LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. This is an educational post to exercise the latter alternative.>>> 2) educate them for ignorance is a forgivable sin if lessoned. Your borrowed source of information from wiki & UN combined does not stand a chance on fulfilling the above task. Perhaps, you should take lessons from the Video Professor from the infomercials. I bet he can teach you a thing or two on how to properly plan a lesson and demonstrate it in 1 2 3 steps. Either way, I suggest you give us your input, perhaps juice it a bit and add visual aid to get your target audience interested, i.e Lastly, I want to have a healthy discussion on lesson 1 before we move on to lesson 2.
  2. This past weekend, I rented a movie from this small video store in a walking distance from my house. I wanted a Korean movie, but the guy is soo cheap that he buys movies and copies them and assigns them numbers and different letters so you can’t even bring the box with you . I tell him the number while I'm on the phone and looking for my wallet in my purse at the same time. How did you know which number you wanted? Did the store clerk tell you in advance? Why would a customer know the numbers assigned to the DVDs? Eedo Macaan, why can't you just come out and admin inaad x-rated movie iibsate, why go through a lengthy explanation that sounds half made up anyway? I blame malika for opening this door. Speaking of being engaged for 3 years, whatever happened to that film producer who once chatted you up? Is he history? Did he end up becoming your fiancee? War adaaba hayso, ee war nasii.
  3. ^lol@ngonge, waligaa adoo saa u shidan maku arkin. CABSI iska dheh. PS: you are not a fun victim, btw, what topic is this bokero character on. I want to know waxa saa kaaga careeye.
  4. UN halts aid to Gaza I thought you were all over that news. It happened earlier in the month, shame if you ask me.
  5. No, Ngonge, I don't know why you are being this way. Teeda kale, what about the UN? I hope Ibti did not start one of her sit-in rallies against UN because they accused hamaz of tuugnimo a while ago.
  6. LMAO@ Smart tactic for somebody who can't reason his way out of Hiiraale's donkey. Horn aaba iska dhintay, oo mar walbo uu afka qaado uu hadli maago, Barre Hiraale aa wajiga looga dharbaaxa sida pimpka uu gabdhahiisa u dharbaaxo.
  7. Brotha Kasha, in essence, you are saying shabaabs are cutting taxes and the " UN aid agencies and the NGOs all prefer working in Shabaab-controlled cities". So why do we have opposing views? After all, I want the same thing you want for our people. I want the AID to get to the intended target and the people who are sick to be treated. I am positive that my camp, the 'sharifieds' want PEACE, ORDER AND GOVERNANCE, is your camp on board with that? As for lowering of taxes, how are the poor benefiting from lowered tax? Are you saying that the the families who are struggling to feed their families will welcome lowered taxes when infact, they don't have money to begin with? Furthermore, are your group finding ways to put people to work so they can survive? If yes, where will they get the money for infrastructure that will employ the general public and have the economy moving? Like it or not, you can't progress without aid and aid itself has a price, are you in agreement? You can't ask for a so called handout without willing to compromise but the difference between Sharif and A.Yusuf is that Sharif knows he is accountable to the public, where as A.Yusuf made too many promises that he couldn't keep to the international community and as a result lost control which led to his resignation. He never felt that he was accountable to the public, atleast I didn't get that impression and I am sure My buddy dukey and emperor will disagree but thats just my view of A.Yusuf. The approach was always from top down, when infact it should have been reversed and we finally have a figure that could lead us the bottom up approach and I hope to God that he doesnt put alot of responsibility in the hands of those legislators. He needs to prioritize and make sure the donor funds don't ever touch the hands of those legislators, instead they need to do the job they assigned for. They need to put domestic and national policy that will have our economy moving again, while all along not being dependent on donor funds to keep our people alive. In other words, Sharif needs to keep the short term vision away from the long term. These legislators have no business dictating the movement of aid, nor should that be their job and thats why Sharif and his PM need to dictate these activities to other non government affiliated groups working closely with the ngo's in assuring that the people are taken care off, while the legislators along with the cabinet come up with a national strategy that the donor countries can get on board with. As for Mr gettlemen, I am a fan of his as I read his reports on the ONLF fights and the views of the people in that part of the region but I can't say I read the piece you are referring to, perhaps you want to share it with me by posting the link to that article? or was it his weekly interview that he mentioned in passing? Either way, you might want to share that link so that I can read the man's words in full view, no offense to you ofcourse. As for your brief mention of the French resistance, the groups were made up of wide spectrum of people, i.e different in ideology,religion,ethnicity, who all fought for the common goal of dismantling the nazi's. In addition, that very same fight brought together two of the biggest enemies in the history of warfare for the common goal of ending fascism and later resuming their activities yada yada. We have come a long way from world war II, I say that not to mock your argument but that some of the leaders of your group weren't even born at that time and your group is not joined to fight global spread of fascism, ee stop the charade and come up with a solid argument on the next round. Last put not least, the remaining rubbish you dished does not serve any purpose other than for the sole purpose of entertaining me and providing the rest of the people a comic relief of sort. PS: I think your services is needed in capital hill, you know where that is, why not give a hand to the republicans and help convince Obama that their way is the right way?
  8. If Ethiopia left, Amisom, who have Somali blood on their hands still remain, killing with impunity. Who doesn't have blood on their hands ya kasha? Mar danbana waxa orondoontaa your phony awliyo don't have the blood of thousands of innocent somalis on their hands. Blood aside, what else are you bringing to the table? Do your boys educate the public? Do they inform the public of the objectives of the AMISOM? What are your boys offering as an alternative? We are talking over a million people displaced and need to be treated and fed, how will your boys accomplish that? I don't mean for them ordering pple's hands to be cut off as a solution to treating the sick and feeding the hungry. All I hear is the calling of AMISOM troops to pull out and threats of more violence, why is that kasha? You and the rest of the followers ought to come up with a plan and offer it to the public before you start making demands. You have leverage now and that is controlling several towns in the south but history is not on your side, therefore as to how long that will last, there is no telling. Lastly, I ask that you speak to the people in this forum with respect, don't bring adeer, eedo or abti into the discussion. If you have anything more to add other than tuulooyin aan haysanaa mana dhiibeyno warmaaha, ee waa weak argument waxa aad meesha ku hayso.(don't get comfortable eedo, the situation on the grown can change instantly) Regardless of the outcome, your boys are not that far from being air raided abuu ceyrow style and if thats what is going to take to put you out, trust me, sheikh will not hesitate for a second if it means protecting shacabka mogadisho.(He is not there yet but he will probably have to go there at some point)
  9. ^CHE, nin waalana maku oran karo. lol@abti Johnny, ii nooloow.
  10. Uchi, bal is tartiibi eedo. Wiki aa final eh warmaaha. Marka kalena, haduu 05 Bachelor of Arts dhameeyo oo hada halsano kadib oo si orod eh uu PHD dhaxmare, when the reality is that the funding is a maximum of 3.5 to 4 years, some programs upto 6 years to complete, oo hadana laba sano kadibna uu 08 campaign p-land ku wareegaaye, goormuu 3-4min required yrs of thesis completion uu sameeye? Did he even defend his thesis? Talow adaa war haayo but the next time aad wiki wararka naga soo gaare aa meelaha lasoo istaagto, bal date-ka sifiican ufiiri oo wax uun yar ka fikir sida uu waxaas oo dhan hal mar usoo gabogabeeye. BTW, this is for the no name poster and CO, haddii oo qof been inuu iska dhaadhiciyo rabo, oo buunbuuniyo his credentials, tas waa war asaga utaale, ee tiina maad kafiirsataan? Talo ayey iga tahay but seriously, tiina kasoo baxa.
  11. ^lol@kasha, I must be the only one who missed your mood swings. Kashow, illaahow hanaga kaa qaadin, aaamin.
  12. lol@thierry, keep up the good job. Where are the pictures@thierry? Canada way duushayyyyyyyyyyyyy hahahhaa. It wasn't that long ago I was being critical of carleton, the institution and now we find out that a former raven product is occupying the second highest seat.
  13. Thierry, boss man, I am confident that it will not come to that. So far, the Sharif's strategy seems to be working. His peacebuilding initiatives are geared in the right direction because he started where the core of the human security lies and thats with the community. He is definitely adopted an initiative that closely resembles the Canadian national strategy for Afghanistan. I have to emphasize that the national strategy of Canada for Afghanistan came at a price, one in which a group of people, civilians, military conducted extensive research for the nation which ultimately reversed Canada's course of action towards Afghanistan and our Man SSA is taking similar approach in relatively short period of time. Key elements of a national community peacebuilding strategy include:(excerpts of the strategy in place for Afghanistan) 1)phased capacity building throughout the country; 2)peace-building taught in all schools and incorporated into teacher training;(this will come soon enough with the establish of education institutions, which the sharif is more intimate with) 3)awareness raising initiatives, at national and local levels. All in all, SSA is in engaged in the most important element of the security phase. In it, he is put the motions to place, established contact and he is already building the groundwork for peace all while he was being bombed at by factions of the opposition group. SSA engagement with the community, the tribal elders, the various opposition figures etc. He not only understands what needs to be done but he knows how to go about getting it done. He started with the basics and indeed thats the way to start, from bottom up and not the old routine of top down approach that many international communities have come to engage in when it comes to peace initiatives.(folks like abuu detest the old approach) 1.There is government which was created outside of the country 2.Most of the country is different Islamist fiefdoms. 3.As usual, the newly created government has a huge opposition to face. 4. Ethiopia is rearming warlord again. Your list seems to be diminishing ya Abuu, Ya "enemy of somalia" .
  14. ^thats right thierry. Yey never uttered the following words Abdullahi Qadar, an official working for the new president, said Ahmed had ordered government forces and the AU peacekeepers not to return fire to avoid civilian casualties.Reuters If anyone had doubts about SSA, they need not look further than the latest news coming out of the capital.
  15. Emperor, eedo, you are much better than believing waxa la yidhi gossip. Secondly, I don't think you realize just how silly your thread is perceived by many here by painting Sharif as a weak leader, a beggar of sort. If Sharif made a phone call to the p-land administration(which I don't doubt), he did it in the name of solidarity under the wadanimo umbrella but you don't seem to grasp that bit of enlightenment eedo, why is that? Onto the following highlight from your prev. post:- These are just examples Im not comparing A. Yusuf to this leader, although I believe Stalin was harder and more stubborn than Yey but had a united Russia under his control... You should be asking yourself why the two leaders are remembered differently than when they were living? What was the significance of their historic legacy? Perhaps you missed part of the historic speech of Lincoln after his inauguration where he voted to defend federal property in any means necessary, hence the battle of sumter and the initiation of the American Civil War.(however, war was inevitable during that period) or perhaps you missed the reasoning behind the EP(emancipation proclamation)? Lincoln's course of action was primarily motivated by the two distinct groups who were opposed to his administration within the union circle who were not too happy with his leadership style or the strengthening of the confederate army during the war, and as a result he had issued the orders to satisfy the abolitionist on the one hand, who were calling for end of slavery practice and on the other hand to satisfy the group who thought that their industrialized north was in jeopardy(due to labor decline), therefore issuing the EP to free the slaves in hopes of them crossing to the north and working in the factories that will lead to the victory of the north from the south. All of that was mainly contributed but had the two interest within the opposition groups not pressured him to come up with a solution, some historians argue that he probably would never have issued the EP orders. All in all, it was a gamble and it succeeded thus viewing him not only America's savior but the hero of the slaves and changing the culture of Black America were lincoln is concerned. On the matter of stalin, he was a tyrant ruler as you mentioned but a man that is still idolized in that part of the world primarily for his expansionist ideas. He was not innovator, he had just expanded on the Lenin policies that were put in place, making soviet power advance and strength the economy. Lastly, I am not under representing neither men's legacy but just giving you a different perspective as to why people view them differently now than when they were both ruling their respective countries. If anything, I would say your man yey probably resembles the likes of Gorbachev, who drove the already declining soviet empire into the ground(sort of like mogadishu and ethiopia's occupation), while all along playing the part of democratizing his people by way of western influence.
  16. I accept the position. I will be assembling members of my staff very shortly. The creation of a Press Thread should soon follow, therefore all issues concerning the president, his office and staff should be directed there instead of the creation of random threads by the hour. In addition, I do nominate Marx and Ng for head Counsel to the President.( 1 Position)
  17. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia on Sunday, February 1, 2009. The president is taking part in the 12th African Union Summit in its headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The theme of the summit is "Infrastructure Development in Africa" and for more details regarding the summit, Visit the African Union Site. The president held talks with other African Leaders today, including the host country's Prime Minister Melez Zenawi Asres for a brief moment. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed hopes to communicate the results of the summit to the Somali public upon concluding his AU meetings. For further information regarding the President, Please visit the Press Thread for Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's Administration. Thank you and we appreciate you keeping an open mind as he concludes his meetings with the other african leaders.
  18. I believe maslax deserves it if not for daddy's lastname, then for the good show he put on lastnight.
  19. Waraa, reero Canada, wiilka daciifka eh oo aad ku goobaneysaan iska daaya. Teeda kale, KK, shoobaraha oo high blood pressure dad badan u keenay jooji, oo give mr olive-oil a chance to deal with kuwii aad umaleysay iney waligood macalin quraan arkin, hada asaga aa washamsi ka tumaaye.
  20. Habeen wanaagsan all, aniga meesha waan ka dhaqaaqe. Waa inoo maalin kale.
  21. Picture in Picture technology aa meesha socdo, hahaha.... Sharif is on the inset feed as the tally exceeds 220 and counting.
  22. Maslax's final tally waa 126. Lixdan iyo lix votes more ayuu Barre Junior helay.