LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Tuujiye, waliga adoo saa u baroore maku arkin, ee maxaa cabaadka kaa-keenayo? I hope inuu magaca aan badalaa oo Al-Falastini igu waca ee kaa tahay ee san jirin. If it is about the name, iisoo sheeg, anaa Abuu Al-Falastini/Filastini, kuu weydinayo inuu magaciisa loaner kugu sameeyo. TO Ibti in regards to:- "You ask them to sign a petition for ceasefire, or send a text or send a prewritten e-mail, or make dua, none of it costs you money and takes about 5mins of your time, so WHY WOULD you turn around and say WHAT About SOMALIA?? ". Speaking of won't cost this or that, if the social movements you support were well structured and their practices were more conventional, then not only will you influence the average xalimo or farah but you would actually make a difference. On the other hand, sending a text here and there, calling a palestinian ayeeyo once every 20 yrs to tell her "Ayeeyo we are with u on this one" or taking part in a violence protest will not make a difference nor will it be effective in the eyes of many.
  2. ^War fiican. aad iyo aad ayaad u saxsan tahay. Imagine if you were not around to point the obvious eh? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (yes, the special inaguration is on the "19th" of January and the real one is on the next day. :cool: ) Ibti, how do you feel about the sudden "unexpected" ceasefire? As an advocate for peace and part of ineffective social movement(not your fault by any account), that is far from being ideal, don't you think it would have been better for ceasefire to take place prior to the ground invasion? I just want to pick your brain because I want to find out what your views are politically as a movement? I know where you stand as far as advocating for peace, calling out injustice everywhere etc but I want to know your political views regarding this on/off ceasefire that always comes in the expense of thousands of innocent human lives. Don't you think that you should be picketting fence's on behalf of the palestinian people by condemning the hamas group who are just as much to blame as the yahuuda??
  3. LayZie G.


    ^let me go read it.
  4. LayZie G.


    As Muslims we should be at the forefront of speaking out against atrocities, wherever they maybe. When the Somali invasion happened, that was my priority, when 5 months ago there draughts in Somalia, that was my priority. Enough respect Ibti, this is exactly what I was hoping you would say.(just wasnt sure where your drive came from or who its target was but the fact that you are balanced tells me that you are not just advocating for today's crisis but all crisis**with laura bush accent "karasis"**)
  5. Red, what is with the name change?? I hope it is not cabaad daraadiis. I will make you a deal, hadii aad a matching one ila sameysatid, especially below the lips that will just blow your clientele aka t-drivers minds away. To top it off there is a bonus prize for you. Anaa xisaabtaada hada kadib free kugu fiirinaya(make sure u are not being taken advantage off, etc), god knows in marar madan lagu dhacay over giving back too much change.
  6. LayZie G.


    ^if you knew how american idol worked, you would know that the voting was only open to american residents.(sarcasm dear) With that said, meaningful is wasting time with affairs that are not your own? hahahaha, inaa illaah, lets see waxa kugu soo kordho. Teeda kale, I want you to explain to me what it is that is driving you, who knows, maybe ajar aa helee by passing on some words of wisdow my way. Go ahead, I am all ears dear and dont be defensive, I'm not attacking you here but your overrall approach(as well as methods) on the Gaza situation. PS: Have you read the latest round of blame. How the IDF is being charged with war crimes? What is your take on the incident of the army personnel who went into a home of a family and told them to go seek shelter in another relatives home and later on according to eye witness accounts "shelled the building" and killing most of the family members, only few survived?
  7. LayZie G.


    LMAO@"so please people text the word Ceasefire to 81819, it costs 10p only!!!texting". I would rather text American Idol.
  8. Mr. moderator, I have been patient enough when DQ, Qalbi Adegy, LZG where having a go at it. Look back every thread and see how many times I've been insulted without doing much about it. Sure I'm guilty now, but many times before I was not the one in error. I'm sorry, but I had to say something. I had to let these people know they're not the only ones who can dish out stuff and get away with it. :eek: Anyhow, I realized it's not worth it at all. For the sake of my character, I will ignore everything those say. :eek: I wonder if I can make a postcard out of this or maybe just use it as a signature...
  9. ^thats because aduu mashquul kugu yahay, he doesnt have time for one of Sangub's victims oo mar hore la dhaxmaray like the catholic priest scandals. Plus, that victim aniga lee leygu og yahay, we dont need a ref and certainly not MMA. MMA wrote: Qalbi, stop the aflagaado. This is your first warning, and it won't be limited to editing only next time. In other words, adiga lee shalay isla hadleyse.
  10. Red, hadii xataa boqol jeer chances kusiiyo, I bet you still cant come up with a single line of assult that will make you feel better. Teeda kale, unlike you, I welcome inaad finally some balls aad ku hadasho aad yeelato.(dishing out beating over someone's head over and over again is tedious) Just do me a favour eedo, dont let me find you adoo cabaadeyso and begging for truce like your palestinian brothers. KUN JEER aan lafaha kaa tumay, everytime I put you to your place, you rest and come back for more abuse, just dont disappoint me and run this time around. BTW, only a reject talks the way aad ku hadasho. PS:Meesha dhiiqada kadaa and badaanka usoo bax. I made a promise to ADMIN that I will bleach your mouth once and for all.(outside of SOL ina soo keen, cyber world waa barxad weyn) Pss: I wont be surprised hadaan news maqalno adoo qolkaada's ceiling aad suun inaad ku xereto aad kasoo laalaacdo and SOL gets traced back to the cause of your death.(taa mar dhow wey kaa suurtowdaa)
  11. Qalbi, eedo macaan, kuwa meesha kusoo shamuumay oo dhaho dal aan nahay aan ula jeeday. Adeero way naceb yihiin and they dont certainly consider adeero land as part their land. coming from the ****** secessionist who can't even do simple math? I offered him tutoring services, waa haduu war iga yeelayo. Wiilkani, dhibaatooyin fara badan ayaa haysta, math is the least of his worries. PS: Watch him pm me again begging me to back off him, only to come back for more of the same.(You cant help but feel pity) Take it easy there qalbi, he is very fragile [ January 09, 2009, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. ^qalbi, eedo adiga ma fiyowdahay? LOL@"burco *****" Where you not the one that came up with the khat baby? hahaha Where do you get these labels from? You are comedian iyo nus, keep up the good work. I thought most of you hated adeero, why the sudden interest in adeero-land? [ January 09, 2009, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. lol@the video. They sound terrible but I give them A for effort. Wallee waa rageedii.
  14. ^adiga, rabshada daa. Alle ubaahne wax uun buu ku tusay but whatever it is, he is no match for my homie aka marX. All we can offer you now is marx as a replacement, ee you either take this friendship oo naga daa qeelida aad meesha keente. PS:Xidigo, you are not a declared enemy yet, consider yourself lucky.
  15. Yet another fart from LazyG. I saw Ibtisam wrote similar thinks on another thread. Faanto, saas maa u careersaneed? Let it out brotha man, I know you want to.(waligey qof rag isku sheegaayo oo hadana saa u babuursan ma isoo marin abadkey) Secondly, I'm afraid inaadan Emperor lagu dhihin. Thirdly, the sham of a constitution that the somalida use is a joke, considering that they emulate the west as badly, got knows they try with a bit of qabiil twist to it. Tan xataa wexey ku saabsan tahay TFG's so called constitution.(only one I had time to go over) With that said, this was an opportunity for emperor to elobarate on how the P-land system works. Nowhere did I mention that I was slightly familiar with the order of things, therefore emperor had the floor. Lastly, I can't help but feel sorry for you. I think you need to relieve yourself by submitting another bedtime drool to validate your existence. TO Emperor: I don't have a problem with anything. I was just asking you to explain yourself because someone else brought up the fact that it was a quick count from the house, therefore I wanted your take on things. What is this candidate's approval rating etc. BTW, I had another question for you but my towel boy aka AT&T is itching to answer it on your behalf, therefore I will allow him to take over the floor and explain the ins and outs of P-land.(lets just hope he doesnt confuse things with the xabashi's system) PS: AT&T, as far as your ignorant 101 method goes, you are not even close as to correcting anyone, especially not I. Go fill that tink tank of a brain of yours, while you are@ it, Go fetch some food for your mistress aka xabashi. PsS: You called me, I am here and because you stole the thunder of the thread, why dont you teach me how p-land house conducts their businesS?
  16. Emperor, where is the democracy eedo? Why aren't the people having a hand at electing their governor? BTW, he is no president of anything nor was that gas attendant aka calool buur.
  17. ^lol, I cant imagine adoo qof bully ku sameyneyso. Bob, as usual you are confused.
  18. kk, adiga those canadians lee kuu daran aan umaleynaa? Saas aa lagaa rabaa, been been canadian alliegance ma u qaadin.
  19. ^My dear Abuu, why shouldn't they make their people feel secure??? No one wants to see part II of the holocaust. Overtime, Israel changed as did the tune of those fat arabs that initially opposed to recognize the existence of yahuuda in the land. Israel, along with their arab neighbours have come along way from the time when the league was for the policy of no negotiations, no recognition and no to peace to saying yes to all of the above.(Those arabs are on their knees now) Some of those members as you know are for the yahuuda cause, having cigars with yahuuda while all along giving a sympathetic ear to their arab brothers. In addition, arabs have no choice but to adapt to change and face the reality of a yahuud as a sovereign state, hence why they signed peace treaties. I said this before and I will say this again, the day palestine has a voice of reason and can truly win the hearts of the people of palestine by means of lasting peace instead of violence, only then can the middle-east conflict correct itself. Palestinians need to work out their differences and eliminate those within that bring harm through outside influence.(I.e syria, iran) One can interpret and conclude that the remaining parties are just biting their time. It is quite possible that the brotherhood angle is a front, therefore, to each his own. The day syria's demands are met by yahuuda is the day terrorists reported to be sitting in a damascus hotel and giving phone interviews to AP, drinking At&T's cool aid or a choice of a faanto will be over.(He too will go back to his mistress aka axmaaro near the border) Lastly, to those that claim that yahuuda are fearful and yada yada, why shouldnt they be? Have you miserable creatures forgotten the 6 million men,women and children that died? Have you forgotten the cruel acts of a human life being committed as they are baked in the ovens of the concentration camps? PS:President Chavez aka either love him or hate him is just making news. Waligiis ayuu ahaa mr ha legya sheekeysto Pss:PALESTINE,PALESTINE, PALESTINE, ima do my part by going around my neighbourhood to see if I can find carafat wearing cimaamados living among us in order to hug them.
  20. Su'aal, su'aal igu jawaab maakeente? PS:Someone has got to defend my homie from yaanyuurta oo mar walba kusoo shamuumto.
  21. KK, marna wiilka si u rif, marna inaad meel istaagto dheh MarX's "self-opinionated bile" aan u xiisay but hal mid aan kula talinaa:-FIX UP WOMAN. Meel laguu raaco raadso and wiilka hawada u-fur. HI UNDERDOG, how is life? Adiga markuu SOL's prince soo noqdo unba lagu arkaa?
  22. Ng, here I thought u had ears everywhere and you did not hear the most important news of 2009.
  23. ^ I sense some uneasiness on your part. Perhaps a certain physical contact w/ a minor has left you defending your own actions through the said pedophiler? Dukey, oprah amey roontahay?
  24. ^g'night. Next time, try inaadan cararin when the going gets tough ya abuu.