LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^Traitor, it is not upto to me but to the sheikha to see how he will deal with his enemies. You are a small fish among sharks and you don't matter to him. We will see how he deals with his real enemies. Matter of fact, let us not jump the gun, the man has not won anything yet. BTW, faanto is my nick for u but if you must have one for me, I prefer sprite. BTW, nin weyn aa tahay, calling warrior like sheikh a coward just makes you look silly, especially from your keyboard, ee why dont you put on khamiis and fight along side those maroodis killing innocent women and children? KK, he will need a personal assistant, ee isa soo sharax. PS:Che, si fiican aa u hadashay. We will just have to wait and see what happens from here on
  2. Che, we don't need to get into the debate of who was for the sheikha and who recently jumped on the Amtrak because we have what is called SOL archives. I was on his Amtrak long before the creation of the peace caravan but don't take my word for it, you go and read it for yourself. Archives will also bring out the many individuals who were once on the fine amtrak with me and jumped when sheikha went on exile after ethio invasion. The very same traitors were sheikh bashing after the division of power within ICU and creation of the shabaab and now all of a sudden they are endorsing my candidate, just pathetic ya che.(not @u but the traitors)
  3. ^I normally stay away from the suuqa bakaraha type of narration aad meesha kusoo sharaxdo but I couldn't help myself this once I have to say, I skipped most of the middle part of the story and most of the ending but I did fully read all of "man in the middle's" lines. I just couldn't help it but be reminded of old man ngonge in that character .(very shabby fellow that man in the middle) North, no need for SOL's version, most of the characters in the plot all resemble one nomad or another, case example: man in the middle but ofcourse ng will say, "no, it isn't so".
  4. Che, where is the english version of that article? Sheikha Sharafta leh been-been aniga ma uga danbeynin, I wonder what KK is thinking now. Marar dhexe ayey sheikha u gaftay and now he can become her madaxweynaha oo oily face-ka leh, like it or not kk, here we come.
  5. , saa maa caadi ku tahay? Bal horta is daji. Teeda kale, to be president you have to be in a sound mind. I don't think you are quite all there yet.(perhaps achemical inbalance? Ofcourse I don't mean anything by it, just came to that conclusion by way of observing your last few posts today ) BTW, I want you to serenade(if ever you take the oath of office) onto this piece that was part of a speech given by a well respected Canadian diplomat long before our time and its as follows": The twin concepts of freedom and liberty have been the battle cry of oppressed groups since the beginning of recorded history. The nature of that freedom which was demanded has often proved illusory to idealists who expect perfection in this world; it has deceived historians and philosophers who, seeing in later history the frequent betrayals of liberty, have inpugned, [sic] the motives of those advocates in the first instance. Many groups suffering from disabilities or oppression, once they themselves have succeeded in gaining political power, have proved as oppressive as the dominant force which was overthrown or compelled to grant concessions.
  6. ^I like your fire new kid but let us put your condemnation aside and focus. What do you propose we do about the aid workers safety? Put the marmarsiyo about uganda soldiers aside, tell me what you pirate will do to guarantee the safety of those that are feeding walaalahaa? What will you do to guarantee that there will be no more attacks and no more killing civilians? After all, uganda soldiers aren't out looking to kill the maroodis, its the other way around.
  7. ^ listen new kid oo ciyaalka caafada kusoo biire, what you don't seem to understand is that if the maroodis you idiolize continue the violence, you won't be able to say "somalia is for somalis" anymore(meesha waa lagu baaba aa), unless of ofcourse, you can feed and treat the thousands that are displaced? You sure you are capable of doing the work of the aid groups? If so, I am all ears young gunner. lol@Jbaro, foreigners know their own haye. hahaha PS: The maroodis dont wear boots, they wear dacas oo u eg in uu mardhow go'aayo, ee why don't you tone down gunner?
  8. ^I will tell you why foreigner troops are vital to the stability of the nation. Above all else, foreign troops, whether they be UN troops or AU forces will secure the roads that will lead the aid groups to conduct their humanitarian activies. Treat the injured, making sure pple are fed and that the food gets to the intended target, etc. Secondly, foreign troops are necessary to keeping peace because as of today, we have not proven to ouRselves and to the rest of the world that we are capable inaan anaga is maamulno, therefore we need peace keepers presently to aid us and to help gear us in the right direction, so we can once again begin to restore the nation.(with the consent of foreign troops brings more aid to our pple, that means less pple going hungry, less pple homeless) With that said, eedo, right now, the world and anyone who is involved in this will not hear of anymore excuses coming out of those criminals. Maya, saa samey or else majireyso. Those divas will sooner or later have to face the music and starting with freezing the assets getting to them that fuels the violence. Meaning, tracing the money, making you sure that those funding this war get what they deserve i.e arrests or what not. We can no longer tolerate this bs and you know it, I know it and everyone knows it. Let us shift our focus to those culprits that feed the divas or else the UN will continue to threaten to cut aid, if they cut aid, trust me, many more pple will die, probably twice if not triple the number you speak off that died since the axmaaro/uganda soldiers activities in the last few years. Say what you will but we no longer can sit around and allow those animals to go on with business as usual.(slaughter etc) PS: You are entitled to your opinions and I will have no choice but to respect that but you have to understand that foreigner troops make matters worse waa balooni waxaas. Ciyaalka xaafada talk camal waaye. If you care about what happens to those thousands and thousands oo masaakinta ah, oo mar walbo inta ka "qax", oo hadana xaga ka "qax" ku jiro dont have the means to keep moving and trust me, this matter is serious it is one you need to carefully asses and decide if its truly wise to be supporting a group of pple who are hell bent on crushing what's left of our nation and killing the last few women and children.
  9. ^again, I repeat, we both know what you meant by that, so inta aad marmarsiyo galin, explain yourself as to how to go about stopping the bloodshed and I don't want to hear another red carpet moment for your boys.(if we do that, ayagana violence ayey jooginaayaan) It is you who seems not to understand how this whole operation works and the fact that your boys just want to go on doing what they want and shooting anyone who stands on their way, NABAD DIID been-been maloo dhihin.(in other words he prefers the warlord days) ACcording to that side kick of yours, he prefers for some to die, versus others. Wasn't he who said oo markii ay warlordka is dagaalaayeen, dad saas ma u dhiman, atleast not in the same numbers as present day. You are either naive or you are really brainwashed by the maroodis, which is it? C'mon abuu, no more marmarsiyo, I want to get to the bottom of this.(so do others)
  10. LayZie G.


    ^soo hada sadaxda masakiinta oo dhulka yaalo oo geeriyoodeen, oo hadana sida xayawaanimada ah loo gowracay maa "SOL cult" sort of thing eh? As for not knowing who did it, you know full well who did what and when, you just cant bring yourself to say it, "MAROODI" did it. Where is thierry, mr shabaab spokesman, what say you eedo? Did abuu mansuur give his blessing for these killings before or after oo carada faraha lagaley, sort of like KODAK MOMENT?
  11. ^ Again the naysayer, add your view points, attacking Abdullahi Yusuf is meaningless, he served his time defeated all his enemies and it took the great powers of the world to deal with him and sickness, he went to Garowe oversaw an election and then went out in style. If that’s a humiliation we should all be humiliated.. Oscar worthy performance there ya dukey.
  12. ^hayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you finally found a sikekick eh? That fella is of no importance but xaal aa lagaa sugaa, ee xaal keen brah abuu and nagana daa marmarsiyada iyo luuq luuqnimada aad meelaha kula meer-meereysaneysid.
  13. LayZie G.


    Dukey, let us ask my buddy Abuu, the man with all the answers. Abuu, who did this? OMG, must be those ugandan soldiers? Hayehee, warka keen. If I were you all, I would not pay attention to this character they call "resistance", his nick says it all. Inaa lillaah wa inaa raacijuun. May allah reward those young men in jannah.
  14. passed through a Saudi rehabilitation program for former jihadists before resurfacing with Al Qaeda in Yemen. You know, I watched a documentary about the above mentioned rehab, 5star rehab comes to mind. I don't think hollywood rehabs for the celebrities has anything on them.
  15. ^war foreigner, somaligeyga amaan ii-sii. My so called "ethio" side is to blame. Abuu, allaah mudan. Adiguna illaah hakuu siyaadeeyo.
  16. ^did you or did you not take an opportunity to highlight that your maroodi brothers demand that the AU forces be out before they stop killing their own during a moment of sadness? Aniga wax aadan ku fikirin oo aadan dhihin makugu celin, ee why dont you take time out and regroup? I'm feeling charitable today and therefore will give you further advise. SL haku marmarsiyoonin nin yahow. Whatever that foreigner said aka JB waa wax reasonable ah. YOu keep looking for ways to scratch rooftops via "more chances".(I dont make a habit of agreeing with foreigners but he raises some good points, like it or not) Those maroodis have had more chances than they can count and they did not know what to do with it, ee please come up with better angle brah.
  17. Abuu, I truly believe that most times you are just better off not saying anything.(specially not this on a time of mourning) the African troops should go home and let Somalis sort out their differences. No wonder I get migraines whenever I read your silly comments about those maroodis they call shabaabs. First it was, get adeero out in order for the maroodis to stop killing their own people. Adeero gracefully existed out and now is reported to be retiring somewhere in yemen. The second demand was to have the axmaaro leave somali soil. Axmaaro decided to leave on their own accord.(somehow that is viewed as a victory from you pple, talk about aqli daro) After all is done and said, they continued the bloodshed. More innocent lives are being lost daily and instead of facing the reality, meesha waxa aad lasoo istaagte waa ilaa wa ilaa african Union ay meesha ka shoobtaan before any more lives are spaired. Nin yahow I don't know what to make of you nor do I want to share the disgust I feel for your likes oo naxariis dadkooda tusin but I will end this by giving you a sisterly advise. If you insist on speaking out, try to use some restaint, after all, dad masaakiin aa meesha ku baaba-een and no, I'm not talking about your palestinian brothers but my brothers and sisters oo xamar ku nool. PS: intii dhimatey illaah ha u siyaadeeyo, Aamin.
  18. ^ lol che Waryaa tuujiska, bajaqyaashaas hada ayey iney USA imaadeen ee adoo wali CANADA dhiiqadiisa ku jirto ayey kaaga horboodeen oo ay meesha kaaga tageen, ee meesha kakac.
  19. ^lol, was that before or after you took off like flight 404? In any case, Ngonge aan sugeynaa, asaga ayaa warka noo cadeynaayo oo noo sheegaayo farsamada debate-ka loo qabto, until then, you can think whatever you like.
  20. J-Baro, adiga hadaa shaki kaaga jiro waxa aan ahay, oo interest ku tahay(which I think you are), threadkaas aan anagu isugu imaano oo aana kala baxno, sida adeerkeey AT&T uu white flag u wave gareeye mid kasii daran aan kuu haaya, ee maxaa ka qabtaa? As far as this thread is concerned, dad soomaali eh success sheekadooda ayaa meesha taalo and adiga waxaad dhaxdaa "foreigner aan ahay" hadana adoo meelaha meermeersaneyso oo u eg mid dantiisa ka filan, ee nin yahow maa taada ka fiirsatid and ummada "somaliyeed" maad hooshooda udeysid?
  21. ^I don't do links...You either are going to engage in a discussion or be gone until the next time aan adoo meelaha ordaya kugu arko.
  22. ^I know inaad broken record tahay but since you have a problem with that statement, explain to me why that isn't so, why the hamas groups and all militias operating in that region are blameless and why their leaders are far away, safely tugged somewhere? C'mon, I am here, you might as well take advantage of this moment and start this long awaited debate. (I promise I will go easy on you)
  23. Run where? and who is us? The last thing I remember about you was adoo guardian articles left and right meesha kusoo aruurisay. As for NG, the man who made the inquiry, he and I reached a decision which was acceptable to both of us weeks ago.(pay attention ya filastini or atleast consult your buddy before aad meesha isku soo sharaxdo) PS: When and if you decide to engage in a mature discussion, markaas lee aniga iyo adiga hadleenaa, inta kahoreysa, point the finger at all directions ya filastini.
  24. ^ A Wadani piece. Good work, keep it up dukey.
  25. ^waxa ay better ku yihiin in "far far places" ma-aha wax adiga kuu yaalo ya foreigner. Taada kasoo bax and leave dadkeena to attend to their business.