold hard fact. Fact, my father was followed after a meeting during the Ali Mahdi administration and a car full of armed men opened fire and he once again escaped death. This was just one of many attempts made on his life at the time. Onto the subject of asylum applicants: False claims about vehicle insurance, employment insurance and benefits etc are made daily by people from all walks of life and that my friend is a fact. There are just few bad apples in any group and that is also a fact. All in all, we may not have needed to apply under such terms, but I'm sure more people out there who do have very legitimate reasons beyond your comprehension do so because they have to or try this, because maybe its the truth and nothing but the truth. Onto the Subject of your M**ryaan friends: Kasha, you are a bright fella and for that reason alone, I really believe that you will come to terms with reality of the situation. You will do this because you know that your men can not go on forever. PS:Macalinka dugsiga did attempt to beat me(not so much me but my siblings) but just like any corrupt official, bribery was his weakness.
  4. Yes, you heard it here first. LayZie and AI no more, no more. Today, I have made a decision just as Dumar made the decision to trade for AI. It is a decision that I have been contemplating with since the news of the AI trade hit the airwaves. I asked myself whether I should continue to support him and embrace the change of his new team and just just suck up and watch that ugly scene in D-town unfold or whether I should completely withdraw the over a decade fan support that I have given him and many long nights over brawl that nearly left me with xabeeb. I went with the ladder, complete withdrawal..(atleast for the time being) I despite the pistons, so much so that there is no possibility of comprise. Not even for Iverson. Yes, it is sad. Considering that this was not his decision. Trades are ugly but they exist for a reason. BTW, yes even if he went to Laker land, I would not only have denounced the move and distanced myself from him but I would have totally divorced from him as a player.
  5. It is highly unlikely that General Powell will be accepting a cabinet position in an Obama administration. At the very least, he will serve in an advisory capacity. I believed Powell when he said he was retiring from the public sphere. What makes anyone think that this man is all of a sudden for democratic idealogies? Remember, it was just an endorsement, nothing more nothing less. His values are still the same and his believes are the core of the republican party. He was the ideal republican presidential candidate and he did not take advantage of the offer from the GOP during the primaries nor did he entertain the idea of being McCain's running mate after Mccain secured the nomination. Again, I ask, what makes you think Powell will want to be part of an Obama administration? More importantly, what is the most disturbing to me today is that Obama's first order of business was hiring a "yahuud" like emanuel for the top cabinet position as chief of staff. Now, I have nothing against Emanuel the man or the congressman but this move goes against all the maryooley they call somalida who voted for obama and who faithfully followed him in hopes of changing the american foreign policy, especially where somali and axmaaro are concerned, hahaha. I think that move of emanuel was the first order of "in your face somalis" and muslims alike. Remember maryooley, Obama does not have your best interest at heart, the least as muslims. He cares about bringing back his birth country to the level it once was, Greatness. Maybe you should all follow suit and let this be a lesson that Somalia needs you. Yes, he will promote policies that will be advantageous to the growth of "africa" as a continent but do not for a moment think he will go out of his way to catering to the somali community. Matter of fact, count on him to strength his stand on the threat and fight against "terrorism". He wants to tackle the issues Bush has neglected, such as finding bin laden, making sure more of your brothers and sisters don't blow themselves up.(such as the two somalis in germany) All in all, Obama is no different from any old politician just different skin color folks. Nothing to be excited about. PS: Che, arnold in an Obama administration?? This is like singing the bipartisan tune a little too far off key. Pss:Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mika's father should be considered again for the national security advisor position or improve the ranks and serve as a secretary of state.(less likely )
  6. Xidigo, my condolences Eedo. So sorry to hear about your cousin's death. PS:Hi KK
  7. My dear Dukey, I do not think Obama has much to worry about when it comes to his illegal alien aunty and her legalities. McCain camp has so much on their plate. For one thing, their VP was a victim of a prank call by Canadian comedians from Montreal. They successfully prank called to Sarah Palin. Over a 5 minute conversation and the comedians had her convinced of Quebec and Canada as separate sovereign states, among other things such as Cheney and hunting and the classic" I'm nicolas Sarkozy". In addition, the McCain Camp knows where to draw the line. (desperation can only take you so far) Sarah, This is Nicolas SarKozy Calling... As far as Arizona and Georgia Ads are concerned, thats just driving the hopeful train wreck off the trails. Georgia? For heaven's sake, Georgia? Are you kidding me. There is no way in hell that he will win in Georgia. As for Arizona, its just wishful thinking. Even their camp(obama) admitted to just taking advantage of what they are hearing in the field, its an opportunity, a long shot. Personally, I think they made the move to just sweat the old man and his folks, thats all. They know they will not win those states. This thing is wrapped up. He did all he could and now its up-to the voters to elect him. If he loses its because it came in the form of rigging the election. Its an expected move from the part of the great old party but its highly unlikely that their dirty tricks will pay off this time around. The lines on those voting polls says otherwise. This election is dangerous and fascinating all at the same-time. Its a shame that hilary is not in the driver seat, because God only knows that this election would have been long decided.
  8. ^Afro, what is hominen? I think you meant to write hominid attacks? In any case, you will have to forgive me yet again as I can't address emotional characters such as yourself. Also, you've lost me about the facts being debated. I didn't think you brought anything to the table other than an emotional outburst on your part. Getting even with LayZieG is not facts that needs to be debated, lol. Let go eedo, just let it all go.
  9. Ma maantaad itiri-- la kaftan xaawaleyda SOL, oo aad wada modid iney iyagoo dhanba ey ugu oodanyihiin geed hoostiis saaxiibkey CBA&T. LMAOOOOOOO@DQ, caadi ma tihid. From what I recall, not everyone could afford Caano Boore waagaan ogaayee... KK, you raised a good point. Abtigiis and Co + the L.A Laker cheerleaders didn't know the real taste of Caano Booro even if it hit them in the face. They grew up drinking the generic version, no wonder they are hostile and have so much resentment. I,(the prominent queen of "tolka") acknowledge their pain but at the same time, it doesn't give them the right to envy DQ's nourished lifestyle.
  10. My dear MOD, you know it and I know it inaad adiga kahesho marka aad aqoonsado tooshka kugu shidan. Quit fooling yourself and just accept it because you know you want to. Secondly, you don't need to address me(as much as you can't help yourself), as I didn't ask you to address me. Matter of fact, I was very specific about what you needed to do. First, why do you have selective censorship style? Second, why do you insist on avoiding the question? If you can read and I'm sure you can, then you would realize that I am not the subject of this thread, nor am I one of your victims of selective censorship. BTW, you made this about you the moment you posted handadaadada. Afro, I'm so sorry. Did Mrs "tolkeyka yaa saa ugalay, oo ba ayeyyyyyyyy why oo kismaayo loo qabsade" afro talking to me about lack of maturity? hahahaha You will have to forgive me if I don't pay attention to a word that comes out of your mouth. I'm still trying to get over the last time I addressed you and how you just crumbled all over bacaadka kismaayo. PS:There is s saying and it goes like this: "You can take dhaadhaanimo out of the man, but you can't take the man out of dhaadhaanimo".
  11. Caano boori ninku qabiil ayuu ugula jeeda. Hi Isaac Newton aka Six billion dollars / Six billion people = A billion each. Wiilka fariidka eh, what else can I say but Masha allah. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: As for the topic, abitgiis and his bodyguard need to chill. I repeat, chill. Take a chill pill or better yet, have some CAANO BOORO. Abtigiis, I'm sure you knew once that I said I was sick and tired of your calaacal. It has gotten to the point of exhaustion. You are forever crying about somehing, someone and it never stops. What say you? As for my dear MOD, I suggest you stop throwing your hantidaad around like the ICE CREAM man on EID day. You are not rational or credible nor do you have an ounce of judgement in you as a MOD. You are the very same MOD that not long ago went and edited DQ's post but just below that very same post he was the victim of someone's foul mouth and you left it alone. How does that work? Maybe you want to enlighten the SOL readers. As they say in the sitcom "I love lucy", "Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do"
  12. I agree, the current Somali situation is not ideal for the establishment of an Islamic State, namely because people need to have the basic proper understanding of Islam first- which we don’t seem to have. That said, it is achievable, it is not only in theory where it is great, but can also, with certain precursors, be great in practice. Wonderfully said, ya Rahima. First thing is first, no time to train anyone(especially not m*oryaanta) about the basics of islam. My proposal is very simple and no it doesn't include for waiting around m*oryaans to get it together in order to understand the fundamentals of our religion. As a nation, we need to start thinking about the future, we need to think about our people and how best to serve them. I say lets start with very basic draft of our constitution or even modify an existing one. Let us go around and get signatures of every citizen we can find, common folks, influential folks. Let us show them or read to them our proposal, and If they so much as disapprove anything written on that document, we will not leave until we made the necessary adjustments for them and off to the next region and next. The document will ensure that the rights of individuals are protected. This document will support and be inclusive of all genders, will protect the disabled and will secure our children's future. A section of the constitution will declare the rights of each province to function independently. By that I mean, they can tend to their day to day affairs, they want to implement sharia based judiciary system and elect sharia judges or the option to go through the federal system, they should be allowed to exercise that freedom of choice as it will be outlined in the constitution. The governors and legislators who are elected through the secular system will have the freedom to practice sharia law through their respective provinces. Each elected governor will look into this house legislators who are representatives of the citizens of that province to draft a legislation that will allow the opportunity for its citizens to choose a federal court or sharia court to tend to their civil disputes. They can choose to wait out the federal courts to hear their cases like everyone else, or they can go in-front of a sharia judge and exercise their God given right to seek justice in that fashion. This indeed will make the Kashafa's of today happy, as it will allow them to exercise and have options on which way their citizens want to be governed. This idea came from a recent documentary I watched from a northern state in Nigeria, which allowed their citizens the freedom to take their domestic claims infront of a sharia court or go through the majesty courts. These citizens were both muslims and christians. What was inspiring to me was that the choice was left up to the people. Some christians preferred sharia court over the majesty court for land dispute cases etc.(Majesty courts have a long wait time) The sharia courts have less wait time, the verdict is fair as the judge hears both cases and decides based on the evidence. If Kashafa or Rahima want that type of system, theu don't have to look far. As DQ said, we will not secularize any citizen that doesn't want to be part of a secular society. Again, we will put the decisions in the hands of our citizens. We know that no nation can function without its people and thats why our people are important to the development and governing of our great country. All in all, some of you might agree, some might still have disagreements, and thats why its best to address all concerns in the open instead of just blindly supporting terrorists or questioning someone's faith over differences of opinion. PS:Lord Secessioner, lack of evidence doesn't proof innocence. Pass that on to the rest of your secessioner brothers.
  13. Salva Ng As you said "I thought and thought about the issue", or as I would say, I had an enlightement moment about the circumstances surrounding the state of our affairs.(no, not a religion one) What you refered to as a shabby conclusion, was a sneak peak, clouded by "stick it to the xiin brothers alike" moment. If I may, let me redirect myself to your questions: As you already know, we are a blessed nation, and not because of our current state of affairs, but the fact that we are a homogeneous nation. We share more than skin color, we share religion, culture, language. It is our best interest to remain as such, don't you agree ya ng? Our faith is what makes us who we are. We identify with our religion in all aspects of life. We are one of few states in the world thats a nation state. Not many around in the worl as most nations are multi nations, with all sorts of religion and language and culture inter mixed, it almost gives the individual a headache just trying to grasp it all.(i.e my adopted country Canada) We have far less issues to deal with as a one nation state, than most. We don't need to figure out what religion holidays to implement or what to exclude?(least of our worries) We don't have to worry about meeting status quo of certain nationalities interest being represented.(even thought the 4.5 formula of TFG does a bad imitation ) I believe that we have far less issues than most, and for that, I think we are hopeful nation, and we are not far from greatness if only we can see the bigger picture. Getting to my opposition to islamic only state. I'm not proposing an all out secular state as an alternative(as some already assumed), as I don't like some elements of a secular society, such as the inclusion of all religions. I think that we should only recognize one religion, and one religion only, islam. In that aspect, I reject an all out secular state. I do however support other aspect of a secular society such as preventing religion from interfering with state affairs, and preventing religion from controlling the governing such as the case of IRAN. We can't have men of God, also acting as political figures, who will oversee our interests in the world. Men of God ought to stay in masjids, where they belong and play a role in teaching our children about our diin and making sure Quran is being taught in schools, along with other curriculum etc.(no fanatic ideas) All in all, I believe we need to have the best of both worlds, that of secular and islamic aspect of state. Ofcourse, I have much more to say, but I am short on time this morning. Ciao ragadsi PS:the guidance portion was meant that for legislators to use it as a primary source, as their judgings will ultimately impact the interests they represent, and at the same time for our nation to adapt some elements of our religion into the constitution.
  14. ^eedo, I am capable of compassion. Why else would I call for their heads to be served on a platter? I want them to get help, so they can get on with their lives. North, deep down you know I'm right. Why else would you continue to go around in circle over the issue?
  15. I wrote: I enjoyed watching the DVD. One of my sisters brought it from UK recently and it was well filmed. The sound was fantastic and they had all my favourite fanaaniin performing. I would have loved to have been there.(I haven't been to a somali concert, because I have just recently showed interest in somali music, I'm the king khalid era) I didn't mind about the flag waving, it showed that they were truly proud of who they were and where they came from. I'm not from S-land but seing somalis come together that way and celebrate together was something. Owly, I am glad you digged that thread out because it not only weakens your argument(whatever it is you were arguing against) but it pains me as a nationalist who loves her people and heritage.(music etc) hahahaha The highlight of my post commentary was about "community", "united", "concert", "quality of film and the fact that my favourite fanaaniin were there. Nothing in support of secessioner entity. I also want to point out that the dvd also had people waiving both flags, the flag I was interested at looking is the same flag that Generalka uses as a signature.(take a peek if you like) As for the pming the dvd, thank you but I will pass. Nice try owly, but better luck next time child. PS:north, since you are inviting your friends to fight your battles, why don't you atleast choose secessioners. The subject matter is more appropriate, don't you agree?(theodore, don't you dare quit your day job. As you already know, comedy is not your strong suit)
  16. Lazie-G, ka fiirso hadalkaaga walaal, waxyaalaha qaarkood siiba waxaad ku hadashay diinta waa loga baxaaye. Did I hear the blessed one of the "xiin'S"(definitely not the faniinka) twins calling? maya maya. Brother Labo illahow haka qaadin xiniinyood I will address the two highlighted portion of your above statement. "ka fiirso" and "diinta looga baxo" with pleasure. As for ka fiirso, aad iyo aad ayaan uga fiirsaday. Waayo, I looked at this through different lenses for the first time in my life.(I bet you can't say the same for yourself) I don't write stuff for the sake of controversy, no way joseph. I believe that the establishment of state via traditional forms of government such as legislation,judiciary, and constitution are key to our success in the future. None of which should have anything do to with religion. Religion should be used as a form of guidance. Religion should in no way used as a weapon for "men of God" to advance their self interest. Authoritarianship governing is the same style of governing that most of these creatures used as means to oppose and did overthrow the old regime of his excellency S. Barre. The union of these figures of terror were implemented for the wrong reasons. Yes yes, you will argue otherwise, so what? Thats my point exactly, you have one point of view, I have another and so goes on in circle. As for the second highlight of your prev. statement, I have to say, just because a human being like you says diinta "aa looga baaxa", it doesn't make it so. I will take a step further and say that diinta waxa looga baaxa, when a fellow muslim questions or puts doubt to the other muslim's faith in this manner. It means, you are acting as an authority figure over what is deemed as the end line for "diin uga bax" etc etc. (it almost sounds to me that you are acting like the almighty himself) I don't know, but I am sure you can take the time to figure out on your own. However, I do need you to think about what is it you say before you advise someone(ie me) to do the very same thing that you yourself lack my dear laboX. PS:abtigiis, did you say something or was that sound coming from the beatings you got from DQ?
  17. I didn't know one having A.D.D was considered an insult? North, weren't you the same person who said many yrs ago that post 911 was the era for muslim awakening? All of a sudden they are dominating headlines etc, seeking justices in odd places? Just as much as you accuse me of spreading the fix news lines around and modelling after them, I accuse you of being a terrorist appeaser. I am sure u are even capable of harbouring your fellow brothers if need arises. That said, if and when a somali becomes a negative headliner, I am the first to take him/her apart, not because I wish them bad, but because in my own strange way, I care and love my people.(not separatists) That is the only reason why I brought up the scenario of innocent boys being taken advantage off. I truly believe they didn't know what they were doing. I Could be proven wrong, we don't know that part of the story, either way, we know enough to start making judgements. PS:Confidence is defined in terms of feeling or belief in something or someone. Some would argue that LayZieG and confidence go hand in hand. In simple terms, confidence to me is how you are to burco. In SOL terms, you mention burco and you know north is close by, and thats how you ought to view confidence from here on. You say the word and you should immediately think of LayZie. (LayZie 101, be thankful the first lesson was free for you as I am feeling generous today)
  18. Ngonge, ngonge, ngonge. What can I say about you that you already didn't know about yourself? Oh yea, stuff and nonsense you are. PS:Marx is supporting new shades, he put the video of "why youtube" out because of fans like serena, who constantly want to have line of communication open with marx. Serena, there is part of the clip thats actually addressed to you. By that I mean, he pretty much youtube's to express his views about our country, as he doesn't see anyone else doing it, especially "serena".
  19. I see the same old secessioners are at it again. A.D.D sufferers maxaan idinka dhahaa, didn't you read the part where I said I will address you secessioners in another thread and that your time will come. I guess since you are willing to force my hand, I might as well address you wanna be separatists all at once. Ayoub, I don't believe I understood a word you have written so far, I guess you can say I am not at all that familiar with the secession dialogue. My favourite separatist aka Red dare speak of me in that kind manner, I am blushing as we speak. Why be so kind to me, when you know I was never kind to you? I guess a fellow separatist will know of your type of kindness eh? North, what is there to wait on? Deal with the facts. Suicide, terrorists, pakistani border and take it to the next step. Abti Johnny, as always pointing to the obvious, but what you need to do with these separatists is actually school them on the school of sign language. They require a little bit more attention than the norm, so be patient ya abti. Lastly, I want to address the characters who brought God into my thread. Simple question really, does God condone suicide? You know who you are, I need an answer and try to put everything you got into it. PS:if I have forgotten anyone else, I will be sure to address you sooner rather than later. ciao ragadsi
  20. ^afkaaga malab sii. Punishing people over minor differences? How absurd is that? I also want to take this time to address MMA. Just because people point out to you what they want you to see as a wrong, doesn't make it wrong. I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to put a bull's eye on to mr republic. Most of the time, the problem isn't him but that of his followers, who go great lengths to get a reaction from him. I know what I am talking about when it comes to this play that most of these folks put out as victims of torment by Mr republic. Those same people or their brothers played the same tune with me. They want us to torment them, so what do we do? We give it to them. Sometimes, people don't like the rock star performance we give them, such as myself and mr republic, and they go to the ticket booth(ticketmaster) in the example of you MOD or even admin demanding they get their money back.(performance is performance, we can't please everyone) If you are not willing to stomach the full raw material, keep out and thats the case of abitigiis and CO. Again, I urge the MOD and ADMIN to think really hard before you censor mr republic or even take action against him. (take all that was said by both parties to account and not just be one sided)
  21. Dhulqarnayn, I want to make two valid contributions to your post, and I promise to address my audience another time as I am short on time. The maahmaah you put forth at the start of the thread was right on point. I will briefly explain my support for the initial group that called themselves ICU and why I put my support behind them at the time. It is no secret that I have supported the ICU cause when they captured the lawless capital of mogadishu, my home away from home. They made it peaceful in relatively short time, and to this day I look back and thank the men who made that short lived dream possible. I never supported the organization based on religious ideals. ICU were means to new beginning for me, and thats why I put my full support behind them. As soon as they started to throw their weight around and calling on other groups of other states around and giving out ultimatum's etc, I knew destruction was nearby. As a born and practicing muslim, I don't believe the principals of religion and state should be mixed. I believe that for a great nation like ours to prosper in the future, religion elements has to be eliminated. I don't believe that we should be ideal models to the world by adapting islamic state, no way, no how. The reason why I reject this notion of islamic state is because sooner or later it will turn out to be puritan style of believe. Individual rights and freedom will not only be jeopardized, but will be eliminated altogether. It is a no no for me, a very dangerous territory for me. I also reject this notion of islamic state because we can't have have men of God also acting as political figures. Its absurd. Going back to your maahmaah and initial topic, I withdrew my support of the opposition party as soon as they turned from a unionized members to flat out organized criminals that also waive the religion in everyone's face. Like you, I believe that sooner or later, this group of criminals will self destruct. They will turn on each other, just as they are starting to now and it will be the end of this union. How can I or anyone on their right mind support criminals who don't think a human life is worth saving, worth negotiations over, worth of change of strategy. Why aren't our people worth a shift in course? Why do these criminals continue to believe that God approves their criminal acts? If these criminal figures and their believers don't have a very basic, goal, other than fighting amxaaro and TFG as the only common ground they share, then what is there left for them? How do they expect to retain people's support? They are like a broken marriage with multiple children and no one has any control over the reaction of the children? My advise is that each party, tfg and opposition need to go back to the basics, start small and aim high. You can't start from top and work bottom up as that strategy wasn't proven a success. It will never work. I, a somali born national continue to be saddaned by the criminals that hold our people back home hostage, who continue to put them through hardship over who gets to the top first. History is something that I have always relied heavily on, and history is repeating itself now in mogadishu and its surroundings. A group of people get together for a common goal, and later disintegrate. I want the shabaab faithfuls to enlighten me on the overall strategy of their leaders? How will these groups of men coexist? Are there any other common set of goals that they agree on, other than the termination of TFG and ETHIO? Did they even think that far ahead? Is this really another repeat performance of 1990 and the Barre Regime? For the sake of you dutiful men of somalia, who are faithful to the terrorist until eternity, say caawa the fight ended and ethio's existed and no more TFG and yey just walked out, what will happen then? I need you to think really hard, the kashafa's and the redneck aka reddie before you answer that question? Yes, their love of religion brought them together, but will their loyalty to thy tribe and self interest get in the way of greater somalia? How will a multi-tribe nation such as ours will coexist unless we have common grounds that will work towards the interest of each one. Tribe is an integral part of who we are, even thought I don't condole it, its part of us. We can no longer just put qabiil loyalty aside, as much as we want to. Thats why, these men are fighting among themselves. Notice how I said men, men are the sort of all evil, yes? Do these individuals have a compact such just the mayflower compact that puritans made? I chose to end it with a question because I really want to you all, especially shabaab faithfuls to think about it in general terms, and not just one aspect of it, just as winning a fight with no end in sight is not logic. PS: I really wish I can address this further, and I will address it later, but I am really short on time now and will touch on this subject in great length later on.
  22. I doubt our Cara cares about whether or not you wish her Happy Eid, ee why did you wish dhulQarnayn Eid wanaagsan? After all, he is your tormentor. Happy Eid everyone, especially Cara & Abti Johnny B, brrrrrrr. (may you both find caano in your xalwo)
  23. ^A little trivia for you, how many times did you mention Dukey in this very same thread?(don't scroll up, you cheater) Word has it, in secessioner land, there is a Dukey shortage. My advise to you is to quit this obsessive behaviour and try to square off with with the man like a gentleman.(in other words, don't talk behind his back like the school girls do to each other) On a serious note, an intent to carry out an act of suicide mission is more than probable cause. Not only are they a threat to society, but more importantly they are threat to themselves. How can anyone rationalize suicide? I highly doubt these young men knew what they were doing when they signed up for the mission. I think they need to be examined, by going through a serious of psych. evaluations. These lords of terror prey on young men that feel isolated, and lonely. They offer them friendship, even gifts, introduce them to their inner circle, make them feel special.(the oldest trick in the book of pedophilia with the exception of intro to the inner circle) Terror cells are the modern day of organized mafia. Trust me, these organizations are dangerous to us all because they are very disciplined(and most of the time are low key) and it scares the h*ll out of me. I'm sure that the authorities will get something out of the two men, after all, they are a somali and sooner or later they will turn on each other. PS:I don't need to fix the news, it was there for grabs. I just ran with it.
  24. LOL@KK, see tahay sista. I have been in recovery mode, just like hurricane ike victims, but with me it wasn't a hurricane aftermath but soonka. This was by far the toughest Ramadan I have ever encountered.