LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^I know what you are doing and it isnt working on me. Trying to work me while all along forgetting that flick you promised to show me. In any case, you want history lessons, go ahead, pick a period and I will do a podcast, audio and the whole shibang. PS:I dont want mr wiki aka mr north's school of thought inaad showcase kugu sameeyo. My lessons will be the true accounts, no biased, raw material. Pss:g'day, till next time.
  2. ^when did you ask me to educate you on anything? As far as I recall eedo, I remember offering the history lessons to north and asking not to take your bedtime stories at face value That flick that you were working one editing, last time you told me you stopped filming. The one where you are everyone's buddy buddy and you appeal to all sides?
  3. marx, dont let the movement skin you alive. Ng, deadline is near, when will you hand over that flick starting Mr buddy buddy?
  4. ^only line of argument you have is the economic genocide hada soo maaha? Taa aad ayaan kugu raacsanahay.
  5. Che, sorry to parade on your feel good, do good thread but do you mind if I ask what you are doing for dadkaaga? (not tolka or close relatives but the quarter of million refugees going hungry in the Kenyan/Somali border) Where you out in the cold marching in hopes of getting axmaaro out when they invaded your country?. How about when your people were killing each other for close to 2 decades? I'm loving the unity under the "Arab" umbrella, it’s a new SOL movement alright and it is fast spreading. I can't help but share this piece of reality check by our esteemed member "ME": ^Count on Somalis to get their noses into business that is not theirs. Maxaa naga galay carab? Let's deal with out business first. Charity starts at home. Danteena aanka fakarno marka hore, markaas un kadib ayaan dad kale caawin karnaa. It is just sad the hypocrisy that you see in the forum. One minute they are rejoicing and celebrating the injustices in Somalia, and the next minute they are shedding tears for Palestinians.
  6. ^you are right, many atrocities have been committed over the years and yahuuda are tainted as are the former PLO's, the lebanese, syrians have a hand in it, PRETTY MUCH MOST OF THE ARAB NEIGHBOURS STILL HAVE A HAND IN WHAT GOES ON IN THIS LONG STANDING FEUD. However, I asked you to be specific and you choose to stick to many have been committed and I will respect that. I personally believe that you are referring to the lebanese civil war in the mid and late 70s, and many players were involved from all sides during that period. Fast forward november of 2008, north and co claim that 4 men died from the hamas side and that is what forced Hamas to take a stand and launch rockets and as a result 400+ palestinians have died in the name of revenge over supposedly 4 hamas members that were killed by the israelis when the world was tuned into the american election and its historic significance. 4 killings that have may or may not have been related to the ceasefire termd died and hamas conveniently washes their hands over the peaceful few months they have enjoyed with their neighbours. In other words, they knew their time came because they have reloaded and even khayr called that tactiful. Dont you understand that if it werent 4 men, it will be some other incident and so on and so on. This by no means is in support of yahuuda, because I clearly stated that I am not in support of no party from this conflict. No one will help if the people dont want to help themselves.(case in point the rejection of the un. security council led by U.S to stop the ground invasion) YOu and I and others and millions of people are all in agreement about the economic sanctions, the block on humanitarian aid etc, you wont hear an argument from my side. It is no different from our own home turf, our pple cant get aid, if a bullet doesnt kill them, an explosive will and if not that hunger and so on and so on. The point is, this is nothing new. These pple have lived together, died in the hands of one another and continue to live in fear from one another. Palestine needs a voice of reason, they need a stronger opposition to hamas. Right now, they dont have that because the folks leading the way were born into the conflict and will probably die for it. If not tomorrow, next day, or next week or next month we will hear of a ceasefire because folks who waged war that they knew full well they couldnt win will be the first oneS waving the white flag. PS: I didn't accuse u of anything but I have a problem with your TMZ highlights.
  7. ^lol, emotional outburst iyo nus eedo. lol@freemasons. Which massacre are you referring to? The arab-arab massacre that the israeli military had a hand in? PS:Hamas was abiding by the terms of the ceasefire u say? I guess thats why I called it "your version of the blame" before you had even began writing anything.
  8. ^yes dear but it depends on the version of the blame you are hinting @. Read the following piece from EP:-U.S Media Coverage
  9. ^allah u siyaadeeyo, aamin. Red, if the mortality rate was well proportioned, would that be satisfactory to your lot? What will it take for you people to see that there is enough blame to go around and hamas is not the owliyo you lot make them out to be?
  10. hesitant to show even the least bit of empathy and compassion for their Muslim brethren who have been brutally oppressed for decades The only thing your pretty little head has to worry about is what tune you will be playing after hamas calls for yet another ceasefire. Hundreds of lives lost, thousands injured and nothing to show for. Sooner or later they will end up waving the white flag from across the border, where they are directing instructions on how to setup explosives etc.
  11. ^D*bo faanto maba ku dhihi karee but do you know that it stinks in here? It must be that diapear qashiish u are sitting on.(wax isku qurmay waligood meelaan garbage bin aheyn ma u danbeyso) Nex time hadaad hug rabtid, not only do you have to learn to ask but you need to clean yourself up before hand@aBTIGIISA AND TOLKA. North, I'm so sorry that you have to continue pasting guardian articles from left and right for validation. Another year passed by and wali waxaad wadaa darbi xagxagasho and nothing new to bring to the table except that you are a mind reader now. I expect nothing less(arab mentality with onion for brain cells) Moving on to your latest spam, fox product atleast spreads her wing but you are still taking the word of an anti jahuud paper(u dare speak about fox iyo wax loo joogin)as the final confirmation of who did what and when. One thing aan waligay kaana yeeleynin is that hamas is the innocent bystander in all of this. With that said, the last time I posted a reply, I recall setting the record straight by pointing out where I used caution(far waaweyn hadane), after all, my words, my interpretations but adiga you went from saying "saas aa tiri" to rationalizing it with my own quote w/ follow up of "saas aa ka waday", therefore I have no choice but to appoint you as my very own senior spiritual leader, just dont expect a raise anytime soon. Onto the matter concerning me, I know most of you just love and adore me but that is neither here nor there, therefore fix dhiiqada aad kujirtaan.
  12. ^listen, you thick skulled secessioner, did you or did you not read the part where I used the "if" the reports are true? You want to read what you want to read and you skip the parts that are vital, so maxaan kuu sheegaa? Did hamas not fire rockets first? Furthermore, I never claimed that one side was innocent, no one is innocent in this conflict. Please, next time, waxa aan qoro aqri, hadii kale meel iska fadhiiso. FYI, I was just reading nytimes and there is a 48hr cease-fire on the side of the yahuuda, and guess what I came across? a link to the ny editorial page of an article that summed up waxa aan meesha niku wardinaaye. War over Gaza I read newsweek etc, everyone has an opinion. What is wrong with reading JP? You should try getting out of your comfort zone once in a while. PS:You are still clueless north and stop the marmarsiyo.(u think like an arab)
  13. lol@this thread. Thierry is the new dukey, his adeero is the leader of the party that has no representation. Where is this 90% support that is being thrown left and right come from? Who conducted this survey? Do you have national polls taken, if so how were pple contacted? Did you go door to door or did you get the list of names and numbers from the yellow pages? This is the second time I have come across a 90% propaganda that is being spread around. Let us breath folks, after all Adeero shaley ayuu baxay. Thierry, you are naive when it comes to those kabaabs.
  14. ^good reading there DP.(reer magaalnimadeyda maka heshay? Thanks for trying to translate it for me) At times like this is when I wished my parents enrolled me in arabic school during my residence in egypt instead of A private english school, that way I dont have to rely on your words. Mr Tactic, what part of the 5 children from the same family were wiped out in gaza while you were cheering "LONG LIVE HAMAS" in your livingroom did you not understand? If you dont have anything significant to contribute, I ask that you use some restraint.(all that you described above is part of the oppression I spoke off, nothing new there.) Marx, I am glad you mentioned the demonstrations and the arrests that took place. I think the poster might have been one of them and she will need someone to bail her out. Haye, lacag haleysku daro. The only thing those carafat cimaamad wearing youths accomplished in the last couple of days is getting arrested and being on every news broadcast, thats it. Lastly, north, this circling around on issues and missing the heart of my argument is just childish. If you can't engage in proper discussion, why bother addressing me? My views are based on the long history of the region that dates back to the early 20thcentury, something you are probably unfamiliar with since most just reference the last 50yrs and forget the long bloodshed of the region. This past year's events is nothing compare to how it all started. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you read excerpt here and there or DP might have shared his version but whatever the case is, it is you that needs to do the reading of the long, ongoing conflict that DID NOT START THIS PAST YEAR(as u stated, whats more important to you is the events of 08) my dear secessioner. PS:put that soccer ball down and grab a book once in a while Pss:Abuu, try reading jp(jerusalem post),haartez(or however u spell that paper) etc and dont just read one paper's version of the story.
  15. Qalbi, there is no such thing as "israeli talk point". There is only the hub. Poster, Khayr aka mr tactic and Qalbi, ask yourselves, why do the juhuuda have so much support from the international community and why do most consider hamas a terrorist group? Hamas's way of accomplishing things is allowing more jahuud to destroy their communities and kill their citizens. Hamas is the party that is giving these yahuufs excuse to continue to kill. There are so many ways to standing against oppression and violence isn't one of them. Why throw rockets at your enemy when you know you dont have a way to defend your airwaves? Throwing rockets will not stop the bloodshed. I'm not here trying to take sides because I believe there are far more productive ways to getting things done than throwing rockets every few months. I think much can be accomplished if people just communicated and hamas group seem to not be humans, because right now while they are in hiding, more of their men and women are being targeted and therefore they have achieved absolutely nothing. They think they are resisting but they are losing far more than jahuud. I'm not here to change your instance on yahuuda, and god knows I do not take a liking to yahuuda but at the same time, I'm here addressing this one way of thinking from you folks. You only see it one way and one way only and damnation to anyone who sees it different. This type of mentality has got to stop, this is why aan wadankeena ugu soo xaqne. We are too focused on the act itself that we don't see just the destruction and loss of life. You can label me whatever you want folks, "brain washed and what not" but I'm after the very same things you believe, peace and prosperity in the world. If the groups responsible for the hamas group and such were to think about the loss of life, maybe they would have approached their resistance differently. Sometimes, its best to admit defeat and save a life, rather than lose a life and be under the illusion of winning. PS:Khayr, its so easy for you to call it "tactiful" from the warmth of your living room but a family just lost 5 of their children in gaza, is that tactiful enough for u dear?
  16. ^lol@stoic, are you serious? You are in the businesS? I was just taking the piss out of your reply. Speaking of the dentist business, I'm thinking of leaving my arab dentist before my next cleaning appointment, march of 2009. That said, I know they will persuade me to stay, yet again. I have attempted to leave their scamming business once before only to persuade me to stay, what should I do stoic, student of the business? PS:scamming in terms of overcharging the work they supposedly do to my insurance. Even thought I am insured through my employer, I still pay for the benefits.(money is money, nothing is free but not according to my arab dentist that isn't so) He says, waxa waa free, lets do this work and that work. His exact words "You are not paying for it".
  17. ^young dentist at work. I like your recruiting style stoic. Way to let pple know you are in the business.
  18. DryPaint, why the sad face? I expected more from you, perhaps you should have shed light on this renewed conflict but as always you leave me no choice but to take matters into my own hands. I call this the hub :- The groups involved in the renewed fighting and its backers call them Hamas or what have you are the real culprits. I understand that Palestinians are dying in numbers compared to yahuuda but these groups are just as responsible for the innocent lives that are being lost as are the yahuuda who are raiding Palestinian homes and carrying out air strikes in the heart of Gaza. Similarly, I can't help wonder why we never hold both parties responsible when it comes to this long standing feud in the middle east? Why are we so quick to judge one group with condemnation and praise the real culprits who live among communities and throw rockets to the yahuuda side from the backyards of civilians? I'm uneasy about this renewed fighting and perhaps there is some truth to the reports that the Hamas group was using the six months ceasefire as way to regroup and reload. If this report has any truth to it then damnation is with those groups called hamas. I ask that we all try to take ourselves from the situation and try to analyze the situation from a different angle. Dissect the situation for what is it and don't let your emotions get the best of you by taking up demonstrations that do not amount to anything. Is it time we hold our Muslim brothers responsible for their suicide bomb style tactics as we hold the yahuuda responsible for the killing of thousands of Palestinians. They have to be held equally responsible, including their financial backers.
  19. ^First thing is first, he is going to take a nap. It took him a long time to write the resignation letter that che posted earlier. Impressive resume if u ask me.(not so much a letter of resignation)
  20. ^che, eedo, you should have your head examined. Mansuur does not care about dalkeena or dadkeena. MAnsuur does what is best for mansuur. BTW, this axmaaro obsession has got to stop. Anagii baa is neceb. Dadkale farta ku fiiqneynta waa caqli daro ya che.
  21. LOL, emperor, waligaa ma daashid miyaA? Che, I am just glad someone is sticking it to that tuug tuug dhale aka mansuur. I want someone to bring his head to me. I knew loving my sharifka will pay off some day.