LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Looks like poster is still at it with the Mosque business. Why do you insist on pushing this story? Perhaps, guilt is eating you. As for detaining the Imam and the young man at the airport, it was a good call by the officials. I resent the fact that some folks including poster are testifying in cyberspace on a grand jury summon of sort. Give me a break fellas, unless you can account the Imam's ins and outs by the hour prior and during and after the time the young men disappeared, then please do yourselves a favor and sit down. Let the authorities do their job. I get that your community has become part of a terror network and it angers you but it does not change the fact that the authorities believe the Masjid had played a role in influencing these young men with the help of its leader. If you put your emotions in check and examined the entire ordeal, it is not really that far fetched to think that the Imam may have had a role to play in the recruitment process. An influential figure, trusted and probably well respected in the community. Perhaps a role model to young men? He would definitely be my #1 target. Not that I would automatically label him as a terrorist sympathizer but it will give me a chance to possibly eliminate him from the list of suspects in case he is innocent. Scenario#1: He may have had a hand in introducing these men to some group, who in turn managed to successfully convince the young men that paradise awaited them, etc etc. Scenario#2: Imam may have had a hand in financing this plan under the table through independent groups. Either way, the masjid books need to be examined. I also believe that FBI does not want bad publicity and would not have risked it by stopping two black, muslim men from taking off to Hajj if there was no probable cause. Remember the German incident? Two gullible young brothers plan to take off to a different continent in hopes of training to be martyr's, those officials rushed to judgment without building a case against the young men or having little or no evidence that can stand in court. Just because the judge dismissed the case, does not mean that it proved their innocent. This time, the stakes are higher, young men died in the hands of adults but at the same time, the case should be examined thorough fully. Furthermore, it does not help your Imam's cause by claiming his innocent in cyberspace, you are just making him look guilty if you continue to defend him the way you are going about it. In addition, I believe that everything aan sameyno wey qoron tahay, teedakale haduu qofka innocent yahey, Illaah will see to it that their name is cleared from this mess. GIVE THE SYSTEM A CHANCE AND STOP PANICKING.
  2. ^One of the black professors from Princeton or Harvard during the campaign 08, acting as a political pundit? My turn: "Foolish men, why do you want women to be good when you incite them to be bad?" PS: I had a good one to share but I believe it will be easy for most of you to cheat by looking it up through google.
  3. ^NG, most times, your arguments have no real substance. I truly believe that you argue for the sake of argument. Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much? (don't answer that) C'mon buddy, no one belives that immigrants do not contribute to the economic growth of the countries that welcome them. Nor is anyone disputing that very cold fact. Matter of fact, they boost the very same state's social and economic growths. However, we are not discussing the majority, we are discussing the minority who are the bad apples and represent various ethnicity groups. Seriously, look at what they are fighting for. Don't disappoint me by turning out to be a B.G. who strikes me as someone who thinks he is talking but his lips seem to be the only thing making a movement and not a sound in sight. B.G. you have not contributed to the discussion and you have side stepped the issue and therefore you are going in circles buddy. I told you, this isn't about me and this isn't about anyone else but simply qaxootis. Especifically the euro trash group who my old buddy Marc often spoke off. The same group of people who immigrated to the UK for the sole purpose of weakening its economy by handicapping its social programs. Those individuals and similar ones are the reason why these BNP organizations continue to get support from the nation in which they serve, because the people are FED UP. Remember folks, BNP's of today's society would not have mattered if the citizens that make up these organizations did not feel discontent with the state of the government and its officials who are taking the "reasonable accommodation" policies that much closer to being made into part of constitution which the average joe and christina feeling less secure and also feeling as thought their rights are in jeopardy.(policies and proposals such as the nationwide sharia, multiculturalism policies now putting the white man's rights in jeopardy or any policy that looks to end discrimination of many groups on the expense of others, etc) Further more, B.G. I truly believe inaad dyslectic tahay, waayo you could not differentiate between "I emailed them to offer jaajusnimo" as a light humor to "being recruited"(if u know anything about LayZie is, she is too lazy to send an email, it was a light hearted moment that turned to B.G's embrassement moment"). Did I say anything about wanting to be recruited? Remember, one extremist sympathizer is enough in this corner.(u) PS:NG, pay attention to my first post in this thread and the link I provided for that somali article...(don't make me have to spell out the rest for u buddy)
  4. ^good observation eedo. Can you believe some actually label me as siding with one group more than the other? In terms of long term prospect, I am for an effective federal state, where the interest of the people come first. I only care about the well being of those that are suffering back home. I want people fed and children to go back to being children and the rebuilding of the schools. As for a temporary solution? If I had the means, I would make sure every mother and child was out of harms way, this way all the ciyaalka caafada will fight over will be an empty city and no one to loot or murder. Effective if you ask me.
  5. Yes Red, in the spirit of dukism, I asked you a question and you failed to give me an answer. Instead, you are prophesying about goals that have yet to be achieved by ciyaalka caafada. I repeat, do you have any evidence backing up your claim about ciyaalka not looting, murdering and raping our somali mothers and children?(I take that as a no)
  6. I don't think you have clue what the British National Party stands for, Ms Xalimo whitie G Boy wonder aka boy George aka my least favourite victim(only because tabar malihid), whether or not I understand what they stand for is not the issue here buddy. Truth be told, I do not think you understand what their objectives are much less anything else besides your "culumas". Matter of fact, you went out of your way to skip the "nationalist" term I used to describe them, which means you do not understand the true meaning of the word, which also means you are looking your online dictionary right about now to find the true definition. With that said, I think you need to stick with what you know and thats defending ciyaalka caafada aka culumo wanna be's. (fascism is too complex for your little brain to grasp) Lastly, everything you hear and read is not where the buck stops. This may come as a surprise but sometimes you have to get out of that big old bubble you live in and actually get to the root of issues without prejudice. (it does not make one a white sympathizer) Furthermore, I'm sure you would not take too kindly if you were to find yourself living in somalia and having amxaaro as a the majority. I'm sure you would not rest until you reversed the faith of the infidels or erased them from the face of the earth? Previously in the thread, someone said it best (don't remember who) that as long as they are not causing harm, they can do whatever they want without having the public looking to them as if they are a "white supremacy group". They can gather up their brothers and sisters and attempt to take over the country and that right should be made possible because they were born into a democratic society. That said, leaking personal information is wrong but how can I possibly draw such a painting for a pancake of a brain? Any ideas B.G? PS:Lily, being a citizen or a uk resident does not make one an expert of the subject of BNP eedo.
  7. ^Hi, Hiraale prodigy. The answer to your question is a deadly yes. Some of you qaxootis fear these folks because you know they will come after not just the one "sharci" but the weekend sharci that u use across town, the same identity your footlocker boss does not know about yet. Yes xalimo, yes abdi, you have been spotted by the real british nationalist. I was shocked to read that this group just started to come around to figuring out the somali fradulent activities that existed for ages. Surprising to say, I sent them an emailing offering my services, which means any of you kastuumo wearing, jad chewing xaliimo's and faraxs residing in UK will soon be under the BNP radar. PS: indulge yourselves in this little piece of news: Leigh BNP meeting Shocked at Evidence of Multiple Somali Identity Fraud(shocked I tell ya)
  8. ^go Dukey, its your birthday, hahaha. Brother Red, I promised myself that I was going to take it easy on you but you are such an easy target that sometimes it can not be helped. You have a tendency to shoot yourself in the mouth with statement like "alshabaab did not loot, rape or kill innocent people", in that instant, what do you have me do? I know this is going to come as a surprise but please in the name of Dukey explain to me how you believe that shabaabs are saints and infact you have evidence that supports your qashin of a claim?
  9. Che, since you seem to know everything, you asked the question because.... Ayoub, indha laawe mahaan ku oran. Che did not claim to know everything, matter of fact it was your cousin "mr regards" who claimed that the american intelligence department along with their european allies made courtesy calls to somaliland before ay bilaabin "intelligence kufsi" wax ladhaho. Mr regards would have us believe first that he gets accurate intelligence feed, fresh from the nairobi office or atleast he is under the assumption that he knows more than the outside confinement of his living room would allow him to know. Secondly, he believes that such a courtesy was not e xtended to a nuclear armed pakistan but somehow the US intelligence department has a special place for his darling tuulo and their few armed aging military personnel. I repeat, Pakistan, whose airwaves and borders have turned to a movie, entitled "gangbang, the series" and who are supposedly a sovereign nation, oo in la galay hadane laga dhax baxay oo hadana lasoo tufay ayuu meesha lasoo istaagay SL american intelligence ayey la dhaqaaqde. Dhaqaaqdayeeeeeeeey, hahahhaa
  10. ^while you as well as others insist that we wait out the news, people are going hungry and some are dying. Our people can not afford to wait any longer Emperor, we need xaal like yesterday. ....and as far as Nuune's gossip column is concerned, wait until this protocol character wakes up to the news tomorrow that Yey tii allah aa u imaaday because he went to bed cursing his master melez and instead forgot to take his heart medication.
  11. ^EEDO, this is not Canadian politics, where cabinet solidarity is highest on the agenda for the PM's office. Nor do members of cabinet have any threat against them if they don't obey their party leader and adhere to party discipline of canadian politics. At the same time, I took condi as a fighter when she was first appointed, but she has not contributed anything other than being Bush's yes woman. If you can't speak against your boss, then you should quit and she didn't follow powell's footsteps. PS: My question still stands for those tailing S. Powers, what is she bringing to the table? What makes her different from the likes of condi? Or are you just going with whatever nytimes or cnn is reporting? C'mon folks, you can do better than that...
  12. instead, I think appointing the aspiring new leader and professor from Havard Samantha Power will go very well. I like Samantha for her broadminded aspect of seeing the world and specially the fact that she specialises in 3rd World issues. Suldaanka, did you forget Dr Rice? Who had a better credential than condi regarding world issues, who did her doctorate on international affairs and Poli. Science?? Condi, god bless her was non-factor. If anything, she will go down in history as being the best maltese puppy of the Bush Administration. Everyone is on Samatha Power's tail but many of you fail to distinguish her from the likes of Dr Rice etc. Its time this position was given to a sitting official from congress. Someone who actually has the experience of dealing with head of states and not someone who spend most of her time in lecture halls and who is no better off than Condi was. Some women just aren't cut out for such positions. As far as Hilary Clinton is concerned, it will be a mistake on her part to take the job. The question of taking a cabin position was asked of her a while ago and I believe she gave the best answer that I have heard on the campaign trail. SHe said that she would do more good in her present status as a senator than serve in the cabinet. In other words, what becomes of her seat? From what I understand, the governor will temporarily appoint someone to take her position but come election time, a good strong non democratic candidate can run for that office and yet again, the number game will be played out. All in all, Hilary did not reject the idea of holding cabinet position, she said if asked of her, she would welcome the idea. I strongly believe, as many have already said that she would diminish her changes of running for the presidency if she takes this "supposed" offer.
  13. Xiin, I just read the closed thread about sniching. To be fair you have been moderate in your approach to solving the Somali conflict. You advocate peaceful conflict resolution in Somalia and whole heartedly supported the Djabouti peace accord between TFG and ICU. I find Duke's accusation unfounded, unwarranted and libelous. I would advice Duke to take back his unfounded accusation and apologize. Kaalay, ma indhaha aad la' dahay? YOu find duke's attack more perverse than say cabbie ? Anybody that accuses you of Tol'nimo waa qof asaga jiran. Kasha, unless you can bet your life on that statement, I suggest you take it back. 2 or more threads are closed because of cabbie's contempt for Dukey's tribe. He went as far as inuu ooyintiisa all over the thread ku waraabiyo sida coos biyo ubaahan, all for what?
  14. Dukey, you touched the cabbie's nerve aan umaleynaa? Maybe he didn't have his papers in order and panicked when you told him that you knew of him. Keep up the good job eedo and I'm doing well. If you have to, you need not seek approval from the community to inform the authorities of these sleeper cells. Terror and terrorists need to be eliminated; if you don't nip it in the butt now, he will come after your child next and you can't risk it. Lastly, its easy for some to label others as "jaajuus" until it hits it home and they too become "jaajuus". Dukey, dadkaan waa all talk and no action generaalka. PS:Che, call be dabshide or what not, but I think cabbie lost his mind by attacking another man for doing the right thing. Where does he get off calling anyone "jaajuus"? What gives him a right yaa che? He owes Dukey an apology.
  15. Dukey, I think its best to leave a little while longer for the cab driver and his many passengers to bacaadka, sida ay uga rog rogtaan dhulka. What is worse ? A Cab driver oo dhahaayo nin weyn aan ahay oo hadana sida lox ka dhamaatay oo xarada ugu rogonaayo in hopes of closing one thread after another, mase his passengers cheering him on? Dukey, you have got to pick yourself up and make sure cabbie does not get away with his crybaby routine. Make sure you work him overtime. PS:Yesterday was world kindness day and this is me making up for shale.
  16. Redsea-There seem to be comprehension problem He has much more than comprehension problem. Red, wallaalo what is 2+2? LOL (Mr 6billion dollar man) Red, my advise today is same as always; try to get through your studies and leave the state of the somali affair to others to sort out. Damiinimo iyo murun ma iskeenayaan. Emperor, lol, leave the diplomat alone. North is a good sport.
  17. ^OWLY, when the time comes, the facts will speak for themselves. Until then, try to behave and take Che's advise, after all you are our guest. You are identified as a somali, you a member of a somali forum, you eat somali food, you practice the somali culture. One last piece of advise, go back tO Kasha's post and really try to take it all in and educate your brothers and sisters(such as jb's alike) about the history of the world and how it shapes lives. PS: Che, with that note I will leave him to his wet sovereign dreams.
  18. lol@che, adaan kuu daayay. Owly, if they supposedly decided on it based on a previous referendum taken within the region, then it wouldn't hurt to take another poll would it? The results would favour you, therefore you should welcome a nation wide referendum when the time comes soo maaha?(every vote ought to count) I detect fear in your quest to seceding because I believe that the secession agenda will not be embraced by all citizens once the country is stable and arguments for both sides are presented.
  19. Che, I'm doing good. Maxaa haysaa, intaan aheyn xiiska aad ii qabto. How have you been? PS:Che, wiilka yaa ka badiyo marmarsiyo. Waayo, su'aashaada ayuu subject kale u badalay. Owly, no one wants to claim "you". However, the territory you want to claim for yourself is a property of somalia and does not belong to any one region or its people, therefore we will fight tooth and nail for it when the time comes. Upon its arrival, the subject of the north will not be up for debate as the matter will be put into the hands of the citizens, who will ultimately decide in the form of referendum.(democracy will prevail ya secessioner)
  20. ^I'm still friendly ya secessioner. I just can't tolerate the nonsense that comes out of your mouths. I have nothing against the people of that part of the country, never have and never will. This frustration and anger is directed towards the SOL individuals, especially the secessioner organization, some like north who operate on the downlow and some like JB who are outspoken. You are a minority, therefore you do not represent the masses from that part of the country. Some of them would be ashamed of your conduct had they realized that you were operating in the name of their region. PS:not anymore, atleast not after the recent incident. You are officially becoming the house of Bakaraha
  21. ^ a bitter southerner that the world recognize's. Heck, I can go across the street right now and shout somalia and people will instantly KNOW IT, but can you say the same about your TUULO, ya secessioner? (I think not) PS: Remember, no sovereignty will come in the way of your tuulo as long as somali weyn exists. We would have to be wiped from the face of the earth, thats every last southerner for you to gain recognition from the international community.(what are the odds dear owly)
  22. Waxba sooma socdaan sxb ..... I'm just saying the obvious. Can you bet your pitiful life on it in terms of that tiny qol you call office in downtown hargeisa with your kursi and miis aad ku fadhiso marka aad waxa trashka ah soo qorto habeen walbo? Some would say you deserved in lagu tuso that the fearless militias from "the south" can be one block from that tiny qol of yours and you were just one step away from being blown up to pieces.(disclaimer: my views on those deaths and the family of the victims can not be expressed in simple terms as I feel for every bini aadam oo dhintay and continue to die in the hands of terrorists, regardless of the region in which the destruction has occured but this does not excuse the inhumane views expressed by the likes of that poor excuse of nin called j-baro and his secessioner brothers, including the suufi north(who also share those views but is acting as a diplomat)))(call him closet freak) KK, this is what happens markaad ciyaalsuuqin aad kix kix-da u badiso. Waxaan oo dhan waa qashiin.
  23. ^good move for Dumar, bad news for AI fans who despite the pistons. If the rumor is true, the one about Antonio McDeysss waiting out the league's 30 day rule and returning with the pistons, then they just might pull off a boston and KG moment this season. Too early to tell, considering they have a player turned new coach Michael Curry, who I do not believe can pull off a championship, unless they retained their core coaching team after saunders. I don't know much about the operations of the pistons organization but something tells me that Dumar is way too confident by making this move. He must have a plan, whether it is possibility of a championship or clearing cap room to attract new talent next year after AI's contract expires, either way its too early to call.