LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Why are they shouting names? To everyone else who can't watch this, not much is going on, except the process of the members casting their votes.
  2. Ngonge, funny how your londoners are all for my candidate. Orod oo call universal TV and give me a shout out.
  3. The feed is back up again. We are looking at a live shot.
  4. Qalbi, if he wins, yes I will be taking dukey's position where this government is concerned.
  5. According to wariyaha, only 11 candidates remain. So far, Nur Cade and Sheikh Sharif are the leading candidates according to wariyaha.
  6. Finally, a female caller from England. She is for sheikh sharif, hahahaha, yay for her....yey caller
  7. Wariyaha has nothing new, except taking callers from europe so far.
  8. Wariye just received a caller, who happens to be watching the elections, he is somewhere in geneva, switzerland and he hopes nur cade wins the election.
  9. ^it seems as thought they are having feed issues. We are nowlistening to a Universal TV reporter(wariye) but as soon as the feed is back, I will be updating this page.
  10. hahaha@inta diiday gacanta hataagaan. The man on the mic is mr house speaker? Looks like we are on commercial, didn't think somalida had it in them, hahaha.
  11. ^young cat who says he was educated in America. Perhaps, alle ubaahne@xidigo? He is lucky if he gets one vote. PS: The audience were not impressed with him. Pss: Who is the man on the mic? I didn't understand a word he said. He is very repetitive. Parliament, Parliament, Parliament hahahhaa. He wants to divide the audience between the members of xildhibaanta and the visitors, they are demanding that the civilians go to the back of the room while the voting process is being conducted.
  12. I can't believe this is my first ever somali elections. Nur cade looks like he is taking a quick nap, can't tell anything from looking at those big old magnifying glasses of his.( Bless his heart)
  13. I'm watching Universal TV, not sure if is its a live feed but I just saw my sheikh walk in and take a seat beside nur cade, hahaha. Nuune, beenta kistoo tartiibi nooh.
  14. Che, all dukey did was post an article, ee waa maxay mushkilata aad wado? (am I missing something?) BTW, the two of you need to find a way to put your differences aside and move on. This long standing feud between the two of you has gone on long enough gentlemen. Che, dukey is not your enemy. Dukey, you do not know wuxuu che yahey, lol, ee stop. Remember, enemy of somalia waxa eh waa Abuu and his maroodis.
  15. I)Anne Hutchison* II)Benjamin Franklin III)Frederick Douglas IV)Lester Pearson (Mr Peace, Canada's favourite Prime Minister) V)My favourite canadian diplomat, Egerton Norman. It should not come as a surprise that I started with a woman on a day like today, the only one on my list. A pioneer in her own right, who paved the way for women all over the world to fight for equality and rights of women no matter what the outcome will be.
  16. lol@ Personally I am turned off those with Penguin Hijabs!!, but then then again these tend to be recently arrived immigrants or middle aged women!! lol@penguin Hijabs.
  17. ^atleast he has a formal education. In all seriousness, somalida waligood happy wax ay ku noqonayaan majirtoba. Anytime you put your life at risk for a cause greater than your own, you are a decorated hero. The very same people who once praised the man are today calling him a coward. Cajiib It is very easy to be critical of someone's actions but it is more difficult to be the man making the quick and witty decision to exit. Regardless of past actions, good or bad to most of you, sheikha now finds himself in getting a possible opportunity to lead our nation into a new beginning, one that will allow us to get caught up with the 21st century, one that we all hope he succeeds in.(ofcourse with the exception of abuu who finds himself along the fence with walaalihiisa aka maroodis in a powerful position today) Remember abuu, you are an enemy of somalia with the previous statement you made. Today your boys are on top, tomorrow they will fall.(two thousand+ forces will be overpowered by the opinions of the tens of thousands that are displaced if they do not negotiate) The public support will be the greatest weapon on the side of sheikha.(How is that for force eh abuu, enemy of somalia) "The insurgents had been fighting for the Ethiopian withdrawal. Now they have pulled out of the country, there is no reason to fight and kill more Somalis," he said. Determined man. It wasn't long ago that I was looking forward to finding out how the man will deal with his enemies? On the article, that question was put to rest. If what he said about the shabaab youth did not move you, then you need to check your conscious because something is wrong. Bringing them on board and inform them that their fight has ended, however misguided they were is powerful in itself. Bravo ya sheikha
  18. Ibti, their only crime was to go to somalia and try to rebuild the country? Guilty by association.(strickly speaking for the mp's who left their family in the west to be part of that administration) Hypothetically speaking, lets say you were to go back and take part in riyaale's administration. There is a coupe, riyaale gets outsted, you an few workers mixed with mps are held hostage by the militia. You were taken into town and paraded around and humiliated in the worse possible way. You did not commit any crime, except went out of your way to putting your efforts by helping the government but instead you were punished for doing a good deed, is that fair to you? Would you want people to speak of you that way? I don't think you will tell me, maya maya,therefore, I don't think nimankaas deserve macsokor. Did they take part in the killing? No, instead the ones who are doing the humiliating are the murders eedo. Teeda kale, aniga wax aan rabay inaan ku tuso a video. Take a look at the following clip We will not move. , I watched it on 60 minutes lastnight.(I want your opinion on the old jewish lady who is determined to stay in palestine) PS:Where is the justice for the families that shabaab murdered? When will shabaab be brought to justice?
  19. AT&T, we don't have to go to war, we are communicating just fine here. If we were to discuss you at length, we will find out that you are in no position to criticize anyone, especially sheikha who put his life in the line for his people, while you were out drinking faanto. Secondly, you are in no position to start any war unless you are willing to go to the front lines. You are neither a politician nor a soldier, therefore wax meesha aa ku hadasho mayaalo. Sheikha anagoo dhan ayuu naga fiican yahay, waayo, wax walba uu sameeye, he did it for the goodness of wadanimo, dadnimo, regardless of what happened in the past. You can either move on or kusoo noqnoqo like inaa xeer ka dheeleyso. Remember, the man has the confidence and support of 275 members of his party and whatever you say of him makes no difference unless you too can devote your life to your people instead of blogging about it. Waa inoo maalin kale yaa AT&T.