LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LOL@KK, dadkaan waxa ka daran kuwa shaaha u shubayaa oo hadana cheering them on by welcoming them into their communities and homes in open arms in hopes of establishing law and order. OO kaalay halkaan oo sidaa rabtib noogu maalmul. allaahu akbar ya KK, the punisher is the rapist, he just decided inuu niman kale ku nabo, just like he raped the other girl before he made her sign off a bogus confession and ordered her to be stoned to death. Aniga waxa aan aad uga nahaa ilmaha yar yar oo la kufsanaayo. These men are established pedophilers, who as we speak are committing sexual acts w/infants.
  2. ^biixi, you are forgetting that they have tried going that route once before and nothing came of it and nothing shall come of it this time.(unless santa uu wax kale siinayo caawa) Dukey, I appreciate your answer and I was thinking along those lines but shaki aa igalisay markaad secessionerka meesha soo galisay. All is well now. PS:Waryee coffee boy, ask abuu nuune what xaafada is ya foreigner.
  3. ^Dukey, you are kidding me righT? How does this benefit them? You keep saying, benefit, benefit, but what exactly does that mean? As for A.Yusuf, you are giving the man a credit that he does not deserve. Taking back his little army, who by the way were reported to have abondoned the capital weeks ago is of no consequence. The pull out of Axmaaro just eliminated the excuses of the opposition and this news of A.Yusuf just puts the kabaabs in a corner. Hypothetically speaking, lets just say this group, with cade and sharifka were to miracously complete the peace deal and finally convince the m**ryaan to disarm, would the government who made it all happen not be recognized by p-land?(assuming that they adhere to the constitution upon modification) If the answer to the hypothetical question is no, then you have fooled me and others into thinking that you were a man who sought peace at all cost. At the beginning, I did not like you all that much because I always took you for someone who went out of his way to post articles of others without a single contribution but overtime you have grown on me and I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt. Now, it is not looking too good for you because adeero aa is casilay, you now are bitter to the core and are even boosting secessioner ideals. You are either a man of peace , who is determined to see a prosperous somalia or you are just another clan sympathizer who is no better off than the secessioners or hiraale prodigy, hiding behind the fight for sovereignty. What is it going to be ya DukeY? Which category do you fall under? PS:What does geeriyeysan mean? Geeriyoote maaka wadaa coffee boy. Pss:Nuune, asaga dhan aan iska dhax arkay. Waa nin oo aqoonin mar mar waxa uu ku hadlo. Afka aan iska furanaa waa aqli xumo.
  5. Dukey, there are no winners, just losers. You believe that S-land can somehow advance their secession dream because adeero aa is casilay? C'mon eedo, don't give false hope to that tuulo. Secessioner are busy discussing the somali leaders and arguining back and forth about Nur Cade and yey, while all along forgetting that they have their own leader who is out begging the neighbouring countries for a handout, instead of staying put and governing his people. That said, these secessioners seem to denounce our leaders for appealing to the international community, while their leader can't get a sit down. God knows he tried begging for help too many times. S-Land is "dameer dabadiisa ujeedin"
  6. Emperor, why were you in hiding until today? You seem surprised and shocked that adeero is stepping down while the man you were insulting all week, aka weersho aka cade is still in position? Are you bitter old boy?(aad iyo aad ayaad ayaamahaan u caytantay) BTW, the so called new pm had no leg to stand on, he was smart to pretend to step aside from a position he never held. It is a feel good moment. I'm just glad Yey finally took some responsibility. Now I want to see who the kabaab supporters will blame? The so called "*dhabodh*l*fs" have left the building, who would you point the finger@? Soon, axmaaro will exit, will the kabaabs turn on themselves, if so what side would their supporters take? Any lives lost from today on will be on the heads of those M**ryaans and the world is watching as I am too.
  7. lol@dukey, eedo, the fact is MORE OF OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING. Our children are going to bed sick and hungry. Getting one over you because u came to terms with A.Yusuf's faith a week early is not a celebration. Nor is it a laughable matter and Juje and Co need to get a grib and face reality. PS:You are right. He is handling more than 500. Just the secessioners alone exceed that number.
  8. ^Juje, while you are smiling from ear to ear, thinking you have won the lottery, your people are dying in record numbers.
  9. Dukey, I don't care where you take those barefoot soldiers, as long as you agree that adeero needs to take responsiblity for his bad decisions as the president of the TFG. Truth be told, unless we can come to terms with who the real enemies of somalia are(us)(A.Yusuf or no A.Yusuf, axmaaro or no axmaaro), we will never reach a peaceful resolution. As for the rest of you, lay off Dukey.
  10. ^Ubaahne? never took a liking to that creature. The other two just have familiar nicks. If Marx was here, he would say that I was partly responsible for the self-opinionated bile bit he dished out daily.
  11. SOL isn't the same without my old buddy Marx. It was just yesterday when I posted this thread. Time has come and gone, Brrrrrr, brrrrrrr Marx if you are reading this.
  12. lol@DQ, the ladder but instead of ashton, dry paint will fill that position for ashton temporarily by running your way as he attempts to shout "PUNKED" but only his legs give up on him and his heavy breathing atlast silences him(falling flat on his big belly) due to excessive weight. @dry paint, cheeky cheeky. Waxa aniga illaahay ii qoray, ma gafaayi.
  13. Abuu, the above quote says all there is to say about the matter of your german fellaz. On the topic of the BNP, if you know one hate group, you know them all. In addition, read my last response to you about that topic here:- BNP Thread Now, do yourself a favour and stop obsessing over the german incident. Last chance, you want to engage in the current crisis, let me know, until then drink up some caano booro. PS:the name change must be a model for cyber insurgency eh?
  14. lol@Qalbi, runta usheeg ninkaas ey dhahaan Kasha. Abuu, eedo, why do you deliberately choose to ignore the subject of my criticism and instead resort to childish tantrums etc? I did comment about the topic, its just that you can't bring yourself to accept it.(not my problem abuu) Marka hore, waxaan ku oran lahaa, aniga maku Caayin, therefore do not make this personal and please keep a level head. Marka kale waxaan ku oran, nabiga iyo tuugaas, oo M**ryaanta eh who is disguising himself as a holly man waligaa HA is daba bar dhigin, waxa waa danbi, bismilaahi qabso aan ku iri. Teeda kale, what is this "white business" aa ilaa iyo hada iga daba wadO? When did cadaan PEOPLE became the center of my criticism? Ma anaa cadaan soo qaaday? Horta, adiga ash ma tahay mase waa laguugu jiraa? Mar walbo aan MEELAHAAN KUGU ARKO, wax kale oo aanan aheyn cadaan this and cadaan that AFGAAKGA MAKA SOO BAXO. Abuu, eedo macaan, do you recall not long ago marka aan ku dhahay only speak when you have a valid point TO MAKE and don't nac nac me just for the sake of nagging me? Please, don't make me have to repeat myself. Lastly, let this be a last warning to you. I welcome the chance to engage you in a discussion with a topic of your choosing, just name it and you will have my full attention(u are dying for it anyway), until that day, I think you need to do yourself a favour and quit wasting your time and mine with this tit for tat business.(otherwise, I will just have to ignore you altogether) Furthermore, when and if you are ready to have a discussion or a debate about our people, I do not want to hear about "cadaan" aa saas kaa dhigeen, oo maxaa is moodaa, ma "cadaan aa tahay" talk, waxaa sida u hadlo waa dad ay ka dhamaatay oo meesha waxna ku hayn oo rabo iney rinjiga darbiga iney xagxagtaan.(I still believe in u and you are capable, be practical ya abuu)(as my favourite dry pain says "dazzle me") BTW, try following your own advise by sticking to topic. Let us discuss somali business, as this has nothing to do with cadaan or your opinion of me as LayZie the person. Address me in terms of national crisis, lets talk about the cult you support and the atrocities they are committing. Let us talk about somali on somali killing by taking axmaaro out of the equation.(I still believe that we are our own enemies) Lastly, be a reer magaal and take a bunch like a real rag and don't fight me, I know you dying to agree with me on all levels that concern those kabaabs but your ego won't let you.(so stubborn) In short, saado cali's song, "DAdkeyga waan jeclahay, dalkeyga waan jeclahay, ta ta ta" Therefore it is my right to condemn the condemned, my sentiments are shared by many(surely we are not all westernized, half the population and all), ee haguku taagnaato, oo dalkeyga waan jeclahay. PS:My dear kasha, all those late nights of studying for exams must have you left U sleep deprived.(U poor baby) My fascination and admiration is reserved for the Sheikha sharafta leh, aka sheikh sharif. My admiration for the sheikh was evident long before the caravan fans came on board. On the other hand, Abu mansoor, the servant is just a deliquent, who would soon get what is coming to him.
  15. Waryee Poster, waa adigu kuma? Don't tell me inaad cimaamada aa soo badalatay. Abuu appeaser kaa tahay mahaan dhahaa. Ninka Alaska iyo solomon islands ka hadlaayo, mayaqaanaan sida wax loo qoro oo waxna loo aqriyo? Can he spell chile? Better yet, can he identify the location of the solomon islands in the world map? How about you poster? Guide me in the world map and point where the solomon islands is located, and no google map cheat sheet. Niman illiterate eh, oo basuuko qoorta saarteen aa waxey ka hadlaayaan how they will marry their women to foreigners, as thought they have power to accomplish such absurdity. Abuu Mansoor looks like inuu qubeys ubaahan yahay, despicable human being that he is and all.
  16. ^that was funny... KK, I didn't get to read your thread before maanta, but I went through this very same thing with one of the older fellaz that work behind the counter of Xamarweyne. I think it was a summer or two ago, marka aniga iyo some friends came by to get some casariyo to go. I came to buy the casariyo, and I stressed to him that I wanted tuna sambuusi included in the order and the rest of the orders would be meat. after I paid him, I repeatedly asked him, there is one tuna included right? He goes yes, there is tuna, I wouldnt have it any other way or something to that like, but very troubling look. It made me uncomfortable. I took the food back to the car where I had my friends waiting, got into the car and as I was driving away, I asked one of my friends, please check and see if there is a tuna sambusi order included, because for some reason, a voice was telling me that my tuna order just wasn't with the rest of these orders. I went out into the street and I didn't pass a block when my friend said there is no tuna, we checked all the sambuusi.. I did a U turn, came back to the parking lot of xamarweyne... and I asked my other friend, please go and give that disgusting man the scream of his life. she took it back, and he asked her, "where is your friend from earlier, I was expecting her to come back"? Are you kidding me? Meel cirbad leyga duro ma jirin marka ay soo noqotay ay saas warka igu sheegte. I only send her because I knew if I walked back in there, I would have bitten his head off. PS: Apparently, he was expecting me because he told my friend, saaxiibtaa aan sugaaye, ee take these fresh sambuusi to her, I just made them fresh for her.
  17. ^maxaa waaye iskoolka ilaa iyo hada furan...
  18. ^Tuujiska, tii adiga shukaansi kaasoo doonato(young, old & Curi), waa maskaxdeeda in la fiiriya oo examination lagu sameeyo. Waayo, qof caadi eh adiga ku caashaqeeso maba jiri karto, ee naga da faanta aa meelahaan lasoo istaagte..
  19. KK, stop panicking, the storm is not a big deal. We are also getting some of that storm hitting our way, about 15-20cm and another 10cm on sunday. Make sure inaad good shaah aad sameysato and go under the covers with a good book.
  20. ^ you really need to grow up horn. This warlord mentality of yours will not get you anywhere dear.
  21. ^thats fine and dandy dear. Let us all be honest with ourselves, shall we? 1) Accountability 2) Accountability 3) Accountability This is much bigger than just replacing the pm.. The world is watching him, this is A.Yusuf's time to make the most of the spotlight he finds himself in. By that, I mean, he needs to salvage some legacy, if possible. He needs to be remembered for something beside the man who invited the "so called" enemy of somalia into our soil.(I'm still not convinced axmaaro are the real enemies of somalia) What I expect from the president and most would agree is for him to take responsibility, in doing so, I would like to see him do the decent thing and actually step aside, recommend a candidate of his choosing to parliament and let them vote on it before he graciously exists out. This problem that we find ourselves in isn't going to go away by simply naming another candidate for pm, this doesn't cut it.(we went through this before) Fellaz, I know you know that what is happening today and what has happened the last two days isn't going to go away simply because A.Yusuf does not want to face the reality on the ground. Most importantly, I know the real enemies of somalia are watching and celebrating as we speak. Somalia is its own worst enemey and most in this forum know that to be self-evident. That said, beating Dukey in the head with a cane isn't going to change anything. Let us come together and find a way out of this mess. PS:Emperor, it does not have to be all or nothing. A.Yusuf can leave without having to dissolve parliament. This government can still exist if the man had a real solution. Remember, Cade and GEedi didn't get to become PM on their own, Yusuf had a hand in picking them, therefore if they were unfit, it also means the person who made the selection is unfit.
  22. Horn, I do apologize in advance if somehow you took my waanis as a personal attack. I assure you, it was far from it. Secondly, you are so consumed with getting one over LayZieG that you failed to notice your own contradictions, excitement does that to people. Thirdly, eedo, I have to strongly advise you to re-read my earlier reply because you have seemed to have missed out on the part where I used specific quotes of yours before I even addressed you in any way, shape or form. Therefore, my comments were valid. You probably asking how on earth that is possible? right? They are valid because on your first post, the one I referenced, you misrepresented the role of the governor general in a parliamentary system based on the previous analogy you provided..(Simply put, you dismissed her role as nothing more than sitting on her office and nodding her head along with the pm) However, I have to remain you, I was simply correcting you and it was not stick it to "horn" moment on my part. You concluded that the role of the GG was a ceremonial role when infact it is part ceremonial and part a functioning role because they don't call the canadian branch as having dual executive power for nothing my dear. GG isn't simply someone who attends out of state funerals of head of state of other nations, etc. In addition, you can not go back and forth with comparing a single executive power such as a presidential system to parliamentary system that has two functioning executive branches because their functions are different. Am I really making myself clear, or should we go ahead and have a translator present? I do not want to go back and forth with you, I know you are used to warlord squabbles, but rest assured, I am only interested in the true representation of facts and not fiction as you have the readers believing. Finally, wiki search will not help you with your contradictions, you need to get hold of a textbook and quick. PS: If you have no interest in the affairs of Canada and Australia parliamentary system, then you should not have used it as part of your so called "analogy". My dear, its best to stick to what you know and that should be the end of this discussion.
  23. Duke, uurku baale ma the hell on earth was he to know this Nuur Cade guy was going to turn into the shittiest prime minister the TFG has ever had? Weligiinba soo qodqoda ancient threads--Nuur Cade is history. DQ, please englighten me on how Nuur Cade came to be known as the "shittiest pm" that TFG ever had?(denounce one man while the other continuous to exercise a power that the same charter(uu caabudo) does not grant him, while all along dismissing and appointing PM's left and right) If you decide to answer the question above, I want you to answer clearly and honestly. Bal iisoo sheeg sida ay wax kaa noqdeen, adiga and dukey and emperor. PS: is your motto, live and die with A.Yusuf, if so I admire your devotion to the old man, but even you, a bright and articulate young man can recognize a wrong when it slaps you in the face, soo maaha?
  24. Also, the president can dismiss ministers on the proposal of the prime minister, meaning the president's power is symbolic and it is the prime minister who controls the naming and dismissing of ministers. Mr dear Horn, in terms of the so called transitional federal government of somalia's charter, yes, you are right on the mark. No one can argue the fact that A. Yusuf DOES NOT HAVE the power to oust the PM. It is the sole responsibility of parliament to push a vote of no confidence and approve atleast by a 50% or so it reads in the posted charter that I just finished reading and upon approval of the president that the PM can be dismissed, not before. On the part about your other comment regarding a parliamentary or semi-presidential system as noted by you in reference to Canada: It is similar to the Commonwealth realm countries where prime ministers "propose" the candidate of governor-general to Queen. What it really means is that the prime minister's word is final and the Queen is symbolic. It is art form, a decoration to legitimize the existence of "head of state" even though there is a functioning government. The Queen has no power over the governments of Australia and Canadia at all, in the same way, from the charter itself, the president of Somalia has no power over the naming and dismissing of ministers which is controlled by the prime minister who is himself named by the president but beholden to the parliament, who votes him in and votes him out. You are wrong my dear. If you have ever taken Canadian law courses or political science you would know that the queen and her representative, that being the GG, Governor General for you has what is called, "RESERVED POWER" also known as "Prerogative" power dear. What that means for you and others who are not familiar with this term is that the GG, in the case of of the sitting GG of canada her Excellency Michaelle Jean has the following reserved power on behalf of the monarch.... 1) The right to dismiss our cow of a PM(S. Harper) if she wanted to and appoint the coalition government formed by the NDP and the fake liberals with the assistance of the Block quebecois for a term not less than 2 yrs, as the Liberal leader becoming the acting PM of canada, if her excellency had sense in her, instead of listening to our crybaby of a PM.(as proposed by the coalition government) 2) Her excellency Michaelle Jean has the right to refuse to dissolve the Parliament upon the request of the acting PM(which probably is what he would ask if he is defeated, yet again) 3) The most important, she has the right to delay her approval on bills passed by parliament, if she wanted to.... 4) THE GG has the right to reject the executive branch appointments, especially the judiacary candidates but convention allows her to consent to such appointments after careful examination. All in all, those are reserved powers, rarely exercised but available upon request. If I recall, australia you speak off had their GG refuse to dissolve its parliamentary upon the advise of the PM atleast more than once and so did Canada. I think the australian GG some years ago dismissed a majority party's leader serving as the PM. Here in canada, our own history was made with Lord Byng's refusal to dismiss parliament on the recommendation of a minority governement of mackenzie king due to corruption and having support from a different party that at the time did not have a seat in parliament and therefore his scam of a majority was rejected by lord byng at the time the GG of Canada.(please read some of the famous KIng-BYNG Affair) Just because it has not happened in our live time does not mean that it can not happen. Matter of fact, this can happen as early as January 26 of 2009 if Harper does not come up with another scheme, provided that the NDP and the fake liberal party did not mean what they said when they threatened to form a coalition government few weeks ago.(already the fake liberal leader is backbiting the promise his party made to the public to stand firm and form a coalition government and oust harper) PS: Horn, stay in the minor league discussions with the warlord talks but please do not try to misinform the public again. Try inaad ku dadaasho sida aad u masruufi laheyd your favourite warlord aka Barre Hiraale.